Womanizing Mage

Chapter 555: The 7th Floor of Aotian Jue

Shocked with all his heart, his meridians swelled, and the Aotian Jue who stayed on the fifth floor reacted to this breakthrough, and it came faster and more violently than any of the previous breakthroughs. Long Yi has no experience with Aotian Jue above the fifth level, because he only reached the fifth level when he reached the highest level in his previous life, and he doesn't understand what kind of pain he has to go through to break through the fifth level, but seeing the bubbling qi in his body is really a little bit fear.

"Sun, how could it be at this time." Long Yi landed on the mountainside with some unsteadiness, feeling as if his whole body was about to be cooked by the true energy in his body, the pain brought by that burning sensation was not only * *, even a strong consciousness is tormented in the fire of the sky with a high temperature of 10,000 degrees.

The clothes on his body quickly turned into ashes and drifted away, white smoke billowed from Long Yi's body, the plants that were hundreds of meters away turned yellow and withered in an instant, the sand and stones on the ground began to burn black and red, the boiling water Infuriating seems to melt everything.

The meridians all over Long Yi's body were convulsed, shrinking and expanding for a while, and the sea of ​​consciousness was like a sledgehammer hammering hard, making him excruciatingly painful, but he was sober and unable to faint even if he wanted to. **He has felt the extreme pain of the soul, but now it seems that the pain he suffered before is nothing compared to this time.

Relying on the last bit of stamina, Long Yi used the enchantment beads to construct a barrier, and summoned Long Er and several great beasts to protect it outside. He knew that every critical moment of breakthrough could not tolerate any mistakes, otherwise he would be destroyed in this world. The soul is gone, not even the dregs are left.

The dazzling golden light shoots out from the golden cloud imprint on Long Yi's chest, faintly connecting with his dantian consciousness sea. The long-lost Thunder God Tablet and Fengshen God Tablet spun above Long Yi's head, shining purple-blue light.

In the lost city, the dark space, the statue of the God of Darkness in the great hall deep in the cold pool suddenly turned into a human form with a flash of black light.

"Fengshen Seal! Alas, destiny. Nothing can be forced." The hoarse voice echoed faintly in the hall.

At this time, Di Longyi was close to the limit of pain and was about to collapse. At that time, if I get lucky enough to get a life, I am afraid that I will become an idiot from now on.

The zhenqi in the meridians of his body was still boiling, but the golden cloud on Long Yi's chest was still continuously pouring huge amounts of energy into his body, and the zhenqi that was boiled melted into it, and the already thick zhenqi continued to flow. compression.

Long Yi's meridian is like a balloon. Gas is continuously blown into it. It makes it more and more inflated, but his meridian is not as fragile as a balloon, but is unconsciously compressed, making the gas inside more and more dense. It's just that no matter how tough the balloon is blown down indefinitely, it will always explode, and no matter how dense the gas is, it will always be saturated.

finally. The zhenqi in Long Yi's body swelled to the limit, and after a big contraction of the meridians, it exploded violently.

There was only a loud bang and an explosion,

An astonishingly dense air pressure spreads in all directions centered on Long Yi. The enchantment was shattered in an instant, and the sand, dust and smoke rose one after another, rising like a huge cloud. The entire ground shook violently, and the people who were several miles away were knocked to the ground in an instant. The magic glass on the buildings in Tenglong City shattered piece by piece. Everyone thought an earthquake was coming.

For a long time, people were in shock. Only then did I discover that the big explosion just now came from the high mountains on the outskirts of the city, where the sun was still covered by sand and dust. Can't see what's going on.

At this time, the well-trained troops stationed outside the city were already rushing towards that side. In two days' time, Emperor Canglan's enthronement and coronation will be held. Nothing can happen at this sensitive moment. What's more, the big explosion was on the outskirts of Tenglong City. If it happened in Tenglong City, how many people would die.

When thousands of soldiers arrived. Everyone was stunned, the high mountain that stood here before was razed to the ground, and there were broken rocks and broken branches everywhere. I am afraid that such a high mountain can only be achieved with the magic of gods.

At this moment, a loud and high-pitched howling sound came from high above, and wherever it passed, even the air was shaken and turned. Through the thick smoke, the soldiers opened their mouths wide and looked at the god-like figure. This man was covered with a silver-purple light armor, engraved with mysterious textures, and held a huge hammer with silk Lightning flashes, what is it if it's not the Thor suit?

"It's him? Could it be that that brat has surpassed the level of a god?" Two hundred miles away, the sword god Murong Bo who was bringing the three elders of the hidden Murong family to Tenglong City suddenly froze in space, listening to this voice The surging pure static energy fluctuated in the waves, and murmured with some doubts.

"It's him!" Beitang Yu, who was only fifty miles away from Tenglong City and brought the coalition forces of the two countries back to the division, stopped, feeling the rolling sound

With a familiar breath, the cold and indifferent pretty face finally showed some fluctuations.

But at this moment, Long Yi majestically settled in the air after a long howl. Of course, this was seen by the thousands of soldiers below. In fact, he was in a daze, looking inside with his mental power, and found that the meridians of his whole body were invisible and surging. However, his true energy filled his whole body, and he was doing the reverse flow of the rules. And there is another cyan magic core in the sea of ​​consciousness, and the Fengshen God card is constantly spinning on it. Now only the magic element of the earth element has been transformed into a magic core, and the seven god cards have already got five of them except the earth and water elements. .

"The seventh level of Aotian Jue, actually leapfrogged to break through?" Long Yi was a little confused, the power of the first level of Aotian Jue and the first level cannot be equated and different, the further to the back, the gap between each level is very different. There is no need to use wind magic to fly, and after the breakthrough, he was actually allowed to wear the Thor suit that he had never been able to put on before.

Just thinking of this, Long Yi suddenly felt that the Thunder God suit on his body sank, turning into a purple awn and re-entering his body, and the Thor God card in the sea of ​​consciousness became somewhat dim in an instant.

Long Yi came back to his senses, suddenly found thousands of soldiers below were staring blankly at his clean and smooth body with their mouths wide open, couldn't help swearing, took out a set of clothes from the space ring, put them on, and then floated down.

"See Master Ximen." Thousands of soldiers knelt on one knee and saluted respectfully. Long Yi already had a high prestige in the army. It was he who single-handedly created the legend of the Hell's Angels, and even created the legend of the invincibility of the Peerless Battalion. See you now Long Yi descended into the world like a god, and with a flick of his fingers, a high mountain was wiped out in ashes, and the awe in his heart deepened.

"Well, there's nothing wrong here, brothers and sisters, let's go back." Long Yi waved his hands.

Thousands of soldiers were ordered to leave, but Long Yi was sitting on a big rock, staring at the mess of the place in a daze, did he really do this? Although he was able to flatten a mountain before, it was only limited to hills. This is a high mountain with an altitude of more than a thousand meters, but it was flattened by the energy leaked when he broke through. How could he not be surprised? The two hills leveled by Mittel and Sharman were less than half of this.

With a few sounds of "wow", several black shadows soared into the sky from the ruins, but they were the divine beasts such as Long Er and Xiao San who were protecting Long Yi. They were all in such a state of distress that they were almost buried alive underground.

"Woooo..." Several great beasts yelled at Long Yi twice in dissatisfaction, shaking off the dust all over their bodies.

Long Yi shrugged innocently, then pulled back his clothes as if he suddenly remembered something, looked at the golden cloud imprint on his chest, suspected that the reason why he leapfrogged through was the effect of this imprint, he felt the surging true energy in his body With this, there is an unexplainable feeling. This cloud imprint was given to him by Mu Hanyan, what exactly is it? Where is she now?

When the smoke and dust cleared, Tenglong City also restored normal order. At this time, Ximen Nu was leading more than a hundred officials and nobles in fresh clothes, and was escorted by five thousand shadow cavalry out of the east gate. The triumphant return of the victorious division.

Long Yi flew down, took over Ximen Nu's unicorn and sat on it.

"Father." Long Yi immediately saluted Ximen Nu.

"Breakthrough?" Ximen looked angrily at his son who had undergone a tremendous change in energy and spirit, and was deeply moved. The blue came out of the blue and was better than the blue. If it weren't for his help these years, the Ximen family would never have been able to win in such a short period of time. In this world, back then, he was just a lawless dude who relied on his family's protection, a prostitute who was shouted and beaten by everyone, but now he is a hero with top strength and everyone admires.

"Yes, father." The excitement in Long Yi's heart had already calmed down, and he smiled lightly.

"Okay, okay, wait a few years for my father to pass the throne to you, and you will definitely be able to develop the Ximen family to the peak." Ximen Nu patted Long Yi's shoulder in relief, he hadn't officially assumed the throne yet, so now Thinking about passing down the throne.

Long Yi looked bitter, and he didn't refute it. To be an emperor, a ghost would be willing to do it. You don't need to worry about the important matters of people's livelihood. The so-called conquering the country is easy and defending the country is difficult. He doesn't want to spend the rest of his life on it, freely traveling around the world with beauties is his dream. Of course, he didn't dare to say that. With the old man's body, it shouldn't be a problem to stay on the throne for more than ten or twenty years. By then, many of his sons will grow up, and it will be over if he just grabs one of them. This man-creating movement has to speed up the process.

Just thinking about it, a group of people have arrived at the deliberately built Shili Pavilion, also known as the Victory Pavilion.

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