Womanizing Mage

Chapter 91 Fox Clan Girl

Uh... This time Long Yi was completely stunned. Could it be that Wushuang sensed it every time he had sex with Leng Youyou and Lucia? Isn't this a 3P in disguise?

At this time, Long Yi suddenly remembered the trembling voice with the spring feeling that he heard last, his eyes became strange, he didn't react at that time, now thinking about it, it seems quite suspicious.

Seeing Long Yi's suspicious gaze, Wushuang couldn't help feeling a little guilty, she snorted coldly, a level 5 ice technique froze Long Yi who was close at hand into a popsicle.

Long Yi smiled wryly, released his inner strength and shattered the ice layer that sealed him, and said helplessly: "How did I offend you?"

"Who told me to look at me like that?" Wu Shuangyu said coldly with a blushing face.

Long Yi chuckled, stroked the beard on his chin with one hand and said, "I was thinking, the last sentence you scolded me seemed to be a bit off, it seemed..."

Before he finished speaking, Long Yi felt the fragrance of orchids blowing towards his face, a soft body suddenly rushed over, his lips were sealed by a slender hand.

"Don't say it, if you say it again, I will, I will..." Wushuang couldn't continue, her eyes were a little red, and tears flickered faintly.

Long Yi was stunned, the Wushuang in his impression was always indifferent to everything, never saw her such a vulnerable side, thinking about it, it seemed that Wushuang was really wronged, an innocent daughter listened to him and her every night. Leng Youyou and Lucia's sex symphony, how can this be tolerated by a reserved girl, especially a girl like Wushuang who values ​​innocence more than anything else?

Wushuang took a deep breath, suppressed his emotions, then took away his hand and moved his body to the side, looking up at the night sky without saying a word.

Long Yi touched his lips, there still seemed to be a touch of softness and coldness on it.

"Wushuang, I'm sorry, I really don't know." Long Yi slowed down his voice and apologized to Wushuang.

Wushuang shook her head, staring at the stars in the sky with bright starry eyes, a little confused and a little frightened, she opened her lotus mouth lightly, and a floating voice seemed to come from the distant sky: "You know that when I wake up, I will find you My mind is blank, and I don’t even know who I am, how scared is it? I seem to be abandoned by this world, and I always feel out of place with it. I even feel that I shouldn’t exist in this world at all. , you don’t have to take risks for me at all, maybe death is my best destination.”

Long's eyes twitched. He never knew that Wushuang's indifferent appearance had such serious thoughts on his face. He said softly, "What are you talking about? Existence is reasonable. There is no one who should not exist in this world. You lost your memory, it will take time to integrate into this strange world,

If you shouldn't exist in this world, then I shouldn't exist in this world. "

Wushuang looked at Long Yi in surprise, and asked: "Why?"

Long Yi laughed dryly and said: "Because we are all immortals, naturally we don't exist in this world."

Wushuang was stunned, the corners of her mouth slightly turned up, her mood suddenly improved a lot, maybe it was because she spoke out her thoughts. She stood up and said, "It's late, I'm going to bed."

"Then you go to sleep, I will sit for a while." Long Yi said with a smile.

Wushuang turned and walked towards the tent, then suddenly turned around and asked, "That day in the Principality of Mia, why did you say that I was your woman?"

"Did I say that?" Long Yi asked in a daze, but Wu Shuang had already turned around and disappeared before his eyes.

Long Yi thought hard, but couldn't remember when he said she was his woman.


Early the next morning, Long Yi and the others packed up their things and set off again. The weather seems to be exceptionally good today, and the sun seems to be brighter than usual, when Long Yi sees Leng Youyou and Wushuang talking and laughing in high spirits, he has such a feeling. The two women's personalities are relatively indifferent, and their friendship is not very good, but today they don't know why the relationship has become so close. Alas, the friendship between women will never be understood by men.

At this moment, a woman's cries and bursts of numbness suddenly came from the front, and I used my toes to figure out what happened in front of me.

"Scum." Leng Youyou's complexion changed, and he spit out these two words coldly, and rushed forward.

The scene in front of them made the three of them tear up. They saw five soldiers wearing Aoyue Emperor's uniform laughing and tearing the clothes of a fox girl, ignoring the girl's hoarse shouts. The two fox girls were lying naked on the ground, their delicate breasts were bruised and purple, their lower body was blood-stained, and there were obvious bruises on their necks. die.

Before Long could make a move, Wushuang's ice arrows pierced through the bodies of these five soldiers. The fox girl shivered in disheveled clothes, hugging into a ball and weeping.

Since the border of Ao Yue Empire is not far from here, it is not surprising that soldiers of Ao Yue Empire appear here. The fox girls are famous for their beauty and are naturally charming, but they are very weak against them. They usually rely on other powerful orc clans to survive, and the price is naturally beautiful women.

It is conceivable that these five soldiers of Aoyue Empire must have met these three fox girls here, so they became lustful and committed heinous atrocities against them. Fortunately, Long Yi and the others arrived in time to save this young girl.

Leng Youyou and Wushuang stepped forward to comfort the fox girl, the girl stopped crying, and looked at Long Yi and the other three timidly, they were so pure and beautiful, they could compete with Lucia, and the broken clothes , Tears of fear make people unable to help giving birth to a heart of compassion.

The fox girl stood up, revealing a large piece of her snow-white chest, and her slender breasts were also exposed to the air. She knelt down towards Long Yi and the others, and said in a sobbing voice: "Iluna thanked everyone for their great kindness, she was lucky to help her to keep her innocence, but she pity my sisters, it's all my fault, she has to come out to play Let them be spoiled to death by these beasts."

Iluna was sobbing as she said that, because she bent down, her proud breasts could be seen very clearly from the torn clothes, it was really real.

Taking advantage of the moment when Leng Youyou and Wushuang were comforting Iluna, Long Yi began to look carefully at this fox girl. Her whole body was no different from that of a human being, except for the hairy ears and the beautiful buttocks. Tail. I don't know why, Long Yi always feels that Iluna's teary eyes are watching him, that lovely and pitiful appearance can make people's heart soften in an instant, and they unconsciously have the feeling of being intoxicated by it.

Long's eyes flickered, and he couldn't help showing a playful smile. Whether this fox girl named Iluna had intentions or not, Long Yi was noncommittal.

Turning around, Long Yi looked at the corpses of the two fox girls on the ground, and his doubts deepened. Three fox girls, five soldiers who are like wolves and tigers, will five of them line up to kill the two girls first, and save one to wait until the end? This doesn't seem reasonable.

Just when Long Yi was contemplating, he suddenly heard Leng Youyou say bitterly: "The most disgusting thing is this kind of scum who ruins girls, let them die like this, it's really the whole family."

Long Yi's face suddenly became a little stiff, if she knew what his body did before, would it be possible to slash him with a knife? No matter how he tried to shirk his responsibility, the blame was set, and Long Ling'er's guilt did indeed exist. Long Yi didn't dare to imagine, if the women around him knew his identity, would they all leave him?

"Long Yi, Iluna asked us to visit her clan, should we go?" Leng Youyou said to Long Yi.

"What do you think?" Long Yi turned around and said with a smile.

Leng Youyou and Wushuang looked at each other and nodded.

"Since you all agree, let's go." Long Yi said with a smile, in his heart he had a high opinion of the Fox Clan's seductive arts, it was able to take both men and women, making the indifferent Leng Youyou and Wushuang have a good impression of her.

"Our fox clan is not far ahead, we will be there soon." Iluna said, before turning around, she casually glanced at Long Yi with her beautiful eyes.

Long Yi suddenly felt dry and hot all over, and his heart beat rapidly, but it was actually caused by her eyes that made his blood boil.

It seems that concentration needs to be strengthened, Long Yi looked at the white tail waving on Iluna's round buttocks, and couldn't help laughing at himself, he really wanted to see what kind of tricks this Iluna was playing.

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