"Is she so long-lasting?!" Dongfang Xianyun, who had been walking for four or five hours in a row, finally couldn't help it and said.

With the blazing sun on his head, he now feels like he's going to have a heat stroke, the kind that can pass out at any time!"

"Warmly remind the host: the endurance of women in the world of women is usually three to four times that of men, not to mention that Mio Akiyama is the best among them, and has the blessing of being a brave. The round eyes of the system in his mind turned, and he said mysteriously: "But the host's endurance at some time is stronger than that of Mio Akiyama~"

"For example, there are only tired cows in this world, and there are no cultivated fields." "


Dongfang Xianyun stared at Mio Akiyama who was speeding up in front of her, I have to say that Mio Akiyama is a standard black long straight, with a cold and beautiful appearance, and a pair of eyes that are indifferent to anything, the corners of her eyes seem to be born with red eye shadow, absolutely beautiful and quiet

but......... How do you always feel that she knows my physical state?

After being stared at by Dongfang Xianyun's resentful gaze for a long time, Mio Akiyama finally couldn't bear it anymore, pretending to be embarrassed to stop, pointing to the big tree on the side, and signaling to rest in place for a while.

When Dongfang Xianyun walked to the side of the big tree, he fell directly on the green grass, the pink and fair little face was flushed, a pair of bright eyes gradually blurred, and the whole person inexplicably exuded a feeling of astringency.

Mio Akiyama leaned her back against the tree, pretending to close her eyes and rest, but in fact, she kept squinting and secretly observing Dongfang Xianyun.

Looking at his extraordinarily lovely cheeks, she swallowed a mouthful of saliva in disbelief, forming a huge contrast with her cold face.

Originally......... He also has such an unknown scene.

In the month they have been together, Dongfang Xianyun has always maintained a gentle and kind face, like a real angel.

But today, Mio Akiyama discovered his unknown side, which was a grudge!

A strange emotion that had only been produced for her alone!

This discovery made her cheer in her heart, as if she had pulled the angel high into the mire.

It turned out that the young man was not so far away from her!

Dongfang Xianyun rested for a while, sat up and took off his hat, picked up his hair that had already been soaked with sweat, picked up a handkerchief and wiped the sweat on his body.

But the moment she lifted her hair, Mio Akiyama's breathing suffocated slightly, and her eyes widened instantly

! What did she see?!

The emerald green elf pattern on the white back of her neck sparkled and shone in the sun!

The elf pattern is the unique palace sand of the elf clan, which proves that the young man in front of him is still intact and has not been ravaged by anyone!

Her eyes burned, as if she had discovered some new world, generally speaking, the elven pattern of the elf clan could only be seen by her wife on the wedding night, and now she actually saw it!

But as if he hadn't noticed anything, the boy still wiped the sweat drops on his cheeks with a handkerchief, and the wet handkerchief ran across his cheeks, and a drop of water flew up from the handkerchief and fell straight down on Mio Akiyama's boots.

But she didn't seem to notice, just stared at the handkerchief with blazing eyes, imagining replacing the handkerchief with her soft little tongue and helping the boy lick the sweat off his body.

Imagine the tip of your tongue running across every part of the boy's body.

He's a.... What a lowly man

! Not only do you see the elf pattern to yourself, but you also seduce yourself by wiping your sweat!

The image of Dongfang Xianyun in Mio Akiyama's heart is too great, he happened to appear in the darkest moment in Mio Akiyama's heart, illuminated Mio Akiyama's whole heart with his holy light, and then accompanied her patiently for a month.

If Dongfang Xianyun is an angel who has fallen into the quagmire, then Mio Akiyama is not even worthy of maggots, and can only be used as a single cell, watching him from countless dimensions.

At the same time, Dongfang Xianyun hugged his legs and asked expressionlessly: "System, does she want to do something bad to me?"

Hearing this, the system's small mouth opened slightly, wanting to confide out some words, but in the end he obediently closed his mouth.

She's going to do bad things to you, she's already imagined you to be super great, okay?!Mio

Akiyama gathered her thoughts, was silent for a while, and took out the silver coins from her pocket, "I just learned that the minimum employment price for Pastor Las Civis is thirty. "

Of the 73 silver coins I got in Delin, and those thirty were almost half.

"Then thank you, Mio?" Dongfang Xianyun's eyes lit up, and he stretched out his palm and took thirty silver coins from her hand, and then carefully put them into his bag.

Dongfang Xianyun himself is a small money fan, and there is no reason to refuse this money, not to mention that this itself is a share of money he deserves.

The crisp sound of silver coins colliding with each other sounded, and you didn't have to think about it to know that there must be a full amount of silver coins inside.

"Thank you, Mio!" Dongfang Xianyun's eyebrows and eyes curved, and a soft smile bloomed unconsciously, and he thanked Mio Akiyama again.

Mio Akiyama was stunned for a moment, feeling the fleeting warm touch in the center of his palm, and the smile that bloomed at the moment, and the corners of his mouth unconsciously raised a trace of the arc of a smile.

Since the boy likes money, she earns money that can completely corrode the boy's body and mind, and locks him firmly by her side.

She breathed a long sigh of relief, strengthened her inner thoughts, temporarily expelled those dirty thoughts to the corners of her heart, and asked the young man in front of her with a trace of curiosity: "After saving so much money, what do you want to do in the future?"

It may be to save enough money, and then find a beautiful place with the people I love the most, buy it, and live happily ever after. Facing

the bright light of the sun, he seemed to be plated with a layer of holiness, and his smile was extremely pure and healing.

But this holiness brings out the darkness in Mio Akiyama's heart even more, and for some reason, she can't help but have an urge from heart to body to conquer and destroy this beauty.

She imagined that when she forcibly pressed the boy to the green grass and wanted to do something wrong, I was afraid that the boy would only shake his head in pain and beg for mercy at the same time, right?

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