Xuezhan was very panicked at the moment. The giant dragon with a long hooked nose and covered with wooden thorns behind Lincang looked like someone who was not easy to mess with.

"Only the second level of primary spiritual energy……"Cold sweat ran down Xuezhan's forehead,"But why does this thing give me such a terrifying feeling?"

"It is better to stop the fight if you are not sure about the details, so as to avoid uncontrollable accidents."

Xuezhan retreated and looked at Wu Wudi on the main seat of the high platform, hoping that he could stop Lin Cang.

However, Wu Wudi did not pay attention to Xuezhan's thoughts at this time. He was also attracted by the wooden dragon and felt that Lin Cang's methods were

"What a magical wood-related skill. How did this guy develop it?"

"This kind of talent... this kind of genius... it's rare to see one in a hundred years."

Wu Wudi sighed, and he admired Lin Cang even more.

On the ring, Lin Cang waited for a long time but did not see Xuezhan make any moves. He became a little impatient and waved his hand. The huge body of the wooden dragon immediately moved.

"Bloody battle, since you won't do it, then I will do it"

"No!" Xuezhan was shocked and immediately yelled,"I demand a truce!"

"Truce?"Lin Cang sneered,"You can fight if you want, and stop if you don't want to? How can it be so easy?"

"You better use all your strength to deal with my wooden dragon, let me see how strong the genius monster beast of the same level is."


Before Lin Cang finished speaking, the wooden dragon had already flown to the front of Xuezhan, and with a flick of its tail, it flew hundreds of meters away.

""Roar!" Xuezhan roared in pain, and after stabilizing himself in the air, he also rushed towards the wooden dragon.

The wooden dragon was three times longer than it, and it seemed to have the upper hand.

However, when Xuezhan really tried his best, he found that the wooden dragon was not as strong as he thought, and he was overjoyed.

"Haha, Lincang, I was almost scared by you. It turns out that your wooden dragon is just a showpiece!"

Xuezhan slapped the wooden dragon back and laughed triumphantly. The situation on the field made the audience confused for a while.

"What's going on? How could this wooden dragon be so weak?"

"I don't know. It looks like just an ordinary second-level primary spiritual energy fluctuation. The power is not as strong as I thought."

"Alas, I thought Lin Cang could break the iron rule that monsters of the same level are invincible, but it turns out that he can't do it either."

"Although disappointed, Lin Cang's performance was good. He was very impressive for forcing a genius monster that was one level higher than him to this point."

After watching the battle, the audience had mixed feelings and talked a lot.

Lin Cang ignored the disadvantage of the wooden dragon and stood there with his hands folded on his chest waiting for the result.

He seemed to be full of confidence in the wooden dragon and was not worried about losing.

Boom boom boom!

The battle between Xuezhan and the wooden dragon was very loud.

Although their home court was in the air, the aftermath of the battle had destroyed the ring beyond recognition.

Xuezhan seemed to be getting braver and braver, suppressing the wooden dragon and damaging its body in several places.

Although it was also injured, it had little impact. In the eyes of the audience, it was a foregone conclusion that Xuezhan would tear the wooden dragon apart.

However, as the battle continued, the scene became more and more confusing.

Five minutes... Xuezhan had the upper hand.

Ten minutes... Xuezhan's movements slowed down, and the wooden dragon returned to the disadvantage.

Twenty minutes later... Xuezhan was already panting, but the wooden dragon's movements were getting faster and faster.

At the same time, the spiritual energy in the wooden dragon's body did not lose but increased.

It was now at the second-level intermediate level!

"See, see hell……"Xuezhan said weakly:"What is this? Why does it get stronger the more we fight?"

"Why is its spiritual energy increasing?……"

Xuezhan noticed that the wooden dragon's long hooked nose was absorbing a faint spiritual energy from the air.

This spiritual energy was exactly its own, and Xuezhan suddenly understood everything.

It looked at Lincang on the ground and roared weakly.

"You, your wood dragon can absorb my spiritual energy?"

"Not bad." Lin Cang said calmly:"You feel it, it's very uncomfortable, right?"

""Boil!" Xuezhan cursed, gathering his last bit of strength to try to escape.

But how could Lincang let it escape so easily?

He thought about it and the wooden dragon immediately rushed towards Xuezhan, opened its mouth and bit its neck fiercely.

"Ah!" Xuezhan screamed, blood gushing from his neck, his breath getting weaker and weaker, and he was about to die.


At this time, a terrifying spiritual energy wave instantly appeared on the ring. Everyone saw that it was the blood demon.

The blood demon opened his mouth and spit out a spiritual energy to smash the wooden dragon's head to save the blood battle, and glared at Lin Cang.

"You lowly human, how dare you kill the young leader of my tribe?"

"This is it, old man.……"

"Get out of here, you old bastard!"Just when the Blood Demon wanted to attack Lin Cang, Lei Fa appeared instantly and blocked Lin Cang.

He also sent out a wave of spiritual energy to offset the Blood Demon's attack, his face was cold.

"Old man, do you want to stir up the anger of my underground arena?"

Lei Fa stood in front of Lin Cang and confronted the Blood Demon.

The Blood Demon was furious, but Lei Fa had already taken action and it would not have another chance to deal with Lin Cang. It could only throw down a polite remark.

"Humph, there is a long time to come, kid, you'd better not leave the base city for the rest of your life."

After saying this, the Blood Demon took the seriously injured Xue Zhan and was about to leave, but was stopped again.

Wu Wudi stood up calmly, and the audience didn't see how he disappeared at all. He appeared in front of the two blood-winged tigers, one big and one small, as if he had teleported.

""Master Wu, what are you going to do?" The Blood Demon was nervous.

This was a ninth-level mutant, and it was no match for him.

Wu Wudi said calmly:"Blood Demon, you ignored the rules and forcibly intervened in the game. Do you want to just walk away like this?"

"You, what do you mean?"

"It's meaningless." Wu Wudi said as a powerful spiritual energy wave burst out from his body, suffocating the blood demon.

"You bully the weak and don't take us humans seriously, so I will use the same method to fight back against you."

"You and this little tiger will both die here."

As he spoke, the spiritual energy fluctuations on his body became more and more terrifying, frightening the blood demon to death.


"Senior Wu, spare my life. I am willing to pay the price for my impulsiveness just now!"

The Blood Demon begged for mercy loudly, and quickly took out a sixth-level crystal core from his arms, looking at Lin Cang and begging for mercy.

""Human, I was wrong just now. I'll give you this crystal core as compensation. Please forgive me!"

As soon as the Blood Demon finished speaking, Wu Wudi withdrew his spiritual energy fluctuations, as if he was waiting for him to say this.

He also looked at Lin Cang and asked,"Lin Cang, are you satisfied?"

"Satisfied."Lin Cang nodded, he knew that this was the best solution.

The monsters were powerful, Wu Wudi would definitely not really kill the elders and young patriarchs of the Blood Wing Tiger clan.

He and himself had no relatives, so there was probably no need to offend the Blood Wing Tiger clan. He probably did this just to show off to the others present, otherwise the Blood Demon would leave and the human race would really lose face.

Lin Cang thought that the only one who really helped him was Senior Brother Lei Fa.

But this senior brother couldn't control the situation alone, so it was better for him to stop while he was ahead.

After the Blood Demon gave the crystal core to Lin Cang, he quickly took the blood battle away.

How aggressive they were when they challenged before, how embarrassed they were now.

This scene made the audience feel excited and proud.

This time, Lin Cang not only defeated the Blood Wing Tiger, but also broke the iron rule in their hearts. It turned out that the superpowers of the same level could also defeat the genius monsters.

""That's awesome!" A fifth-level psychic laughed,"It seems that monsters are not that great. I will go and challenge a monster of the same level tomorrow!"

His laughter was so loud that everyone laughed too, knowing that he was joking.

【Mission Completed, Energy Points +3000]

At this time, a reminder flashed before Lin Cang's eyes, and he smiled.

The bloody battle not only contributed 3000 energy points to him, but also gave him a sixth-level crystal core. This is a huge sum of money.


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