Womanizing Mage

Chapter 618: Bihai Soul II

These more than a dozen demon spirits and gods were the elites of the elites in the battle between gods and demons 100,000 years ago, and many of them were demon kings and first-level gods. They turned into eternal undead in the death cave. Due to the loss of sanity, they attacked each other day and night for thousands of years at the beginning, but they are eternal immortals in this space. At most, their vitality is severely injured and their attack power will no longer be restored. After ten or a hundred years, they will recover. .

After going back and forth like this for thousands of years, both sides were exhausted, and because they were too lonely, they gradually communicated with each other, and the mutual hatred gradually faded away, and finally became mutual spiritual dependence.

For 100,000 years, apart from groping for the way to practice after becoming undead, they laughed and laughed at each other, and fought in groups when they got excited.

When Long Yi came in, he encountered these more than ten demon spirits froze.

"You mean you can only be trapped in such a small space?" Long Yi pointed to the space which is only over a hundred meters long and only fifty meters wide, and asked incredulously, in such a small space There is nothing more painful in the world than to stay here for a hundred thousand years, yet still not die.

"That's right, so boy, now you know why we are so happy to see you, it's been a hundred thousand years, and finally a new face came, quack..." the demon laughed wildly.

"Isn't there an exit there? Why don't you go out from there." Long Yi pointed to the head-sized hole he came in.

"Boy, go over now and see if you can go in." The stunned man next to him gloated and smiled.

An ominous premonition filled Long Yi's heart. In a flash, he came to the head-sized hole, but found that although the hole could be seen, it was sealed by a layer of extremely strange energy. No matter how hard he tried, it was in vain.

"Boy, you should give up your heart. You can come in this space but you can't get out. You'd better stay with us obediently. With us here, it will be difficult for you to die," the demon laughed.

Long Yi sat on the ground with teeth bared, he didn't want to be trapped in this ghost place for the rest of his life, with relatives and beautiful faces waiting for him outside. Let him be as stiff as these demon spirits, he might as well die.

"Hey, kid, it's useless to sigh now, it's boring anyway, why don't you tell us what's going on outside now?" The demon spirit came up again, staring straight at Long Yi with its terrifying four big eyes. .

"Go, go, young master is not in the mood right now." Long Yi waved his hands like chasing flies, he is not someone who gives up so easily, he does not believe that this small space can imprison him.

With that in mind. Long Yi jumped up from the ground, and began to look around this space carefully, not letting go of every inch, and he couldn't believe he couldn't find any flaws.

"Don't waste your energy,

If there was a flaw in this damned space, we would have gone out long ago, how can we wait until you come here? "God stiff leader yelled.

But Long Yi ignored it and concentrated on doing his own thing, but the fact is the fact, this space is indeed impeccable. Long Yi checked over and over ten times but did not find even a slight gap.

"My day." Long Yi kicked towards the hard rock wall, a silver-purple light flashed between his brows, Thor's suit and body were covered, and the huge Thor hammer hit the rock wall one after another. The furious aura chilled the spirits of the dozen or so immortal demon spirits.

After an unknown amount of hammering, the Thunder God suit retracted into his body, and Long Yi sat on the ground collapsed with blood oozing from the corner of his mouth.

"I can't be trapped here, I can't!" Long Yi murmured, the god's brand on his body lit up, and six god cards flew out from between his eyebrows, spinning high in the air. Feel the surging energy in your body. As well as the delicate relationship between various energies, his eyes gradually became firmer. Like a ray of light in the dark night, in an instant it actually made these demon spirits feel palpitations.

Shen Zongling stared at the dragon for a while, the bright light on the god card made his eyes sting slightly. Once, that was where his faith was supported.

The demon spirit leader was also stunned for a long time, and finally looked at Shen Zongling silently, and led the rest of the demon spirits to the side, discussing something.

The colorful rays of light on Long Yi's body faded away, the divine card was put into his body, and his expression returned to his usual relaxed expression. He knew that the more anxious he was, the less he could think of a good solution. Things have come to this point, there's no point in being anxious, he doesn't believe that Long Yi will be kept in this ghostly place for a while.

At this time, the ten or so demon spirits seemed to have finished their discussion, and they all surrounded Long Yi.

"Boy, you have nothing to do anyway, why don't you tell us about the outside world." Shen Zong led.

This time Long Yi didn't refuse any more, he told the current situation of the outside world without hiding anything.

"Sigh, I didn't expect that the millennium battle between gods and demons would almost destroy the whole world." Shen Zhanling sighed.

"The Heavenly Demon King has been sealed for 100,000 years. According to his character, once he breaks the seal, the real end of this world will come." The demon spirit who was once the King of Breaking the Army said in a voice. The previous battle between gods and demons was violent not because gods and demons were inherently incompatible, but because of the innate ambition of the demons, all based on their desire to compete with the gods for control of the entire world. He has been frozen with these gods for a hundred thousand years, and some behaviors and thoughts have been more or less affected. Today, the devil king is about to break out and destroy the world, but he can't bear to see it.

Long Yi pursed his lips tightly, since the demon leader said so, the consequence of the demon king breaking out that day was really a disaster for the whole world, no matter what he can't be allowed to break out.

Now the Heavenly Demon King sent the Shark Clan to search for the descendants of the Mermaid Royal Clan everywhere. If Liuli were discovered, the consequences would be disastrous. However, the Shark Clan never expected Liuli to return to the city under the sea. They were looking in the wrong direction. Presumably, as long as Liuli stays obediently in the protective circle of the Milo Clan, there will be no danger of being discovered.

"Perhaps, you are the only one who can prevent this disaster." God Zombie looked at the dragon for a while and sighed.

Hearing this, Long Yi shrugged his shoulders, and said lightly: "What's the use of me, I'm not trapped in this ghost place like you are now."

"Boy, I won't talk nonsense anymore. We have a way to get you out of this space, but you have to agree to one condition." The demon leader said impatiently.

"What conditions?" Long Yi's heart moved, and at the same time he was also somewhat puzzled, if they really had a way to leave this space, why would they be trapped here for a hundred thousand years.

"If you are really destined, after the catastrophe is over, let all the races in this world coexist peacefully, and don't easily provoke disputes. As for the demon race, I hope you don't dare to kill them all." The demon leader said lightly.

"Of course, but I have a question to ask." Long nodded.

The demon leader interrupted: "I know what you want to ask, and you will know the answer when the time comes."

Long Yi raised his eyebrows and didn't ask any more questions.

"I have one more thing to ask you." The stiff collar said suddenly.

"Tell me, as long as I, Long Yi, can do it, I will definitely not refuse." Long Yi said.

"You take this bracelet. If you meet a girl who can wear it after you go out, tell her...her father loves her very much." Shen Zongling took out a delicate light silver bracelet from nowhere, and on the bracelet It has a delicate mysterious texture, and it emits a radiant divine light. When he said this, his tone fluctuated greatly, one can imagine how deep his feelings for his daughter are.

"Is your daughter living in Canglan Continent?" Long Yi took the bracelet and said with emotion.

"In the hundred thousand years of the war between gods and demons, my daughter was just born, and was affected by energy during a big battle. Her mother sealed her with all her divine power to protect her, but... the energy explosion that followed broke her. Opening the space, I guess my daughter landed in a corner of Canglan Continent. According to her mother's divine power, if no one breaks the seal, my daughter will automatically fall into a deep sleep until the seal is automatically released. Calculating the time should It's almost the same." Shen Zhiling sighed.

Long Yi nodded solemnly and said: "I, Long Yi, hereby swear that I will actually try my best to find your daughter in my lifetime."

"Okay, you use six magic cards to protect your body, and we will send you out." Shen Zhuang led.

"Wait, I want to ask, do you know the existence of Bihai Shensoul." Long Yi asked.

"The Spirit of the Blue Sea? Are you talking about the soul of the god that was condensed when the first-level god of the water system, Jing Haishen, was in a storm?" asked the demon leader beside him.

"That's right, the main task of my trip to the Death Cave is to find it." Long Yi said.

"Jie Jie Jie...boy, it depends on whether the zombie in front of you is willing to give it to you." The demon leader said with a strange smile.

Long Yi was stunned, and suddenly realized, could it be said that the first-level water god is the god in front of him?

"Uh... that... can I..." Long Yi was a little embarrassed to ask for it at this time, he couldn't say anyway that your soul is useless by your side, but just give me a favor.

"Okay boy, it is also a great fate that you and I meet here. My spirit has not dissipated by chance. It contains my water spirit. Although it is not as good as the water god in terms of attack and defense, there is a There is a quality that the water god can't match, and that is..." The god was about to explain, but suddenly the space shook, and his words stopped abruptly.

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