Womanizing Mage

Chapter 7 Magical Genius?

Long Yi took out a set of brocade clothes from the interspatial ring to replace the armor on his body, and began to think about how to go in the future. Obviously, the Kuanglong Empire can't stay any longer, so where should it go? To the Aoyue Empire in the north or the Nalan Empire in the south, or just go to some small countries on the edge? And what should I do in the future, I can't just live my whole life relying on this 10,000 amethyst coins, that's not Long Yi's character.

After thinking for a long time, Long Yi still couldn't make up his mind, he decided not to think about it so much for the time being, first go to the mercenary guild in a nearby city to register as a mercenary, and take some adventurous tasks to exercise his ability, Ao Tianjue can only be used in actual combat Only then can it be refined and consolidated.

There are many professional guilds in Canglan Continent, such as Mage Guild, Mercenary Guild, Warrior Guild, Thieves Guild, etc. These guilds have bases in every city in every country, but each country’s guild has its own system, and is hostile to fellow-professional guilds in other countries.

Long Yi touched the ring on his left hand, and suddenly remembered that this ring can increase Dou Qi by 30%, why don't he give it a try? By the way, what is the difference between Dou Qi and Chinese Internal Strength?

Long Yi found a half-human-high giant sword from the space ring, let out a soft drink, summoned the mad dragon's fighting spirit, and made a bold move of the mad dragon cut, Long Yi felt the energy in the air rush towards him, The light blue dragon-shaped sword light slashed towards the big tree opposite with a violent momentum.

The sword light sank into the tree, and it exploded from inside with a bang after a few seconds, with extremely terrifying power.

It seems that the fighting spirit in this world is not useless, at least it is stronger than my Aotianjue on the first floor, hey, no, in my memory, Ximenyu is only an intermediate fighter, but how can I become a swordsman now? What about the light blue vindictiveness? Long Yi thought to himself, luckily enough strange things have happened to him, he is no longer surprised by them.

Long Yi recalled the principle of fighting qi release just now, and realized that the biggest difference between fighting qi and internal energy is that internal energy comes from the inside out, while fighting qi is just the opposite. In this way, although internal energy is not as good as fighting qi at the initial stage, as the level of internal energy increases Progressively, the essence of grudge is still inferior to the mysterious Chinese secret skill of inner strength, and its power is even more in the sky and the other in the ground.

What will happen if you combine the mad dragon fighting spirit and Aotian Jue? The combination of the inside and the outside should be more powerful. Long Yi thought so, but he didn't have time to study it now, because he thought of a more magical and gorgeous attack method in this world, that is magic, and Long Yi was very interested in this gorgeous and powerful attack method , he found an introduction to magic from the bookshelf of the space ring, and couldn't wait to flip through it.

Long Yi didn't realize how fast he was reading books now, it's not an exaggeration to say that he can read ten lines at a glance, but he was already completely intoxicated in the world of magic, so he didn't realize it himself.

Not long after, Long Yi closed the book and heaved a sigh of relief. It turns out that the casting of magic is mainly to use mental power to attract the magic elements in the air, thus producing different effects and power.

The amount of magic elements in the air mainly depends on the strength of the spiritual power and the amount of various magic elements gathered in the body. The reason why magicians meditate every day is to cultivate their spiritual power and gather the magic elements of their own department.

The prerequisite for practicing magic is to have a magic physique, that is to say, a physique corresponding to various magic elements. For example, people with a fire attribute physique can only major in fire magic, and other magic can only stay in the Primary Stage. People with magic physique are usually one in a thousand, and the quality varies, so the status of magicians is very high in the entire Canglan continent. Magic physiques with dual attributes are even rarer, and they can basically be regarded as national treasures. Long Ling'er, who was raped by Long Yi, has a dual-element physique of fire and earth.

Long Yi doesn't need to know whether he has a magical physique, but he knows that his mental power is definitely not weak.

"Maybe I can give it a try." Long Yi murmured, thinking of the elementary magic spells in that book of magic introduction.

Let's try the fire element first, the incantation of the fire element's basic fireball magic flashed in Long Yi's mind, so he said: "Great Vulcan, obey uh"

The sound of Long Yi chanting the mantra stopped abruptly, he stared blankly at the ball of football-sized flames on his fingers, he was so shocked that he couldn't speak. He obviously didn't finish the spell, and the book said that it would be good to have a little flame at the beginning, why is he so big.

The fireball was annihilated in the air due to the loss of the support of Long Yi's mental power, only the lingering smoke curled up into the air.

Long Yi came to his senses, could it be that he only needs to recite the incantation silently in his mind? He silently recited the spell in his heart, and shouted: "Fireball."

Unsurprisingly, another football-sized fireball appeared on his finger. This time he learned his lesson and threw it at a big tree. The fireball drew a beautiful arc and hit it. With a snap, sparks flew everywhere, and the fireball left a scorched mark on the big tree and then disappeared.

"It's good to set fire and kill chickens, but it's too reluctant to kill people." Long Yi said with a light smile, after all, the power of elementary magic is limited.

After this experiment, Long Yi was very satisfied with his magic talent, and when he was happy, he wanted to try other magic.

"Water polo technique." Long Yi chanted the mantra silently, feeling the water elements in the air gather quickly, and a bowl of big water polo appeared.

"Illumination." Long Yi was chanting elementary magic of the light system, and a milky white soft light cluster appeared between his fingers.

"Earth shield technique." A thick layer of soil surged up from the ground to block in front of him.

There are no dark magic and undead magic in the introductory magic book, because these two kinds of spells are taboo magic, and once existing people use them, they will be hunted down by members of various professional guilds throughout the continent. As for the rare spiritual magic and space magic, the book only mentions them briefly, and there are no spells to cast.

"I can use these four primary magics. Could it be that I have a magic physique of four departments?" Long Yixin said. When he thought that he might be the first magic genius of four departments in Canglan Continent, he thought excitedly. yell.

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