Womanizing Mage

Chapter 598: Prince of the Milo Tribe

This sea vine has a strange resilience, no matter how hard Karl struggles, it won't help. On the contrary, it became tighter and tighter, and the whole body began to become numb.

Just when Karl's heart was ashamed, he felt a flash of coldness, and then the sea vines that restrained him loosened. The body regained its freedom, and a strange man with a warm smile appeared in front of his eyes.

"Catch your bow. I'll save your companion." Long Yi threw the bow with mysterious energy to Karl. Holding the sword in both hands, the inner strength of the whole body is concentrated on the edge of the sword. Slashed towards the long tentacles.

With a "heh", the huge energy separated the sea water by several meters. The powerful invisible sword slashed fiercely on the tentacles curling around Frank.

There was another stern roar. The tentacle shrank suddenly, and Frank, who was about to drain his blood, escaped from his claws, and was caught by Karl who was waiting at the side, and a deep wound was cut in the center of the Tentacle that Slaughter the Sky Squid by Long Yi's blade. , The green blood gushes out like an underwater fountain.

At this time, Liuli and Yamei siblings arrived. But it was the time when the Slaughtering Squid was eating madly. The huge tentacles that were severely injured by Long Yi swayed like crazy, and the countless fleshy thorns on the tentacles shot in all directions like a goddess scattering flowers.

When Long Yi slashed that sword, he expected to be counterattacked. The figure flashed. Holding Frank's Carl by the side with a heavy weight, he drilled into the underwater forest below. At the same time, the spiritual power and internal power on the body are combined to form a body protection enchantment.

After resisting the attack of dozens of flesh thorns, Long Yi led Karl into a pile of boulders, only to hear the sound of booming, and sawdust and stone powder flying. The underwater forest is already in a mess.

Carl beside him just breathed a sigh of relief, and was about to look carefully at his savior, but he didn't want Long Yi to pull him and dodge in a hurry, and saw a black shadow chopping past. The boulder he was hiding in had been smashed into powder by the black tentacles that followed.

"My day." Long Yi swears violently, and with a soft force, he throws the two people out of his hands, but he flies past the black tentacles at a strange and tricky angle.

"Whirlwind Chain Slash." Long shouted. The giant sword in his hand turned into a circle of ten thousand swords, and slashed towards the wound of the huge tentacles with a dazzling green light.

Although this whirlwind serial slash is a sword move created by Long Yi when he first studied the fusion of magic battle energy in the early days. But today is different from the past, the fusion of magic and battle energy, the fusion of magic and magic, the fusion of magic and internal energy and spiritual power Long Yi has already taken a step forward, coupled with his current strength, the power of using this move is natural. It cannot be discussed on the same day.

only see this blue

circle of swords

Ring on the tentacles

The wound Long Yi cut earlier,

No matter how tough the tentacle was, it couldn't resist Long Yi's attack and broke into two pieces. The green blood dyed the nearby seawater green.

The sharp and ear-piercing howling sound sounded again, and disappeared on the mud and sand on the bottom of the sea where the remaining half of the tentacles retracted.

This series of things is a long story. In fact, it is only a moment. Liuli and Yamei siblings had just arrived after avoiding the wave of stabbed attacks.

"Master, are you alright?" Liu Liyou came over and asked concerned.

"Don't worry, young master, don't you know what you are capable of?" Long Yi smiled and rubbed Liuli's golden hair.

Long Yi didn't have time to stop his smile. Suddenly froze on his face. The touch-type enchantment on his body instantly covered the surrounding area, only to see a mass of black tentacles rising from all over the seabed forest, attacking like lightning.

Bang bang a few times. The barrier shook. It was about to shatter, and among the black tentacles, there stood a gigantic tentacle nearly 100 meters thick and not reaching the top. Compared with the tentacle that was cut off by Long Yi just now, it was nothing compared to this tentacle. Big witch, Long Yi secretly tongue-snapped and his heart twitched. The nerves in his whole body collapsed, what kind of sea monster is this sky-killing squid, it's only this big with a single tentacle. Wouldn't its body be able to crush a mountain? Couldn't it have grown like this for hundreds of thousands of years?

The faces of the rest of them were also pale, their lips trembled slightly, and the huge pressure made people breathless even in the enchantment.

Long Yi licked his lips, his eyes flashed with excitement, then he looked worriedly at the people around him, his Ao Tian Jue had reached the fifth floor. Both mental power and magic have reached their peak state, and it is not an ordinary difficulty to further improve the skill. Only actual combat can make him break through again. In Canglan Continent, he was almost invincible, but this sky-slaying squid showing the tip of the iceberg made him feel unprecedented pressure. At the same time, it also made the blood in his body boil. Even if he can't beat him, he is confident that his life will be safe, but he has to take into account the safety of the people around him.

Long Yi changed his mind. This sky-killing squid is here. Anyway, I won't run away, so I'd better take these people away from here safely. There will be opportunities to challenge it in the future.

"Yamei. Release the rainbow jellyfish to see if it has any effect." Long Yi calmed down and said in a deep voice. The toxicity of the rainbow jellyfish is so strong, presumably the sky-killing squid will have some scruples, if it can't be done, it can only die.

Yamei responded, seeing Long Yi's calm expression. The tense nerves also relaxed a little. She took out the space bottle, and when the seal was released, those twelve rainbow jellyfish appeared in front of her in an instant, Long Yi quickly controlled their range of motion with mental power.

Sure enough, the dense black tentacles surrounding everyone backed away as if they had encountered something fearful, even that huge and astonishing tentacle was no exception. It's true to think that everything in the world will drop one thing. A few rainbow jellyfish can intimidate a giant squid.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, but Long Yi removed the barrier, making the rainbow jellyfish's breath more intense.

The disgusting tentacles that emerged from all over the seabed forest waved. He seemed to hesitate for a while, but suddenly disappeared into the bottom of the sea, and the turbulent sea slowly returned to calm.

Long Yi didn't dare to relax. Still using mental power to control the rainbow jellyfish. Before passing through the underwater forest, he was not going to take these rainbow jellyfish back.

"Frank, wake up, don't sleep. We can go home soon..." Carl shook his good brother in his arms and choked, tears melting into the sea water drop by drop.

Long Yi squatted down to check Frank's body. Facing Karl's expectant eyes, he sighed secretly and shook his head impatiently. Frank's whole body was almost exhausted. The internal organs have long since lost their vitality. If he hadn't held on in one breath, he might have closed his eyes already.

Seeing this miraculous benefactor, Karl couldn't help it, his blue-green hands had bulging veins, and he looked sadly at the good brother in his arms.

Frank slowly opened his dull eyes, and the outer milky-white eyelids drooped. With a weak voice, he said: "Carl... answer...promise me. Take care of... Xue Ji for the rest of her life..."

"Bastard, bastard. Frank, you bastard. Xue Ji is your last wife. If you can't let go of her, just support her. I will definitely find a way to save you." Carl broke down in tears, his face twisted in pain.

"Actually... I... I always knew... Xue Ji liked you, but... but I was selfish... as if I didn't know anything... I... I didn't deserve to be your brother." Frank was a little excited , the body began to tremble slightly.

Carl was stunned, and murmured: "It's my fault. I know that Xue Ji is engaged to you and still like her. I'm not worthy."

"A... Promise me, promise me when I am a brother. Take care of Xue Ji for the rest of my life." Frank's hand suddenly grabbed Carl's big hand, his eyes lit up a lot in an instant, and even his speech became smoother .

Long Yi and Liu Li looked at each other, sighed lightly, Frank had already returned to the light. He won't last long.

Carl nodded silently with tears, and he didn't know that Frank had reached the end of his life.

"Okay... Good brother. Thank you..." Before finishing the last word of thanks, Frank fell into Carl's arms with a relieved smile.

Si Jiate walked forward to comfort her, but Long Yi grabbed her. Long Yi said softly: "Don't bother him. Let him be quiet. Let's take a rest next to him."

Long Yi and the others walked aside, looking at Carl who was holding Frank like a sculpture from a distance. Taking a closer look at this first time seeing the Dihai tribe, he has dark green skin all over his body. Wearing a suit of brown armor. The head is oval. no head. Human with facial features. But there is an extra layer of milky white eyelids, and the feet have eight toes. There are webbed between the toes, I don't know what race it is?

"They belong to the Milo tribe. They are good at making weapons and have a large army. They are very powerful among the Sea tribe. Karl is the prince of the Milo tribe. He holds the divine bow of the Milo tribe in his hand. He forms the Milo tribe. The Luo Adventure Group is very famous in the Sea Clan." Yamei seemed to see Long Yi's question, and answered from the side.

Another prince? Long Yi frowned. First I met the prince and princess of the Beng tribe, and now I met the prince of the Miluo tribe. It seems that the prince and princess of the Hai tribe are not very valuable.

However, Ami said that the Milo tribe has a large army. This prince should be worth making friends with, and it might be of great help at critical moments.

Long Yi narrowed his eyes, an inexplicable look flashed across his face, he exhaled lightly, and a series of bubbles went up.

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