"By the way, let me introduce myself." The fat man continued to get close to

"Yu Bin, from the Yu family in Xincheng, my father Yu Xiong, a sixth-level supernatural being"

"Awesome." Lin Cang said with a smile:"Lin Cang."

He just said his name, and there was nothing else to introduce.

Yu Bin didn't care and said:"Brother Lin, do you also like to come here to gamble?"

"I don't like it." Lin Cang shook his head,"I came here to fight."

"What? You want to participate in the competition?"

Yu Bin immediately said,"People often die in the competitions here, Brother Lin, don't ask for trouble."

"Thank you very much.

Although the fat man was a little bit vulgar, he really helped me, which made Lin Cang like him a lot.

"But I have decided. I will thank you again for what happened today when I have the chance."

"Don't go."

Yu Bin immediately held him back and said,"Even if you want to participate, you must be in a hurry. I will take you to see how intense the competition is."

"That's fine." Lin Cang thought for a moment and said,"Lead the way."

"Let's go."

The fat man took him to a 100-meter square arena and found two random chairs to sit down.

"This is where the first-level superpowers compete. There are eight matches in today's preview. We can just watch them here."

The underground arena is very large. There are five arenas like this, each corresponding to a different level.

Lin Cang followed the fat man and sat down. He observed his seat. There was a small screen on the armrest with many functions.

The fat man opened his screen and clicked a few times. Information about a man and a woman appeared.

"Brother Lin, this is the opponent for the next game, you can place a bet on them."

Lin Cang looked over.

The man was about 30 years old and had two scars on his face.

【Giant Bear: First-level advanced earth-type mutant, record of four wins and one loss, score 3, first-level bronze medal]

The other woman is about 25 or 26 years old, with an ordinary appearance

【Blood Fox, first-level advanced fire ability user, record of four wins and one draw, points 4, first-level bronze medal】

"Medal?" Lin Cang looked up at Yu Bin, who said,"That's the level certificate of the contestants."

"The underground arena will evaluate the players' scores based on their performance, and set up seven different medals from low to high, with each level having"

"They are bronze, silver, gold, platinum, diamond, king, and emperor."

"The higher the player level, the better the benefits. For example, Giant Bear, his first-level bronze medal can receive 100,000 federal coins every month."

"How do I upgrade the medals?" Hearing that there is money to be gained, Lin Cang licked his lips.

What he needs most now is the crystal core, and he can't do without money.

Yu Bin:"It's the same for every rank. The medals below the Douhuang are all based on a ten-point system. A player adds one point for each win, loses one point for a loss, and has no gain or loss for a draw."

"For example, if a first-level psychic wants to upgrade his bronze medal to silver, he needs to win ten games in a row. The same is true for silver to upgrade to gold."

"However, when a player has 60 points to become a Dou Wang, it becomes 100 points to upgrade to Dou Huang, which means 100 wins."

"No matter what level of the underground arena, there hasn't been a terrifying player like Dou Huang in ten years.

It's too difficult to win 100 games."Yu Bin shook his head. Defeating 100 opponents of the same level, and a life-and-death battle, is as difficult as ascending to heaven.

However, Lin Cang became interested after hearing this.

The system requires him to win 100 games. Once the task is completed, he will get the Dou Huang medal. This makes him very concerned about welfare issues.

"Fatty, what are the benefits of a first-level Douhuang medal?"

The highest level of the superpower is ten, so the medals in the underground arena are also divided into ten levels.

"A first-level Dou Huang?"Yu Bin said,"Let me see."

He clicked on the screen a few times and immediately said,"Brother Lin, a first-level Dou Huang medal can be used to receive 10 million federal coins in the underground arena every month."

"What about the second level?"Lin Cang continued to ask

"The second level is 50 million, the third level is 100 million, and the fourth level and above are not disclosed, but I guess it should not be measured by money."

Yu Bin introduced it to him, and Lin Cang's eyes lit up after hearing it.

A first-level Dou Huang can get 10 million federal coins every month...

This is the price of a third-level primary crystal core, his father's savings for several years.

And the second and third-level Dou Huang are even more valuable, which makes him more satisfied with the underground arena.

"This is where I will rise!"

While he was thinking, the giant bear and the blood fox had already appeared on the ring. The fat man said,"Brother Lin, do you want to play a game?"

"How do you play?" Lin Cang asked.

Yu Bin opened the screen and placed a bet of 100,000 federal coins under the giant bear's information.

"That's it."

Lin Cang looked

【Giant Bear, odds 1.7】

【Blood Fox, odds 1.3]

Yu Bin continued

"Brother Lin, I’m betting 100,000 on the giant bear now. If he wins, I can get 170,000. It’s very cool. Do you want to try some?"

"No." Lin Cang shook his head."I don't know the strength of these two people, so I'm not sure about the bet."

"Hey, it's just a small amount of money. If you lose, just treat it as a joke."

The fat man waved his VIP medal in front of Lin Cang's screen, then clicked a few times and bet 100,000 yuan on him to buy the giant bear.

Lin Cang was surprised and said,"Fatty, you have so much money? What if you lose?""

"If you win, it's yours, if you lose, it's mine!" Yu Bin said arrogantly.

"Today is the first time that you, Brother Lin, have come here, so Fatty, I have to show my appreciation, right?"

""Thanks, Fatty." Since the other party didn't care, Lin Cang didn't refuse.

It was only 100,000, and he didn't need it.

Then he looked at the ring. A host yelled hysterically for a long time, stirring up the atmosphere and making everyone excited to place bets.

In a short while, the big screen on the ring showed the amount of bets from both sides, which surprised Lin Cang.

"How could a match between first-level superpowers attract so many bets?"

At this time, a total of 80 million bets were placed on Giant Bear to win, and 190 million bets were placed on Blood Fox. Obviously, Blood Fox's record made more people willing to believe her.

However, Giant Bear had high odds, and some people wanted to take a chance. If the bicycle turned into a motorcycle, it would be a huge profit.

"How much is this?" Yu Bin said with a smile

"Brother Lin, I will take you to watch the competition between third-level psychics later. That’s a lot of money to be made, at least 10 billion in each game!"

"Really rich." Lin Cang smacked his lips and watched the game.

The giant bear was about two meters tall, with a broad back and strong waist, and looked very strong. The blood fox was 1.6 meters tall and slender, and looked very fragile when standing next to his opponent.

"Brother Giant Bear." The blood fox called tenderly,"Please go easy on me later."

"Bitch." The giant bear spat,"Stop pretending, everyone here knows that you are cruel and ruthless."

"No way!" Blood Fox stamped his feet, looking innocent.

Giant Bear looked serious.

Although no one kills in normal matches, the underground arena will not care if the opponent is really killed.

On the contrary, the more this happens, the more excited the audience will be!

The more opponents are killed, the higher the popularity, so generally not many players can survive ten games.

""The game begins!" At this time, the host screamed, and the giant bear immediately rushed towards the blood fox. The blood fox looked innocent and cute the second before, but the next second his face suddenly turned cold, and he immediately threw out a fireball in his hand.

"Big fireball!"

"Earth wall!"

The giant bear immediately defended himself. A half-meter-thick and five-meter-high wall appeared, blocking the flying fireball.

However, when he removed the earth wall, he found that the blood fox had disappeared. The giant bear hurriedly looked for her.

"Big fireball!"

"Here!" It was not until the blood fox attacked again that the giant bear found her. It turned out that she was hiding under the earth wall.

The blood fox deliberately covered her delicate body with the earth wall, and did not hesitate to use her injuries to create attack opportunities. Her fighting style was very aggressive.

Facing this sudden fireball, the giant bear had no time to use his special skills, and he protected his head with both hands and relied on his body to defend.

Boom! The big fireball hit the giant bear, and he immediately grimaced in pain.

At this time, the blood fox rushed forward, and a short knife suddenly appeared in his hand, and slashed at the giant bear's neck.

Chi chi!


The giant bear’s neck was cut open, and a lot of blood flowed out. He trembled and said,"I… admit defeat, spare my life!"

"Humph!" The Blood Fox showed no mercy to his plea for mercy and killed him with another blow of the sword."It's no use begging for mercy here!"

"Blood fox!"

"Blood fox!"

"Blood Fox!"

The bloody and exciting scene made the audience scream wildly, especially those who bet on her to win were even more excited.

Blood Fox licked the blood on the knife, made a charming expression and left the ring.

"Very exciting. Lin Cang looked excited.

"As expected of the underground arena called the Land of Death, this is the real battle!"


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