"Shabu!" a

knight in golden armor flickered for a moment, and the next moment appeared on the thick foliage.

She closed her eyes and slightly mobilized the magical elements around her, and several gurgling streams of water surrounded her, then gradually became slimmer, condensing into a bow and arrow on her hand.

She quickly took out an arrow from the quiver condensed by the water behind her, and then gently pulled the bowstring, pinching the arrow slightly with her two fingers, and the action was done in one go.

The moment he opened his eyes, there seemed to be a splash of water in his eyes, and the bow and arrow made a rapid and intensified sound, and the arrow shot out!

pierced through the thick trunk of the tree, as if a radar system was installed, breaking through the hard scales of the dragonman, and plunging it into Rafal's shoulder with precision, nailing it to the ground.

The beauty in her arms was also thrown out because her balance was broken, and she was planted heavily on the ground.

Almost the next moment, Qiu Yuanye instantly appeared in front of her, his eyes were full of coldness, and his movements were rough to the extreme.

She grabbed Rafal's long, bright crimson hair, and dragged her to the trunk of a thickest tree, and under her hateful eyes, chains sprouted out of thin air, piercing her abdomen, piercing through the trunk of a tree, and tying her to the trunk like a shoelace.

"Do you remember what I said to you?" asked Qiu Yuanye coldly, playing with the tongs in his hand.

"Huh. The long crimson hair fell down, covering most of her face, making it impossible to see her expression: "If you want to kill, you can chop whatever

you want!" Qiu Yuanye sneered, picked up the pliers and slowly picked up a piece of dragon scales, and gently pinched and played with the pliers twice.

The red scales are firmly attached to the flesh and skin, making it difficult to pull out.

But..... It hurts because it is deeply connected to the flesh and skin!"

she laughed contemptuously, and her white and slender fingers were suddenly covered with a layer of red, and with a sharp tug, the scales had already detached from her body and appeared on the top of the pincers.

Rafal's whole body trembled violently, the chains creaked, and she gritted her teeth so that she didn't exhale in pain, but the flesh turned outward where the scales had been plucked, and Yin Yin's blood continued to flow out.

Qiu Yuanye sneered inwardly, stretched out a finger and pointed it on her chest, falling into a softness.

Just listen to the sound of "bang!", and Rafal's righteous clothes exploded, and you can clearly see the interweaving of scales and fair skin.

The hatred in her eyes became stronger and stronger, and when she opened her mouth, a dragon foam was about to spit on Qiu Yuanye's face, but the soldier beside her was quick and slapped her face, and the dragon foam flowed down her red lips and dripped on the ground.

"Pointless resistance. Qiu Yuanye didn't look up, just looked at the scales on her body, as if looking for something.

Suddenly, the corners of her mouth curled slightly, "Instead of resisting, it's better to enjoy this process."

She stretched out her pliers and slowly moved them down her chest until she was on a scale below her lower abdomen, and then stopped.

"Knock knock.

Qiu Yuanye tapped lightly twice, and after confirming that it was correct, she clamped the scale with her pliers.

This is the reverse scale of the dragonman, located directly below the lower abdomen, and is a scale that connects to the tail vertebrae independently of the other scales.

How about a dragonman who has not fully evolved?"

A smile hung on the corner of Qiu Yuanye's lips, and he picked up the pliers and dragged them out.


This time, Qiu Yuanye did not directly pull the scales out, but when it reached its limit, he retracted it and pulled it out.

After repeating this several times, Rafal's eyes were bloodshot, his spirit was sluggish, and his white body was covered with sweat.

Qiu Yuanye, who was a little bored, pulled out the reverse scales, and the bone vertebrae made a cracking sound.


Qiu Yuanye played with the red scales in his hand, which was warm and delicate to the touch, with a slightly reflective color, and a small tail behind the scales.

On the other hand, after being pulled out of the scales, Rafal looked like he was dead, and his head hung down and he was sluggish.

"Wake up, don't sleep. A sphere of water elemental condensed between Qiu Yuanye's fingers and shot into Rafal's face, wetting her red hair.

She slowly opened her tired eyes, raised her eyes to look at Qiu Yuanye, the hatred in her heart has never been so strong, if her eyes can kill, then Qiu Yuanye is at least divided into nine hundred and eighty-one pieces at this moment.

Seeing this, the soldier next to her slapped her in the face and shouted, "Look at it! Look over there!"

One side of Rafal's cheek was extremely red and swollen, and a small hill appeared, and she couldn't help but be stunned when she looked at the soldier's gaze.

Li Qingzhao appeared in green clothes, with delicate facial features, a slender figure, and a little fear in his clear eyes.

The moment he saw Qiu Yuanye, he reached out and was about to hug her thighs, but Qiu Yuanye avoided it with great disgust.

Li Qingzhao was not embarrassed at all, but choked his neck on the spot and cried: "My lord, you don't know anything! This animal suddenly broke into my house half a month ago, talking nonsense in a daze, and killed my brother who was in love with his siblings, and took me away for half a month.................."

The man lying on the ground kept crying about all kinds of evil deeds that had been done by Rafal for the past few days, and all kinds of splashing and rolling, like a splash, extremely ugly.

Seeing this scene, Rafal looked stunned, and a reluctant smile appeared on his face, "Qingzhao, you, you're joking, right?"

"I'm kidding your mother." Li Qingzhao scolded directly at Rafal.

Qiu Yuanye teased the willow eyebrows, playfully looked at the sand on his wrist, and looked at the gloomy Rafal like a clown.

"Didn't you say that this dragon man often insulted you, and why is the Shougong sand on your wrist still there?"

Li Qingzhao was stunned, and his heart suddenly panicked, but after seeing Qiu Yuanye's playful eyes, he still stabilized his mind and said: "My lord doesn't know, this dragon man is often sluggish, so he has to contaminate my saliva." "

Oh?" The banter in Qiu Yuanye's eyes was even worse, "It turned out to be an impotent dragon~"

She laughed secretly in her heart, looking at such a strong dragon man who didn't have that function? It's

really funny, Dongfang Xianyun often faints halfway through, and then she is awakened by the water element.

In comparison, this dragon man is really a waste!

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