But it didn't take long for Murong Weiwei to speak.

"Lincang, there is a place that can meet your requirements, but it is a bit dangerous, I don't recommend you go there"

"Where is it?" Lin Cang asked,"Tell me about it."

"Underground Arena."

Murong Weiwei said,"There must be enough opponents there for you to challenge.""

Underground Arena?

Lin Cang was stunned. This was the first time he had heard of this place.

Seeing that he was puzzled, Murong Weiwei continued

"Although it is called underground, the upper echelons of New Town Base City all know that the backer there is actually the federal government."

"The underground arena provides exciting venues and gambling for those financial tycoons and children of big families who have money but nowhere to spend it, and earns a lot of money to maintain the operation of the base city."

"There are duels of different strengths held there every day, and contestants can get huge monetary rewards after winning."

"However, the underground arena is also the place where the most deaths occur in the base city every day."

"Some people who want to gain capital for cultivation in it often go there without returning, and bury their lives in the field."

"So...I don't recommend you go now."

"Hmm?"Lin Cang was very satisfied with the underground duel arena and planned to go and take a look.

But Murong Weiwei had something else to say, so he asked,"Why can't we go now?"

"Because you lack a leader."

Murong Weiwei glanced at Wu Xiaoman and Lily and continued to explain to Lin Cang.

"Lin Cang, a superpower who has never seen blood is not a real superpower. Do you agree with this statement?"

"I agree!" Lin Cang immediately said:"I think so too"

"so……"Murong Weiwei pondered for a moment and said,"I plan to organize a team of seven to fight in the underground arena after school starts. You and Xiaoman are both candidates."

"This team represents our Luoshui University"

"After the battle in the arena, you will go to participate in the global campus competition held by the federal government to make a name for your school."

"So you better wait a little longer. In a month at most, I will let you go to the underground arena to see the ugliness behind the glamorous Base City."

"A month?"Lin Cang shook his head after hearing this."It's too long."

"Weiwei, thank you for your information. I decided to go to the underground duel arena tomorrow."

"Lin Cang you……"Wu Xiaoman immediately became nervous after hearing this and hurriedly tried to persuade him,"That place is not a place for fun!"

"A brother of mine died in an underground fighting arena. The family can't do anything about it because the federal government wants to ensure absolute fairness."

"This is better."Lin Cang smiled after hearing this.

"I deserve to die if I am not as skilled as you. I hate people who use their family power to cause trouble after they lose."

The underground arena... this is really a good place.

Lin Cang licked his lips and was looking forward to it.


After dinner, Murong Weiwei and the other two girls returned to school, while Lin Cang found a hotel nearby to stay in, so that he could travel tomorrow.

Lily looked at his back as he left, her eyes rolled, and she suddenly covered her stomach and cried out.

"Ouch, that hurts."

"Lily, what's wrong with you?"Wu Xiaoman and Murong Weiwei looked at her strangely.

Lily said aggrievedly:"I must have eaten too much just now. I need to go to the toilet."

"You." Murong Weiwei shook her head,"Go ahead, we'll wait for you here.""

"No need." Lily ran away, shouting as she ran,"Sister Weiwei, Sister Xiaoman, you go back first, I will go back to school by myself later!"

"Oh, Lily……"Murong Weiwei wanted to say something else, but Lily disappeared in a flash.

Wu Xiaoman shook her head helplessly,"Sister Weiwei, let's go back first."

"Well, this naughty little guy."

The two girls walked away hand in hand.


The base city was brightly lit at night. Lin Cang was walking alone on the road, thinking about his plans for tomorrow.

"You must go to the underground arena, otherwise you can't complete the mission"

"But it's better to be safe. Find out the situation there tomorrow and then decide what to do."

He didn't take a taxi. The four of them drank a little wine soaked with monster bones in the restaurant. The aftereffect was very strong and he felt a little dizzy.

Thinking of this, Lin Cang walked into a cheap hotel.

Not far behind him, a sneaky figure was following him.

Lin Cang didn't notice it. There were still many people on the street at this time, so he didn't pay attention.

"Damn it!"Lily felt unwilling after watching him walk into the hotel. She didn't dare to do it in a crowded place.

However, just when she secretly cursed Lin Cang's good luck and was about to let him go temporarily, Lin Cang walked out of the hotel again.

"Let's go to the park and get some fresh air."After checking in, Lin Cang didn't want to go to sleep right away.

He wanted to wake up from his drowsiness, so he turned into a small road.

At this time, Lily, who was following behind him, was delighted and thought to herself:

"Haha, it seems that God has given me a chance to take revenge!"

"Humph, damn Lin Cang, this is your own bad luck, you can't blame anyone else."

Lily was very proud.

She couldn't help but feel happy when she thought that she would be able to teach Lin Cang a lesson soon.

In her heart, Lin Cang was too hateful. Not only did he target her everywhere, but he even dared to let her be his follower?

Although she lost the bet, he was too bold!

Lily followed all the way, her whole body was concealed, so that Lin Cang could not detect her.

Soon the two of them came to a deserted park one after another.

At this time, she had no scruples. Even if Lin Cang was beaten to death in this place, no one would find him.

Lily jumped directly in front of Lin Cang and stopped him with her hands on her hips.

Lin Cang looked at the little loli in front of him with a look of astonishment.

"You little girl, you actually followed me?"

"Humph!" Lily said:"Lin Cang, now I want you to pay the price for your bad mouth!"

""Oh?" Lin Cang laughed after hearing this,"Why, you want to fight? Are you sure you can beat me?"

Lily was also at the intermediate level of the first rank, and Lin Cang was not afraid of her.

Lily said proudly,"Of course, I am very strong, and I can handle you with ease."

Lin Cang shook his head after hearing this, and did not take it seriously.

How strong could a little girl be?

"If you want to make yourself uncomfortable, then come on. If I beat you up and you cry, just don't tell Weiwei and the others about it."

"You will be the one crying!" Lily shouted and rushed towards him immediately.

Lin Cang originally planned to teach this naughty little girl a lesson and didn't take it seriously. After all, although this girl was a little bit willful, she looked quite cute.

However, Lily had to take it seriously as soon as she made a move.

Her speed was too fast, unbelievably fast!

"This girl……"Lin Cang's face was solemn.

At this moment, Lily was already in front of him with her fist raised. He immediately clapped his hands.

"Wood Release: Wood Wall!"



Lin Cang saw that his previously indestructible wooden wall was shattered by Lily's punch, which instantly distanced him from this terrifying little Lolita.

"How could this little girl be so strong? She destroyed my defensive ninjutsu with just her body?"

"There is something strange, something very strange!"

Lin Cang was serious, he put his hands together and another ninjutsu appeared

"Wood Style: Four Pillar Prison!"

Boom boom boom!

Dozens of huge wooden stakes suddenly appeared from under Lily's feet, trapping her inside.

"I don't believe you can break this spell!" Lin Cang said, staring at the little Loli in the distance.

Lily sneered after hearing this, with disdain in her eyes.

"Then just watch how I destroy these broken wooden stakes!"

""Open it for me!"

Lily yelled. In front of Lin Cang's shocked eyes, a fluffy white tail grew out of her back. Her ears turned into animal ears. Her appearance changed dramatically.

At the same time, her aura began to surge!

First level advanced... Second level elementary... Second level intermediate...

Lily didn't stop until she reached the second level advanced, which made Lin Cang stunned.

Then, the nails on her delicate little hand instantly popped out ten centimeters, and the four pillars shattered with a few"swish".

"You are not a human being!"Lin Cang was shocked.

Lily sneered.

"That's right, I am a member of the Nine-tailed Fox clan."

"Nine-tailed celestial fox? Is this species on the Monster Rankings?"

Monster Rankings?

Lily looked disdainful after hearing this.

"Our race is extremely gifted, and the so-called monster ranking list of you humans is not worthy of our participation!"

She proudly told her origins, waiting for Lin Cang to piss himself in fear.

"Huh, this guy must be very scared now, right?"

"I will give him a good beating later so that he won't be so mean in the future."


Lin Cang's reaction was beyond her expectations.

"Hey, are you scared?"

Lily saw that he actually laughed.

And his mouth was almost grinning to his ears, just like an ordinary person who suddenly won a 5 million lottery.

"Are you scared?" Lin Cang wiped the corner of his mouth,"No, I'm excited."

"Little girl, from what you said, your talent is higher than that of the Hanling Dragon, which is ranked first in the monster rankings?"

""Frost Spirit Dragon?" Lily was very disdainful after hearing this,"Humph, they are just food for my tribe, what do you think?"

"Very good, this is very good."Lin Cang took out a red scroll from the system space and grinned.

"Hey, little girl, you came to me and recognized me as your master."

"How dare you mention the bet!"

Lily was furious and rushed towards Lin Cang with her fangs bared,"I will tear you to pieces, you hateful human!"

""Master, Master?"

Lily suddenly stopped one step in front of Lin Cang and put away her sharp claws.

The spiritual scroll in Lin Cang's hand emitted a bright light and then drilled into her little head.

At the same time, a hint flashed before his eyes.

【The psychic scroll has taken effect, and the contract is successful.】

【Contract Object: Nine-tailed Heavenly Fox】

【Nine-tailed Heavenly Fox: With extraordinary talent and mysterious origin, she will be extremely powerful when she grows up. I hope the host will treat her well.]

Lin Cang touched Lily's little head with satisfaction, and the latter squinted her eyes comfortably like a cat.

"Hehehe, it feels so comfortable. I love my master so much!"

"Hey, Lily, you better be obedient from now on."

"Yes, I know how to do it!"After the spiritual scroll took effect, Lily developed a strong sense of dependence on Lin Cang and felt that he was the most important person in her life.

"Master, you have to treat Lily well too."

"Of course, hehe."

He was in a very happy mood at the moment, and immediately returned to the hotel with his new little Loli"pet"


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