Womanizing Mage

Chapter 574: Dragon King Treasure Cave

As soon as he moved towards the top of the mountain quickly, he came to a huge cave and paved a wide road with all kinds of shiny rare treasures. The edge of the cave was also inlaid with several circles of treasures, which made Long Yi I can't help feeling that the Dragon Clan is rich and powerful, but it's just too tacky.

There are no dragon guards in front of the Dragon King's residence, it seems that the Dragon King is quite at ease, but this is a good thing for Long Yi.

Feeling it carefully, Long entered the cave cautiously at first, but was dumbfounded when he entered, and murmured: "The passage of heaven, the passage of heaven."

Compared with Liu Xu's Crystal Dragon Palace in the magic forest, this Dragon King's residence is even more shocking. The cave is more than 50 meters high and 30 meters wide. Entering through a straight passage, the eyes are full of brilliance, which makes people dizzy. Well, the cave goes in for more than 500 meters and divides into three branch caves, all of which are also decorated with treasures. Anyone who sees this scene will inevitably lose his temper. Compared with this place, the national treasure house of the Kuanglong Empire is nothing.

Long Yi resisted the plan to sweep all these treasures into the interspatial ring. Everyone knows that the dragon clan is addicted to treasures, especially the Dragon King. Who knows if he will tamper with these treasures. Wouldn't it be bad to feel it.

When Long Yi came to the three branch caves, he didn't sense the Dragon King's aura, it seemed that the Dragon King's residence was an empty space at all.

Randomly turning into a branch cave, Long Yi found that there was a stone room at a certain distance, the stone room was empty, without any treasure decoration, I don't know what it was for.

After doing this for a while, the branch hole suddenly disappeared. At the end is a layer of golden enchantment, which makes Long Yi very curious about what is inside the enchantment.

Do you want to break through the barrier and go in? Long Yi was a little hesitant, he came here mainly to know the whereabouts of Mittel and his brother, is it necessary to spend time to break through this barrier?

It's just that Long Yi turned around and thought, the Mittel siblings originally lived here. Was it trapped here by the Dragon King with an enchantment?

Thinking about it this way, Long Yi decided to enter this barrier to see what happened. He first covered his whole body with mental power. Aotian decided to integrate his internal power into his spiritual power. Then he leaned his body towards the barrier, and with Ao Tianjue's characteristic of melting the barrier, he believed that he could enter the barrier without anyone noticing. Just looking at the strength of this enchantment, it will take a little more time.

slowly. Long Yi's body squeezed into the barrier bit by bit, and he prayed in his heart that no one should come in at this critical moment, otherwise half of his body would be stuck in the barrier. Nor can it be said that it can be said. At that time, it will not be mermaid meat.

After more than an hour. Long Yi finally passed through the barrier with a soft bang, but before he could breathe a sigh of relief, he suddenly felt that his feet were empty, and his whole body began to fall. Fortunately, he has experienced countless dangers, so he forcibly raised his energy to stabilize his body.

Not a sound came out. Otherwise, the first reaction of ordinary people in this situation is to scream.

Long Yi only let out a breath at this time, and suddenly felt something was wrong. look down. His eyes widened. Hastily covered his mouth. Be careful almost jumped out of his throat.

God. What did he see? A dragon, a giant dragon, a golden dragon, the Mittel brothers and sisters are simply incomparable in terms of body shape and scale brightness. And his volleying feet were only a few centimeters away from the top of the giant dragon's head, and he could feel the hot air emitted by the giant dragon when it breathed.

Long Yi held his breath. Carefully leaning towards the mountain wall. He didn't start to look at this place until he was some distance away from the sleeping dragon. It looked like it should be the mountainside of the Dragon King Peak. Below is the pile of gold and silver treasures. And this giant dragon fell asleep coiled on the treasure.

"No, he is cultivating with all his heart." Looking at the golden light flowing around the giant dragon, Long Yi thought, if he guessed right, this giant dragon should be the Dragon King without a doubt, and he might be sinking all his consciousness right now. Cultivating in the sea of ​​consciousness is called complete cultivation, and this method is generally used to practice in closed doors, and the effect is much better than separating out a part of consciousness for vigilance.

The Dragon King is really fucking rich, Long Yi relaxed his mind at this moment, looked at the full treasure and sighed. Dragon King Peak is more than 3,000 meters above sea level, if these treasures are piled up from the foot of the mountain. That number is really astonishing.

At this time, Long Yi felt that the Dragon King should not have any sense of the outside world, as long as there is no fluctuation of the earth's energy, he will not wake up from the cultivation, so he is much more courageous.

"Dragon King, Dragon King, it's useless for you to keep such a treasure anyway, why don't you share it with me, it's better to be happy alone than to be happy together." Long Yi smirked, talking to himself while sweeping the most precious treasure into the space In the ring, soon, the two empty grids in the space ring were filled to the brim.

Just when Long Yi was about to take it back when he was ready, he suddenly discovered a four-square gold seal under the Dragon King's body, with a protruding dragon-shaped mark on the seal, which was so lifelike that it seemed to fly out of the seal. like.

"Dragon King Seal?" Long Yi's pupils shrank, the Dragon King Seal was the only thing he needed to enter the Dragon Clan's forbidden area, how could he return empty-handed after seeing it.

Long Yi leaned silently beside the Dragon King Seal, holding the two sides with both hands and pulling it out, but the Dragon King Seal was pressed by the Dragon King's huge body, and it didn't move at all. Awakened the Dragon King.

Returning to Long Yi is absolutely not reconciled to this, but because the Dragon King was awakened in this way, the gain is not worth the loss, and I am afraid that the two grids full of treasure just searched will have to be spit out.

Long Yi was stroking the stubble on his chin and meditating, his black eyes suddenly flickered to look at the Dragon King's belly. According to the experiments on Mytil and Shamandi, the ventral side of the Dragon Clan is very sensitive, as long as it is scratched lightly, it will become unbearably itchy.

Long Yi found a brush from the interspatial ring, and gently swept it across the Dragon King's belly. The Dragon King who was cultivating seemed to feel something, his huge body moved, but the Dragon King Seal was still pressed under his body.

"I don't believe you don't move, your grandpa's." Long Yi muttered to himself, and the brush in his hand swept the Dragon King's belly again.

The Dragon King shook his body, and his huge body twisted to the side, taking advantage of this opportunity. Long Yi

Pulled out the Dragon King Seal from under the Dragon King's body, threw the brush into the space and flew towards the barrier in a flash.

Long Yi slipped out of the cave, and found that the sky outside was bright, the sun was hanging high in the sky, without the cover of rainy night. It is still a bit difficult to get out of Longwang Peak without anyone noticing. He turned from the front of the Dragon King Cave to the back, wanting to see if there was any other way out, but suddenly found two dragon guards halfway up the mountain, he felt strange in his heart, and took a closer look. It was seen that the two of them were guarding in front of a dark cave.

These two dragon guards looked very young, and their strength was far inferior to those at the bottom of the mountain. Long Yi collected his breath and approached slowly, and heard the two dragon guards chatting.

Guard A said: "You still have a way, set up a sound-proof enchantment. Otherwise, you won't be killed by the princess and the prince."

Guard B said helplessly: "The two of us are really miserable. We have just been selected as the guards to share such an errand. It's not like you don't know that the princess is the number one Tyrannosaurus rex of our Shenlong clan. When the Dragon King releases them, The two of us can't do without the princess' beating."

Guard A shuddered when he heard this, and said, "Then what can you do? We can't let them go, right? The Dragon King will take the blame."

Guardian sighed: "What can I do, our brothers are still more prepared to be wounded and prepare to be beaten. I really hope the princess will get married and find a husband to control her. Otherwise, we don't want to have a good life. Pass."

Long Yi laughed heartily upon hearing this. I really didn't expect Mytil's notoriety in the Dragon Clan to reach such a level. He rolled his eyes and thought of a way.

"You don't have to worry about this, your princess will be married soon." Long Yi suddenly appeared, wrapped in a long robe from head to toe.

"Who are you?" The two dragon guards immediately became vigilant, if they hadn't sensed the aura of the Shenlong family from Long Yi, they would have immediately issued an alarm for someone to invade.

"Of course I am the princess's last husband, the son-in-law handpicked by the Dragon King. You don't have to worry about it in the future. The princess listens to me the most. If she troubles you, I will beat her." Long Yi laughed.

The two dragon guards looked at each other and said, "We haven't heard of such a thing."

"Of course you don't know, it's still a secret, you don't want to spread this matter, if other clansman find out, you will be miserable, understand?" Long Yi said mysteriously.

"Even if it's true, what are you doing here?" Dragon Guard A was not stupid, and asked suspiciously.

"I am ordered by the Dragon King to take the princess and the prince away. They are responsible for the secret mission that the Dragon King entrusted to them." Long Yi said seriously, flipping his hands over, the golden Dragon King Seal twirled on the palm of his hand.

As soon as the two dragon guards saw the Dragon King Seal, they immediately knelt down, their doubts disappeared, and they opened the barrier in the cave under Long Yi's order.

As soon as Long put away the seal of the Dragon King and entered the cave, he saw Mittel and Gelucia sitting wearily on the wall of the cave, and heard Long Yi come in without even raising their heads.

"Gelucia, why don't you greet your brother-in-law when he comes?" Long Yi said with a chuckle.

Gelucia and Mittel bounced up at the same time, seeing Long Yi pull down his mask and wink at them.

"Brother-in-law, you...I really want to die." Gloria rushed over with tears and snot, but was kicked aside by Long Yi.

"You... why are you here?" Mittel asked a little excitedly.

"My dear, the Dragon King asked me to take you out." Long Yi said with a grin, and took two steps forward to wrap his arms around Mittel's slender waist.

Mittel blushed and was about to do it, but Long Yi leaned into her ear and breathed hot air: "If you want to go out, be obedient."

When Long Yi walked out of the cave with his arms around Mittel's slender waist, and Mittel looked shy, the two dragon guards opened their mouths wide and looked at Long Yi with admiring eyes, without the slightest doubt in their hearts.

"Listen, both of you, this matter is a secret. You continue to stay here and don't mention it to any clansman, understand?" Long Yi said to the two dragon clan guards.

"Understood, we understand, you can rest assured." The two dragon guards nodded repeatedly, joking, the guy who can subdue the number one Tyrannosaurus Rex in the dragon clan is no ordinary guy, and besides, Long Yi can save them from Mytil's clutches Let them be grateful to Dade, plus Long Yi has the seal of the Dragon King, how dare they not listen to what he said.

When Long Yi took Mittel siblings out of sight of the two dragon guards, Mittel pulled away Long Yi's claws around her waist, and said angrily: "I haven't hugged enough yet."

"If I say no, will you still let me cuddle?" Long Yi said with a smirk.

"Dream, it's not because you rescued us, I cut off your pig's paw long ago." Mittel snorted.

Long Yi shrugged, not paying attention.

"By the way, brother-in-law, how did you do it? How did you get in? How could those two guys listen to you?" Gloria asked impatiently, and Mittel also looked over curiously. .

"This... Shanren has his own clever plan." Long Yi thought of the Dragon King seal in the space ring. Thinking that the two boxes inside are full of treasures, the smile on his face became more and more smug.

Seeing Long Yi's hideous smile, Mittel felt anxious, but she was so curious that she stepped forward to stop him and grabbed the collar of his robe on his chest. He said viciously: "Don't be a fool, are you going to tell me or not?"

"Couldn't you be gentler?" Long Yi complained, pointing to her little hand holding his collar.

Mittel took a deep breath and moved his hand away, remembering the gentle expressions of those women in Long Yi when they faced Long Yi, took a deep breath to soften their expressions, and blinked slightly. She said softly: "Long Yi, just tell others."

Long Yi and Gelucia were startled. At the same time, it bounced like lightning. His body trembled wildly, causing goosebumps all over the place.

"Old sister, don't be disgusting, I think you will never learn the word gentleness in your life." Gloria stroked her arm with a cold expression on her face.

Long Yi nodded with deep approval, looked at Mittel

From red to blue and then from green to white. It seems that there are signs of an explosion, he hurriedly we can change to a more practical way. "

"What way?" Mittel gritted his teeth. Feeling ashamed and angry, it was the first time in her life that she pretended to be gentle, but being teased by these two bastards made her mad.

"For example, you asked me to... kiss you." After Long Yi finished speaking, he jumped two steps away, for fear of getting burned.

But to Long Yi's surprise, Mittel was not as angry as expected, instead she looked calm, she looked at Long Yi and said: "Okay, I promise."

"Really?" Long Yi looked suspicious.

"Really." Mittel's fists began to cluck.

"Not lying?" Long Yi's dark eyes lit up.

"Don't lie... um..."

Mittel's eyes were dull, and she felt that her whole body was surrounded by a strong masculine aura, her lips were tightly blocked by Long Yi's big mouth, her heart was pounding wildly, and her mind became blank.

In just a few seconds, Long Yi jumped away, the female Tyrannosaurus's lips were really soft and the taste was good.

Seeing that Mittel's pupils gradually began to regain their agility, Long Yiyila was also stunned to Gelucia, and said, "Why are you standing still, why don't you run quickly."

Gloria responded foolishly, but she still couldn't figure out why she wanted to run away with him, but her body moved involuntarily.

"Long Yi, don't run, I'm going to kill you." Mittel said angrily, chasing after the two fleeing like lightning.

The dragon guards below only saw two figures flash by, and then Mytil, who had repaired him several times, chased after him, and the violent anger made him flinch involuntarily.

"Who didn't open their eyes again and provoked the princess, eh, no, haven't the princess and the prince been imprisoned by the Dragon King? Could it be that they were released?" The dragon guard muttered to himself, thinking, it must be the Dragon King who released them Well, the Dragon King spoils them too much, he really should lock them up for hundreds of years, so as not to always harm their guards.

What Long Yi wanted was this effect, killing two birds with one stone, firstly, he could steal the fragrance, and secondly, he could use Mittel's anger to avoid interrogation by the dragon guards down the mountain.

Long Yi ran into a dense forest, slammed on the brakes and turned around, Mittel, who was chasing after him, was caught off guard and almost fell straight into his arms.

"Don't be impulsive, it won't be good if you alarm the elders." Long Yi said, looking at Mittel with a smile.

Mittel gritted his teeth, but couldn't swallow the breath in his heart, how could this bad boy take advantage of it for nothing.

"Don't you want to know why I appeared here, and why I brought you here so easily?" Long Yi said hastily when he saw Mittel was still indignant.

"Tell me." Mytil kicked a big tree that was hugged by two people into two pieces, and then looked at Long Yi coldly.

Long Yi was speechless inwardly, and explained how to enter the Shenlong Island, then took out the Shenlong Seal from the space ring, and said with a smile: "Look at what this is?"

"Dragon King Seal!" The Mittel siblings screamed.

"How did you get it?" Mytyl asked anxiously.

"I went to your house to look for you, but by accident, I broke into the treasure cave where your father is retreating. Fortunately, your father is practicing with all his heart, and the Dragon King Seal is next to him, so I naturally took it here. "Long Yi said lightly.

"You have entered the royal father's cave." The two siblings stared at Long Yi at the same time, as if they were looking at a plate of delicious food.

"Tell me honestly, besides the Dragon King Seal, did you take other treasures? The treasures in the treasure cave are all treasured by the father, and we are not allowed to take a look at them at ordinary times." Mittel grabbed Long Yi's arm, It seems that he has forgotten how eager he was to eat him just now, one can imagine the attraction of treasure to the dragon clan.

"No, I only had the Dragon King Seal in my eyes at that time, and I was afraid that your father would wake up suddenly, so how could I have the heart to take other things." Long Yi hurriedly shook his head, even if he was killed, he would not admit it.



"Not lying?"

"Don't lie."

Mittel was a little discouraged, she was 100% sure that Long Yi wasn't telling the truth, she didn't believe that he was just so courageous, but she couldn't do anything about him if he refused to admit it, she and Ge Ge were concerned about the treasures in her father's treasure cave. Lu Xiya has been thinking about it for a long time. Compared with the treasures in the treasure cave, the decorated treasures in the cave are several grades worse.

"Now that the seals of the seven great elders and the seals of the Dragon King are all collected, we can go to the forbidden land of the Dragon Clan to save Liu Xu's parents." Long Yi said.

"Not yet, the forbidden area of ​​our Dragon Clan is not on the main island. We can't go out directly at this time, or the elders will notice it. I think we have to wait until it rains to sneak out of the lake you mentioned." Mittel She said listlessly, usually the elders would turn a blind eye when she and Gelucia went out, but now is an extraordinary period, so naturally it can't be like before.

Still waiting for thunderstorm weather? Long Yi frowned, seeing that Mittel couldn't get the treasure sample, he couldn't help laughing and said: "Hey, why is this expression, isn't it a treasure? I have quite a few too, and it's more expensive than your father's treasure cave. It’s not bad, and when we rescue Liu Xu’s parents, there’s nothing wrong with sharing with you.”

Seeing Long Yi's brilliant smile, Mittel couldn't help but startled, that sexy thin lips curled up in a beautiful arc, revealing a row of white teeth. When her pretty face became hot, her heartbeat couldn't help but a few beats faster, and she looked away unnaturally, the kiss that made her blush and heartbeat kept appearing in her mind.

"Brother-in-law, do you have my share?" Ge Rucia insisted, he didn't know that Long Yi's treasures most likely came from his father's treasure cave, but he was not stupid enough to say it, he still wanted to Got some treasures.

"Of course, you are also my brother-in-law." Long Yi smiled and winked at Mittel, causing her to roll her eyes in embarrassment.

Long Yi took the Mittel siblings back to the cave where Liuli and the other three hid, but found that the cave was empty and the three were gone.

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