"Don't worry about that." Lin Shan grinned,"I've been through life and death for half my life, so I still have some money."

"No way." Lin Cang shook his head,"Dad, don't lie to me. I've heard that you asked Uncle Liu for money a long time ago. Your legs cost a lot every month."

He looked at Lin Shan's legs covered under a blanket in the wheelchair. He would never forget what that looked like.

His father's legs were bitten off by a high-level monster, that is, a sixth-level monster.

If it was just a broken leg, Lin Shan would at most become a disabled person, and he could live well for the rest of his life with his savings.

But it just so happened that the high-level monster was poisonous. Now the biggest threat Lin Shan faces is not disability, but fighting against the residual toxins in his body.

Every month he has to eat four natural treasures called"Qingling Fruits". Lin Cang knows that the thing is not cheap, one is more than 300,000 federal coins.

"You know?" Lin Shan was stunned, then laughed heartily,"Don't worry about it, at worst I won't treat you, your future is much more important than your leg injury."

"Hu���!"Lin Cang suddenly interrupted,"Dad, don't think too much. I can change our family in one year at most."

"Now all you have to do is wait for me and give me time to solve all this!"

"You kid……"Lin Shan was very touched, but he was very stubborn."A superpower cannot do without supernatural powers. You have to listen to me on this point.""

"How about this, I can still take out 5 million federal coins, you can use it to buy what you want."

Lin Shan said as he transferred money to Lin Cang with his mobile phone. After doing everything, he sighed slightly.

"Son, this is all I can do for you. You will have to rely on yourself from now on."

Lin Shan said as he pushed the wheelchair back to his room.

Lin Cang was in the living room, looking at the crystal core of the Flame Rhino and the transfer notification on his phone. He was silent for a long time, and finally said in a low voice:

"Don't worry, Dad. I will make a name for myself as soon as possible."

At this moment, Lin Cang felt a determination to become stronger than ever before. He vowed to give up everything, including his own life, in order to become stronger.


After cleaning up the leftovers in the living room, Lin Cang used his mobile phone to operate the federal government's trading platform.

He had to first exchange the flame rhino's crystal core for that of an equivalent wood-type monster so that he could absorb it.

The federal trading platform was established by the federal government, and its security is beyond doubt.

However, due to the high prices, there is also an active black market in this world.

But the security there is worrying, so Lin Cang chose the official trading platform to be on the safe side. The official trading platform is very simple to operate, and he quickly completed the order.

Soon his doorbell rang, and Lin Cang opened the door immediately.

The man in a black suit outside the door took out a cyan box and opened it in front of him.

"This is the crystal core of the third-level intermediate wood monster 'White Spirit Tiger'. Where is your flame rhino crystal core?"

"Here." Lin Cang handed him the box in his hand.

The man in the suit opened it and took a look. Inside was a fiery red fruit core the size of a baby's fist.

"Good, deal done, bye."

"Goodbye."After seeing off the man in the suit, Lin Cang returned to his room.

He took out the red crystal core, held it in his hand, crossed his legs, and sensed the spiritual energy inside.

Compared with the mixed spiritual energy between heaven and earth, the spiritual energy in the monster crystal core is purer.

After all, this is the core of the monster, and it is their"savings" for many years."


As Lin Cang began to absorb, the spiritual energy in his body immediately surged, and the speed was so fast that Lin Shan in the next room was alarmed, and he hurriedly pushed his wheelchair over.

When he opened Lin Cang's door, he found that there was no uncomfortable look on his face, but a calm face, and he was immediately shocked.

He stood at the door and watched Lin Cang absorb, and time passed bit by bit.

As a senior psychic, Lin Shan knew very well the whole process of people absorbing monster crystal cores.

Generally speaking, ordinary psychics can only complete two spiritual energy cycles at a time, and the speed is very slow. If they do it more times, they will explode and die.

He has also seen psychics with top talents, who can only do three cycles at most.

But the legendary god-level talent... He really wants to know where his son's limit is.

Ask any elementary school student on Blue Star what it means that psychics absorb crystal cores quickly and have many cycles.

That means he can advance faster. This kind of super genius's one year of effort is equivalent to three years of ordinary geniuses!


Once... three times... five times... Lin Cang absorbed it methodically.

Time passed quickly. Three hours later,

Lin Cang had completed ten spiritual energy cycles. His absorption speed had greatly decreased. He was about to reach his limit.

At this time, Lin Shan, who had been watching him from outside the door, sighed.

"As expected of the legendary god-level talent, my son Lin Cang has the talent for the tenth level!"

Lin Shan smiled and went back to his room.

So what if he is a wood element?

He didn't believe that his son would not have a bright future with such a heaven-defying talent!

"Maybe I should go and beg those people."

Lin Shan clenched his fists in the room, as if he had made a decision that would make his life worse than death.

"My son’s talent cannot be ruined in my hands. I must give him the same starting point as other geniuses!"


The next morning, Lin Cang prepared a meal, and after the father and son had eaten, he went out.

Lin Cang first went to a grocery store to buy some basic survival supplies, and then went to the supermarket to buy some supplies, and then took a car to the edge of the new city base city.

""What a magnificent sight." Lin Cang sighed as he looked at the thousand-meter-high steel wall in front of him.

This was his first time to the edge of the base city.

Since he and Uncle Liu had agreed to a time of ten o'clock, it was still early, so Lin Cang walked around under the wall.

He looked around on a street that looked like a commercial street. It was very lively here, with people doing all kinds of things.

"Hunting the second-level monster"Shadow Cat", come with water control"

��C-level fire-type magic 'Big Fireball' is cheaper now. Come and have a look if you need it."

"The best pet 'Ao Xue Lu', a first-level primary monster crystal core sold"

"Take a look at this, these are the kidneys of the freshly slaughtered 'iron-hoofed sheep'. One piece will strengthen your body, and two pieces will keep your wife awake all night."

"Hey, young man, do you want to have a piece?"

A butcher-like vendor called Lin Cang, who twitched his eyes and said,"No, I don't have a wife and don't need it."

"Hey, don't go. If you don't have a wife now, you can eat two pieces so that you can use them later."

"I'm very strong in that aspect, so I don't need to eat."

Lin Cang hurriedly left his stall. If he had left a little later, he would have lost his ability to explain.

After a round of walking, Lin Cang gained a lot of knowledge. He came to the gate of the city wall again and looked outside.

"What a beautiful natural scenery."

Compared with the technologically advanced base city, the monster area outside seems like a world in a painting.

The green grass and towering trees are magnificent, making people feel like they have come to a primitive planet.

"Haha, after all, no one has ruined this place for two hundred years."At this moment, a deep voice suddenly sounded beside him, and Lin Cang immediately turned his head to look.

He saw an old man in white clothes with an extraordinary demeanor smiling at him.

"Hello, little guy, is this your first time at the edge of the base city?"The old man in white said with a smile, and Lin Cang nodded.

"Hello yes"

"What a beautiful and tender life."

The old man in white looked at him carefully, a hint of obscure and inexplicable color flashed in his eyes, and then he left.

"You are very good, little guy, keep up the hard work."

"Hmm?"Lin Cang was a little confused. What this person said was very confusing.

He was about to ask for clarification when his cell phone suddenly rang. Lin Cang picked it up immediately.

"Hello, Uncle Liu, I'm here"

"Yes, I'm at the city gate, come on over"


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