Womanizing Mage

Chapter 510: It’s Grandfather

No... but what? "Murong Shuyu reflexively took two steps back and hugged Xia, thinking of the intimacy in that cell just now, her whole body became hot, and she couldn't help stammering.

"Why are you nervous, I won't eat you." Long Yi chuckled, this is what he wanted.

"Who knows?" Murong Shuyu muttered, didn't he almost eat all his bones just now?

"Hehe, let me tell you the following situation, why don't you take me to the hidden place of the Murong family to see it?" Long Yi said with a smile.

"Aren't you deliberately embarrassing me?" Murong Shuyu said angrily in a daze, shaking her head like a wave drum, and she dared not reveal the Murong family's seclusion even if she was killed.

"Then change to a simpler one, take me to find Murong Bo." Long Yi said with a sly smile.

Murong Shuyu snorted, turned around and walked out, she was sure that this dead guy had intentions, her grandfather Murong Bo was in the family right now, and there was another way to take him to find Murong Bo and take him to the hidden place of the Murong family. What's the difference?

"Hey, Xiao Yu'er, how about another one, a sweet kiss?" Long Yi shouted from behind.

Murong Shuyu's steps faltered, and she wanted to turn around, but at this moment she would be ashamed to go back and kiss him, so after a moment of hesitation, she ran even faster.

This girl, Long Yi shook his head with a smile, and was about to follow out, but his corner of the eye glanced at the old man whose body had already stiffened. Although he doesn't know who he is, he is still an expert. If it weren't for him, he wouldn't have had the chance to discover the secrets of the Forbidden Heaven Prison. He should be taken out for a good burial.

Think about it. Long Yi carried the old man straight out of the forbidden sky prison, and did not go back to look for Murong Shuyu again, that girl could not escape from his palm.

Taking the old man's body to the top of the mountain in the western suburbs of Tenglong City, the view here is wide and beautiful, and burying the old man here will not humiliate him.

There is a place on the top of the mountain that is full of hard rocks, Long Yi waved his hand and dug a hole in the rock, and put the old man down.

"Old man, rest in peace, although you were imprisoned before you were alive, but now you are considered free." Long Yi said softly and was about to cover the big stone next to him.

But at this moment, Long Yi let out a light sigh, his hands slowed down, and he threw the stone cover he had just lifted aside, he had just noticed the faint life wave coming from the old man.

"Could it be a feigned death?" Long Yi thought and lifted the old man up again. The old man's whole body was still as hard as iron.

Last resort.

Long Yi started to concentrate on surrounding the old man to monitor. In his previous life, he had the world-famous turtle's breath massage, which can stop the heartbeat and pulse, and put people in a state of suspended animation. It's just that the body will not be as stiff as iron like a dead person.

For a long time, when the rising sun emerged from one end of the ground line, the illusion-like life fluctuation just now never appeared again.

"Looks like it's really an illusion." Long Yi sighed softly in his heart and was about to stop, but at this moment, that trace of life fluctuation appeared again, and the interval between them was as much as two hours. Thanks to Long Yi for having this patience.

Long Yi knew that this time it was definitely not an illusion, but that the old man did indeed have signs of life. He may have practiced a special kung fu that can cause this phenomenon.

Imagine an old man shut up in that cell of unknown metal, without food or water, when he digs his hole till he is exhausted. In order to save lives. He could only use this kind of kung fu to protect himself, if it wasn't for Long Yi today, even if he didn't die in prison, he would have been buried alive by Long Yi.


In the early morning, Ximen's mansion was extremely lively. When Long Yidi came back, many servants became enthusiastic in doing things. Besides, there are a few more fairy-like ladies in the house. Needless to say, they must be the young wives of the end.

"This child. Where did he die early in the morning, Xiangyun. Don't you know when Yu'er went out?" At the dining table, Dongfang Wan looked at Nangong Xiangyun and asked.

"No... I don't know." Nangong Xiangqiao blushed, and she slept until noon after tossing about her friend. Only the devil knows when he will go out.

"I know, I know, father must have gone to find a beautiful sister." Niu'er, who was munching, suddenly raised her head and said in a milky voice.

"Niu'er, don't talk nonsense." Liu Xu glared at Niu'er and shouted in a low voice.

Liuli and Fengling covered their mouths and snickered, it seemed that even Niu'er knew Long Yi very thoroughly, it can be seen that everyone knows Long Yi's perverted mind.

At this time, Ximen Nu came out of the room in a neat dress, and asked, "What are you laughing at? Where did that brat go?"

Ximen Nu is kind to these daughter-in-laws whom Long Yi had appointed, compared to the ones in front of him.

Yan Di's face was completely different.

Just as he was asking this, Long Yi descended from the sky with a swish, holding a stiff corpse in his hand.

"Yu'er, who is he? Why did you bring the dead man home?" Dongfang Wan asked, frowning slightly.

"He should still be alive." Without saying a word, Long Yi put the old man on the ground, turned him over, his stiff appearance did not look like a living person at all.

Ximen Nu's frost-stained thick eyebrows trembled, and suddenly he took two steps forward, while Dongfang Wan stood up in shock.

"Father, what's the matter?" Long Yi clearly saw Ximen Nu's tall body trembling slightly, he had never seen him like this before.

"Impossible, impossible..." Ximen angrily knelt down on one knee regardless of his identity, and straightened the old man's white beard on the ground with trembling hands.

"Father...Father..." Ximen Nu knelt down on one knee and became kneeling on both knees, shouting in disbelief.

And Dongfang Wan also knelt down immediately, and when the two of them knelt, Long Yi also knelt beside him, could it be that this old man was his grandfather, but...how could he be locked up in the forbidden sky prison? Take a closer look at the eyebrows, you really have a bit of imagination with Ximen Nu.

Long Yi knelt down, Nangong Xiangyun, Liuli, Fengling also hurriedly knelt down, but only Liu Xu walked out of the gate holding Niu'er.

"Sister, why did we come out?" Niuer asked crisply.

"Because...the place doesn't belong to us, they are a family, but my sister is not." Liu Xu looked a little disappointed.

"Isn't the woman who is the father of sister Liuli and the others a family?" Niu'er said innocently, but Liu Xu was a little bit dumbfounded, saying that those who are close to Zhu are red, and those who are close to ink are black. It was broken.

In the dining room, Ximen Nu had already recovered from the shock, and he personally picked up the old man on the ground, with a cautious look as if he was afraid of hurting a hair on him.

"Wan'er, Yu'er, come with me." Ximen said angrily, then carried the old man into the inner room quickly.

Ximen Nu brought the old man to a secret room, put him on a stone bed in the room, and kept silent for a long time, while Dongfang Wan stood aside and kept wiping away tears.

"Father, is he really a grandfather?" Long Yi asked.

"Yes, he is my father, how could I admit my mistake." Ximen caressed the old man's snow-white hair angrily, then turned his head and asked urgently: "Yu'er, just now you said that your grandfather is still alive, is that true?"

"It's true, I've noticed that there are life fluctuations in his body, and he should have entered a state of suspended animation with a strange technique." Long Yi replied, looking at the old man with strange eyes, it turned out to be his grandfather , It really is that the flood has washed away the Dragon King Temple and the family does not recognize the family.

"Fake death?" Ximen frowned angrily and pondered, he had never heard of the Ximen family having such kung fu.

"Master, maybe it's the Ice Palace..." Dongfang Wan interjected, all the men in the Ximen family are suave, and her father-in-law can be regarded as one of the best. She knew about the ambiguous relationship with the woman in the Ice Palace back then. There seems to be such a technique in the palace that can make people feign death, maybe they learned this technique from the Ice Palace.

"That's right, it is rumored that there is indeed such a peculiar skill in the Ice Palace, but if father wakes up, wouldn't it depend on the people in the Ice Palace, where...where can I find the people from the Ice Palace?" Ximen said angrily. Get up and say.

"I do know the person in the Ice Palace, I'll send someone to send a letter to tell her to come to Dragon City." Long Yi said, then isn't Aunt Ou having an affair with Grandpa? She is a member of the Ice Palace, and she wants to know how to get rid of this state of suspended animation.

"That's good, that's good, Yu'er, now tell me what's going on?" Ximen put down the big stone in his heart angrily, and recovered from it, trying to figure out the ins and outs of this matter immediately. Who the hell pushed his father into this situation?

Long Yi then narrated what happened in Jintian Prison, he just couldn't deal with why he knew the secrets of various organs in Jintian Prison, and he had promised Murong Bo not to tell his affairs at the beginning.

Ximen Nu didn't ask much about this aspect, but after listening to it, his expression was ferocious, his black eyes gleamed coldly, and his fists were clenched loudly, obviously his anger had reached its peak.

"Long Zhan, if I don't eat your flesh alive, I, Ximen, will be a son of man." Ximen roared angrily, his gray beard trembling.

However, Long Yi thought of Long Ling'er for no reason, and there was a glimmer of gloom in his heart.

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