Word-savvy, explore the copy

Chapter 206 Copy color cast

Zhuang Cai was sitting alone in the lounge behind the guild.

"Okay, okay, no interruption, no obstruction. If you have anything else you want to ask later, you can always come to me."

Zhuang Cai hung up the phone with a smile and lay down on the seat.

The caller was none other than a researcher from the dungeon laboratory. He was also asking about the previous dungeon Zhuangcai's experience and some details.

After hanging up the phone, Zhuang Cai stared at his phone, wondering what he was thinking about.

After a while, he turned on the computer and started to log in to his own account.

At this time, the level of his account has reached LV·4, and a lot of information has been unlocked. He can directly connect to the national information database to query some information.

You can also see some laboratory records.

There are two aspects that Zhuang Cai wants to know more about.

1. Negative emotions about copies.

2. Regarding the color cast of personal attributes.

Regarding the first point, Zhuang Cai has gradually gained some insights.

Looking at some information on the computer, Zhuang Cai tapped his fingers gently on the desktop to aid his thinking.

The energy in his body followed the control and formed fonts in the air in front of him.

【Corpse Street Party】

【Gushan Evil Temple】

【Castle Horror】

【Daodong Peak】

【Airship treasure hunt group】

【Fallen City】

[Wanling Ball]

The seven rows of fonts listed in front of me are naturally what Zhuang Cai has experienced from beginning to end.

Unknowingly, he had gone through 7 dungeons. Zhuang Cai looked at these 7 dungeons from beginning to end, and he couldn't help but review the experience from beginning to end in his mind.

When he recalled his experience from beginning to end, some problems were slowly solved.

For example, the issue he is thinking about now is about the negative emotions in the copy, which is the basis for the creation of the copy that Zhuang Cai seriously doubts.

Compared with others, Zhuang Cai's initial advantage is that he has an additional skill [Letter Proficiency].

And it is the highest level of [literary proficiency].

This skill helps Zhuang Cai gain an advantage in the initial copy, seize the opportunity, and help Zhuang Cai clear the high-scoring copy.

Then, based on the most basic and high-level skills, it snowballed all the way to the present. The role of [Letter Comprehension] for Zhuang Cai has become the understanding of divine words and the rituals and formations in various copies.

It was precisely because of this skill that Zhuang Cai understood some things that were difficult for others to understand from the very first copy.

Although it can be seen from the backgrounds of many dungeons that they belong to the same world, even if these dungeons are counted as one and calculated one by one, many worlds can be found.

Not to mention that these worlds will have different civilizations and different languages ​​just like the earth they are on now.

This poses a huge problem for the interpretation of the text.

This is a brand new world. Although it can still be interpreted based on existing knowledge, it will undoubtedly become more difficult.

The only good thing is that there are still many people who have also obtained skills like [Letter Proficiency] to speed up the process.

Now go and recall carefully.

In the first copy [Zombie Street Party], although the main enemy was that kind of zombie, through understanding and recording various texts, Zhuang Cai knew that these zombies were not zombies created by viruses at all.

If he remembered correctly, he clearly learned through some records at that time that the official name of these zombies was "Psychically Infected Persons".

His experience in the copy at that time also confirmed this idea, which was an invasion of the spiritual aspects of ordinary people.

Rather than the virus invading the body like in entertainment works.

Now when I think back to those records at that time, I can see that they all have a source.

This source is the creator of these [Spiritually Infected Persons].

Now go back and see if such a source looks like an evil spirit, an evil god, or a devil.

It also mainly focuses on controlling the infection in the mental aspect. If you think about it carefully, what is the difference between the people who were completely occupied by hatred and killing and these [spiritually infected people] in the dungeon they experienced this time?

Let’s take a look at the second copy [Gushan Temple]

At first glance, this dungeon looked like a monk who had practiced evil. As a result, the monks in the entire temple seemed to have gone astray and began to eat the same kind of people.

Although I don't know whether animal people of different races are the same kind, Zhuang Cai can't know it through this kind of research.

But at least know that the background is the same as the copy you just experienced. Although the appearance comes from different animals incarnating into animal people, they should be counted as one race.

Cannibalism is established.

The strangest thing about this copy is the monument with the word "zhen" erected in the center of the "Don't Eat Temple".

It is certain that something must be suppressing under that temple.

Now let's look at it, is it also a demon-like existence?

It was precisely because such evil spirits affected a certain host that the entire temple turned into that ghostly appearance.

The sight of cannibalism seems extremely cultish.

To overturn it in this way is another similar copy, mainly because Zhuang Cai's current experience is used to look back on past experiences. This possibility is extremely high.

Let’s talk about the third copy [Castle of Horror].

This dungeon can be said to have greatly changed Zhuang Cai's worldview, allowing Zhuang Cai to gradually understand some of the deeper contents of the dungeon.

It also made Zhuang Cai realize the power of the dungeon creator and Miliya for the first time.

The source of the crisis in this copy comes entirely from Miliya's overly powerful spiritual arts, and she is not the only one with powerful spiritual arts, as well as her friend Andrina.

Judging from Zhuang Cai's current understanding and research of the spiritual arts of the two, it can be said that they were integrated during their interactions when they were young.

It can be regarded as mutual achievement, which created the exaggerated situation of Miliya at that time.

He basically became a god-like existence in that area.

But the strangest thing about this experience was actually Miliya's darkened mood.

It also gives people the impression of being affected by something and becoming like that.

This copy is the only one that Zhuang Cai cannot determine whether it is related to the so-called seal of the evil god.

But this copy is definitely related to the so-called negative emotions, or at that time, Miliya gave people the feeling of being the so-called evil god.

The fourth dungeon [Dao Dao Peak], basically needless to say more about this dungeon, the evil god’s seal is almost on the surface.

From beginning to end, Zhuang Cai and his companions had been deceived by the evil god.

Judging from the weird and painful experiences of the entire copy.

If the evil god sealed inside is the same as the ones below, Zhuang Cai seriously doubts that the font it represents will be something like "pain" or "pain".

Let’s take a look at the fifth copy [Airship Treasure Hunt Group].

This is also almost made clear. The weirdest thing is that the evil god inside has been released and wants to be born in a new body.

Through the interpretation of the ruins, we also know how much the ancient beings of that background spent to destroy and seal the blood god.

Zhuang Cai can basically tell that the font represented by the evil god in this copy is "blood" or something similar.

Judging from the affected state of those half-orcs, it may also be related to the attribute of "cruelty".

The 6th copy [Fallen City].

Starting from this dungeon, Zhuang Cai basically began to deeply understand the foundation of those dungeons.

What is this city built on? There is no doubt that it is built on a land sealed by an evil god.

This is an almost clear message. It is precisely because of the leakage of the evil god's aura that the entire city has become stagnant, xenophobic and ignorant.

And that cult used this seal to completely bring the evil god to the earth.

It was precisely because I wanted to prevent the revival of these cults and evil gods that I had the experience of such a dungeon.

And in this part, Zhuang Cai clearly saw with his own eyes through the rituals performed by those cult members, and saw the font representing this evil god.

“Stagnation” means stagnation and even a hint of laziness.

Let’s take a look at the last dungeon we experienced, the [Wanling Ball] that we just cleared a few days ago.

Zhuang Cai and the others even directly found the sealed core of the evil spirit, released the evil spirit and severely injured him.

In this battle, Zhuang Cai could say that he had a complete understanding of this so-called evil spirit.

You must know that the evil demon at that time had been sealed layer after layer, and had been sealed for many years, and was constantly being extracted from the Myriad Soul Ball to kill it.

We can also clearly know that this evil demon has his intelligence sealed, and his attention is entirely on the Wanling Ball. He can still burst out that kind of blood even though various restrictions are imposed layer by layer.

What these blood energy brings is the negative emotion "hate", and the representative behavior is revenge and falling into killing.

Now look back and forth at these 7 dungeons, and look back at the experience of these 7 dungeons.

Zhuang Cai can basically clearly determine in his mind that the creation and core of the copy are definitely closely related to these so-called evil spirits and evil gods that are sealed and constructed with various negative emotions.

No, maybe we shouldn't call them demons or evil gods.

The official term should be [Spirit Eater].

A monster with strong negative emotions, even a monster constructed from negative emotions.

Starting from this point, let's look at the structure of the copy.

Enter the dungeon and use explorers to destroy the enemies in those dungeons.

There is no doubt that these enemies are the core of the dungeon that was transformed by the energy of the sealed [Spirit Eater], and they were transformed into negative energy.

It can be seen that these enemies are monsters with negative energy and emotional structure.

When a copy does not pass for a long time, the negative energy accumulated by [Spirit Eater] will reach a threshold, causing the copy to explode.

Too much negative energy will rush out of the dungeon and condense into monsters in the dungeon, affecting the outside world.

If you go through the dungeon seriously and reduce this negative emotional energy, you can convert it into positive strengthening energy and skill-building things through the mechanism of the dungeon, strengthening the explorer himself.

Strengthen the strength of explorers so that they can better deal with the energy of these dungeons reducing the dungeon.

Using this situation to deduce, some problems seem to be easily solved.

For example, why did the Three-Color Alliance promote the copy, and it is clear that it was promoted to many civilizations.

Some of them, like Zhuang Cai and his colleagues, have only a half-understanding of the earth, while others obviously require a deeper understanding.

Through the conversation with Miliya, we can learn that when a LV·6 explorer appears in a civilization, it is an important condition for joining the three-color alliance.

From this point of view, the distribution of copies is not free.

The so-called three-color alliance may require intelligent beings from countless worlds to become explorers and explore the dungeon to reduce the power of [Soul Eater] in the dungeon.

But if they all have such abilities, why do they have to make copies of them? It can be completely made into a battery to convert into power.

There is no need to set it up as a copy mechanism, allowing people to explore and reduce the negative emotions in it.

Thinking about it now, it might be some mechanism of [Soul Eater] that caused the Three-Color Alliance to behave like this.

The copy is a win-win choice, but there is a prerequisite for doing so.

There are too many [Soul Eaters], [Soul Eaters] are too strong, and [Soul Eaters] are difficult to destroy.

Hiss~, looking at it this way...will the explorers really face [Spirit Eater] without any seals or restrictions in the later stage?

Top explorers create copies, and the copies they create feed back low-level explorers.

In this way, a cycle of eliminating [Spirit Eater] is achieved.

Thinking of this, Zhuang Cai silently stopped his thoughts. As he continues to think about it, although he can continue to overturn it, there is gradually not much information to support the correctness of the information he overturns.

We can only stop here, at least stop here and Zhuang Cai can ensure that the information he overturns will not contain too many wrong information.

Thinking about it carefully, it can be deduced that it is still necessary to explore, and all issues should be raised to LV·6, and only through real contact with the three-color alliance can we know.

He knew that at least all their actions on earth must be under observation by the Three Color Alliance.

One of the observers here is even the leader, possibly Andrina.

The real Andrina, not the one in the copy.

Interrupting the thoughts in his mind, Zhuang Cai looked at the queried information on the computer in front of him.

Not a lot of information, but very important.

For example, the level system of dungeons and the level system of individual explorers.

All come from the interpretation of the first LV·5 copy.

This copy seems to have been released on purpose. Some of the information and research in it, as well as equipment interpretation, have become very important after research.

it reads.

Physical fitness testing machine, copy scanning machine, hierarchy system.

It all comes from here.

Looking at it this way, it’s hard not to imagine that this was deliberately posted, just to give them some information in this way.

The most interesting thing is the time when this copy was released.

The time of release was the first batch of explorers, who began to gain some power and roared out the voice of opening up.

Another interesting piece of information comes from the disappearance of a copy of LV·4.

According to global information statistics, copies will also dissipate, but compared to the speed at which they appear, the dissipation speed is too slow. According to statistics, there are currently only 13 copies dissipated in the world.

10 of them dissipated quickly after they were opened.

And most of them are concentrated in LV·0-LV·1.

Because there are the largest number here, copies of this level are almost always in queue.

The two pieces of information combined are almost equivalent to the accuracy of the speculation before Zhuang Cai was determined.

After roughly interpreting the first question, Zhuang Cai saw his second question, which was also the issue he was most concerned about now.

Compared to the first problem, which is invisible and intangible, and seems to have little effect.

The second problem comes from the [color cast] in their physical attributes.

This question is closely related to all explorers, and it is also closely related to himself.

This problem is not invisible or intangible, but Zhuang Cai has already seen it and noticed some of it.

Knowing the effects of color cast, Zhuang Cai saw three people.

They are Wu Nian, Tian Daojing and Jiang Shuyu.

With the strong improvement of Zhuang Cai's mental attributes, coupled with the acquisition of exclusive skills.

[Rune Body] began to show his true ability, with a strong affinity for runes and similar energies.

The special characteristics displayed are what Zhuang Cai often does. He always uses tattoos that can see through the flow of energy.

At that time, when his mental attributes and physical fitness had greatly improved, such tattoos appeared semi-fixedly on Zhuang Cai's body.

Perhaps because Zhuang Cai's mental attributes have greatly improved, his abilities have also been strengthened.

Zhuang Cai saw the special effect with a color cast.

And these special effects also have something symbolic.

Wu Nian’s golden relic.

Lotus by Tian Daojing.

Dragon statue by Jiang Shuyu.

The symbolic object and the symbolic color combine to form something different from others.

What Zhuang Cai wants to check is whether there are any researchers studying this thing.

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