Womanizing Mage

Chapter 694 Ultimate BO’s Life-and-Death Battle (The Finale, Including Epilogue)

The chain between the gods, demons and humans is broken, and the three worlds of gods, demons and humans are connected. Maybe you step into the demon world at the next step of T, and because of this, countless ferocious beasts from the demon world are running around, and some ancient beasts hidden in the corners also appear along with the space disorder. , Everywhere he went, there were corpses everywhere, and the Three Realms fell into extreme chaos.

Long Yi searched for the Valley of Doom all the way, and walked in and out of places in the Three Realms countless times, but he never found the Valley of Doom, nor did he see Tenglong City where his relatives and wives were. The energy shock from one realm to another realm has already fallen into a coma.

"Boy, what the hell kind of place is this?" A crisp and pleasant voice sounded in my mind.

"Mo Yun! You have finally appeared, tell me quickly, where is the Doomsday Valley of the Demon Realm going?" Long Yi has been clenching his teeth and persisting. The tragic images of the Three Realms along the way made him feel heartbroken but he was powerless. Nalan Ruyue was unconscious again, which made him feel extremely painful. Coupled with the disorder of the space, he began to doubt whether he was really the savior? Can he really turn the tide?

A faint black shadow formed beside Long Yi, Mo Yun looked at Long Yi's pale and haggard face, she could feel the great pain he was suppressing, which shocked her, if it weren't for his amazing endurance, ordinary people would Already crashed.

"Don't worry, tell me what happened these days?" Mo Yun stretched out her small white hand, and gently stroked Fu Longyi's temples. In just a short time, there were some gray hairs here.

Long Yi opened his bloodshot eyes and circled his arms, trying to hug Mo Yun, but his hand passed through Mo Yun's body and hugged him empty.

Mo Yun was slightly taken aback, the black smoke around her body suddenly became thicker, and gradually condensed into energy strength, she opened her arms to hold Long Yi's head in her bosom, gently stroking his long hair.

Long Yi felt at ease, he was such a legendary figure, his heart was as firm as a stone, but at this moment he was huddled in Mo Yun's embrace, absorbing her warmth. At this time, he is like a normal person. He has all kinds of emotions and six desires, so it is impossible to be unfeeling and righteous. After experiencing so many things, he also needs a warm embrace and a little tenderness to restore his depressed spirit.

After a long time, Long Yi let out a breath of turbid air slowly, and leaned on Mo Yun's chest, telling about the shocking events that happened in the God Realm one after another. From the abyss of the forbidden land to Alexander, the ten-winged fallen angel, from the capital of the god of fire to the creation temple of Sunset Peak, from the demon king to Dibia who has now invaded the body of the demon king, the complicated situation and thrilling degree are beyond anyone's imagination. of.

Mo Yun was stunned, unable to recover for a long time. As the seven main gods under the God of Creation, the creation theory she has believed in since she became conscious has been completely overthrown. The so-called Creation God is just a shocking lie, and their seven main gods are just used by Dibia to control the gods. Just a puppet of the world.

"Impossible. Impossible..." Mo Yun kept mumbling.

She couldn't believe it. But I have to believe it. When her beliefs since she was conscious were completely overthrown. How could she accept it.

And at this time. Next to it, there were two bursts of energy fluctuations. The earth god Xuantian and the fire god Zhiyan each form an energy entity incarnation. Both of them were silent. They knew Long Yi was not lying. But this conclusion cannot be accepted.

"Why did it become like this? Father God, how could he..." Vulcan Zhiyan said with difficulty.

"I know it's hard for you to accept. But this is the truth. I need to go to the Doomsday Valley of the Demon Realm now." Long Yi got up from Mo Yun's arms. Spirit has returned to normal. At least he's not alone now. Others are fighting with him. Even though these three former landlord gods will not be able to accept it for a while. But he knew they had no choice but to accept.

After a suffocating silence. Earth God Xuantian said: "Long Yi. Now you have completed the seven-element divine body. As long as you know the spatial coordinates of the Doomsday Valley, you can use the Chaos Divine Art to break through the space for the power in the God Card."


In the Doomsday Valley of the Demon Realm, there are still ancient trees covering the sky, and it is extremely dark.

The blood in the Jade Blood Cold Pool was boiling, and at the bottom of the pool, a huge figure was lying on his back, and the endless blood-colored evil spirit in the blood water rushed towards him frantically.

Suddenly, the figure opened its blood-red eyes, and said with a sneer: "You came so fast."

Outside the Valley of Doom, Long Yi's slender figure stood upright. He looked at the Valley of Doom with astonishing evil spirits, his gaze fixed, and his fists were tightly clenched.

He learned the coordinates of the Valley of Doom from a young general from the God Realm he met. After staying behind, Lan Ruyue used the Seven Gods card to break through the space and came to a barren plain. It took several days to find the Doomsday Valley where gods and demons should not get close.

"Long Yi, I think the Heavenly Demon King has returned. It is impossible for him not to think of anything you can think of." The flaming voice of Vulcan resounded in Long Yi's consciousness, even though they knew that the Heavenly Demon King was Dibia, the so-called Creation God, but they still call the "Demon King" as the Demon King, perhaps they still dare not face this fact.

Long Yi let out a long breath, how could he not know that in that battle, he used Dibia's head image to hurt Dibia who was possessed by the demon king, how could he not have thought of destroying all his previous bodies Go or hide, but he has no choice.

Looking at the Valley of Doom for a while, Long Yi stepped into the Valley of Doom without hesitation.

A faint blood mist gradually enveloped the Valley of Doom, and the lifeless ancient trees inside suddenly emitted a faint glow of blood, but Long Yi turned a blind eye and walked towards the depths.

Suddenly, countless branches attacked Long Yi like lightning, weaving into an attack net without any dead ends.

Long Yi paused, and waved his hand to draw a circle of seven-colored divine light. Hearing a bang, the branches that hit him were all blasted into dust, and the red light in the Valley of Doom dimmed, and suddenly flourished again.

The ten-thousand-year-old trees that died in the valley seemed to be alive, and they began to sprout crazily. Many of the ancient tree trunks grew human facial features, and hoarse and harsh laughter resounded through the Valley of Doom.

Swish" The ancient tree in the valley started to move, revolving around Long Yi like a phantom, it seemed that the whole world had started to rotate.

Long Yi gritted his teeth, and the Seven Gods card shot out from between his eyebrows. Under Long Yi's thoughts, the seven gods began to fuse, gradually forming a void of chaotic power, and suddenly rushed out of the phantom like a cannonball.

The revolving world came to an abrupt stop, hundreds of meters around the Seven Gods Tablet were empty and not a single leaf was left, and Long Yi could already see the cold pool of green blood surging with blood waves more than ten meters high in front of him.

Long Yi touched the soles of his feet, and he had reached the edge of the pool, he said in a hoarse voice, "Dibia, come out."

A blood shadow shot up into the sky from the pool, Dibia stared at Long Yi with blood red eyes, and said with a strange smile: "You want to take the remains of my body, do you think this god will let you succeed?"

Dibia paused. Donna Vicki, that bratty girl told you. "

"Hey, you can imagine how sad you are. It's ridiculous that you don't even stand by your own daughter. You want to be the god of creation, but the world is in chaos. It's all thanks to Dibia. .” Long Yi sneered.

"This world is so filthy, it will be destroyed when it is destroyed." Dibia said lightly.

"No matter how filthy you are, you can't compare to you. Killing brothers and wives, bullying ancestors, betraying friends, you have taken up all the filth in the world. What right do you have to say that this world is filthy?" Long Yi sternly said, thinking of three

Tu Tan, thinking of the lives that passed away one by one, filled him with resentment.

"Hahaha...hahaha...Yes, you are right. I killed my brothers and wives, bullied my family and exterminated my ancestors, and I, Dibia, are like this. Since the world cannot be created, let's destroy the world." Dibi Ya laughed crazily, the blood glowed all over his body, and the sharp bloody aura surged towards Long Yi.

Seven-colored divine light emanated from Long Yi's body, and he stood still in the blood wave. When he stretched out his hand, there was a thick-backed giant blade condensed by the power of chaos in his hand.

"Chaos Slash." Long Yi roared wildly, the seven-colored divine light exploded, his body arched, and he raised the blade with both hands, and suddenly slashed out in the next second.

The Chaos Giant Blade soared to a length and width of more than a thousand feet, and the blood light annihilated like foam, and the entire space was twisted to pieces in an instant.

"Boy, your strength is still a bit short of destroying me. You should try my heavenly demon magic." Dibia's dark voice came from behind Long Yi.

Before Long Yi turned his head back, he felt that the space was being imprisoned, his eyes were filled with blood, and amidst the blood all over the sky, a huge blood mouth suddenly opened, devouring towards him.

With a thought in Long Yi, the Seven Gods Piece rotated upwards, forming a colorful circle of light in front of him.

"The demon devours the sky." Dibia let out a low growl, the blood light suddenly became stronger, and the bloody mouth also expanded to be boundless, as if it really wanted to swallow the whole world, Long Yi and his Seven Gods card It looks so small.

"Summon the beast and combine with the divine card.

"At this moment, a strange voice who couldn't distinguish between men and women rang in Long Yi's mind.

"Light Holy Shadow." Dark Shenmo Yun, Earth God Xuantian, and Vulcan God Zhiyan shouted at the same time.

Long Yi didn't have time to hesitate, the wind god beast Baiyu, the thunder god beast Kuanglei beast, and the Vulcan beast Huo were not recreated by kindness, we were just puppets for him to control the God Realm. In Dibia, give up those unrealistic fantasies and use our lives to stop this catastrophe. "The bright holy shadow said loudly.

"The holy shadow of light, in the name of the universe, condenses the essence of heaven and earth, and breaks the spirit!" The holy shadow of light raised his hands, and the wings formed by the eight light shadows behind him flapped suddenly, and a white light of the gods escaped from his heavenly spirit. It shot into Long Yi's chest.

"Mo An Shen Mo Yun, in the name of the universe, condenses the essence of heaven and earth, and breaks the spirit!" The dark Shen Mo Yun stretched out her white jade hand, took a deep look at Long Yi, and a black divine light came from her fingers. The tip shot into Long Yi's body.

"Earth God Xuantian... Poling!"

"Vulcan Blazing...Breaking Soul!"

The soul energy of the water god Xiya is fixedly looking at Long Yi. Although her water god imprint has been branded on Xiao Qinglang's body, the soul imprint still exists independently and has not merged with the god's imprint. Divine power cannot reach its peak.

"My love, farewell." Xi Ya and Long Yi looked at each other with open eyes. After her soul was pulled into the Light God Card by the Holy Shadow of Light, she once thought that one day she would never be separated from Long Yi again. Now It seems that it can't be realized.

"Water god Xiya, in the name of the universe, condense the essence of the heaven and earth, and break the spirit!" Xiya gritted her teeth, and her whole body turned into a ray of blue light that merged into the water god mark on Long Yi's body.

And the other four main gods all turned into the original soul marks and merged into the corresponding god marks on Long Yi's body.

Yi Yi felt a burst of fullness in his body. The huge power made his Aotianjue finally break through to the peak of the ninth floor, and he also felt that his soul power was extremely powerful at this time. This feeling was intertwined with sadness, which made him Can't help but look up to the sky and howl.


In Tenglong City, the entire city was in chaos.

Inside the palace, teams of imperial guards are guarded by strict gods. In front of the end of the world, soldiers and officers who have experienced blood and fire experience still maintain iron-like discipline. They all have a belief that His Royal Highness will come back. Everything changes.

Jun... Husband..." Nangong Xiangyun was dripping with sweat, clutching the brocade quilt tightly with both hands, crying out in pain.

"Crown princess, don't worry, inhale, exhale, exert force..." the midwife in the palace encouraged, while a group of women stood nervously by the side, cheering for Nangong Xiangyun together.

On the eve of the end of the world, Long Yi's first child was about to be born.

In the courtyard, the emperor Ximen was furious, and the Supreme Emperor Ximen was outside in a panic.

"Why haven't you been born yet, this..." Ximen walked around in anger.

"Okay, okay, what's the rush, my Ximen family's seedlings are not so prone to accidents, this child was born at this time, it is a great joy in the world, and the birth of the dragon grandson can also calm the hearts of the people outside." Ximen said wildly. road.


"Seven Divine Beasts, fit together!" Long Yi roared wildly, forcing back the tears in his eyes.

Long Yi's body's seven gods' imprints shone brightly, and the retreating seven gods cards suddenly shot into the body of the seven gods beasts.

The body of the Seven Divine Beasts swelled to several hundreds of feet, reaching the sky and the earth in seven directions, and the colorful rays of light burst out, and the bloody mouth that devoured the sky and the earth retracted, and was smashed to pieces after supporting it for several hours.

Dibia stared blankly at Long Yi floating in the air. At this moment, the energy of the seven elements of Long Yi's divine body was truly fused and became a real chaotic divine body.

"Hehehe... It's a pity, it's a pity, let's be buried together with this world, the destruction of the world with the nine transformations of the demon." Dibia laughed, and suddenly yelled, his body of hundreds of meters began to melt, and scattered little by little In the universe, the whole world began to tremble violently. Earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and raging floods began to appear in every corner of the Three Realms.

Surrounded by the seven divine beasts, Long Yi looked at all this with deep black eyes. He saw unfathomable cracks began to crack on the surface of the earth, countless houses collapsed, and countless people were buried. He saw hundreds of feet of waves sweeping across the continent, and cities were submerged in an instant. He saw fiery lava rising from the surface, melting everything it encountered.

Long Zhang opened his arms, closed his eyes, and the seven great beasts surrounding him roared and turned into divine light and charged into his body.

"Chaos... nothingness..." Long Yi murmured.

Chaos is nothingness. The universe originated from nothingness, and then there are various energies, and then life exists.

Long Yi's consciousness gradually faded, and when he dissipated in the nothingness, he couldn't help thinking, if this journey in another world was just a dream, I hope he never wakes up...


Wow..." The resounding cry of the baby resounded in the thousands and thousands of holes in the Tenglong City Palace.

"It's born, it's born, the Crown Princess has given birth to a little prince." The midwife shouted in surprise.

But at this time, the blood-like color in the sky gradually faded, the earth no longer trembled and cracked, spraying

The oars also calmed down, and the raging flood receded.

Nangong Xiangyun weakly looked at her son next to her, as if she saw the handsome face with a smirk back then, for some reason, she burst into tears.

Like when Yu'er was a child. "Dongfang Wan sat on the edge of the bed, stroking her little grandson's fragile face with trembling hands, feeling inexplicably sour in her heart, and also burst into tears.

The rest of the girls also sobbed for a while, whether they were happy or sad, they couldn't tell clearly, and they always felt that a string in their hearts seemed to be broken.

Father and son Ximen Nu and Ximen Kuang rushed in, seeing a room full of women crying with their newborn grandson, they thought something had happened.

When he found that the little grandson was normal, Ximen couldn't help asking angrily: "Wan'er, what are you..."

"I don't know, I just want to cry." Dongfang Wan replied, crying even more sadly.

Ximen was stunned angrily, and suddenly felt that his heart was stuffy, and his heart was throbbing.


When the sun shines on the Canglan Continent again, all the surviving people come out one by one, shouting and jumping crazily, some knelt on the ground and wept bitterly, some raised their heads to the sky and laughed wildly.

At this time, the news of the birth of the emperor's grandson also spread, and everyone knew that the natural disasters began to fade at the moment of the birth of the emperor's grandson, and all the people sang their praises, thinking that the birth of the emperor's grandson drove away the disaster .

This day is designated as the national mourning day. Every year at this time, the whole country mourns for ten days to commemorate the people who died in this disaster. The eldest grandson of the emperor, Ximenlong, was named the King of Fu, which means that he brought good news to the whole world and drove away disasters.

What made everyone feel sad was that His Royal Highness the Crown Prince of the Canglan Empire never came back. After the order of the Three Realms was restored and connected, the legend about the final duel between His Highness the Prince and the Demon King spread to the Canglan Continent.

So, whenever the sun sets, in many places in the Canglan Continent, some old people start to tell stories:

According to legend, His Royal Highness...



Traveled through the prehistoric universe, and condensed the mystery of heaven and earth... Even if the six reincarnations are subverted, it is impossible to escape the catastrophe of gods and demons...

Wearing a sacrificial robe as white as snow, with white hair fluttering in the wind, Xiaoyi just stood quietly on the desolate coast of the sea of ​​reincarnation in the demon world, staring at the rolling and roaring sea, her calm and peaceful expression remained the same as before, only In those deep and transparent beautiful eyes, a glimmer of hope and longing occasionally flashed...

The sea of ​​reincarnation, that is, the Doomsday Valley of the Demon Realm, Long Yi and Dibia were annihilated at the same time in the shocking battle, and the Doomsday Valley became a vast ocean. The Sea of ​​Reincarnation, that is the name Xiao Yi chose, her prophecy has no effect on Long Yi, and generally in this case it represents the death of the target. A new religion has sprung up in the Canglan Continent. They advocate being kind to others, and propose that life is an endless cycle of reincarnation. Death does not mean demise. Maybe one day, they will reincarnate into this world again. Xiao Yi believed it, so he named this sea the Sea of ​​Reincarnation.

It has been ten years, a whole ten years, Xiaoyi and Long Yi, all the beauties come here unshakably at this time of year, one stop on this coast is a month, regardless of the ebb and flow of the tide or the full moon lack.

"Long Yi, don't let me down again, okay? Come back, the people of Canglan Continent need you, your parents need you, and...I need you too." Xiaoyi murmured, her pink lips Condensing a poignant smile, even the sea breeze stopped and became silent.

A group of people approached from far away, including Wushuang, Sibi, Yu Feng, Lucia, Mu Hanyan, Mu Jingjing, Elf Queen, Leng Youyou, Feng Ling, Shui Ruoyan, Lin Na, Ximen Wuhen, Beitang Yu , Nangong Xiangyun, Yinyin, Nalan Ruyue, Nalan Rumeng, Bertha, Queen Mia who just came out of the ice coffin, Wilbella, Mixini, and three children around ten years old. Behind them are the bull carrying the Green Jade Judgment and Li Qing holding the Ice Narrow Sword.

"Mother, will father come back this year?" A little girl carved in powder and jade asked Nalan Ruyue.

"Yes." Nalan Ruyue confirmed by stroking her daughter's head.

"But mother, you say that every year, but father never comes back." The little girl pouted and said, she is the youngest of the three children, her name is Ximen Yiyi, the son of Bisibi Ximen Nian is one or two days old, half a year younger than Nangong Xiangyun's son Ximenlong.

"Sister, father will definitely come back. He is a great hero who stands up to heaven and earth, and will not leave us behind." Ximenlong continued, from his tone and expression, it can be seen how he treats his father whom he has never met. worship.

"Brother is right, my father is a hero, and I want to be like my father in the future." Ximen Nian said.

Listening to the conversation between the three brothers and sisters, all the girls felt sour, and they all said silently in their hearts: "Husband, oh husband, look how much your children admire you, and how much your sisters miss you, come back soon."

The one-month period passed quickly, and Long Yi still did not appear like the previous nine years. The girls and the three children, full of disappointment, started walking back step by step.

"Let's go." The elf queen sighed softly, looked back at the sea in the distance, and stood in the teleportation magic circle connected to the imperial palace of Tenglong City.

All the girls looked at the sea with nostalgia, and they all stood in it.

Legend has it that the magic circle was activated and bursts of white light came out.

Suddenly, there was a shocking explosion in the Sea of ​​Reincarnation, and the waves rolled up hundreds of feet high. A figure stood on the top of the waves, with black hair flying wildly.

"Father, it is father.

"The three children yelled and rushed out.

The elf queen canceled the teleportation magic circle as if awakened from a dream, and rushed out at the same time as all the girls.

"Boss." "Master." Man Niu and Li Qing shouted at the same time, and followed behind.

The corners of Long Yi's mouth curled up, revealing that signature smirk, but his eyes were extremely gentle.

"Go, cousin." A slender figure emerged from behind Long Yi, but it was Dongfang Kexin who had disappeared for many years. She said encouragingly, there was no jealousy in her eyes anymore, and there was only love as deep as the sea .

"Go, kid." Another figure appeared beside Long Yi, but it was Mo Yun in a black robe, her face was no longer covered by the robe, she was extremely beautiful.

Guangming Shengying, Vulcan God Blazing, Water God Xiya, Earth God Xuantian, and a strange man who looks a bit like Long Yi. He holds a bloody sickle and calls himself Long Er. And the seven great beasts are also beside, arching around Long Yi. The other woman is Siyan, the little demon girl Siyan who was killed by Dibia. Why is she here? It's a long story. In short, it has something to do with the Demon King. Long Yi didn't know until the last moment. Although Dibia invaded the body of the Demon King, the consciousness of the Demon King had not completely disappeared. Helped Long Yi a lot.

Long Yi tapped the soles of his feet, and he jumped at the women and children rushing forward, and was immediately submerged in the powder.

"Go home, let's go home." Holding a child in one hand and another on his back, Long Yi smiled and walked towards the teleportation array with everyone.

Suddenly, Long Yi felt someone watching him from a distance, and when he turned around, he saw Na Weiqi standing in the distance with a blank face, and beside her was a girl of seventeen or eighteen years old.

"Angela..." Long Yi stopped when he saw the girl's eyes, and suddenly remembered Angela's last words.

"If there is an afterlife, please hold my hand and never let go."

(End of the book) (To be continued, if you want to know what will happen next, please read more in Chapter 6, support for writing, support genuine reading!)

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