Womanizing Mage

Chapter 652: Ten Winged Fallen Angels

Long Yi has heard people say that if an angel's white wings turn black, it means that it is a fallen angel who is a rebel from the God Realm.

The ten-winged fallen angel glanced at Long Yi, suddenly waved his hand, and the dilapidated gate that was tens of feet high slammed shut.

Long's eyes twitched, his body tensed up like a leopard, and his spirit reached the peak, ready to attack at any time, but the expression on his face did not show the slightest bit, he asked: "Who are you?"

"Who am I?" The ten-winged fallen angel's voice was old and hoarse, frowning in thought, as if he was thinking about a very profound question.

"It's been too long, so long that I have forgotten who I am? Forgot why I exist." The ten-winged fallen angel shook his head and sighed, it seemed that he had no malice towards Long Yi.

forget? Long Yi never thought it would be such an answer, just when he wanted to ask what happened to the numerous corpses outside, the green eyes of the ten-winged fallen angel showed murderous intent, and he slowly said: "Although I have forgotten a lot things, but I know that anyone who breaks into this temple will die."

The word "death" in the mouth of the fallen angel was still at the end of his mouth, Long Yi had already exploded like lightning, and the huge Thor's Hammer suddenly appeared in his hand, and smashed towards the fallen angel fiercely with berserk energy.

With a sound of "boom", a thin layer of black energy shield appeared on the fallen angel's body. Long Yi felt his right arm go numb, and at the same time he felt that something was wrong, and at the same time moved the universe to the limit, and his figure suddenly disappeared out of thin air. And at the moment he disappeared, a faint black light shattered the space he was in just now.

Long Yi appeared 50 meters behind, with the silver-purple Thunder God armor reaching his body, he stared coldly at the fallen angel with a slightly surprised expression, thinking about ways to get out. It is clear. The power of the ten-winged fallen angel is beyond his ability to contend. If he flashed a little slower just now, it may be the result of serious injury and disability.

"You surprised me a little, little one, but even so, you still have to die." The fallen angel said in an old voice.

"Hey, no matter how many wings you have, you're still just a bird man, and you want to kill me even if you're a bird man?" Long Yi laughed, as if intending to provoke him.

The fallen angel flew into a rage. Ten wings spread behind. The space in the entire giant hall seemed to be frozen, making it hard to breathe.

Long Yi let out a cold shout, a burst of colorful brilliance flashed from his body, and he recklessly attacked the fallen angel again.

The fallen angel swiped his hands, and more than a dozen black rays twisted and surrounded Long Yi. To him, Long Yi's strength was not enough of a threat to him at all.

At this moment, the fallen angel had a thought. Suddenly turned around,

The big hand shot out like a spring, and this little trick of the doppelganger couldn't hide it from him.

But the fallen angel then felt that the big hand that was shot hit a cloud of air, while Long Yi, who was surrounded by his attack energy in the air in front of him, rushed out with a muffled grunt, turned around and struck the golden engraved spot in the center of the hall like lightning. It turned out that he was planning to seize the treasure at this critical moment.

Long Yi's trick is very simple, that is to attack the fallen angel head-on, and an energy clone goes around behind him to make a surprise attack. In people's subjective logic, they subconsciously think that the frontal attack is a virtual image. And the one behind the detour is the real master, the fallen angel Kong has grown ten wings but is still fooled.

Long Yi knew that even if he succeeded in a sneak attack, he would not be able to hurt the fallen angel, so his target turned to the golden engraving plate that attracted him.

The fallen angel was completely enraged, and the entire giant hall shook during the roar, and the air was filled with a frightening death.

Long Yi pouted towards the fallen angel. There was a flash of light on his body before his attack came. The whole person was sucked into the mysterious boulder.

The fallen angel suddenly roared fiercely when he saw the huge boulder in front of him that looked like the outline of a skull. Attacking the boulder like crazy.

Long Yi, who was shrunk in the boulder, could feel the violent shock, even though this boulder can be said to have a god-level defense. But how could the ten-winged fallen angel be a piece of paper? Judging from the strength of the attack, the boulder wouldn't last long.

But Long Yi didn't panic in the slightest, the old god was observing the bright spots of stars in the boulder like a vast universe, what is the meaning of these connected stars?

The fallen angel went completely insane, his dark green eyes turned blood red, there was nothing in his eyes except the boulder that Long Yi was hiding in, and destroying this thing was his only thought.

At this time, a very fine milky white spiritual mist escaped through the gaps in the dilapidated giant hall, and after forming a small figure, it ran towards the outside of the giant hall. It came to the abyss stone wall and threw a roll of teleportation scroll Down, a teleportation array immediately appeared on the ground. Immediately after a flash of light on the teleportation array, the mysterious boulder where Long Yi was hiding suddenly appeared, with cracks appearing on it.

Long Yi emerged from it, took two deep breaths with lingering fear in his heart, the boulder would have to shatter if it was too late, I'm afraid he would be torn to pieces by that crazy fallen angel right away.

The black air in the huge hall in the distance diffused and was crumbling. Suddenly, there was a loud bang, and the dilapidated huge hall turned into ruins with a bang. It took more than ten minutes for the terrifying cyclone to dissipate. Tens of thousands of corpses fell down like heavenly maidens, which was very spectacular.

"The little demon girl will be fine." Long Yi finally remembered Si Yan, the princess of the demon world who was still outside the giant hall, but the thought was gone in a flash, the smoke and dust from the ruins of the giant hall had cleared away, and the ten-winged fallen angel was gone. figure.

After a long time, Long Yi began to slowly walk towards the ruins of the giant hall. At that time, the ten-winged fallen angel seemed to have lost his mind. Thinking of the aura on the boulder and the blurred outline, Long Yi guessed that he had nothing to do with the boulder. Does the master have some deep hatred?

When Long Yi walked to the side of the ruins, there was a crash, and a black shadow soared into the sky. It seemed that his strength was exhausted, and he landed precariously. He sat down straight away, but it was the crazy ten-winged fallen angel.

Seeing that he was still alive, Long Yi retreated like lightning, he could no longer withstand the perverted attack of the fallen angel.

"Boy, stop, I won't hurt you anymore." The old voice of the fallen angel sounded, with endless vicissitudes, but it had a calming effect.

Hearing this, Long Yi stopped, but he didn't completely trust him, it's just that the strength of this fallen angel is here. Although he seemed to be at the end of his strength, if he was determined to kill himself, it was entirely possible to do it.

Long Yi looked at the fallen angel who seemed to be a different person, his dark green eyes were full of vicissitudes, as if he was recalling the unbearable past.

"Boy, how many years has it been in the divine calendar?" the fallen angel asked.

"The Divine Calendar? I don't know, I come from the Canglan Continent." Long Yi shrugged, the Divine Calendar was supposed to be the God Realm's calendar, but he didn't know how many years it is now in the Divine Calendar when he first came to the God Realm.

"Canglan Continent? It's that multi-ethnic world, right? It wasn't called Canglan Continent before." The fallen angel said.

Waiting for Long Yi to say some things again, he also mentioned the one hundred thousand year war between gods and demons.

The fallen angel was silent for a long time before sighing quietly: "I didn't expect that it has been so long, the God Realm has withered to this point, and the seven main gods can't defeat these little bugs in the Demon Realm. Fall to Sri Lanka."

"Do you remember the past?" Long Yi asked.

The fallen angel nodded silently, and sighed: "So what if I remember, the fire of my life has been extinguished, and I will soon disappear in this world."

Long Yi was startled suddenly, he was still thinking about how big a storm the Heavenly Demon King would be able to withstand with this ten-winged fallen angel returning to normal.

"Hahaha, no matter what, no matter what, all my brothers and friends in the past have become a pile of bones, so what's the use of me living alone in this world." The fallen angel suddenly laughed wildly.

"Boy, tell me the truth, where did you get that huge stone statue?" After laughing, the fallen angel asked.

"In a place in Canglan Continent." Long Yi answered truthfully.

"Can you show me." The fallen angel said.

Without thinking too much, Long Yi threw the huge stone statue over.

The fallen angel looked at the shrunken head, with a very complicated expression, including nostalgia, hatred, and a trace of inexplicable pain.

"Sure enough, it's his... Sigh, God of Creation, haha, it's not a pile of bones in the end." The fallen angel laughed out loud after sighing, but it was extremely desolate.

Long Yi heard the name of the God of Creation, and couldn't help pricking up his ears, but the fallen angel couldn't stop laughing, he wanted to ask but couldn't interrupt, guessing the past of the God Realm, it must be an extremely wonderful myth A story, but with a tragic ending.

The fallen angel burst into tears with laughter, but it was as crystal clear as a human being. When it fell to the ground, it turned into a gem exuding strange energy fluctuations with a bang. Thousands of years later, an artifact-level dark magic wand called the Tears of the Fallen Angel appeared in later generations. It is said that the ten-winged fallen angel's tears are inlaid on the wand, and it occupies the throne of the world's number one artifact all the year round. Of course, this is something for later, so I won't mention it for now.

"Boy, tell me in detail about the battle between gods and demons 100,000 years ago and what happened afterwards." The fallen angel asked after calming down.

Long Yi then recounted the details of the battle between gods and demons 100,000 years ago and what happened afterwards, and added some of his own opinions by the way.

"I don't understand, God Realm doesn't even know where the Demon Realm's lair is, it's the funniest joke in the world." Long Yi said unhappily.

"Hmph, the Demon Realm was originally a space created by the God Realm. It was named the Demon Realm because of the heavy darkness and demonic energy in it, and there are many monsters. How could the God Realm not know where the Demon Realm is? It makes no sense." The fallen angel stood up angrily, ten-winged Stretch, the momentum is shocking.

"Boy, do you want to hear a story?" The fallen angel restrained his momentum and sighed.

Hearing that the fallen angel was going to talk about the secrets of the God Realm, Long Yi nodded his head in a hurry.

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