In the underground arena, on the first-level competition stage, a middle-aged woman was lying in front of Lin Cang.

This was his third match today, and he won all three.

Not only did he win, but he also won with ease. The opponent's strength was obviously not on the same level as his, and they were all crushed.

This made the audience cheer and wave, and Lin Cang's popularity was getting higher and higher.

After the host came on stage to announce the result, he looked at the boy in front of him and said respectfully:"Mr. Lin Cang, would you like to continue the game?""

""Continue." Lin Cang said expressionlessly.

The three games were not very exhausting, so he had to hurry up and complete the task.

The opponent of the fourth game came on stage, and the big screen began to display the information of both sides.

【Lin Cang: First-level intermediate wood-type ability user】

【Record: Five wins in five games】

【Points: 5】

【Odds: 1:1.01】

【Huang Na: First-level advanced water-based psychic】

【Record: 20 wins, 16 losses】

【Points: 4】

【Odds 1:1.8】

"Is that the only odds?"Lin Cang shook his head and bet 220 million on himself, which was all his money now.

After spending 100 million yesterday to buy the crystal core of the third-level advanced wood monster 'White Spirit Tiger', he only had 170 million left. As a result, he bet on himself to win 50 million in three games today.

But now the problem has come. At this moment, he has exposed too much strength.

The backstage evaluation of the underground arena is not stupid. The odds are getting lower and lower.

This makes Lin Cang helpless, but makes his supporters more excited!

Now Lin Cang has gained a lot of fans, and those fans believe that the lower the idol's odds, the more it proves his strength!

"It's so cool!"A young man in fancy clothes on the stands waved his arms vigorously at Lincang's odds.

"Brother Lin proved himself in just five games. He is worthy of being my idol."

"Is five games not enough?" A companion next to him said:"This is five consecutive wins, and it was completed within two days. It's too scary!"

"How many consecutive wins do you think he can achieve today?"

The flashy young man thought for a moment and said,"At least three consecutive wins."

"I think so too"


The discussion of the two was just a microcosm of the entire audience. Now the topic at the first-level arena was almost all about Lin Cang.

This made the other contestants dissatisfied. One of the young men with the silver medal said,"This newcomer has risen too fast. He doesn't take us old guys seriously at all."

"Yes." His companion also said

"But I think the higher-ups will send you to Lincang's silver promotion match. You must break his winning streak and beat him back to his original form."

"This is natural."The silver-white young man nodded proudly.

"How old is he to come here and take our place? How abominable!"

"Well, he obviously doesn't have to trade his life for resources like us, he has other options."His companion was about thirty years old, and his expression was very lonely when he said these words.

He knew how talented Lin Cang was, just like the silver youth.

They were all thirty years old and still struggling at the advanced level of the first order, and they would not achieve much in their lives.

They actually didn't want to come to the underground arena to risk their lives, but if they didn't do this, which big force would be willing to give them resources?

In fact, Lin Cang also discovered these problems, so he dared to set himself a hundred challenges.

The first-level players in the underground arena have few skills, weak power, and low level. It can be said that they are the eliminated psychics outside who can't make it anymore and have to come here to risk their lives.

Most of the real geniuses will not hang around in the underground arena, at least not at the stage of the first-level psychics, they all have resources provided by the school.


Huang Na is 26 years old this year. She has been in the underground arena for more than a year and has participated in 36 games in total.

So many games have made her realize how difficult it is to upgrade the silver medal. It took more than a year to get 4 points.

At this moment, she looked at the unbelievably young boy in front of her who already had 5 points, and she couldn't help but sigh.

"Lin Cang, you are amazing. You have won five consecutive games since your debut. This is a glory that many people cannot achieve until they die."

"You are flattered." Lin Cang smiled slightly, looking very polite.

In the five games, except for killing Pan Qiang, he stopped at the right time with the other four.

This is the unspoken rule of the underground arena, and most people abide by it.

After all, a bloodthirsty person will be retaliated by his opponent.

Unless there is really no chance to kill, there will be no mercy. On the other hand, if everyone knows that you have no intention of fighting to the death, then basically everyone will give each other face.

After all, those who can come here are"poor people."

Lin Cang sighed after learning about this.

The superpowers who compete here are just a group of poor creatures who rely on each other to survive.

However, although he felt sorry, he did not sympathize with anyone who came here to participate.

Lin Cang's idea is very simple.

As long as you come, then you must be ready to be killed.

There is no one who is completely undefeated, it's just a matter of the number of games.

However, although the underground arena is cruel, Lin Cang likes it here for some reason.

This feeling of walking on the edge of a knife makes him fascinated and unable to extricate himself.

"Hehe." Lin Cang shook his head and laughed at himself in his heart,"One day I will die here too."


At the beginning of the game, although Huang Na did not have any outstanding points, she created a special skill - water whip, which still made Lin Cang's eyes light up.

He thought that water-type people could not have any means of attack, but he did not expect that a mere first-level special ability user would think of using water flow as a whip to hit the opponent.

Huang Na whipped Lin Cang with the whip in her hand, and he did not dodge, deliberately testing the power

"It's OK, it's at least an offensive skill."

""Huang Na smiled proudly,"Lin Cang, this is what my sister came up with after racking her brains in order to survive here. Isn't it amazing?"

"Awesome." Lin Cang looked at the blood on his chest, which was quite painful."But the water-based ability is only for control and treatment after all, it is difficult to achieve success."

"Your wood element is not the same."Huang Na was jealous.

She couldn't understand why there was such a freak like Lin Cang in the wood element. The attack power of his wooden spikes was even stronger than that of the lightning and fire elements.

Huang Na knew she couldn't win, but she didn't want to give up and still went all out.

After Lin Cang tested the power of the water whip, he lost interest in her and trapped her with the four pillars. Huang Na found that she couldn't struggle and decisively gave up.

"Lin Cang wins!" The host immediately announced, and then asked:"Mr. Lin Cang, you……"

"No more fighting, let's talk about it in the afternoon." Lin Cang walked off the stage.

He had played four games in the morning, which was more than he had planned. He didn't have much spiritual energy left, so he couldn't hold on any longer.

Ding ding - at this time Lin Cang's phone rang, he picked it up and saw that it was the amount he had bet.

"Two hundred million bets for two million……"Lin Cang shook his head. The risk was too great. It was not worth it.

After his spiritual energy was restored in the afternoon, he did nothing else but immediately applied for a fight. He fought four more matches in the afternoon.

The first three matches were very easy, and he defeated his opponent with one move.

Only in the last match when he was promoted to the Silver Medal did he encounter a difficult opponent, but he was only slightly more difficult.

Lin Cang used all his strength to attack, and the opponent didn't even last five minutes and fell to the ground. He successfully advanced.

""Congratulations, Mr. Lin Cang!" The host created an atmosphere, and Lin Cang's fans shouted his name.

Eight consecutive wins in one day, from bronze to silver in two days, such a terrifying speed they haven't seen for a long time.

Lin Cang's excellence also attracted the attention of the top leaders of the underground arena.

Although they did not interfere with the game, they adjusted Lin Cang's odds to a pitiful low.

Now 100 million can only win 100,000, a 1 in 1000 odds...

This made Lin Cang curse, knowing that his"money-swiping" bug had been fixed.

"How stingy! He couldn't help but spend just over 200 million?"

Lin Cang looked at the odds of his next opponent, which were as high as 1:10, while his own odds were only 1 in 10,000.……


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