"But we are running out of spiritual energy." A girl in the team said.

She was not tall and had a good appearance.

"This thing's defense is too strong. My lightning magic can't break its defense."

"Wait a little longer."Shi Qiu didn't want to give up, and his team had no choice but to continue attacking.

Ten minutes later, Shi Qiu confirmed that his team had no chance of killing the armored bull, so he reluctantly withdrew.

The armored bull was not fast, and couldn't catch up with them, so they had to give up, bumping around in the same place, as if venting their anger.

At this time, Lin Cang jumped out of the bushes and directly attacked the armored bull's anus and vitals with a stick-inserting technique.


The armored bull's vitals were attacked, and it screamed in pain, but it was useless.

It was already in a bad state, and Shi Qiu and others had consumed a lot of its spiritual energy, and it was also seriously injured. Lin Cang sent it away with almost no effort.


"Something is happening!"At this time, Shi Qiu, who had not run far, heard the scream of the armored bull.

He felt that the scream was very wrong, as if it had suffered great grievance and pain.

"Let’s go back quickly, damn, someone might have taken advantage of us!"

"What? Zhuo!" A boy said angrily:"Anyone dares to take advantage of my young master Du? You are looking for death!"

The other three people also looked unhappy.

They fought for a long time without any gains, and they were tricked by Lao Liu as soon as they left?

The five of them immediately returned at high speed and saw Lin Cang who had just killed the Iron Bull.

"Haha, hello everyone."Lin Cang grinned. The Iron Bull just now contributed 10 energy points to him.

He was not afraid of just five out-of-state psychics of the same level.

One person?

Shi Qiu looked at Lin Cang coldly, slightly surprised.

He thought that the one who picked up the leak was a team of psychics, but he didn't expect that there was only Lin Cang.

Du Fei was wearing a blue short-sleeved shirt and looked arrogant in front of Lin Cang. He was a first-level intermediate fire psychic.

"How dare you to plot against us?"

"Oh?"Lin Cang put the body of the Iron-Armored Bull into the system space.

He wore a decorative bracelet on his hand to cover up the system space and confuse others.

"You can't defeat them, so you don't allow others to come?"

"That's right!" Du Fei said proudly,"No one else can touch what I, Young Master Du, like."

"Boy, you'd better hand over the armored bull now, so that we can let you go."

"What about you guys?"Lin Cang didn't reply to him immediately, but looked at the other four people.

The two girls didn't look angry, only surprised.

Shi Qiu and the other boy were similar, they were all surprised that Lin Cang could kill the armored bull that none of the five of them could kill.

"Captain." The boy whispered in Shi Qiu's ear:"The other side killed the Iron Bull with only one person. He may have special means. Let's not take this thing to avoid trouble."

"That's right." Shi Qiu nodded.

If it was a team of superpowers that killed the low-health armored bull, he wouldn't be surprised, but if it was just one person...……

"But we can't let him take it away for nothing." Shi Qiu whispered:"Let Du Fei try his ability."

Shi Qiu and the other four knew Du Fei's character. He was extremely arrogant and always very arrogant.

Now that Lin Cang had taken away their things, Du Fei would definitely not let it go.

Shi Qiu:"What Du Fei meant is what we meant."

"There is no room for negotiation." Lin Cang said to Du Fei indifferently,"What do you want to do if I don't hand it over?"

"What?" Du Fei started to act immediately."Then I'll beat you until you hand it over!"

"Big fireball!"


A fireball with a diameter of about five meters flew towards Lin Cang.

Du Fei knew very well that he could not kill him, so he tried to test him.

If Lin Cang was really strong, he would definitely not insist. He was just an iron-horned bull.

But Du Fei also saw that he was as strong as himself and others. He was afraid of the iron-horned bull but not Lin Cang.

"Humph, this guy might have used some strange means to kill the armored bull by chance."

The big fireball came roaring, and just when Du Fei and the other five thought that Lin Cang would hide, he clapped his hands.

"Wood Style: Wood Wall!"


The big fireball hit the wood wall and started burning immediately.

However, Lin Cang, who was protected inside, was not in danger. The big fireball could not burn through the wood wall.

After the wood wall was removed, Lin Cang appeared in front of everyone intact, which surprised Du Fei.

"When will wood-type mutants learn to defend themselves?"

"Defense?" Lin Cang snorted coldly, raised his right hand towards Du Fei.

"Wood Release: Large Tree Technique!"

Swish, swish, swish!

A dozen vines appeared instantly, wrapping around Du Fei who was unable to react in time, instantly controlling him and pulling him in front of Lin Cang.

""Du Fei!" Shi Qiu and the other four shouted in worry. Du Fei struggled hard but to no avail.


Lin Cang threw Du Fei to the ground and looked at them.

"I want the Iron Bull, what do you think?"

"We'll give it to you!" Shi Qiu spoke up immediately. He couldn't understand Lin Cang's tricks."Let Du Fei go." The strange wood element and the sudden strange technique made him unsure of defeating Lin Cang.

After hearing this, Lin Cang said,"You'd better not play tricks, otherwise I won't show mercy next time."

"I'm serious." Shi Qiu said:"Friend, it's just an armored bull, there's no need for us to fight to the death."

"Yes." A girl also said:"We are all from wealthy families, we don't need the money, but I feel uncomfortable letting you take advantage of it."

"That's right." Another girl also said,"Since you killed the Ironclad Bull, it should belong to you. We have no objection."

"All right then." Lin Cang let go of Du Fei, who struggled to get up from the ground with a look of horror on his face.

Lin Cang stepped forward, patted him on the shoulder, and said with a smile:"Mr. Du, right? What do you say now?"

"I, I have no objection."Du Fei was much more honest at this moment.

Although he was usually arrogant and domineering, he was arrogant to the weak. He could not be arrogant when facing Lin Cang who subdued him with one move.

"Hehe." Lin Cang smiled and said,"Let's go, it's time for me to leave too.""

"Yes, yes."Du Fei nodded repeatedly and immediately returned to Shi Qiu's team.

At this time, Shi Qiu looked at Lin Cang's back and suddenly spoke

"Wait a minute, friend."

"Hmm?" Lin Cang turned around, looked at the person chasing him and asked,"Why, do you want to go back on your word?""

"No." Shi Qiu immediately shook his head,"I want to ask you for a favor."

"I'm busy." Lin Cang refused without thinking. He had to complete tasks and had no time to help others.

Shi Qiu said immediately,"Don't rush to refuse. Listen to me before you reply.""

"It's like this, we found a Qingling fruit tree, there are seven Qingling fruits on it, we would like to invite you to go with us."

Qingling fruit?

Lin Cang's eyes moved slightly after hearing this, he was very familiar with this thing, Lin Shan had to eat four every month to suppress the toxins in his body.

And a Qingling fruit is worth 300,000 federal coins, which is much more valuable than a giant bear.

"Is there such a good thing? Will you give it to me for free?" Lin Cang was puzzled. Shi

Qiu saw that he was interested and smiled and said,"Of course not"

"There are two first-level thunder deer guarding the Qingling fruit tree, one intermediate and one advanced."

"Our team can barely kill that first-level advanced Thunder Deer, provided the other one doesn't interfere, so……"

"So you want me to deal with that first-level intermediate thunder deer?" Lin Cang nodded after hearing this,"I agree, let's talk about the distribution."

The thunder deer is fast and has strong attack power, but its defense is average, so it is easy for him to deal with it.

"How about 30% to 70%?"Shi Qiu asked. He thought 30% was enough for Lin Cang.

Lin Cang agreed immediately,"Okay, it's fair that I get 70% and you get 30%"

"What?" Shi Qiu was stunned, then quickly said:"No, it's us seven, you three"

"That won't work." Lin Cang was unhappy,"It's too little."

"It's quite a lot." Shi Qiu said,"You just hold back the first-level intermediate Thunder Deer, and the five of us have to deal with the advanced one."

"But you have five people, safer than me." Lin Cang waved his hand,"Don't you know that monsters of the same level can crush ordinary superpowers?"

"You are not an ordinary superpower." Shi Qiu was helpless,"At most four or six, if it is more, we will not be suitable."

"Well, then." Lin Cang agreed, but then he changed the subject and said,"But if there is something beyond the plan, I must increase my share."

"That makes sense." Shi Qiu nodded,"I don't even know your name."

"Lin Cang. Lin Cang followed him back to the team. Shi

Qiu introduced the other three people to him one by one, and everyone immediately set off.


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