Womanizing Mage

Chapter 51 The Lost City

Long Yi tightened the Ruyi Ice Silk in his hand, no matter how much the animal struggled, he would not let go. Ruyi ice silk is such a tough thing, how can a mere swamp ogre be able to break it, as the essence of ss-level monster Ruyi ice silk, even with the forbidden spell, it will hardly hurt it.

As Long Yi became tighter and tighter, the swamp man-eating beast king was almost out of breath, and his struggle became weaker and weaker. He also tried to plunge into the depths of the swamp, but the damn human on his body forced his neck down. It seemed to be broken, so it could only float up obediently, and after floating up, the human's strength relaxed a little.

Long Yi saw that the swamp man-eating beast had stopped struggling, and as long as he grabbed Ruyi Ice Silk and turned right, it would be caught obediently and turn right, and if left, it would turn left, it seems that it already knows its little His life was in his own hands, so he became so obedient. It is the most suitable tool to use this animal to cross the swamp. With it, man-eaters in other swamps will automatically avoid it. Isn't it a piece of cake to pass this short distance of 300 meters?

Just as Harley and the others were anxious, the swarm of insects flying randomly in the air slowly descended, and they raised their hearts to their throats one by one. The quietness of the blood-red insects represented the end of the battle between Long Yi and the swamp man-eating beast king. , They trembled and waited for the final result.

When the bloody worm wall disappeared, everyone cheered, only to see Long Yi majesticly standing on the back of the swamp man-eating beast king, and this big guy known as the swamp king was under Long Yi's control. Xia obediently swam towards this side, no matter where the blood-red insects or other swamp man-eating beasts passed, they all avoided. At this moment, at least at this moment, the eyes of Lan Tian and Harley showed reverence, they didn't understand, how could such a character be unknown on the Canglan Continent?

"Harley, your mission rewards belong to me, don't forget." Long Yi controlled the swamp man-eating beast king to the shore, and said to Harley with a big smile.

"No problem, I, Harley, never default on my debts." Harley said boldly. Seeing that he could pass through this sea of ​​blood-red insects, Harley was extremely happy.

"Hurry up and put on your animal skins, it will be dawn soon." Long Yi said, these swamp man-eating beasts would surely sink to the depths of the swamp at dawn, they are nocturnal animals.

Several people hurriedly wrapped up the animal skins and jumped onto the body of the swamp man-eating beast king. Long Yi grabbed Ruyi Bingsi's hand, and the man-eating beast king turned his head and walked towards the opposite bank.

The distance of 300 meters was only a blink of an eye, and Long Yi and the others had already jumped onto the opposite bank. Stepping on the green grass under his feet, Long Yi excitedly rolled a few times on the grass, living in the swamp area with harsh environment for nearly twenty days, he was suffering great mental and physical torture.

The bright red morning glow dyed the horizon red, and all the swamp man-eating beasts had sunk, only the blood-red sea of ​​insects was still a little dazzling red.

The six rushed up the low hill,

In the distance, you can see the broken tiles looming in the distance.

Harley took out the map, pointed there and laughed loudly: "That's the legendary lost city, we're finally here."

"Then what are you waiting for? Let's go there quickly." Lan Tian said excitedly, thinking of the countless treasures waiting for him, this faithful believer of the God of Light couldn't wait.

The six of them ran all the way towards the legendary lost city, running, Long Yi suddenly stopped with a squeak, and the bloody skull in the palm of his left hand vibrated again and again.

"What's wrong?" Seeing that Long Yi stopped suddenly, everyone couldn't help asking.

"There seems to be something wrong with this place." Long Yi looked around, this was a piece of green grassland, very beautiful and magnificent, but there was a wave of darkness here.

Hearing Long Yi's words, the others immediately became nervous. They all knew Long Yi's abilities, and if he said something was wrong, he must have sensed the danger.

"There is indeed something wrong. There seems to be a dark breath here." Lan Tian closed his eyes and felt it for a while. As a light mage, he is also very sensitive to the fluctuation of the dark breath.

"It turned out to be a dark aura. That should be normal. According to legend, the Lost City was cursed by the God of Darkness. It is not surprising that there is a dark aura," Harley said.

"Well, there is such a legend." Leng Youyou said.

"Then go ahead, everyone be careful, since it is a city cursed by the God of Darkness, it must be dangerous." Long nodded and said, he grabbed Lucia with one hand and Leng Youyou with the other. For some reason, Long Yi felt a strong sense of crisis in his heart, this lost city is definitely not simple.

At this time, the outline of the lost city was clearly visible. It was a magnificent city. It was not difficult to see from the incomplete tall walls and pillars that the city had a splendid civilization before.

The closer he was to the Lost City, the stronger the sense of crisis in Long Yi's heart, the whole world was lifeless, from the swamp to here, there was not a single living thing, everything was so weird that it made one's heart shudder.

Suddenly a gust of cloudy wind blew by, and the sky that had been shining brightly just now suddenly darkened, making it difficult to breathe. At this time, a faint black smoke began to rise from the surroundings at some unknown time, and after a while, the world was surrounded by black smoke.

"Ah, so many treasures, so many amethyst coins, I'm rich and I'm rich." Lan Tian let out a roar of ecstasy, knelt on the ground and kept grabbing the grass on the ground.

"No, this black smoke is weird, everyone, don't inhale it." Long Yi shouted, and immediately closed his breath, his internal strength should last for a while.

But he has the ability to hold his breath, and others don't. Since Lan Tian fell into a trance, Man Niu and Harley also started talking nonsense one after another, laughing wildly for a while and crying until tears and snot all over their faces. There was a layer of green light all over Lucia's body, and she was struggling with her eyes closed, but Leng Youyou was normal, her body was filled with a layer of black air, and her face was a little joyful.

Long Yi was taken aback, could it be said that people who practice dark magic can not be affected here. Seeing Long Yi looking at her suspiciously, Leng Youyou said with a bright smile: "For others, this is hell, but for those who practice dark magic, this is heaven."

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