Womanizing Mage

Chapter 552: The Empress Arrives

Jing's right cheek swelled up quickly, and a trace of blood dripped from the corner of her mouth.

"It's another slap. What you gave me, I will keep in my heart. I really want to see how miserable you are in the end." Jingjing suddenly giggled, and she stretched out her tongue to lick the corner of her mouth. blood stains, turned around and left the room.

Mu Hanyan sat down a little slumped, with complex emotions flashing in her beautiful eyes, be it joy, sadness or pain.

"He must hate me to the bone now, if..." Mu Hanyan sighed softly, powerless and lonely.


The early spring sun shone warmly on the body, making people drowsy and want to sleep.

Long Yi was lying on the roof with his hands behind his head, with a comfortable expression on his face, while Li Qing and Man Niu sat behind holding their weapons, their eyes were empty and unfocused, apparently immersed in their own thoughts.

There are three days left before the coronation ceremony of Ximen Nu, and Nalan Ruyue, the empress of the Nalan Empire, will visit Tenglong City a little later today, and tomorrow the coalition forces of the two countries led by Bei Tangyu and the orcs represented by the little fox Bertha The family will also come, in the past few days, most of the beauties who have been separated for a long time gathered around, let Long Yi fall into the land of tenderness, enjoy the blessings of being equal to everyone, the days are so delicious that even the gods envy.

It's just that Long Yi's only regret is Wushuang. It's been a long, long time since she escorted Queen Mia Lianxin to the ice field, but now there's no news. Presumably something happened. After his father Ximen Nu was crowned, he had to personally Just take a trip to the ice field. There is also that girl Leng Youyou, who was in a state of retreat after being sent to the elf forest by the bull. I don't know if I can come back in a few days.

At this time, there are a lot of beauties of national beauty gathered in the yard, chatting happily in groups of three or five. If others see it, I am afraid that their eyeballs will fall to the ground. Beauties of this level usually It would be lucky to see one or two, but such a pile would be a bit scary, and probably no one in the world could bear it except for a freak like Long Yi.

"Husband, come down, Mittel and the others said they are going shopping. Let's go together." Nan Gongxiang waved to Long Yi on the roof.

Long Yi sat up and looked at Yingying and Yanyan below strangely, such a group of beautiful women went shopping together, it wouldn't cause confusion.

"Ask more guards to follow. Husband, I want to cultivate myself, so I won't go." Long Yi said with a smile, what a joke, it's scary for a woman to go shopping. It's hard to deal with one, let alone such a bunch.

"Sisters, leave him alone, let's go out." Feng Ling gave Long Yi a sweet look. So they formed the Tianxian tour group and went out of Ximen Mansion.

Long Yi is not worried about these beauties,

With the escort of the Ximen family, no one should be blind to provoke them, and they are lucky if they don't provoke others. In case someone has the misfortune to mess with them. He could only mourn for that person. None of these women is a fuel-efficient lamp.

"Hahaha, Master Ximen. You are quite leisurely. How about we have a drink or two?" At this moment, a big man with a beard came in from the courtyard, and his loud laughter seemed to raise the roof.

"Brother Mo Yan, it's not difficult to drink, I will order the kitchen to deliver the food and drinks." Long Yi smiled, the person who came was Mo Yan, the wild lion he dug to sit in the Bounty Hunters Guild.

Kuang Shifei climbed onto the roof, and said with a smile: "No need, I'll bring my own food and drink, this time I invite you, come, brother Li, brother Niu, let's have a good drink together."

The wild lion said that he set out dozens of jugs of fine wine and a table of hot underground dishes from the space ring at once, slapped the seal of the wine jugs and poured it, and then let out a mouthful of alcohol and laughed: "The last time I tasted the wine of Master Ximen The Baihua Niang brought here is indeed mellow and mellow, with endless aftertaste, but the wine is not strong enough, real men have to drink this seven-day drunkenness obtained from the dwarves, it is strong enough."

Long Yi and the others unceremoniously lifted the wine jar and drank a few sips boldly.

"Yes, this wine is strong enough, but I have drunk stronger and more fragrant wine, that is the sea soul in the palace of the Nalan Empire, but I have already drank it all, and the rest is not old enough, what a pity." Long Yi recollected He said that it was the only fine wine that he felt could be compared with the Baihua Brew of the elves.

The four men were coming and going, drunk and chatting, but suddenly they heard the gun salute outside the North City Gate.

"It's Yue'er coming." Long Yi was overjoyed, he didn't care about drinking, and disappeared on the roof in a flash, leaving the three of them staring at each other with drunk eyes.

"Brother Li, Brother Niu, Master Ximen is going to pick up the beauty, we brothers will continue to drink." Wild Lion laughed.

Man Niu and Li Qing wanted to chase after him, but Long Yi was too fast, thinking about Long Yi and Nalan Ruyue's reunion, going alone would not hinder them, so they sat down and continued to drink with Wild Lion.

Long Yi walked over to the north city gate and looked at the Nalan Empire imperial convoy slowly advancing not far away, a total of more than ten luxurious carriages, the Phoenix in the center was even more resplendent and extremely luxurious, escorted by five thousand elite cavalry.

The team is getting closer and closer, and the ground of the leading cavalry can already be clearly seen. At this time, the golden tassel curtain that the central phoenix closed opened a crack, and a pair of strange eyes looked out.

"Sister, come and see, I saw my brother-in-law on the city wall." The little loli peeping out turned to look at Nalan Ruyue and said excitedly.

"Really?" Nalan Ruyue, who was dressed in a gorgeous queen's attire, couldn't sit still after hearing that she could see her lover, so she left the soft bed and came over.

With Long Yi's eyesight, he saw Nalan Rumeng's agile eyes, the smile on his face continued to expand, and his precious sister Hua also came to his side, is there anything more pleasant than this?

At this moment, Nalan Ruyue pulled away her younger sister, looked out of the gap between Lianman, but found that there was no shadow of Long Yi on the city wall at all.

"What a girl, how dare you lie to me to see if I won't smash your ass." Nalan Ruyue glared at her sister, causing her to be happy in vain.

"Yue'er, whose dick are you going to smash?" At this moment, the curtain swayed slightly, and accompanied by a low-pitched laugh, Long Yi's naughty smile slowly changed from illusory to real in Nalan Ruyue's eyes. solidified.

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