Working as a police officer in Mexico

Chapter 256 Victor: If I did it, I will be the only one left in the family!

"Victor, did you do what happened to the Lucchese family?"

On the other end of the phone came the questioning voice of Pearson, the FBI's senior North American assistant, who was Director Floyd I. Clark's secretary.

Victor was flipping through the documents handed over by the secretary. When he heard the other party's tone, his hands stopped and his eyes narrowed, "Mr. Pearson, you are slandering the reputation of a Mexican official!"

"I thought that given our relationship, you would believe me. It was absolutely impossible for me to do this kind of thing."

"I swear on my parents!"

Victor's tone was firm, "I don't recommend violence to solve problems."

Pearson frowned when he heard the other party's determination, but he always felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't tell what was wrong.


Victor's parents are dead.

Could it be that he could be pulled out and then shot?

How rude is this?

Pearson was indeed stunned by the "busy". The godfather of the Lucchese family died so tragically, and he didn't know how the photo of the crucified Jesus next to the statue of Jesus spread, but it still caused an uproar.

This photo is called: "The Trial of a Modern Robin Hood."

Of course, what gives the FBI a headache is security!


New York is in chaos.

All kinds of monsters and monsters have jumped out. The mafia family must find the murderer, otherwise, they will cause trouble.

This made Commissioner Floyd I. Clark very unhappy.

There are also people within the FBI who suspect that Victor did it.

But there is no evidence.

Of course, Pearson was not here to ask questions. He just said in a warning tone, "The clouds of war in the Persian Gulf are still very thick. Don't make trouble at this time. The White House will be very uncomfortable. The gangsters in New York are not at all." disobedient."

Victor's expression changed, "If necessary, the Governor-General of Northern Mexico is willing to join the non-binding anti-Iraqi Coalition (Coalition of the Willing) and contribute to the liberation of Kuwait!"

There are currently about 34 countries in this organization. In addition to the common NATO troublemakers, there are also "cheerleaders" such as Afghanistan, Bahrain, Honduras, and Niger.

Silly wood 1VS34!

Of course, Victor couldn't lag behind in this kind of opportunity.

"World peace needs people like you, Victor, I will help you put your name on the list." Pearson's tone softened slightly, and his tense expression became slightly relaxed. He looked at his watch, "That's it, and, What you said last time..."

"It's being processed. Don't worry, the uranium-238 will definitely be in your hands."

"OK! Remember, don't make trouble." Pearson said a few more words before hanging up the phone.

Victor's words went in one ear and out the other.

make trouble?

You can't control the New York gang, so you're going to control me?

You are too doting, so I have to show you, an "unfilial son", that no one will follow you after you come out of society, and they will just put a sack on you and slap you with a sap.

I don't like violence.

But I didn't say that I don't like using violence.

As long as I'm the user, that's fine.

"Sir, coffee~" Miss Christa Schroeder, the chief secretary's part-time mistress, came in with a cup of hand-ground coffee, put it on the table, stirred it gently, and then naturally walked behind Victor to help press his head. .

With this method, Victor will be able to work as a technician even if he collapses in the future.

Slowly, Miss Christa Schroeder put her hands into her clothes, which was a restricted level.

Just when the atmosphere was a bit ambiguous, there was a knock on the door and Jason Bourne's voice came.

Victor pressed her with his right hand and said with a helpless smile, "I need to work."

Miss Christa Schroeder smiled and nodded, "Of course ~ 30 million people in northern Mexico are on your shoulders, but please don't be too tired."

After saying that, she put down her rolled up skirt, opened the door, smiled at Jason Bourne who was stunned outside, said hello, and left.

He also turned to look at the other party. From his experience, Miss Christa Schroeder was still wearing small panties.

"Jason." Victor called from inside.

He immediately walked in and said, "Sir, there is internal strife! There was a power struggle within Sinaloa. Guzman's cousin Arturo was killed, and now his cousin Luis, the leader of the 1st Regiment of God's Masters, Adri Loera talks to some cousins!"

"Louis Adri Loera, the leader of the 1st Regiment of God's Masters, has already given a speech, admitted that Guzman was hospitalized, and produced the so-called autograph of Guzman, saying that he was temporarily in charge of the Sinaloa drug cartel. "

"But many people were unconvinced and thought it was fake. The two regiments that were confronting us on the front line suddenly withdrew. According to our speculation, they should have withdrawn to the neighboring state of Chihuahua and were ready to wait and see what happened."

Victor opened his eyes, "Is the information true?"

"Honest and reliable."

"Then what are you waiting for? Order Kennedy and the forward troops to press forward, sweep around Culiacan, and surround the capital of Sinaloa!"

"Order the staff of the joint operations department to go to the front line and be sure to give the most accurate opinions on the scene."

"Take advantage of his illness to kill him!"


Victor doesn't believe that Guzman is pretending to be dead.

If he had the guts to play "conspiracy and tricks" and planned to surround himself by pretending to be dead, then he was cruel, but he was a drug dealer after all, how could he have received formal military training?

You think fighting is just a matter of talking on paper.

Victor doesn't know how to "micro-manage", such as ordering a heavy machine gun to move one meter to the side, etc. Experts have their own ways. As the person in charge, he only needs to give the results to the people below, and someone will naturally operate the content.

"End all vacations!"

"All troops enter the first level of combat readiness!"

"Please tell the gentlemen that I will celebrate Mexico's Independence Day in Culiacan!"

Mexico became independent from Spain on September 16, 1810.

"Yes!" Jason stood up straight, "There is one more thing I need to report to you. The Ministry of Information has sent the Omo A team to meet Mr. Best and will definitely bring back uranium 238."

This is to the Soviet Union...

Victor looked at Jason, and the other party looked at him.

He didn't speak, but they all understood.

If the mission failed and they were captured, the Omo A team would commit suicide.

"This is a life-or-death mission." Victor muttered to himself.

"For the blue sky, for Victor!" Jason Bourne shouted with extraordinary determination.

All it takes is one hi!


Victor said a word, and the war machine rolled up again.

Originally, after completing the first phase of the attack on Sinaloa, they were in a standoff with drug dealers. Except for the necessary police officers, some people were allowed to take leave.

After all...

If you are tense in one place, it is really easy to lose control.

And there are several best ways to relieve stress, gambling, women, and drugs, but gambling and drugs are not allowed in the police force, so they can only start with women.

Some smart people will drive a van or RV behind the troops, hiding far away during the battle, but when they rest, they will drive into the woods to provide services to these young people who are as fierce as wolves.

This group of people has a friendly nickname: "Mexican rape cannon truck!"

Kennedy and others also turned a blind eye.

But not everyone likes to go whoring.

In a park in the small town of Los Mochis in Sinaloa.

There sat a man wearing the uniform of the "Anti-Drug Force". His face was firm and tough, and there was a calm atmosphere between his eyebrows.

His thick hair was combed back, revealing his neat and orderly image of a soldier. His deep blue eyes seemed to contain the spirit and determination of the entire country.

At this time, he was sketching.

And the object...

was a girl selling oranges across the street.

In his brushstrokes, you can see a beautiful girl, with hope for a new life in her eyes, and a trace of timidity in the deepest part.

As the painting was about to end, a police car whizzed past, and the loudspeaker on it shouted loudly, "All police officers return to the team! Cancel vacation, please return quickly!"

The man was stunned, watching the police car leave, and then looked down at the sketch in his hand, and almost said, "What a pity."

He stood up and looked at the girl opposite. He didn't know if it was an illusion, but he felt that the other party was also looking at him.

After hesitating for a moment, he walked over and handed the painting in his hand to the girl in the panic eyes, very warmly and sincerely, "Can you tell me your name?"

The girl has actually noticed him for a long time. A man in police uniform sat opposite her for several days in a row. How could she not know?

Looking at the tall man opposite her and his handsome appearance, the girl blushed and said timidly, "Lucy Maureen."

The man nodded, turned around and left, suddenly forgetting to report his name, he was too nervous just now.

"My name is Erwin, Erwin Rommel!"

After saying that, he hurried back to the camp.

Looking at his back, and then looking down at the sketch in his hand, the girl on it is very beautiful, and there is a sentence written next to it, "Waiting for you, every morning and evening; thinking of you, at every inadvertent moment; thinking of you, living in the eager thoughts of you every minute and every second, if possible, please let me selfishly say, please wait for me."

When did the little girl Lucy Maureen experience such a fierce appeal?

His face flushed, and his big eyes looked up into the distance.

"Erwin Rommel."

Rommel ran back to the 1st Battalion, 1st Company, 1st Regiment of the Ground Anti-Drug Force stationed in an open space in "Los Mochis".

He is the company commander here!

From this number, it can be seen that he is the elite among the elite.

Rommel is not a flower stand. He followed Victor to fight north and south. When he first went to the battlefield, he faced three drug dealers and killed them with his own hands. He was directly promoted two levels and was also listed as a lieutenant, commanding a platoon.

Victor also "kindly" asked several police officers. They thought that the internal police superintendent and police inspector were too chaotic and they were not very adaptable in the police force.

So he made a small change.

The first-line armed forces no longer use police ranks, and all use military ranks.

Of course, this was suggested by "insiders".

Victor is good at listening to opinions.

Really, it is not easy for him to go to the grassroots level to listen to opinions in person in his position.

In the "Hermosillo Steel Plant", Rommel led the charge and was shot in the left leg, but the platoon he led was the first to enter the steel plant.

After leaving the hospital, he served as a captain in the newly established organization.

The company has 130 people. In addition to individual weapons, it is equipped with 8 BMP-1 infantry fighting vehicles, which are equipped with top-mounted AT-3 "fireproof box" anti-tank missile launchers.

For one company, NMD has such a strong firepower!

Victor is really willing to spend a lot of money.

When Rommel was the company commander, he performed particularly well. In the company-level competition of four regiments, he won the first place, the first infantry fighting vehicle rapid-fire score, the first command battle, and the first company individual quality, a total of 9 championships.

It won't be long. As long as the army is expanded, he will have to upgrade.

And he treats the soldiers very strictly, and the same is true for himself, so he is very prestigious in the regiment.

When he rushed back to the camp, the whole company was ready.

"Company commander, this is our mission, to raid a gorge in the mountains south of Culiacán and curb the maritime power of drug dealers." The adjutant handed him the above information and said.

Rommel took a look, "Map!"

The attendant next to him hurriedly took out the map and spread it on the infantry fighting vehicle. After he found the target point on it with his finger, he shook his head and said, "No need. It's too wasteful for one company of ours to be in this place. One platoon leader."

A lieutenant poked his head out of the infantry fighting vehicle.

"You take one platoon to occupy the gorge, and the remaining three platoons of us will pass through the mountains and go straight here."

The adjutant came over and took a look, and said in astonishment, "Captain, this is the only way for drug dealers stuck in Culiacan to run to the mountains. This..."

"Are you scared?" Rommel glanced at him.

"Of course not! Victor's soldiers are never afraid of death, but only fear failure!" The adjutant said hurriedly.

"Then follow the order, Lieutenant! On the battlefield, I will always be with you!"

"Yes! Captain!"

After the order was issued, the entire army marched towards the target point.

Rommel got on the Hummer, and when the convoy passed through the center of the town, it attracted a group of civilians pointing and talking, and he also saw an acquaintance, the girl selling oranges on the street.

The other party also saw him.

Rommel saluted in a chic manner and resolutely rushed to the battlefield.

If there is a drone shooting in the sky, you can see a lot of military vehicles on the main roads in the sky.

The traffic in Sinaloa is not bad.

It's funny to say that in order to transport drugs and raw materials, they built a lot of roads. This state has the most convenient transportation except Mexico City.

Because there are really many rich people in Sinaloa

Mainly many big drug lords.

They even plan to build a subway. Mexico certainly has a subway. It has been there since 1969, but there are only 20 stations, which is near Mexico City.

Many infrastructure projects in Latin America are actually behind drug dealers.

The security of the slums in Brazil is even maintained by drug dealers.

It's funny to say that the police can't get in, but they can negotiate with the drug dealers.

This time, the roads built by the drug dealers have also become "accomplices" in attacking them.

Conquer Sinaloa!

Destroy the arrogance of these dog drug dealers!

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