At that time, Qiu and the other six people ended the most unforgettable experience of their lives. After following Lin Cang out of the underground arena, the moon was already dim outside.

"Let's separate here." Lin Cang said,"Tomorrow is the first day of school, I have to go home."

""Okay." The six people nodded. After killing people, their temperaments changed and became mature. After separating from the others, Lin Cang took a taxi home directly. Lin Shan and Zhong Jie were waiting for him early.

At the dinner table, Lin Shan asked about his plans after school started. Lin Cang hesitated for a moment and said

"Dad, I only plan to win first place in the Global Freshman Competition. I haven't thought about the future yet."

"Oh? My son has such big ambitions."Lin Shan stopped picking up the food, looking surprised.

"The first place in the Global Freshman Competition... this is very difficult."

As a superpower, he knows a lot. Every year, the top three places in the competition are taken by excellent universities, and other universities have no chance at all.

Thinking of this, Lin Shan said,"Son, I'm not saying discouraging words, but it's too difficult for you to get the first place."

"This not only tests your personal ability, but more importantly, the team's matching and the strength of your teammates."

"Don't forget this is a team competition, not a one-person battle."

"I understand."Lin Cang took a bite of the braised pork and said,"I have confidence in my teammates. They are all rare talents and very strong."

"How strong is it? Tell me, I'll analyze it for you."

"Good." He told the six people what they had learned.

Lin Shan's face became worse and worse as he listened. Finally, he shook his head.

"Wu Xiaoman is the only first-level advanced psychic? It seems that it will be difficult for you to even qualify for the new city."

"Although my father doesn't follow the competition every year, he still knows a little bit about it."

"In previous years, the teams that qualified from each base city had at least three first-level senior players."

"The top ten teams from the qualifying base cities that entered the main competition were almost all first-level advanced players."

"There are even second-level super geniuses in the top three. The gap between your team and these people is too big."

Lin Shan was not optimistic about Lin Cang's team.

The team that could win a place in the Global Freshman Competition was not only composed of super geniuses, but also had huge resources behind it.

Lin Cang's uneven team plus the newly established ordinary university had no chance of Lin Shan entering the top ten, let alone taking first place.

After hearing this, Lin Cang smiled confidently,"Dad, you look down on your son too much."

"I will be able to break through to the first level tonight. If nothing goes wrong, I should be able to break through to the second level before the final. Don't forget that the competition will last for two months."

"My teammates should also break through again. I have confidence in them."

After absorbing the third-level advanced crystal core for so long, Lin Cang felt that the spiritual energy in his body had accumulated. The breakthrough would be tonight.

Shi Qiu, Du Fei, and Wu Xiaoman all had their families' support behind them. Their strength would definitely reach a higher level.

Now only Huang Ming, Li Xin, and Tong Xiaotong had no resources for cultivation.

However, Lin Cang thought that Murong Weiwei should have planned for these difficulties. After all, she was the one who hoped that Luoshui University could get a better ranking.

"After the breakthrough, I will use the fourth-order crystal core to practice."Lin Cang thought to himself that all his assets added up to almost buy one.

After dinner, Lin Cang immediately went back to the house to practice, and the other people in the team were almost the same.

After returning home, Shi Qiu and Du Fei revealed their plans to their elders, and they were ambitiously eyeing the title of the first place in the competition.

The pillars of the family were very satisfied after hearing this.

And the recent changes of the two were very big, which made them nod and praise the two for meeting a good captain.

Tong Xiaotong, Huang Ming, and Li Xin are all from ordinary families, and the three of them went back to school directly.

Murong Weiwei was a little surprised when she saw them. She didn't expect that their strength had improved so much in just one week.

"Where did Lin Cang take you?"

The beautiful principal was puzzled, and the three of them reported the truth.

"What? A bloody battle in the monster zone? A life-and-death crisis in the underground arena?"

"He is just making a fool of himself! You just graduated, you have no survival experience, you are still children!"

Murong Weiwei was terrified at this moment.

Fortunately, everyone returned safely, otherwise she would not be able to explain to the parents.

"He is so bold!" Murong Weiwei was angry, and the three of them left quietly.

But a moment later, when she recalled every detail of her acquaintance with Lin Cang, she suddenly looked strange.

"Humph, that guy has always been very courageous. As a student, he actually dares to pursue the principal!"


Tonight, all the major families, forces, and schools are destined to be restless.

Tomorrow is the day for the first round of auditions for the freshman competition, and the people behind each team are making their final efforts.

Many geniuses are also gearing up to prove themselves under the spotlight and gain more resources and fame.

At this time, Lin Cang, who was at home, slowly opened his eyes and crushed the third-level advanced crystal core in his hand, which had lost its spiritual energy and turned into waste. Then a huge spiritual energy fluctuation burst out from his body.

This spiritual energy was twice as strong as before, which made Lin Cang very satisfied.

"Finally I broke through."

First level advanced, he has now reached


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