Womanizing Mage

Chapter 501: The Same Mysterious Text

Stretching out his hand like lightning, he opened the black-covered book under the wooden pillow and looked at it. His heart was trembling, but his face remained calm.

"Why are you taking someone else's book? You can't read it." Mu Hanyan saw that Long Yi seemed to be leaving, and felt sore, but he didn't want him to suddenly pull out the book under his pillow.

"Yeah, what the hell is written here, it's like a ghost drawing." Long Yi said casually.

"This is a local language of my hometown, of course you can't understand it." Mu Hanyan said with a smile.

Hometown text? Long Yi's heart was beating violently, this strange writing was exactly the same as the writing in the book in the temple of the lost city, could it be that Mu Hanyan also came from the lost city? Or is it the same root as the lost city thousands of years ago?

"I don't know where is your hometown? You can give birth to such a beautiful person, you must go and see it if you have the chance." Long Yi said with a chuckle.

"It's a small remote place, where is it worth visiting? Of course, the place with the most beauties is Baiyun City." Mu Hanyan was sensitive to something. It can be regarded as very familiar, and some of his abnormalities have not escaped her eyes.

Long Yi shook the book in his hand, and said with a smile: "The writing in your hometown looks more complicated than the common writing in Canglan Continent, but it's very beautiful, why don't you teach me?"

"What's the use for you to learn this, and you won't be able to use it." Mu Hanyan became more and more puzzled, why would Yi Longyi's character spend time learning such useless things at this juncture?

"Don't tell me, I'm very interested in things like writing. You know that the intelligence personnel of various forces are infiltrating each other, and the writing used to transmit information is also very strange. There is no harm in learning more." Long Yi said with a smile.

"Really? You don't have any tricks, do you?" Mu Hanyan said with a grin.

"You won't teach me? I don't know if Harley is in the same place as you. If he knows how, I'll let him teach you." Long Yi chuckled. The big hands began to move restlessly across the sensitive parts of Mu Hanyan's body.

Mu Hanyan's breathing quickened suddenly, she pressed Long Yi's big hand that was making trouble on her chest, and begged: "Yu, I can't do it today, I'm not feeling well, can't you follow me and teach you?"

"Then it's settled. Tomorrow I'm going back to Tenglong City. There should be nothing wrong with you. Let's go together." Long Yi said with a chuckle.

"You have arranged everything for me, what else can I say." Mu Hanyan gave Long Yi a coquettish look. The radiant pupils stopped on Long Yi's raised crotch, those seductive eyes made Long Yi's belly burn with desire,

Just such a look made him almost unable to hold back, and he had to sigh this charming and natural beauty.

Long Yi jumped out of the bed in a blaze of flames, straightened his clothes and rushed out, if he stayed any longer, he would have to punish her on the spot, it was hateful and unpalatable, this was not torturing him.

Seeing Long Yi disappear into the boudoir, his smoky smile faded away. He meditated while looking at the book next to his pillow.

Long Yi was slowly flying in mid-air, with a trace of color on his face, although he didn't know what Mu Hanyan had to do with the lost city, but as long as she taught him to know that kind of characters, then he would be able to understand space Those books from the temple in the ring? According to the magical civilization of the Lost City at that time, the value of that pile of books is simply inestimable.

After entering the luxury suite of Phoenix Hotel, the hall was pitch-black, but with his night vision ability, Long Yi could see a figure sitting on the sofa.

"My good sister, why are you still up so late? It's scary to sit here." Long Yi closed the door and asked with a soft smile, then moved towards the red lady.

"You're so romantic and happy. How can I let my sister sleep?" The red lady felt that Long Yi was sitting next to her, and her heart beat a little faster.

"Uh... this sounds a bit ambiguous, it's easy for me to misunderstand it..." Long Yi laughed.

"Stinky boy, you are molesting my old lady again, are you begging for a beating?" The red lady said angrily, and twisted Long's thigh with her little hand.

Long Yi let out a cry of pain. With a bitter face, he said: "I said good sister, can't you be a little lighter? It's all swollen by you."

"Swollen? Let me see." After thinking about it, Hong Niangzi felt that her hand was a bit heavy, so she stretched out her hand to touch Long Yi.

"Ah, why is it so swollen?" Hong Niangzi exclaimed softly, the fiery lump under her hand became thicker and longer in no time, and she suddenly realized what she was touching.

"Yeah, it's so swollen, my sister has to take care of the swelling." Long Yi held down the little hand that Hong Niang wanted to withdraw, and the anger that had been provoked by Mu Hanyan completely exploded.

The red lady was short of breath, and her heart seemed to jump out of her chest. The little hand was taken by Long Yi to caress the thick thing, it made her whole body feel like it was on fire, her whole body was numb and crisp, how could she have the strength to break free.

"Sister." Long Yi

Unable to bear it, she rolled over and pressed the red lady under her body, her overripe softness could drive people crazy.

Delicate kisses fell on the pretty face of the red lady like raindrops, and finally caught the breathy red lips with a sigh, and the sweet breath came in from the mouth immediately. Lips and tongues entangled passionately.

The sand is definitely too narrow for two people, and the two are entangled and rolled passionately. Just when the love was at its peak, Long Yi's big hand had just reached the mysterious forest, but the sand turned over with a very shameless bang, the sound seemed very abrupt in the middle of the night.

"Husband, are you back?" Feng Ling asked as she opened the bedroom door in a daze.

The red lady was very shy, and she didn't know where the strength came from, she pushed Long Yi away and staggered into the room where Liuli was sleeping.

Being forced to stop twice in one night, Long Yi couldn't bear it, seeing the red lady ran away, a wolf rushed to the sheep and brought the wind chimes into the room and threw them down. After a while, the soul-stirring groans sounded.

This night, many people are destined to have no sleep...


At the end of October in the Canglan calendar 87**, the capital of the Aoyue Empire, Bingfeng City, was besieged by the coalition forces of the two empires for several months, and the food and water sources were all cut off. Everyone knew that the Aoyue Empire was exhausted, and the Murong imperial family was still working on it. It's just a battle of trapped beasts.

Bei Tangyu wisely chose to besiege rather than attack. This arduous battle caused heavy damage to the coalition forces of the two countries. If a strong attack could quickly wipe out the Aoyue Empire from the Canglan Continent, it would cause heavy losses to the two countries. The Allied Forces of the United States made it worse. She didn't want millions of troops to come, but only tens of thousands of remnants were brought back. Although she won, in her heart, she had already lost.

Icewind City is located in the Northland. In previous years, at this time of the year, the north wind was blowing and snowflakes were blowing up, but this year, the sun was still shining brightly, and the weather was extremely sweltering.

This is a 100-meter-high hill, which is a rare sight here, because after passing the Yatesianna defense line, the entire northern land is a flat plain.

Beitang Yu stood on the top of the mountain, staring at the boundless sky and earth in the east, with her helmet at her feet, letting the wind blow her black hair.

A group of personal soldiers stood guard at the foot of the mountain and looked at Beitang Yu's straight back, just like the man they regarded as a god.

"General Beitang must miss General Ximen again." A soldier said.

"Hey, there is only General Ximen in this world who is worthy of General Beitang's concern. Why didn't those fellows in Ice Wind City surrender earlier? They had to wait so long, or the two generals would have met again long ago." Another relative Bing said angrily.

"Stop talking, someone is coming." The captain of the bodyguard reminded, and all the bodyguards immediately entered a state of alert.

But when they saw a slender figure in white clothes fluttering in their eyes, they each smiled and breathed a sigh of relief. It was none other than General Ximen's sister, Ximen Wuhen, who was acting as an angel in the barracks. Almost all the soldiers They all respect her very much, because she saved the lives of countless wounded soldiers.

"Miss Ximen, are you here to find General Beitang?" The captain of the personal army stepped forward and asked.

"Yes, please let me know." Ximen Wuhen smiled slightly, the ethereal aura on his body was not weakened by the bloody battlefield, on the contrary, it became more elegant, and his whole body was filled with a comfortable and warm aura.

Flying to the top of the mountain, Ximen Wuhen and Beitang Yu stood side by side, one as indifferent as frost, the other as warm as the wind, the same peerless face has completely different flavors.

"Sister Yu, do you miss my second brother?" Ximen Wuhen asked softly. In private, she always called Beitang Yu that way.

Tang Yu responded softly, and suddenly said: "At this time, your second brother should be on his way back to Tenglong City. Now that the overall situation is settled, you can go back earlier."

Ximen Wuhen stared blankly into the distance, she shook her head and sighed: "If Ling'er doesn't go back, I won't go back, besides..." Besides, she didn't know how to face her second brother, her heart was extremely bitter.

When Long Ling'er was mentioned, Bei Tangyu's pupils shrank. She knew that Long Ling'er was Long Yi's woman, but at the same time she was also the daughter of the current emperor Long Zhan, so there was an essential difference in her position.

"I know that Ling'er doesn't want to go back because she doesn't want to face it. No matter who wins or loses, it will be a big blow to her. She is now very thin." Ximen Wuhen sighed softly, thinking of Long Ling'er's haggard pretty face felt a dull pain in her heart.

Beitang Yu is indifferent, speaking of how similar she is to Long Ling'er, her family is on the opposite side of her man, but she has already despaired of her family, now she only has Long Yi in her heart, and everything she does is only because of him.

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