Womanizing Mage

Chapter 499: Jingjing's Desire

Sister spare my life, but my younger brother didn't mean it. "Long Yi begged for mercy loudly, grabbed the little hand that was as warm as jade, and looked at her tenderly with longing.

The red lady's beautiful eyes seemed to have been scalded, her expression softened, and she looked at Long quietly, feeling each other's tender heart.

The entire bounty hunter bar suddenly fell silent, and everyone looked at this emotional scene with their mouths wide open as if they hadn't recovered. An inconspicuous and wretched young man, this...

Hong Niangzi debuted for more than ten years. Her powerful strength and stunning appearance naturally attracted countless suitors. Ye Changli, the leader of the destroyed iron-blooded mercenary regiment, was one of them, but she had never heard of Hong Niang. Who was the lady's heart captured by, this time it was a big eye-opener, even Long Yi, an unattractive guy, became mysterious in everyone's eyes, how can the man that the lady loves is an ordinary person.

The Wild Lion scratched his head in a daze, he really didn't expect that Long Yi and Hong Niangzi had such a relationship, and Jingjing at the side was also a little stunned, which further confirmed the guess in his heart, this man is definitely not very human, and the thoughts in his heart are also It becomes stronger.

"Back when my sister was parting, I gave my younger brother a sweet kiss. This time when we reunite, I won't treat one more favorably than another." Long Yi said with a smile while holding the little hand of the red lady.

The red lady's beautiful eyes were shining brightly, she giggled twice, and kissed Long Yi's lips generously, not caring about the eyes of the audience at all.

"Wow, I'm going to faint, brother Mo Yan, let's go." Long Yi was intoxicated like a drunken toad, and walked out of the bar holding the hand of the red lady.

Before going outside, Jingjing took the lead to say goodbye and leave. But his eyes stared at Long Yi with great expectation. For so many years, she has been tired of this kind of life, from the proud girl of heaven to living in the powerless shadow, she is really fed up, she longs for someone strong enough to extend a warm hand to her, Pull her out of this dark swamp.

"What? Miss Jingjing, do you want to stay and have a drink? Let's go together." Long saw Jingjing's thoughts and smiled, Jingjing had a purpose for him, why didn't he have a purpose? The mysterious gang led by Mu Hanyan may be able to use Jingjing as a breakthrough. He wouldn't believe that she had nothing to do with Fairy Misty Miao.

"It's not that the little girl doesn't want to, it's just..." Jingjing looked at Long Yi, and she believed that he must know the meaning behind it.

"Don't worry, Mu Hanyan's face must be given to me." Long Yi said lightly.

A strange light flashed in Jingjing's eyes, as expected, the relationship between Long Yi and Mu Hanyan was not simple at all.

A group of people walked in the direction of Phoenix Hotel, probably because of the wind chimes, glass,

Liu Xu and the girls are all there. Although they were given an amethyst card with one million amethyst coins, they must be waiting for him to have dinner at this moment.

After entering the Phoenix Hotel, Long Yi ordered the shopkeeper to prepare a table of good dishes and bring them to the suite, and then led several people upstairs.

"Girls, my husband is back." Long Yi gnawed loudly as soon as he entered the room, the doors of several bedrooms opened one after another, Liu Li, Feng Ling and Liu Xu who was holding Niu'er came out.

All the girls were naked, and their magic disguise was removed due to uncomfortable reasons, but they didn't want to surprise the crazy lion and Jingjing who came with them.

"Father. Hug." Niu'er saw Long Yi screaming, and her chubby body rushed into Long Yi's arms like lightning. For some reason, Niu'er seemed to have more affection for Long Yi than Liu Xu. It is deep and intimate, often making Liu Xu jealous.

"Brat, when did you give birth to such a big daughter?" The red lady saw that Niuer looked pink. Couldn't help pinching it with my hands.

"Uh... a long time ago..." Long Yi laughed dryly and kissed Niu'er on the face.

After introducing each other, a group of people chatted from the bottom up in the spacious hall, Hong Niangzi and Fengling are old acquaintances, and Wild Lion has a bold personality, but they chatted happily, only Liu Xu and Liuli, who are not good at words, stood beside Long Yi Accompanied by listening, Jingjing's four maids stood still at the door.

The food and wine were served quickly, with the Lion and the Red Lady, the atmosphere was naturally warm. After pushing a cup and changing a drink, the night was already dark, and the wild lion, who was staggering from drinking, went to his room downstairs. After drinking like this, no matter how good the alcohol capacity is, it will be unbearable.

After the hotel staff came up to clean up, everyone chatted for a while, Red Lady saw that Jingjing was always looking at Long Yi anxiously, she knew in her heart that she had something to say to Long Yi, and why couldn't Feng Ling see it, But she just dragged Long Yi on purpose to make Jingjing anxious.

"Sister Ling'er, I haven't seen you for a long time. Let my sister go into the room and have a whisper with you." The red lady smiled and pulled the wind chime on Long Yi's body.

As soon as the two entered the room, Liu Xu brought Niu'er in, but Liu Li wanted to stay and asked her to hold his shoulders.

Jingjing gracefully sipped a sip of her green tea, her beautiful eyes looked at Long Yi searchingly. The women next to this unremarkable man are more beautiful than each other, which is not too much to say. For example, this golden and blue-eyed girl standing obediently beside Long Yi and pinching her shoulders, her pure temperament makes people feel refreshed, and her beauty is no less than that of her conceited self. Only then did she understand why Long Yi was not interested in her beauty at that time. He is big, and there are many fairy-like women around him, and beauty is no longer important in his eyes.

"Who are you?" After a moment of silence, Jingjing asked.

"I should ask you this question, don't you have something to say to me?" Long Yi raised his legs and said casually.

"I am... I..." Jingjing opened her mouth, and Mu Hanyan's cold words suddenly came to mind: You are not alone.

Jingjing's expression became painful and hesitant. After a long time, she opened her mouth and said, "What's your relationship with her... Mu Hanyan? Will she listen to your words?"

"I think you should know her well enough, why do you still ask such a question? Have you seen the stars in the sky? The two stars seem to be very close to each other, but they are actually infinitely far apart." Long Yi said lightly, Mu Hanyan and him have a strange relationship, they both want to conquer each other but they are not sure.

A look of disappointment flashed across Jingjing's face. Just now she really had the urge to use Long Yi's hand to free her, but the invisible iron chains that tied her body forcefully pulled her back to reality. A deep sense of powerlessness, yes, she is not alone, if... It is a pity that there is no if in this world...

"Sorry to bother you, I think I should go back." Jingjing stood up, her pretty face regained her composure, she put on her veil and led the four maids out of the room.

Long Yi picked up Liuli and put it on his lap, buried his head in her crotch and sniffed lightly, letting the faint fragrance erase the unease in his heart, if one day he and Mu Hanyan stood opposite each other, would he? So ruthless as to destroy flowers?

"Young Master, it's so itchy, cluck..." Liuli felt that Long Yi was gently blowing on her sensitive little ears, and couldn't help twisting her body with a coquettish smile.

The round and elastic breasts rubbed against Long's thigh for a while, immediately causing Long Yi's little brother to puff up his chest, and angrily pressed against Liuli's buttocks.

"Master..." Liuli's tender body softened, her whole body became hot, she wrapped her arms around Long Yi's neck and exhaled softly, whispering softly, it was the turbulent desire in her heart, and she wanted to smooth out the restlessness in Long Yi's heart with her body.

Long Yi caressed the glazed back, passed through her armpit and pinched the plump breasts, he laughed and said: "My dear Liuli, let's take a bath with the young master first."

Long Yi hugged the naked colored glaze and dipped it into the cool water, and immediately felt refreshed, while colored glaze, the mermaid, was even more joyful. Naturally, she had a deeper understanding of the feelings for water.

Liuli leaned against Long Yi's arms, her red lips burst out with a sound, the pair of snow-white and plump breasts on her chest were being kneaded by Long Yi's two demon claws, those pink breasts were touched by emotion. And standing proudly between Long Yi's fingers, it is extremely alluring.

Passing over the flat and soft lower abdomen, Long Yi's claws passed through the layer of light fluff between Liuli's breasts and entered the forbidden area, teasing the mermaid's deepest desire.

Liuli trembled slightly, and her milk-like skin was flushed, magnificent and moving. Somewhat impatiently, she turned her body over, her red lips kissed Long Yi's muscular chest and abdomen in confusion, her snow-white buttocks stick out of the water, drawing a devilish curve.

Liuli's head was completely submerged in the water, and breathing in the water was not a problem for her at all. She opened her red lips slightly, and slowly took that scary little brother into her mouth. Delongyi trembled, this girl's skills are really getting better and better, and she has surpassed the few sisters in front.

After a long time, Long Yi let out a hoarse growl, and dodged behind the kneeling Liuli, aiming at the round snowy buttocks with his lower abdomen, and rushed forward, the charming **** sound immediately echoed in the bathroom, mellow and endless, and it lasted for a long time. scattered.

And at this moment, a black shadow flew out from the Baiyun City Lord's Mansion, and instantly merged into the night...

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