Womanizing Mage

Chapter 628 Goodbye Hai Clan Princess

"Third son, you escorted the princess of the Sea Clan here, so you didn't take advantage of it secretly. That girl has nothing to say." A sharp voice came from a stone room in the passage.

"How dare I, Mr. Iron Shark is watching from the side, and I wouldn't dare to touch me even if I had a hundred guts, but don't say it, the princess is the princess, smelling the fragrance on her body, I can't help but feel like It's unbearably hard, if you let me sleep with her for one night, it will be worth it even if you die." Another obscene voice sounded, accompanied by bursts of desire.

"As soldiers, we must have the consciousness of soldiers. How can we touch the sexy girl of the sea princess? She has been guarded by Jin Sha for so long. According to his true character, why don't you hold back? I think we Mr. Iron Shark is probably going to wear the worn-out shoes worn by Jin Shark this time." Another shark guard laughed.

"That's true, but we Lord Iron Shark are dressed happily, otherwise how can we lock the princess of the sea clan in his room every day? That's a princess, even if it's a broken shoe, it's worth it." The wretched shark guard named Xiaosan Exclaimed.

"Okay, okay, don't talk nonsense, it's time for us to take turns, or the kid on the sixth will be noisy again." A rough voice said.

Immediately there was a clanging sound in the stone room, and a row of shark guards stepped out from inside.

Long Yi hid in the dark, his eyes were shining brightly, he searched intently, and found that there was a Shark Guard inside who hadn't come out, he couldn't help but secretly rejoiced, he dodged in, and his big hand pinched the lying on the ground with lightning speed. Resting on the neck of the shark guard.

It didn't take much effort. Long Yi learned about the resting place of Iron Shark from the mouth of the shark guard, and then squeezed his iron hand. He twisted the shark guard's neck and threw it in the passage where the debris was piled up.

Long Yi climbed to the shadowy place of the stone wall, and quietly searched for the passage where Iron Shark was.

As one of the powerful generals of the Shark Clan, Iron Shark’s residence is much more luxurious. The rock walls are illuminated by fist-sized pearls and decorated with coral trees of various colors. It’s a bit like an underwater world without seawater. .

Iron Shark is not there at this time, there is nothing else in this passage except for two shark guards and a layer of enchantment. Presumably no one would have expected that someone would sneak into the deepest part of this underground base.

Long Yi lay motionless on top of the passage. Two needles as thin as a cow's hair shot out like lightning, and stuck in the necks of the two shark guards, then swaggered down, waved their hands in front of the two shark guards' wide-eyed eyes, proudly Hey hey smile.

As for the barrier outside the passage, Long Yi didn't bother to care about it at all. With his internal strength characteristic of breaking barriers, this barrier was obviously not strong enough, allowing him to easily melt a hole into it.

At this time, Princess Martha of the Sea Clan frowned. Anxiety and melancholy were condensed in the beautiful blue eyes.

She is so smart, how can she not know that she must have another purpose in moving here. In the past few days, she often fell asleep for no reason. When she woke up, she felt that she had lost something, but she couldn't remember it.

For no reason, she thought of that human again, thinking of his naughty but reassuring smile. I don't know if he found his father with his token, and will he come to save himself? Even though she knew it was impossible, how could that person take the risk to save herself? But she still had a little hope in her heart.

Martha grew up in the Sea Palace and was at the center of the power struggle. She deeply understands. as the superior. Only interest is eternal, and the rest of family love is just subsidiary. Once interests are involved, family affection and love can be sacrificed at any time. Her father was like this, let alone the human being who only met once.

In fact, what Martha understood was correct, but she misunderstood Long Yi, a superior person, the interests are indeed fundamental but Long Yi is different, he will not feel that any means are too much for the enemy. But for his loved ones, he will use his life to protect them from harm, which is fundamentally different from Martha's father. It can be said that he is cold-blooded and ruthless, or he can be said that he is passionate and sexual. He himself is a complex of contradictions.

"Hi, Your Royal Highness, are you missing me?" Suddenly, a deep and playful voice sounded in Martha's ear.

Martha suddenly felt like a dream, surprise flashed across her face, then she shook her head and sighed, thinking that what she heard just now was just a hallucination, how could that human being appear here?

Standing behind Martha, Long Yi raised his eyebrows, he wanted to give her a surprise, but this girl didn't respond at all, what a disappointment.

"Hey, even if you think about it, I shouldn't be so obsessed, it's really a sin." Long Yi patted Martha's fragrant shoulder helplessly.

Martha's body froze, and she suddenly turned her head, her blue eyes glowing with disbelief.

"You...you..." Martha's lips trembled slightly, her mind went blank, and she was speechless for a while.

"What? Are you not happy to see me? It's really... Hey... Men and women don't kiss each other." Long Yi laughed, and at the end of the sentence, Martha jumped gracefully, her arms tightly bound together on his neck.

Martha hugged Long Yi tightly, she didn't know why she lost her composure like this, but this was not important anymore, what was important was that her slight hope became reality in an instant. She is the princess of the Sea Clan, and her heart is stronger than many people. She has always been so calm and calm, but when encountering such a sudden thing, how can she not have a little fear and anxiety in her heart, but this fear is caused by her self-hypnosis. Ignore it.

Long Yi felt the two jade arms like pliers on his neck, and couldn't help but smile wryly in his heart, with such a great strength, an ordinary person's neck would be shattered into powder. It's just that the Princess of the Sea Clan, who has never been disturbed, reacted like this when she saw him for the first time, and she couldn't help feeling a little pity in her heart.

After a long time, Martha retreated from Long Yi's embrace with a soft cry, her face was already as delicate as a rosy glow.

"You...how did you appear here?" Martha felt her face was hot and her heart was beating too fast from the end, and it took a long while to suppress all kinds of emotions and asked.

"I missed you, so I came to look for you." Looking at Martha's charming and shy appearance, Long Yi couldn't help teasing.

Martha spat lightly and did not answer, her towering chest slowly turned from violent ups and downs to calm, but there was still a touch of blush on her pretty face.

"This is not a place to stay for long, Iron Shark will be back soon, you'd better go." Martha picked up her mood and turned serious to Long Yi.

"Tell me about your situation first." Long Yi sat on the stone bed where Martha was resting without any worries.

Martha opened her mouth, and finally swallowed the words of persuasion. The first time she saw Long Yi, she knew that he was not an ordinary person. He always seemed to have everything under control. Since he stayed without fear of danger, he decided There were his own reasons, and besides, he was here with her, and she felt a little joyful in her heart.

Martha calmed down her emotions, and told Long Yi unreservedly everything that happened to her these days.

The dragon was as sinking as water, and the water fingers tapped rhythmically on the stone bed. The puffing voice had a peculiar rhythm, and each sound was like knocking in the heart, causing all kinds of strange ups and downs of thoughts, which made Martha secretly amazed.

In fact, Long Yi's heart is not as calm as his surface at all. What was born on Martha's body and what Liuli has experienced, the answer all points to the worst possibility. It is very likely that the Heavenly Demon King has obtained the ability to refine the spirits of the gods. The materials needed are just boiling water to extract the spirits of the gods. I'm afraid it's not that simple.

Thoughts were going back and forth, Long Yi was awakened by the fluctuations from the induction magic circle set outside the passage.

"Iron Shark is back." Long Yi said lightly.

"Ah...then...what should I do?" Martha panicked.

"It's best to come back." Long Yi chuckled, a sharp light flashed in his cold black eyes.

Outside the passage, Iron Shark came back with a team of shark guards on patrol, waved the group of shark guards to go back to rest, and then went straight into the passage covered by the barrier. The Shark Guard he punished to guard the goal has improved a lot. His waist and liver are straight, his expression is calm and unchanged, and he has truly achieved the immobile state he taught. It seems that his way of leading troops is still very good. not bad.

Iron Shark complacently walked towards the cave, where the charming sea princess was locked up. Many people thought that he locked her up in his residence because he was greedy for beauty. Like a dry bone, how could he be fascinated by beauty.

After entering the stone room, Iron Shark saw Martha, the princess of the Sea Clan, sitting peacefully on the stone bed as usual, and she didn't react at all when she saw him come back.

"Your Highness, do you know why you are still alive?" Iron Shark asked in a hoarse voice sitting opposite Martha.

At this time, Long Yi, who was attached to the top of the stone room like a gecko, was startled when he heard the words, and retracted the Aotian Jue's internal energy that was about to pop out, vaguely feeling that he would hear something very useful.

And Martha saw that Long Yi didn't make a move, so she understood his thoughts in the blink of an eye.

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