Womanizing Mage

Chapter 469: The Girl in Human Form

see her? "Mytil was a little hesitant. After all, she had never seen that sister before, and she also had the blood of the dragon clan. Although she was related by blood, it was embarrassing.

"As a princess of the Dragon Clan, you enjoy all the love, but you don't know how hard Liu Xu has lived. She has been growing up in hatred. You can't imagine the pain of this kind of pain." Long Yi sighed softly. A stubborn and persevering pretty face appeared in the picture. The reason why he wanted Liu Xu to meet Mittel was not only because he wanted Mittel to personally tell her the news that her parents were still alive, but also to dilute Liu Xu’s heart through Mittel. That deep hatred, hatred can be the driving force of a person, and it can easily destroy a person.

Mittel was stunned and said nothing, her mood was a bit complicated, after all, the current situation of her aunt and uncle was caused by her own father and elders, so she was a little panicked.

After a long time, Mittel took a deep breath and made up his mind, saying: "I want to see her, maybe I will think of a way to save my aunt and uncle."

Long Yi nodded with a smile, but this fight had such an accident, Mittel's appearance was by no means as stubborn as that of the elders of the Dragon Clan, nor did he show any expression of deep hatred towards the Demon Dragon Clan, on the contrary, she looked a little Envious of the love between Liu Xu's mother and father.

Long Yi rolled up his sleeves, the dragon-shaped bracelet on his wrist came alive, he recited a spell to open the magic teleportation circle sealed inside.

There was a flash of white light, and a crack in space soundlessly opened beside Long Yi, like a monster that chooses to eat someone. With a swish, wearing black and gold scale armor, a blue catkin with fluttering blue hair suddenly appeared from the crack in this space. As soon as she appeared, the muscles all over her body tensed up suddenly, like a little leopard waiting for her momentum, her beautiful eyes stared coldly at Mittel who was staring at her not far away.

"Father. Hug." At this moment, a tender and soft voice suddenly appeared, and the light flashed. Before I could see it clearly, a little girl carved in pink and jade appeared suddenly, with a faint milky fragrance exuding from her body. , hanging on Long Yi's chest like a koala.

"Father, father..." The little girl looked admiring. The little face kept rubbing against Long Yi's chest.

"You're a girl?" Long Yi looked at the beautiful little girl in his arms who seemed to be only three or four years old in surprise. Didn't it mean that the Dragon Clan can only transform into a human form after reaching adulthood? Niu'er seems to be only a few hundred years old, and she looks like a human doll, without any dragon features.

"It's Niu'er, Father." Niu'er's pair of chubby arms wrapped around Long Yi's neck, her big bright eyes were as black as Long Yi's, clear to the bottom, barking like a pool of water, so cute .

Long Yi supported the little girl who seemed weightless. There was an unspeakable surprise in my heart, from a big head to a little fat dragon, and then to this cute little girl. Perhaps subconsciously Long Yi really regarded her as his own baby girl.


How is this going? Why did Niuer transform so early? "Long Yi asked happily.

Liu Xu looked warily at Mittel, who also had an expression of affection, and said, "I don't know, it took a while for Niuer and I to return to the Magic Forest before we transformed."

"It's so cute. Let me hug you." Mytil couldn't bear it anymore. Although she was a female Tyrannosaurus, she was not immune to such a cute little girl, and this girl was also her younger sister.

As soon as she took two steps forward, Liu Xu's sharp black claws stopped in front of Mittel, and she said coldly: "It doesn't matter who you are. If you don't want to fight, get out of here."

Liu Xu's eyes were cold. She was very shocked to see the Shenlong clan beside Long Yi suddenly. She hated Shenlong Clan deeply in her heart, but because Long Yi was by her side, she didn't express anything.

"Sister. I'm your sister Mittel, Aunt Salianya's niece." Mittel said anxiously, looking at the catkins with a gloomy aura all over her body.

Liu Xu was stunned when she heard the name Salianya, it was her mother's name, so this woman from the dragon clan was her uncle and the daughter of the current Dragon King.

Raising her head again, Liu Xu's eyes were even colder, her pretty face was distorted with hatred, she gritted her teeth and said, "You are the daughter of my good uncle, the great dragon king who pushed his own sister into hell regardless of family affection?"

"No, father, he has difficulties..." Although Mittel had a violent temper, he seemed at a loss when facing Liu Xu.

"Stop talking, I don't want to hear it, and I don't want to see you, don't force me to fight your opponent." Liu Xu's whole body was weak, and she had no doubt that she would turn her face around in the next second.

Mittel is good at fighting, but she is ignorant of the ways of the world. She looked at Long Yi who was holding Niuer with her eyes for help, subconsciously thinking that he could help her.

Long Yi shrugged, opened his mouth and made a mouth shape, Mytil was still a smart dragon after all, immediately understood, and blurted out: "Little sister, listen to me, although your parents are imprisoned in the dragon forbidden area, their lives are not in danger. "

With just this one sentence, Liu Xu's evil spirit fell apart in an instant. All these years, she has been most concerned about the safety of her parents. Now that she knows that they are still alive, she suddenly relaxes a lot, and she no longer looks at Mittel. So intolerable.

Long Yi hugged Niu'er and found a place to sit down with Liu Xu and Mittel. He felt that Mittel's appearance should be an opportunity to cut into the Dragon Clan. God, and Mytil is the princess of the Dragon Clan, and she is very familiar with the terrain of the Dragon Clan. It would be great if she could be brought in to help.

"Mytil, tell me if there is any way to rescue Liu Xu's parents?" Long Yi asked, the little girl in his arms had fallen into a deep sleep at some point.

Mittel looked distressed, and said: "The forbidden area of ​​the Dragon Clan is the most dangerous place for our Dragon Clan. Not only are eighteen dragon guards guarding the entrance, but it is also said that there are dangers everywhere inside. Even the elders and my father have to rely on the remains of the ancient dragon god to enter. Only the transformed Dragon Ball can enter, otherwise it will be a dead end."

"Do you know where the Dragon Balls are placed?" Long Yi asked habitually stroking the stubble on his chin. Maybe he can steal the Dragon Balls without anyone noticing, and then find a way to enter the forbidden area of ​​the Dragon Clan and kill Liu Xu's parents. rescued.

"I know, I know, but it's impossible to get the Dragon Ball, because to get the Dragon Ball, you need the seven elder seals of the seven elders and the dragon king seal of the father." Mittel said helplessly.

"Then can you steal them out?" Liu Xu has put down her hostility towards Mittel, her sister, after all, she can help her save her parents.

Mittel shook his head and said: "The seals of the elders and the seals of the Dragon King are kept close to you. The strength of the elders has reached the peak, and the emperor has reached the realm of the emperor that has not been reached for hundreds of thousands of years. It is definitely not yours. Human beings are comparable to the magic gods and sword gods." Mytil didn't see the strength of human beings clearly, she was telling the truth, her strength was rarely rivaled among the dragon youths, but in front of her father the emperor It's nothing, he can fly her into the sky with one claw, and he is the dragon most likely to break through the realm of the emperor and become the dragon god.

Long Yi frowned, so unless he had the strength to wear the Dragon God suit, it would be impossible for him to confront the Dragon Clan head-on.

Liu Xu's expression was gloomy. Of course she knew what it meant for a dragon to cultivate to the Supreme Realm, which was a legendary realm that was only one step away from the Dragon God, and what would she have to fight against him.

Long Yi saw the change of Liu Xu's expression in his eyes, stretched out his big hand to hold Liu Xu's small hand, and said with a chuckle: "I'll give up now, unlike the Liu Xu I know, head-to-head is a stupid choice when the strength is out of proportion , to defeat the strong with the weak, and to defeat the strong with wisdom, that's called wisdom."

Feeling the warmth from Long Yi's hand, Liu Xu felt even more grateful under her shyness. Long Yi was her only friend. Although he was always joking and not in a good shape, he would always extend his hand at the right time. His hands are just right, not coquettish or artificial, he is definitely a man with a true temperament.

Liu Xu nodded, Long Yi's smile gave her infinite courage, maybe with him around, there is nothing that cannot be solved in this world, at some point, Long Yi has already become such an image in her mind.

"Mytil, I hope you can do me a favor. After you return to Long Island, you can find out the living habits of the seven elders and your father. Maybe there is an opportunity to take advantage of it." Long Yi stretched out his hand and patted Midi on the other side. You're fragrant shoulders, in exchange for Xiaomeilong's eyes.

"I know, I should go back now, I will be found if I come out for too long." Mittel stood up, and had already decided to help Liu Xu to rescue his aunt and uncle no matter what.

Before leaving, Liu Xu stood up and suddenly grabbed Mittel's hand, looked at her sincerely and said, "Sister Mittel, thank you."

There was a bright smile on the corner of Mittel's mouth, and said: "I'm your elder sister, of course my elder sister will help my younger sister." After finishing speaking, she shook Liu Xu's hand, then put her head in Long Yi's arms, Kissed the face of the sleeping little girl, and it turned into a golden light and disappeared into the sky.

This little female dragon is quite cute sometimes, Long Yi thought as he looked at the direction where Mytil disappeared, and at this moment, the first ray of morning light pierced the darkness and appeared in the far east...

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