Womanizing Mage

Chapter 566: The Queen Bee

seal? What seal? "Long Yi asked in surprise.

"Ice Blood Demon Bee is an ancient creature. It existed millions of years ago when the whole world was covered by ice. It dominated the ice field tens of thousands of years ago. No creature could escape their pursuit in the ice field. The dragon god and the elders of the dragon clan jointly sealed it, and it may have been too long to loosen the seal." Xi Ya, the water god, explained.

"Then why did they attack the Ice Palace? It can't be because of revenge." The dragon looked worried, and six of them belonged to the dragon clan.

"Maybe." Xi Ya said lightly.

"The defensive barrier of the Ice Palace is shaking violently, it looks like it's about to fail, I'll help them." Long Yi said and was about to fly away.

"Wait, look at the attack formation of the bee swarm, it is because of the command of the queen bee. If the queen bee is killed, the swarm's momentum will be weakened, and the attack will become chaotic. It will be much easier to deal with. In this way, I will advance into the Ice Palace to help your friends resist, and you find the queen bee and kill it." Xi Ya pulled Long Yi back and said, dealing with the queen bee would be very risky, she is not afraid of death, but now Long Yi is stronger than her, so it is a matter of course. Leave it to him.

"No problem, it's just a little queen bee." Long Yi shrugged and said with a smile, his sharp eyes began to search through the swarm of bees.

"Then be careful, I'll enter the Ice Palace." Xi Ya looked at Long Yi tenderly, stood on tiptoe and kissed Long Yi's lips, the man had turned into a light blue smoke and rushed into the bee colony in the distance .

A layer of blue water curtain barrier knocked away the densely packed ice-blood demon bees. Forcibly cut a passage out of it.

The swarm of bees was suddenly rushed in by strangers, and they gathered angrily to attack Xiya, their eyes were full of the blood-red tail needles of the ice-blood demon bees.

"Big waves are raging and Yajiao shouted. The water god card shot out from between her eyebrows, and a huge water dragon swept in from the sky. In an instant, all the ice-blood demon bees within hundreds of meters around Xiya were involved in it. The magic bee can fly and drill holes. It can move freely in the ice field, but other bee species on the mainland are also afraid of water. The whole body will melt when it touches water.

With no swarms of bees in front of her blocking her way, Xiya effortlessly penetrated into the ice palace's defensive barrier by relying on the water god card. The divine card spun in the air, exuding light blue brilliance, and the twisted barrier became stable like a rock in an instant.

Everyone in the barrier let out a long sigh of relief. A little later, the barrier will be shattered. Looking at the almost impenetrable bee swarm outside, their scalps will be numb. If their own barrier cannot support when they run away, they will shudder thinking about the consequences.

"Sister Wushuang, you are back." Yu Feng saw Wushuang descending like a fairy. In addition, after meeting at the end of a long time, he ran over excitedly.

Xi Ya was startled,

I didn't know what to say for a while, I just smiled lightly.

"It's over. It's over. I'm over..." Seeing Xiya descending from the sky, Ge Rucia was already in a trance, but now she saw her warm smile like a spring breeze. I just felt that his pure heart was numb, and he shouted wildly in his heart, my spring. You finally came.

Li Qing, who was at the side, saw Grusia staring at Xi Ya with a dazed look, so he couldn't help but groaned coldly, and then directed a burst of cold air to hit him.

Grusia only felt a chill on her neck, jumped up with a cry of surprise, and said, "Who's his grandfather sneaking up on me."

Georgia looked around. His eyes fixed on Li Qing who was staring at him coldly, and he said angrily, "You are the one who sneaked up on me?"

"That's right." Li Qing said coldly.

"You ice cube, you have nothing to do when you are full. Is my brother hindering you?" Mittel jumped out first seeing her brother being bullied for no reason. Dragons have the habit of protecting their weaknesses. Lucia was staring, but she was the first to jump out to protect him when he was bullied.

However, Li Qing ignored Mittel, stared at Grusia and said coldly: "Look at the young lady like that again. Be careful of your eyeballs."

"Young Madam? Is she also a woman from Long Yi?" Ge Ruxia said in a daze, he was dumbfounded just now. He never heard Yu Feng call Xiya Wushuang sister.

"This sister. Your charm is really great. You see that the Shenlong Clan prides themselves on being noble. They lost their souls when they saw you." Shaman giggled coquettishly. She would never give up the opportunity to attack the Shenlong Clan. Pass.

Mittel gritted his silver teeth, wanted to do it but was helpless, so he pulled Gelucia's ear angrily, and said angrily: "You have lost the face of the Dragon Clan, you worthless guy."

Gloria cried out in pain and begged for mercy loudly, but she glanced at Xiya who was indifferent from the corner of her eye, feeling sour in her heart, all good women were taken away by that violent guy, why are all the beauties his? The sky has no eyes, it's a pity that he was pinched by someone before his heart trembled just now.

"I'm not Wushuang." Xi Ya said lightly.

Yu Feng was dumbfounded, Man Niu was dumbfounded, Li Qing was also a little stunned, she was obviously Wushuang, why did she say she wasn't, could it be Wushuang and twin sisters.

Gloria was excited for a while, and her pinched heart began to struggle hard.

"But it's still Long Yi's woman." Xi Ya continued, she didn't know which aspect she was referring to, whether she was referring to Wu Shuang's body or her own consciousness.

Gelucia seemed to be strangled by someone, her face was ashen, and her struggling heart was completely dead.

"Then you are?" Yu Feng asked suspiciously.

Xi Ya remained silent, not everyone was qualified to know her identity.

But at this moment, Long Yi collected all his breath and moved around the bee colony. With his eyesight, he had already spotted a baby-like mass of ice-blood demon bees the size of a fist in the middle of the air to the west of the bee colony. Large and small, the magic bee with a faint layer of cold mist all over its body must be the queen bee.

Long Yi frowned, his heart tightened slightly, with his beast-like intuition, he clearly sensed the danger from that queen bee, with his current strength, there were only a handful of creatures on Canglan Continent that could make him feel dangerous.

Calculating the distance correctly, Long Yi adjusted his breathing and heartbeat, and moved the universe to the extreme, his figure suddenly disappeared in place, and almost at the same time, the cold mist on the queen bee's body suddenly became thicker, and there was a piercing scream.

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