Womanizing Mage

Chapter 505: Military Division Disappeared

The wind blows, and the bright sunshine is blocked by dark clouds in an instant, and there is a feeling that the mountains and rain are about to come and the wind is all over the building.

Long Yi raised his head, looked at the low dark clouds with powerful oppression in the sky, felt a little irritable, as if the thunder magic vortex in the sea of ​​consciousness was being sensed, ready to move.

After a while, the bean-sized raindrops began to fall, and it was painful to hit people. After a while, it became a torrential downpour, and the smoky rain was everywhere.

This was the first heavy rain in the past two months, so instead of complaining, people were overjoyed. If it wasn't for the heavy rain, many people would rush into the rain to revel.

Long Yi had already left the west city gate at some point, without any enchantment or true qi shield on his body. At this moment, his whole body was drenched, and he was walking step by step through the familiar grove to the small river not far away. .

It's been a long time since I've been drenched in the rain, it's so damn cool, Long Yi pushed back the black that was sticking to his face and forehead, and felt a suffocation in his heart that wanted to burst out of his chest.

Long Yi straightened his spine, raised his right hand high, and tilted his head back slightly, the golden lightning mark between his brows was shining brightly.

Zila, lightning flew across the dark cloud, as if encountering a strong magnetic field, one after another struck towards Long Yi, hitting the imprint between Long Yi's eyebrows impartially. The messy black was flying around in this pouring rain, and the fine silver-purple electric sparks spread all over the body, making a crackling sound, and an armor covered with mysterious patterns loomed on Long Yi's body, like a god-man.

Suddenly, Long Yi opened his eyes, and his black eyes turned into a strange silver-purple color, the armor on his body solidified in an instant, and a purple light flashed across the right hand that was raised high in the air.

Pfft, Long Yi's whole body suddenly trembled and spewed out a mouthful of blood. The imprint between the eyebrows disappeared in an instant, and the Thunder God armor on his body had also disappeared into his body, and the sea of ​​consciousness ached like being torn apart.

Gradually, a hot current rose from the lower abdomen. Calm down the churning blood.

"It's too far away. The Thor's Hammer is not something that I can get to the ground at all. It seems that I was too hasty." Long Yi wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and murmured, the Thor's armor was barely enough. After wearing it for a few seconds, Thor's Hammer just sensed it and was backlashed. The guy who eats Thor's food is really not a joke.

The rain gradually became lighter, and the downpour turned into long and thin raindrops.

Long Yi looked at the tumbling river in a daze, although he tried to summon Thor's Hammer just now and was backlashed by its power, but his comprehension of Thor's power has increased a lot, and he tried his best to recall the feeling of that moment just now.

Suddenly. A silver light flashed in the rain curtain, several familiar cranes rang out, and a faint fragrance wafted in Long Yi's nose.

Thousands of water splashes were still splashed on the river, but the rain did not catch him anymore.

"Although Misty Rain is very artistic, it's enough to appreciate it. Do you need to get in the rain?" There was a slim figure beside her, with a hint of doubt and worry in her charming voice.

"Sometimes being in the rain is also a happy thing. Don't you think?" Long Yi didn't look back, his tone was a bit erratic.

"You seem to be very sentimental today, not like you." Mu Hanyan turned to stare at Long Yi's handsome face. It seemed that he wanted to see a flower from his face.

"Then what do you think I should be like." Long Yi turned his head and asked with a smile.

"Well, I can't say clearly, optimistic, strong, evil, lustful, and sometimes feel a little dark." Mu Hanyan giggled.

"Extremely correct, it seems that you know me better than me, haha. By the way, how do you know I'm here?" Long Yi asked with a smile.

"I miss you, so I asked Bai Yu to bring me to find you." Mu Hanyan glanced at him winkingly, wrapped in tenderness, and couldn't help getting closer.

Long Yi smiled bluntly, but didn't respond, as if he was caught in his own thoughts. And Mu Hanyan also fell silent, sitting with Long Yi and looking at this misty world, recalling the little things since he knew Long Yi, a sour and sweet feeling in his heart.

"Han Yan, what is your ideal? Or what is the goal you most want to achieve?" Suddenly, Long Yi asked faintly.

Mu Hanyan was stunned for a moment, as if he didn't know how to answer, and after a long time, he said quietly: "I have no ideals? The goal I most want to achieve is not my own, but someone else's."

"Really? That means you have been living for others?" Long Yi raised his eyebrows and asked, feeling a little surprised.

Mu Hanyan was startled, and felt that this sentence seemed to reveal a lot of things, so he forced a laugh and said, "Don't ask me, what is your ideal? To dominate the Canglan Continent?"

Long Yi smiled faintly, shook his head and said: "My ideal is very simple, maybe you won't believe it, I just want to live a peaceful life and take my woman to every corner of the world.

It's a pity, I don't have the final say in this world. The so-called people are in the rivers and lakes. from. "

Mu Hanyan looked at Long Yi's slightly sad side face for a long time, and sighed softly in his heart, yes, they were all forced out, Long Yi was like this, so why not himself? Now think about it, he and himself Really like it.

Long Yi stood up, with a surge of internal strength, mist rose from his body, and his drenched clothes became dry in an instant.

"Han Yan, there is no change in Long Zhan." Long Yi asked.

"I'm here to tell you one thing. Long Zhan's strategist has been claiming to be in seclusion. Last night I realized that there was no one in the room where he was in seclusion. It seemed to have evaporated from the air. I didn't get any news." Mu Hanyan recalled business, said solemnly.

"Disappeared? Wouldn't it be better to disappear, to deal with him is much more difficult than dealing with Long Zhan." Long Yi smiled easily.

Mu Hanyan shook his head and said: "No, the strange thing is that the dark forces under him who only obeyed his orders did not change at all. When I spread the news of the disappearance of the military division, everyone was indifferent. I don't think it is very strange. Is it strange?"

"Perhaps he went out to do some errands, and he has already confessed to the people under his hand." Long Yi said, stroking his chin.

"Maybe, but disappearing at this juncture is always suspicious." Mu Hanyan frowned slightly, and there was even a trace of murderous intent in her charming eyes.

Long Yi keenly grasped Mu Hanyan's murderous intent, and became more and more curious about her identity. Just because Mu Hanyan could directly break into the retreat room of the mysterious military master to find him, it meant that he played an important role in the dark forces behind Long Zhan. an important role.

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