The moment Mio Akiyama and Dongfang Xianyun's eyes met, their breathing was slightly suffocated.

The boy in front of him is so beautiful!

His skin is as white as snow, the green pupils in his eyes are like a clear spring, with a little agility, his long blue hair slowly falls down his shoulders, and his ears unique to the elves are pointed just right, and he doesn't feel as sharp as other elves, but only a feeling that people want to bite into it and then gently rub it with their teeth

For some reason, Mio Akiyama inexplicably remembered the priest who had framed her, although her appearance was less than one-ten-thousandth of the young man in front of her, but her devastated heart could not be made up for in any way.

She met Dongfang Xianyun's smart eyes again, and only hoped that the young man's heart could be consistent with his appearance.

The bar owner looked helplessly at the two who were "looking at each other affectionately", and it was obvious that this brave man had begun to gradually fall into the trap.

"Xianyun, this is the brave man who is going to hire you for ten silver coins, are you sure you want it?" the bar owner suddenly interrupted the two of them.

Although this bar is opened in Las Civis, the owner is a serious business, and he will not let customers be slaughtered, but he will not blatantly remind customers that "if you take this order, you will die!"

For example, the last question just now was not said to Dongfang Xianyun, but to remind Mio Akiyama.

This kind of reminder will only happen once, and if you get tricked and leave this bar, it will have nothing to do with them if anything happens to them.

If you make trouble again, the thugs in the bar are not raised for nothing, and if you don't die outside the city, you have to die in the bar.

"Hello Lord Brave, my name is Dongfang Xianyun~" The young man blinked his left eye, unexpectedly cute, and then began to introduce things that had nothing to do with his own ability in that crisp voice: "I am a priest! My dream is to become the greatest priest, and my favorite thing is a small strawberry cake..."

Mio Akiyama didn't care about Dongfang Xianyun's chattering introduction, but just put a few silver coins on the bar, and suddenly made a sound that was even clearer than Dongfang Xianyun's voice.

Even Dongfang Xianyun's constantly jumping mouth stopped, and his eyes were directly lured by the ten shiny silver coins on the bar.

It turns out that I like more than just small strawberry cakes, are you still a money fan...

Mio Akiyama couldn't help but glance at him, but Dongfang Xianyun's greedy appearance did not cause disgust, but it was like... The cute little kitten

always wants to make people want to hold a cat teasing stick and keep teasing him.

The bar owner smashed his mouth, picked up the silver coins on the bar, and seemed to express his dissatisfaction with the low price: "These four coins are handling fees." The

bar owner deducted four silver coins from it and put them in his pocket, and for a while, Dongfang Xianyun's gaze was also seduced directly.

The bar owner smiled, poured the remaining six silver coins in his hand into Dongfang Xianyun's hand, and almost instantly, Dongfang Xianyun's gaze shifted from the bar owner's pocket to the shiny silver coin in his hand.

He played with his little hand, which was not too immature, and counted the silver coins in his hand carefully, over and over again.

"A... Two... Three..."After counting it twice, he put the silver coin in his bag, held his head and whispered: "It's too expensive~"

The bar owner just smiled, the bar has been open for so many years at this price, which is lower than the risk union in Saint-Nari.

But Mio Akiyama looked at the abstract scene and couldn't bear it anymore, and motioned to the barkeeper with her eyes, "Is this sure to be an adult elf? How does it look like a 14-year-old elf?"

The barkeeper just smiled and continued to wipe her bright and reflective glass.

Now I feel stupid and cute, and when you get out of the city, you don't know how to die!

A child like Dongfang Xianyun, the bar owner has seen a lot of such actors, and they are often deceived by the little Meng Xin who has just entered the industry, and the veteran knows that it is fake at a glance.

After all, in this dark quagmire, seeing a sparkling teenager who is out of place with his surroundings is impossible for anyone to think about.

But she has never seen such a real actor, and she can only say that this brave man is not wronged this time.

After all, he acted like the real thing.

"Now that the two of you have decided, after leaving the store, we will not be responsible for everything. The bar owner wiped the wine glass in his hand and said without raising his head.

"Alas, boss, if you wipe a wine glass so many times, won't it break?" Dongfang Xianyun asked curiously as he pressed his finger against his red lips.

The bar owner paused slightly, put down the wine glass in his hand and looked at the cute elf in front of him with a smile, and said softly: "It won't break, thanks to your patronage, welcome to come again next time."

"Well, well. Dongfang Xianyun seemed to really believe it, and then chatted with the down-and-out brave lord next to him without care.

The bar owner breathed a sigh of relief, changed his glass and continued to wipe it down.

The bar owner has just broken the rules and entered this shop, only one chance to remind him, and he came out without realizing it, all on his own.

But she had just reminded her again and again at the end, obviously treating Dongfang Xianyun as a good bully, so Dongfang Xianyun would question the boss out loud.

At the same time, the boss also replied to Dongfang Xianyun quietly, and said that he would give less commission next time, so he was willing to give up.

"Then I'll see you tomorrow!" After

agreeing on the place, Dongfang Xianyun jumped down from the high chair, "Happily jumped and walked two or three steps, suddenly seemed to remember something, looked back and raised his hand and shouted.

Mio Akiyama was stunned for a moment, then raised her wrist lightly and waved her hand, Dongfang Xianyun nodded with satisfaction and ran towards the outside of the store.

But fate seemed to favor Mio Akiyama for a moment, and the cloak on Dongfang Xianyun's running body was suddenly blown up from below for a moment, with a slight arc.

In just a moment, a flash of spring, a touch of pink took root in her mind, and it lasted for a long time.

And all this, only Mio Akiyama saw!

Suddenly, Dongfang Xianyun seemed to feel some kind of gaze, his face was crimson, his cheeks were bulging on both sides, and he glared back at Mio Akiyama with a stunned face viciously, before smoothing the hem of the cloak and running out with a twist.

"He's unexpectedly......... No leggings!" Mio Akiyama muttered as if she were lost.

Mio Akiyama herself is an innocent virgin who hasn't even held a boy's hand.,Now I see such an exciting scene all of a sudden....

The bar owner heard Mio Akiyama's voice, raised his eyebrows slightly, and when he raised his eyes again, Dongfang Xianyun's figure had already disappeared.

It's a pity... After all, it is the delicate body of such a big beauty.

When she looked at Mio Akiyama, who was still in a state of distraction, her eyes unconsciously attached a layer of pity.

When a sudden explosion of luck breaks out during a period of unfortunate extreme unluck, remember that this is not the favor of the goddess of fate, but the announcement of the goddess of death.

At home, you can be bombarded to death by a burst of magic that falls from the sky!

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