Womanizing Mage

Chapter 513: A peep

Father, why are you here? "Long Yi walked out of the secret room, and there was no trace of trace on the magic door behind.

"Yu'er, come and sit down." Ximen Nu was not at all surprised to see Long Yi coming out of the secret room, he said to Long Yi lightly, but there was an unconcealable joy in his brows and eyes.

Could it be something good? Long Yi murmured in his heart and walked over, dragged a chair and sat opposite Ximen Nu.

"This morning, news came from the north." Ximen said angrily stroking the long beard on his chin.

"Ice Wind City is broken?" Long Yi asked.

"That's not yet, but it's coming soon. After being besieged by our army for several months, the interior of Icewind City has been completely divided. Without us doing it, it will be a mess. It is estimated that Icewind City will be destroyed in less than a month." " Ximen showed a rare smile angrily.

Long nodded his head, suddenly felt a twinge in his heart, and said: "Father, it seems that Long Zhan will definitely attack in the near future. We must strengthen our defenses. Maybe... we can also act first."

"Father has already made arrangements for precautions, and it is extremely inappropriate to act first. In any case, the Long family's royal orthodoxy has been deeply rooted in the eyes of the people all over the world. Our Ximen family must find an excuse, and then we can only let Long Zhan take the lead. Let's do it, we need to let the world know that it is not our Ximen family who want to rebel, but Long Zhan is forcing us to rebel." Ximen said angrily, his eyes sparkling, obviously looking forward to this day.

Judging from the overall situation now, the Ximen family has already taken an absolute advantage. The Nalan Empire completely sided with the Ximen family because of Long Yi, and the Ice Wind City was broken. The coalition forces of the two countries can return to the division with a million troops, and Bei Tangyu has already used vicious means to clean up the general from top to bottom. It can be said that this army has become the private soldiers of the Ximen family. It is impossible for Long Zhan not to know this, so Long Yi is sure that he will launch a fatal counterattack against the Ximen family before Beitang Yu returns to the teacher. As long as the Ximen family is uprooted, all crises will be resolved.


The weather was very gloomy, with patches of fine raindrops floating in the air, and the icy cold wind began to give people a bit of a winter atmosphere. People who were still wearing thin clothes yesterday have changed into thick cotton clothes today. It seems that summer has entered winter overnight.

After talking with Ximen Nu, Long Yi went to Beauty Square to find Mu Hanyan. Naturally, he wanted to prove his guess by insinuating. Regarding the other continent in the Hengduan Mountains, Long Yi hesitated for a while and did not tell Ximen Nu.

Mu Hanyan was not in Beauty Square, Long Yi thought for a while and flew towards the entrance of Jitian Prison, he had to figure out what the hell Long Zhan was doing.

Long Yi was already very familiar with Jitian Prison, turning left and right, he found that special cell,

As soon as he opened the door, he found that Murong Shuyu was squatting at the entrance of the cave and observing carefully, gesticulating there with his small hands from time to time.

"Xiao Yu'er. What are you doing here?" Long Yi couldn't help asking with a smile when he saw Murong Shuyu.

"I come whenever I want, it's none of your business, this is not your home." Murong Shuyu got up and snorted, but she didn't dare to look directly at Long Yi, thinking about the ambiguity the night before, she still couldn't let go.

"Do you want to know the secrets below? I'll tell you in exchange for a sweet kiss." Long Yi smirked.

"You... scoundrel, I won't do it, who do you think I am." Murong Shuyu said angrily.

"Of course you are a woman. The woman I like." Long Yi smiled, looking at Murong Shuyu's eyes so bright that it made one's heart palpitate.

Murong Shuyu's heart jumped suddenly, and her expression became colorful in an instant. There seemed to be slight electric currents running around all over the body, and it seemed that every cell was trembling with joy. She turned her back quickly, her pretty face was like a red apple, the corners of her mouth unconsciously drew a perfect arc, she couldn't deny how happy she was at this moment.

"Xiao Yu'er. Are you willing or not? I can go down if you don't." Long Yi said with a smile, he saw her pretty face like grease the moment she turned her back. The red is really cute, I really want to take a bite.

Murong Shuyu calmed down her uncontrollable heartbeat, hesitating in her heart whether to turn around, but at this moment, she suddenly appeared and there was no movement behind her, and when she felt it carefully, Long Yi was gone at all. breath.

"Ximenyu, you scoundrel..." Murong Shuyu thought that Long Yi had gone, and turned around angrily when she stomped her feet, but as soon as she turned around, she saw Long Yi's naughty smiling face close at hand, and the words behind her were stuck in her throat I can't get out.

Long Yi took a step forward, cupped Murong Shuyu's pretty face with both hands, and kissed the jade's tender cherry lips with his big mouth with lightning speed.

Murong Shuyu was stunned on the spot, with her little hand on her lips, as if she hadn't recovered from Long Yi's surprise attack.

After a long time, when Murong Shuyu's heart recovered from the seemingly weightless space, Long Yi had already used the bone shrinking skill to sneak into the secret room below from the entrance of the cave.


Returning to the stone room where the mummified corpses were piled up again, Long Yi found that the number of corpses here had almost doubled compared to that night, and the unpleasant smell of blood and corpses made it almost impossible to breathe.

Long Yi stuck in front of that stone door like lightning, but found that only a remnant of the strong dark soul power he felt that day was floating in the air.

Combining mental power and internal power to cast an isolation barrier, Long Yi slowly pushed the stone door open a gap, glanced inside, and found that the inside was empty, even the strengthened defensive alarm barrier had been removed.

Long Yi pushed open the stone door and dodged in, carefully concealing his breath. All the way forward, when he entered a stone room in front, his brows could not help but wrinkle.

This stone room is full of black and yellow crystals, the size of a fist, shining with a gloomy luster. Long Yi walked to a crystal jar, which was filled with taupe powder.

"It's strange, these powders are the necessary materials for the God-Forbidden Magic Array, how can there be them here?" Long Yi couldn't help muttering as he picked up some fine pieces, this kind of powder is these black and yellow crystals as the main raw material, plus ten The remaining kinds of other ore powders are formulated according to the proportion.

Forbidden God magic circle was seen by Long Yi in a magic circle illustration book he found from the temple. Hearing the name, he knew how powerful the magic circle was, but the opposite was the complexity of the magic circle. The degree and mental power consumed are extremely abnormal, and some rare ores are needed as supplementary materials. Of course, those so-called rare ores are everywhere in Canglan Continent, but what Long Yi doesn't understand is the powder made from this formula How could it appear here.

"Could it be...it's Mu Hanyan? Has this woman always been on the side of Long Zhan?" Long Yijun's face turned cold. According to his guess, only Mu Hanyan came from that continent, and she didn't leak this recipe. Who will it be?

Long Yi's mind turned a thousand times, he didn't stop any longer, after passing through several stone chambers, he came to a long passage, he flew along the passage and entered. After a while, he came to an end.

After activating the mechanism, Long Yi's eyes lit up.

"This is... the Imperial Study Room?" Long Yi was startled. Isn't this incomparably luxurious room the same as the Imperial Study Room he had been to before? In other words, he is now in the palace.

"Long Zhan, Long Zhan, what the hell are you doing?" Long Yi murmured in his heart, and stepped out of the imperial study room. Since he is here, let's take a stroll, maybe he will find some clues.

Long Yi is no stranger to the imperial palace, his figure flickered and he rushed towards the harem.

The harem is where Long Zhan's concubines live, and Yingying Yanyan is very lively.

It's not difficult to know Long Zhan's whereabouts, these disgruntled wives complained and lamented themselves, and Long Yi learned that Long Zhan had adopted a new concubine and lived there every day.

This old boy really knows how to enjoy it, this old bone is still a concubine. Long Yi thought angrily.

Jingde Palace, this is the residence of Long Zhan's new concubine, looking at the guards outside, Long Yi knew that Long Zhan must be inside.

After a great shift of the universe, Long Yi reappeared and entered the Jingde Palace. He looked at the building of Jingde Palace, and flew to the attic.

"Hmm... ah... Your Majesty, you are so brave..." A sound of * * accompanied by the big bed's groans entered Long Yi's ears.

Day, this old man... Long Yi cursed inwardly, flying to where the sound was.

But at this moment, Long Yi's hair exploded, and his big hand struck towards the left rear like lightning.

As soon as the blow missed, the opponent's speed was extremely fast, Long Yi's body flashed, and he stuck to it like a maggot attached to a bone.

"It's me." A soft voice sounded beside Long Yi's ear, the familiar faint fragrance rushed into Long Yi's nostrils, and the gentle and jade-like body next to him exuded a deadly allure.

"Hanyan? Why are you here?" Long Yi moved his big hand from Mu Hanyan's neck and asked softly in surprise.

"Why can't I be here if you are here?" Mu Hanyan gave Long Yi a white look.

But at this time, the battle below became more intense, Long Yi pushed aside a loose wooden board, and saw that Long Zhan was carrying a pair of guns on his shoulders, and the guns were hitting forward quickly one after another.

"I'm here to fuck, don't you, too?" Long Yi hugged Mu Hanyan's slender waist, bit her delicate earlobe with his big mouth, and his claws restlessly caught the pair of plump jade rabbits upwards.

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