Womanizing Mage

Chapter 611: Demon Corpse

There is a faint heat in the air, and the rows of brown sword-leaf trees not far away are shaking, which is very clear in the open countryside, as if after adding a loudspeaker The effect produced.

Under the big tree is the cold and hard rock soil, dotted with strange weeds here and there.

Long Yi walked forward with two fire unicorns, Karl followed closely behind, feeling very fresh about everything he encountered. Long Yi once tried to fly towards the sky, but as soon as he encountered the light blue cloud of smoke, it was as if he had encountered an invisible energy cover and he could not go up any further.

When the freshness wears off, everything seems so boring. The scenery is the same, and I haven't seen a living thing after walking for a long time. Except for the sound of the wind, this is clearly a silent world, so quiet that it makes people feel panic.

"Long Yi, is this really a death cave? Those sea tribes who came out alive have never mentioned such a place." Carl also ignored the fear of the divine beast Fire Qilin at this time, and quickly stepped forward to catch up with the dragon. asked worriedly.

"Don't worry, the death cave itself is an independent space formed by the power that erupted during the battle between gods and demons. As for why the sea tribes that survived did not mention such a place, it may be because no sea tribe has ever been able to survive the mutation. Fire Qilin is the level." Long Yi said with a smile.

Karl glanced at the mutated fire unicorn, and couldn't help but believe it. With such a powerful alien beast, which sea tribe can pass through its territory? Only this human, this miraculous human can lead him through unharmed, and subdue this mutated fire unicorn.

Thinking of this, Carl also relaxed.

Long Yi casually looked around while walking fast, suddenly a stern light flashed in his black pupils, his beast-like intuition told him. Something is after them.

Carl, who was behind him, was suddenly stumbled by something while walking, and when he looked back, he saw a white object protruding from the rock, with a faint light flashing in it.

"Long Yi, let's see what this is?" Karl shouted at Long Yi, who only had a small black spot left in the blink of an eye.

As soon as he finished speaking, Karl felt a gust of wind blowing, and his green skin trembled layer by layer. With a thrill in his heart, his figure flashed to the side like lightning. The Milo Divine Bow was placed in his hand in an instant, and the emerald green Milo Divine Arrow turned into an extremely green light and shot behind him. The space distorts and deforms instantly along with the green light.

There was a sharp hissing sound, accompanied by a huge pain in his shoulder, Karl knew that his Milo arrow hit the target, and at the same time he was hurt by the opponent.

Carl hadn't had time to breathe a sigh of relief. Another wave of attacks hit his neck.

Karl wanted to hide, but he was powerless, and his injured shoulder was numb after a burst of pain. Spread to all parts of the body. At this critical juncture, the attack that was almost attached to the skin of his neck suddenly dissipated invisible, and a soft energy enveloped his body, causing most of the numbness on his body to disappear.

Karl was lifted up by Long Yi, and he looked back. All I saw was a monster that was as black as ink and had sharp horns on its first head, was nailed to the ground by his Milo arrow. And there was a pile of burnt ashes beside the monster.

Karl smiled gratefully at Long Yi, it was strange that at the last moment he didn't feel desperate, for some reason he just knew that Long Yi would definitely rush to save his life. You must know that if a person feels this way about another person, he has already developed a kind of blind trust and worship for this person in his heart.

There were two of these monsters, one was shot by Karl, and the other was instantly burned to ashes by the mutated fire unicorn.

Long Yi knelt down and checked. Return the unplugged Milo Arrow to Karl. Said: "The two dark beasts attack with strong poison. They are good at hiding their bodies, and their aggressiveness is not strong."

At this moment, the poison in Karl's body was completely gone, and there was nothing serious except that his body was still a little numb. He pointed to the white thing that stirred him just now and said, "Long Yi, come and see what this thing is."

Long Yi glanced at the white object on the ground that was faintly flowing with light, and then closed his eyes to feel it, but the feeling of being spied on became more and more intense.

In fact, with Long Yi's mental power, he discovered the existence of this thing as early as the beginning, such a pure energy fluctuation suddenly appeared here, coupled with the feeling of being spied on, Long Yi thought about it He didn't stop, but continued to move forward, wanting to see if that feeling would disappear, but he didn't expect that Karl would be stumbled by this thing by chance and attacked by two dark-type monsters.

At this time, Long Yi no longer cared so much, and while using his mind to make the fire unicorn and the mutated fire unicorn alert, he waved his palm like the wind, layers of rock and soil were blown up, and the white things below gradually revealed their true colors. It was a human-shaped skeleton with a length of more than three meters, with a faint light flowing all over its body, it looked so sacred.

Long Yi's heart skipped a beat, and the sea of ​​consciousness between his brows had a strange feeling, which was a feeling of the same type of original energy from the outside world from the magic tablet rotating in it.

At the same time, the two vigilant fire unicorns let out a sharp roar at the same time, and their bodies swelled up to attack.

Karl looked around nervously. Milo's arrow was on the bow. This oppressive atmosphere made his heart beat wildly, and his muscles tensed.

For a long time, the strange aura in the air became more and more intense, but the real lord did not show up for a long time, and even with Long Yi's telepathic power, he couldn't find it.

Long Yi raised his eyebrows, and a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth. His eyes turned to the white skeleton lying on the ground again. Since he couldn't find the peeping person behind him, he wanted to find out who was corresponding to the divine card in the sea of ​​consciousness. what.

He scanned the skeleton carefully twice, and suddenly his eyes settled on the chest of the skeleton, where a weak energy emanating from there interacted with the god card in the sea of ​​consciousness.

Long Yi slowly stretched his hands towards the sternum, and just as he touched Yi, there were several explosions in the air, a cold breath rushed over, and several blood-red rays of light intersected in front of Long Yi. , strangled like lightning.

The blood-red light penetrated through Long Yi's body, hit the ground, and the ground shook suddenly, several cracks more than ten meters wide were opened on the ground, and the pitch-black ground looked like a monster that would choose someone to devour.

It can be seen that Long Yi's figure was twisted to pieces and gradually disappeared in the air.

At this time, the two fire unicorns roared fiercely at the same time, and the wild purple unicorn holy flame and black hostility intertwined and attacked the same place.

A dense black light ball suddenly appeared, and was hit by the attacks of the two fire unicorns like a ball bouncing, but it was still unable to defeat it.

Suddenly, a brilliant seven-color light flashed past, and the black light group was twisted for a while, cracks spread out like beads, and finally broke with a pop, and a burst of smoke and dust filled the sky.

After the smoke and dust cleared, Karl began to see clearly two tall figures standing opposite each other. One was completely wrapped in black heavy armor, holding a five-foot-long black epee in his hand, and only two miserable green eyes were exposed from the helmet. Outside, there was a strong breath of death. The other figure is wearing a silver-purple armor with mysterious patterns all over the armor, holding a huge Thor's hammer, and the violent aura on his body is almost suffocating.

"Demon Corpse? There really is such a thing in the world!" Long Yi, who was wearing a Thor suit, was a little surprised, thinking of Peter. A legendary thing recorded in Sugar's Undead Magic Encyclopedia.

The demon corpse is a kind of undead creature formed in a specific environment after the death of a high-level demon with dark demonic nature, although the brain has not lost its spirit. The attack power of this undead creature is stronger than before. It is several times stronger and has considerable wisdom.

The strength and cunning displayed by this demon corpse are all Long Yi has never heard of, and it knows how to hide in the dark to exert pressure to disturb the opponent's emotions, and its black light shield is useless even with the unicorn holy flame, and it is still wearing Long Yi's body. The Thunder God suit used six series of divine cards to defeat it in one blow.

The ghostly green pupils of the demon corpse stared at Long Yi gloomyly, the huge sword in his hand pointed obliquely at the ground motionlessly, he didn't react to Long Yi's suffocating aura, but he was a little afraid of the divine card aura on Long Yi.

Long Yi stayed with the demon corpse for a while, and suddenly his eyes slanted to the skeleton's chest on the ground. Sure enough, this action of Long Yi immediately aroused the uneasy restlessness of the demon corpse, it made a low growl and clicked and took a step forward.

"Carl, go find something on the chest of this skeleton." Long Yi said in the middle of his mouth.

Karl was stunned for a long time before he could hear the thick and low voice coming from Long Yi's mouth. He came to the side of the skeleton, and flipped it over with both hands, revealing an oval-shaped divine card exuding soft light. . It's just that this god card is obviously different from the six main god cards owned by Long Yi. The surface of the main god card is as smooth as a mirror, and the aura contained in it also carries the main god's personality and personality. And this god card has a clear texture on its surface, and its aura is quite different from that of the main god card. What's even more strange is that there is a drop of jet-black halo in the center of this divine tablet.

Seeing that the magic card fell into Karl's hands, the demon corpse couldn't help roaring anymore, his body suddenly swelled, and he rushed towards Karl like lightning.

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