"Lin Cang, don't do anything reckless." Wu Wudi frowned as he sat on the main seat on the high platform.

"The Blood Wing Tiger Clan is a group of genius monsters. No one of the same level can defeat them in a one-on-one fight."

"You should bring your teammates along, so that you still have a chance of winning."

Everyone was not optimistic about Lin Cang facing the bloody battle alone.

After all, just now Sikong Yong led a team of five to one and was defeated miserably. How could he, who barely defeated Sikong Yong, do it?

However, Lin Cang was determined to use the Blood Winged Tiger to test the two powerful Wood Release Ninjutsu he had just acquired.

The Tree Realm Advent is an upgraded version of the Sea of Trees Advent.

Needless to say how powerful it is in the original work, one can tell at a glance that it is completely different from the Sea of Trees.

The Wood Dragon Technique is a simplified version of the Wood Man Technique, which is the giant dragon on the arm of the Wood Man.

Although not as powerful as the complete Wood Man Technique, it is enough for Lin Cang, who is currently at the second level.

【Tree World Advent: Level A, upgraded version of Tree Sea Advent】

【Wood Dragon Technique: A-level, summon a wood dragon with equal strength to the host to fight]

After taking another look at the ninjutsu introduction, Lin Cang bowed slightly to Wu Wudi

"Senior, there is no need to persuade me. I have made up my mind. I will fight the blood-winged tiger alone."

"you……"Wu Wudi didn't expect Lin Cang to not even give him face. He angrily threw his hands and scolded him harshly.

"In that case, it's up to you. I hope you don't lose too badly and bring shame to us humans."

After he said that, the audience sighed.

"Alas, youth is full of vigor, youth is full of vigor."An old man sighed, and everyone nodded after hearing it.

Indeed, in this situation, they could not think of anything else except Lin Cang's youth and vigor.

Suddenly, no one was optimistic about Lin Cang, waiting for him to be defeated miserably.

The elder of the Blood Wing Tiger Clan, Blood Demon, jumped onto the ring and smiled at Lin Cang sinisterly.

"Boy, I've been annoyed with you for a long time, and today you finally showed up at my doorstep."

"Stop talking nonsense."Lin Cang glanced at it indifferently,"Let's start the game."

The Blood Demon snorted coldly,"Since you are eager to die, I will grant you your wish."

It exchanged glances with Xuezhan, who nodded slightly.

At this moment, after Xuezhan ate the crystal core given by Lin Cang, the injuries on his body disappeared, and his condition returned to the peak, which made the audience shake their heads.

They thought that Lin Cang could have taken the opportunity to declare war and attack Xuezhan when he was not in good condition.

In the end, he had to pretend to be a master and have a fair fight. It was speechless.

Xuezhan had the strength of a second-level intermediate, and he could not transform. His huge body had a strong sense of oppression. He crossed more than ten meters in two steps and came not far from Lin Cang.

Its bloody mouth opened, sharp teeth were exposed, and it smiled cruelly.

"You are different from others, which makes me hate you very much, so I decided to eat you."

"Lin Cang, don't think you can be safe in your human territory. If you die in my hands, no one will dare to pursue the matter."

"Oh, you want a life-and-death fight?" Lin Cang said expressionlessly after hearing this:"I understand, as you wish."

Originally, he had no intention of killing, after all, the bloody battle was not ordinary, and Lin Cang did not want to cause trouble for himself.

But now others have bullied him, if he does not kill others, others will kill him, so he can't blame him.

"Let's start the game."The Blood Demon smiled faintly, waved his hand and jumped off the stage, which immediately aroused the mood of everyone, who watched the game carefully.

""Roar!" Xuezhan let out a deafening roar.

Then, with its sturdy limbs, it leaped dozens of meters in front of Lincang and slapped him with its big claws.

"Go to hell, you bug!"


Sand and stones flew everywhere where Lin Cang was, the ring was severely damaged, and dust and smoke rose up, drowning his figure, making everyone shake their heads.

"Alas, Lin Cang is too arrogant."Some people sighed, it is a pity that such an excellent talent died like this.

In the direction of Luoshui University, Lily rushed to the ring to save Lin Cang, but was held tightly by Murong Weiwei.

"Don't be impulsive, Lincang is not that bad."

""Huhu~ I'm going to kill that damned stinky tiger!"

Lily was angry and worried about Lin Cang.

However, she put away her worries the next second because Lin Cang appeared.

Everyone saw Xuezhan retract his claws and growl,"Damn, such a hard wood!"

As he finished speaking, something like a broken wooden coffin appeared. It was the damaged wooden ingot wall.

Lin Cang walked out from inside, clapped his hands, and four wooden clones appeared, his face calm.

"As expected of a genius monster, it is really powerful."

As he said this, his four wooden clones immediately spread out to surround the bloody battle, each using ninjutsu

"Wood Release: Sea of Trees Arrives!"

"Wood Style: Four Pillar Prison!"

"Wood Release: Pole Insertion Technique!"



The four ninjutsu were used in coordination, with the Sea of Trees descending to control the situation first, limiting the speed that Xuezhan was so proud of.

The Four Pillars followed to control it, allowing the Pole Insertion Technique and the Rasengan to hit.

Boom boom boom boom!

After Lin Cang's series of punches, the audience gained a little confidence and felt that he had a chance to win.

However, when Xuezhan took over the attack and destroyed the sea of trees around him with his big claws, the confidence that the audience had just raised sank again.

At this moment, Xuezhan had no other injuries except a vortex-shaped wound under his abdomen, which made people sigh at his strong defense.

However, everyone didn't know that Xuezhan was seriously injured at the moment, and his internal organs were injured, but it was not visible from the outside.

"What a strange attack."Xuezhan was shocked and became serious.

The Rasengan let it know that this human in front of it was not easy to deal with and it should not be taken lightly.

"But I will not give you another chance, prepare to die!"


Xuezhan slapped the four wooden clones who were unable to dodge and rushed towards Lincang.

"Lin Cang is finished."Si Kong Yong was receiving treatment in the audience. He knew the strength of Xue Zhan very well.

Although Lin Cang's chain ninjutsu just now made him look sideways and he had no confidence in blocking it, he had confidence in Xue Zhan.

"The strongest point of the Blood Wing Tiger Clan is speed. Without the sea of trees, Lin Cang cannot escape the attack of the Blood Battle.

He seemed to have seen the scene where Lin Cang was swallowed by the Blood Battle after his failure, and he could not help but sigh.

"It's a pity that such an excellent opponent died before he could grow up."

After hearing what he said, Sikong Yong's teammates turned their heads away, not wanting to see Lin Cang's tragic death.

Although they also disliked Lin Cang, they also hoped that he could win and not let the dignity of mankind be trampled under the feet of monsters.

Li Jing's eyes widened at this time, raised his hand and pointed at the ring, and his voice trembled.

""What, what is that?"

Before he finished speaking, several teammates felt the ground shaking, and the source of the earthquake was coming from the ring. They hurried to look.

Everyone saw Lin Cang clasping his hands together on the ring, and countless thick and huge vines and trees suddenly appeared around him, which was even more exaggerated than the previous sea of trees!

"The tree world is coming!"

The first time Lin Cang used this A-level ninjutsu, he immediately shocked everyone.

He himself was a little surprised. The power of the tree world was much stronger than the sea of trees.


"Damn, what the hell is this thing!"

Xuezhan was trapped in the tree world and couldn't escape.

At this moment, the giant trees and vines in the entire arena were attacking it frantically, causing a large number of wounds on its body.

"Impossible!" Xuezhan struggled and roared madly, and was shocked when his claws failed to destroy the giant tree.

"You are just a second-level psychic, you can't be this strong!"

At this moment, Lin Cang gave it a feeling that was more terrifying and horrible than an ordinary third-level psychic.

This made Xuezhan feel the crisis of death for the first time since he was born...

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