Womanizing Mage

Chapter 590: The Fly of Dragon Island

The sky is blue and transparent, as clear as it has been washed by starch, dotted with white clouds flowing like cotton flowers, it is a bright color, which makes people feel refreshed when looking at it.

On the main island of Shenlong, all the dragons, regardless of their age, gathered together. They donated the treasures and jade they regarded as their lives, and built a resplendent and magnificent Dragon Temple in just one night. The Dragon God found in the ruins The bones were enshrined in the main hall, and the remains of the angels were enshrined in the side hall to commemorate the heroes who fell during the war between gods and demons.

When Long Yi returned to Shenlong Island, the lengthy and cumbersome Dragon Clan sacrifice ceremony was still in progress, all the Dragon Clan lined up respectfully and worshiped in front of the Dragon God's skeleton according to their seniority. At this time, the Demon Dragon King was chatting with Li Qing Manniu with great interest, and he was very curious about the divine power of the two of them.

"Dragon King, don't you want to join in the fun?" Long Yi suddenly appeared out of nowhere, and asked the Demon Dragon King with a smile.

The Demon Dragon King was not surprised, he curled his lips and said, "I'm going to join in the fun with their Dragon Clan."

"That's also the Dragon God after all, it's your ancestor." Long Yi said with a smile, he sat on the grass with his head resting on Liuli's fragrant shoulder.

"I, Sha Qingyin, naturally respect the Dragon God, and the etiquette that I should do is also on the decline. Although I have initially reached an agreement with the Dragon King, a concept cannot be changed in a short time. Seeing that the members of the Dragon Clan are eager to eat Once you see my appearance, you will know." The Demon Dragon King said lightly, obviously expecting this kind of situation.

Long Yi snorted twice and didn't say anything else, he shrugged his nose, sniffing the fragrant body fragrance on Liuli's body, rubbing the dregs of his beard on the bare snow-white jade neck, making Liuli's face flushed with shame. flushed. Jiaochen said: "Master, it's so itchy, don't move around."

The Demon Dragon King glanced at Long Yi angrily, and said: "Stinky boy, I didn't see you back last night, I must be in some girl's gentle nest, and I don't want to leave."

"The Demon Dragon King is quite clever." Long Yi said with a chuckle, his body rubbed against the glazed delicate body and fell down, his head just resting on the elastic thigh.

The Demon Dragon King thought of his own daughter, and opened his mouth to say something, but in the end he turned around with a strange expression and ignored Long Yi. This kid looked like a peach blossom. It's a bit wronged that my daughter deserves him. Forget it, anyway, Shaman didn't say it clearly, children have their own blessings, let everything go with the flow, anyway, he is not the only one who is depressed, isn't the Dragon King guy the same as him? His daughter Mittel seems to be a little interested in this kid, could it be that the dragon clan owed him in the previous life?

After a while, the ceremony of the Dragon Clan came to an end.

Long Yi also didn't want to delay any longer. Saying goodbye to Shenlongwang's family at the moment, but Niu'er and Xingxing held Long Yi's hand with tears in their eyes and did not want him to leave.

Let him coax for a long time before letting go of his little hand.

After instructing Li Qing Man Niu to do something, Long Yi hugged Liu Li's waist and flew to the sky with the Demon Dragon King, embarking on the journey to find the city under the sea.

The sea is infinitely wide, and the sea is calm at this time, with only slight ripples and wrinkles on the sea surface, looking down. It is a bottomless blue.

No matter how charming the scenery is, when Yi Chen stays the same for too long, he will feel a little tired of aesthetics. Long Yi quickly flies in the air with Liu Li in his arms, yawning with his mouth wide open, even though this kind of flying is not enough for him to reach the fifth floor of Ao Tian Jue. After that it took no effort. But after all, it was quite boring. He wanted to take Liuli and sit on the back of the Demon Dragon King to enjoy it, but he was the Dragon King after all, so could he threaten with his fists like Gelucia?

Inadvertently, Long Yi thought of the white feather Mu Hanyan left him. Then I thought about it. Released Bai Yu from the dark dimension. Bai Yu's body has swelled up, and flying is its housekeeping skill. Bringing Long Yi and Liu Li along had no effect at all, and they easily followed behind the Demon Dragon King.

After several days like this, the Demon Dragon Island shrouded in black mist was faintly visible.

Magic Dragon Island is just a big island, all the magic dragons live here, it looks much more lively than Shenlong Islands.

As soon as Long Yi landed with the Dragon King, his eyes were attracted by the treasure mountain piled up with golden treasures in the center, which looked more shocking than the wealth hidden by the Dragon King under his arm.

The rules of Demon Dragon Island are not as strict as those of Shenlong Islands. When the Demon Dragon King came back, those black dragons just greeted lazily.

On the contrary, Sharman and Crystal came over from afar with joyful expressions on their faces. The two were inseparable, like a pair of inseparable conjoined twins. I don't know if they married the same person? Long Yi was not without funny thoughts.

"Long Yi, Liu Li, you're here, welcome to our Demon Dragon Island." Shaman giggled, stepped forward and took Liu Li's arm, but his beautiful eyes stayed on Long Yi's body.

The Demon Dragon King looked at his daughter's expression, sighed helplessly, and said, "You entertain them first, and I'll discuss something with the elders." After speaking, he left in a hurry.

"Long Yi, tell me, are Liu Xu's father and mother all right?" Shaman's black eyes were shining, faintly fluttering with a trace of girlish feelings.

"Sister Shaman, do you still need to ask? Can he show up here if something happens?" Crystal looked at Shaman with a sly smile.

Shaman gave Crystal a white look, and said: "What I want is to be sure. I don't take it for granted. How can I say that I am also their niece?"

"Well, that's right, with this young master on board, there is nothing that can't be handled in this world." Long Yi said with a chuckle.

"Just blow it up, let's talk about Sister Shaman first." Crystal said with a grin.

Shaman's pretty face suddenly turned bright red, and she glared at the crystal fiercely, but her heart couldn't help but thump. If you say that her little thoughts are just buried in her heart?

"Crystal, I haven't seen you for so long, you seem to be beautiful again." Long Yi stepped in front of Crystal, pinching Crystal's tender little face with both hands and pulling it outward.

"Ah, I hate it..." Jing Jingqiao broke away from Long Yi with a blushing face, stomping her feet like a little girl.

"Hehe, well, show us around your Demon Dragon Island, and find a place to set up a teleportation magic circle by the way." Long Yi said with a smile.

At this moment, dozens of black giant dragons came from the sky, turned into human figures and landed beside the four of them. Not far away, some giant dragons who were dozing off and basking in the sun opened their longan eyes and looked towards this side with interest.

Long Yi looked at these dozens of menacing demon dragon youths, nudged Shaman next to him lightly with his elbow, and said with a smile: "Princess, these little fellows are not good at coming. Could it be your demon dragons?" The island's traditional way of hospitality."

Seeing Long Yi so intimately touching Shaman's body, these youths from the Demon Dragon Clan felt as if their longan eyes were about to breathe fire.

"Gulard, what are you doing?" Sharman asked angrily, frowning.

The leading young man snorted, looked at Long Yi provocatively, and said: "We Demon Dragon Island, not just any human can come as a guest."

Long Yi raised his eyebrows, no wonder Shaman didn't like him, what kind of person did he think the hero of the Demon Dragon Clan was? Hearing this one's opening, I couldn't help but feel a little disappointed. He looked at Crystal, and asked with a smile: "Crystal, is there a clean place on Demon Dragon Island? There are too many flies in this place." Crystal covered her mouth with a smile, and said, "I have to ask the princess."

Seeing Long Yili, Gu Lade's group didn't bother to pay attention to him, and ridiculed them as flies, so they were furious, some people were already ready to move, and the dragon's power was dissipated from their bodies, and they came to oppress Long Yi.

But Long Yi was the old god, he shrugged his nose, and suddenly sneezed, but the dozens of youths from the Demon Dragon Clan on the opposite side felt a thunderstorm ringing in their ears, their minds were shaken, they all involuntarily took a step back, and there was a rumble in their ears They kept on going, but the people around Long Yi were fine.

"Why is the smell so bad? Could it be the legendary bastard's air? It's as if I haven't bathed for tens of thousands of years. It's so pungent. I want to sneeze again... Ah... Ah... I can't breathe, Hey, why are you backing away, did you also smell it?" Long Yi wiped his nose, looked suspiciously at the dozens of youths of the Demon Dragon Clan in front and said.

Gulard and the others were shocked by Long Yi's sneeze, which contained powerful spiritual power and internal power. All of them were pale, and the incomparable dragon eyes were full of decadence. This human being they thought was vulnerable, just a sneeze would kill them. With such great power, although it is inevitable that they did it while they were not paying attention, but just like this, they feel ashamed that they are far inferior to this human youth, and the blow in their hearts can be imagined.

Shaman and the others were not fools, they knew at a glance that Long Yi must have played tricks.

"Let me show you around, I think those flies won't bother you anymore." Shaman smiled coquettishly, and held his head high together with Jing Jing, leading Long Yi and Liu Li from the dozens of poor youths of the Demon Dragon Clan. Passing through, encountering a pervert like Long Yi is doomed to be unlucky. Didn't she also suffer a lot back then?

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