Womanizing Mage

Chapter 5 Escape

Although the news of Ximenyu's rape of Long Ling'er was blocked by the emperor's order, the news was still leaked out, and the entire Tenglong City was widely spread, which aroused public anger. Many people have signed a letter demanding severe punishment. And the emperor Long Zhan also issued a death order and asked the Ministry of Criminal Justice to have a fair trial without any personal affair. Many people have already predicted Ximenyu's fate. To rape the princess is a crime of extermination, but the Ximen family is the largest family in the Kuanglong Empire, and its power is deeply intertwined. Even if Long Zhan wants to move, there is nothing he can do. Capital crime is estimated to be impossible to escape.

"Master, please save Yu'er, I am the only son." Dongfang Wan begged Ximen Nu with tears.

"Save, how to save? If you hadn't indulged this unfilial son, how could he have ended up in such a state, and almost implicated the family." Ximen threw Dongfang Wan's hand away and shouted, "Tiger poison does not eat children, no matter how bad Ximenyu is." It was also his son, and he never wanted to watch his son be beheaded.

"It's all my fault, it's all my fault, I shouldn't pamper him, master, save him, he's not yet eighteen years old." Dongfang Wan cried, she really regrets it now, if she had known In this way, his father should have been under strict supervision in the first place, because I blamed myself for pampering him too much.

"Hey, how can I bear to watch Yu'er die? But the emperor doesn't see me now, what can I do?" Ximen sighed angrily, as if he had aged a lot all of a sudden.

"Then let's rescue him and send him away, so that he will never come back." Dongfang Wan's eyes lit up, as if she had caught a life-saving straw.

Ximen's angry expression was unpredictable, and it would not be difficult to rescue his son with the strength of the Ximen family. However, due to the popularity of the Ximen family, the Ximen family has always been suspected by the emperors of all generations. I am afraid that the emperor will use this as an excuse to take the opportunity to weaken the strength of the Ximen family.

"That's all there is to it, I hope he can repent after this lesson." Ximen Nu still decided to save him, after all, it was his own flesh and blood.

"Thank you, master, Yu'er will definitely change it." Dongfang Wan breathed a sigh of relief. Although she might never see her son again, at least his life was saved.

. . . . . . . .

I don't know how long it took, the numb feeling on Long Yi's body completely disappeared, and he also woke up from the dream that night.

"How could this be?" Long opened his mouth wide, touched the silver metal wall with both hands, and discovered that the electric current flooding it had disappeared.

"Could it be... Is it all absorbed by me? Damn it." Long Yi murmured looking at his hands, except for a little white and tender, he didn't see anything special, but he could absorb electric current This is true.

I don't know if the absorbed current can be used to attack,

Thinking about it, Long Yi raised his hand and made a gesture. Zila, a flash of lightning as thick as a thumb shot out from his palm, leaving a shallow mark on the metal wall.

That's fine too, Long Yi turned somersault excitedly, his two palms fluttered in the air trying to emit electricity again, but nothing came out this time.

Long Yi thought hard, how did he get out just now? Just now I seemed to feel some kind of resonance in my body, could it be those electric currents? Are they really alive?

Long Yi calmed down, and slowly recalled the vitality he felt when the electric current entered his body. There was a burst of pain all over his body, Long Yi felt the existence of electric particles, he suddenly waved his hand, and a much thicker electric current shot out with a sizzling sound, this feeling... so fucking cool.

Just when Long Yi wanted to study it further, there was a sound of rattling, rattling metal rubbing outside the prison, which had been silent for a long time, just like the sound made by a taxi wearing armor walking while watching an ancient costume movie.

"Hey, why isn't the Lightning Stone turned on? It saved me a lot of work." A deep voice came from outside the door.

With a few soft sounds, the metal gate slowly slid to both sides, and a group of soldiers wrapped from head to toe in thick armor appeared in front of Long Yi's eyes, with a heavy bloody murderous aura rushing towards him, this is definitely a real experience. The murderous aura that can only be produced by fighting with swords and guns on the battlefield, and the strength is very strong, Long Yi can't help but secretly guard.

"Master Ximen, under the order of Ximen Patriarch to pick you up, come with us." Wei's captain showed a metal sign, on which were written the two flamboyant characters of Ximen in the characters of Canglan Continent, although his words were respectful , but the contempt in his eyes was so obvious.

Long Yi knew from his memory that this was the highest token of the Ximen family, and only the head of the family had the right to invoke it. It seemed that Ximen Yu's father had come to save his son, but he would never know that his son's soul had been wiped out long ago.

Long Yi didn't care about the contempt in the captain's eyes, anyway, the target was that damned Ximen Yu. Putting on the same armor as these soldiers, Long Yi got out of the prison in the middle of the team. Only then did he realize how huge the Jitian Prison was. This prison was built underground, and there were many cells in it, criss-crossing with no end in sight, but there were only five metal prisons like the one he was imprisoned in. One, I thought it was about criminals with terrifying strength and strong destructive power. I never thought that I would be lucky enough to be in this kind of prison.

When they reached the ground, Long Yi swaggered out of the city with the team. As for Tenglong City, although there are memories of Ximenyu in my mind, the feeling of stepping into it with my own eyes is still very great. The place is too prosperous, and the buildings are very similar to the buildings of the Tang Dynasty in China, which are majestic and exquisite.

After walking a long way out of the city gate, the leading captain waved his hand and stopped, then turned to Long Yidao: "Master Ximen, the Patriarch and Madam are ahead, you can go alone."

Long nodded and walked in the direction he pointed. After a while, he saw a pavilion. There were four people inside the pavilion, one was a middle-aged man in a purple fur robe with a long beard and a majestic expression; An elegant and extremely beautiful woman; a young general in black armor with sword eyebrows and starry eyes; and a girl in a white sacrificial robe, as beautiful as a fairy.

That must be his parents and siblings, Long Yi's footsteps slowed down unknowingly, he didn't know how to face them, they are the closest relatives in this body, but to Long Yi's soul, they are different Strangers no doubt.

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