Working as a police officer in Mexico

Chapter 278 As long as I am alive, Victor will never betray!

The year 1990 was truly bizarre!

To put it nicely, it’s a crowd of heroes vying for the throne; to put it worst, it’s a clown taking the stage!

Especially in the anti-Iraq alliance, the terrorist attacks against several countries have caused the United Nations to lose face!

U.S. representatives demand that Iraq be listed as a terrorist organization!

And asked the United Nations to authorize a military strike against them.

Fuck NMD, you said bad things about me on stage. You Americans are not big-hearted. If I don’t do it to you, how can I still say that I am “Blue Star’s leader” when I go out in the future?

But in the matter of authorization, the Soviet Union and other countries were involved in it, making it very passive.

U.S. representative Asmir Ward said to his younger brother with a gloomy face, "The United Nations only needs to be responsible for stamping it. If they don't agree, I will do it myself!"

This is not an unintentional or wild statement on his part.

But the White House means that a Gulf War must be launched!

This can improve the international status of the United States to a certain extent and enhance its ability and confidence to intervene in international affairs. The United States quickly established a strong anti-Iraq alliance through various means, played the role of the leader, and demonstrated its ability to handle international affairs. "leadership" role.

Most importantly, get rid of the "Vietnam War Syndrome" that has been affecting you for years.

They want to raise their heads again.

But the Iraqis did not tolerate them and directly played a four-and-a-half-minute "documentary" in front of all media.

The above clearly records the bloody suppression of World War I veterans in 1932 by Hoover as chief planner, MacArthur's five-star director, on-site commander Eisenhower, and off-road vehicle warrior General Patton!

"Look! The United States like this even kills its own people. You are only useful when they need you. When you are abandoned by them, you are an abandoned child who needs to die anytime and anywhere!"

"When you go to ask for your pension, they will throw the money into the maintenance fund of the presidential palace, and they will not throw it away to you."

"Working for them, no matter how successful you are, you will lose your life!"

The Iraqi newsman sarcastically said, "If the veteran doesn't die, he will be shot!" ! "

This is directly close to the face and open up.

Good guy, the Americans broke through the defenses and kept claiming in the newspapers that those were not veterans, but traitors trying to subvert the country.

It seems like there are experts on the Iraqi side to guide you and let you curse.

He releases a stunt every day in the country.

"Give him a cavalry company to kill the old, weak, sick and disabled!" 》

"American Horse Killing Chicken Service!" 》

It has made many Americans feel as if they were eating flies.

You know, in some families, their fathers or grandfathers still have World War I veterans alive, and Iraq has directly opened up the scars that had been healed for decades.

It caused a lot of trouble in the United States.

White House!

Bush hung up the phone with gloomy eyes, picked up the cigar placed on the table, and said to his confidant and secretary Fitzgerald, "The old guys in the Congress have postponed the bill again!"

He is very angry now. He is asking Congress to discuss compensation and pension payments to veterans of World War I. This can change many Americans' views on the government.

But when those vampires in the council heard that they wanted to pay, damn it!

just kill me.

Do you think I look like money?

Sometimes this country can no longer be called capitalism at all, but moneyism.

Fitzgerald, his confidant and secretary, saw his boss' hesitant look and lowered his voice, "We can skip the parliament."

"Are you paying for it?!" Bush looked at him and laughed angrily.

"We can ask others to pay for us, such as...Mexico's Victor?" Fitzgerald's eyes flashed, "Of course we can't ask for their money in vain. The Congress refuses to give money, but we can launch another bill, military aid to Mexico!”

"Mexico is fighting with Iraq at the United Nations for us, and we can't let him feel cold. Doesn't he like F14?"

Bush understood it immediately. He used some "scrap copper and iron" to exchange for the funds he needed, and then provided subsidies to those veterans of World War I. He could also tell other people, do you see it? Follow me, and the latest version of the big brother will be given to you. It won't kill you, but it will make you a BUG in the secondary copy!

His eyes lit up and he looked at Fitzgerald...

He finally understood what MacArthur looked like when he saw Hirohito's wife when he was the Emperor of Japan.


Ye Shi said: The Japanese royal family believed that the Americans who defeated them were excellent seeds, so they planned to borrow the seeds to have children. After all, Emperor Taisho, Hirohito’s father, was famously mentally retarded.

I don't even take off my pants when I go to the toilet.

In order to improve their genes, they borrowed MacArthur's seeds, which is one of the reasons why the "first general in World War II" was later called: the Emperor.

The history may not be historical enough, but it must be wild enough!

"About how much?"

"Two billion dollars!" Fitzgerald said.

Bush frowned, but soon relaxed, "When the time comes, put all the A-10 attack aircraft, M60 main battle tanks, and F16s on the military aid bill! As long as you give the money, these will be given to Victor."

Anyway, if you stay in the "aircraft graveyard", you will just eat ashes. You have to spend money on maintenance every year. You might as well contribute to yourself and increase your support when the time comes.

"Can Mexico really be trusted?" George W. Bush suddenly said this again without knowing what he was thinking.

Secretary Fitzgerald was a little hesitant when he said this, but when he met the boss's eyes, he nodded solemnly, "Of course! Victor almost broke with the Soviet camp for the United States. If he was a smart man, he wouldn't He knows how to ride two boats, and he is absolutely loyal. I can guarantee this with my life!”

"The most important thing is that Mexico is too close to the United States and too far from paradise. Within an hour, our 20 divisions can rush into Mexico instantly!"

"During my lifetime, Mexico and Victor will never rebel!" Secretary Fitzgerald slowly became more enthusiastic as he spoke, waving his hands and speaking very cheerfully.


It seems that Kennedy also said it back then.

Bush was stunned, and when he heard the other party's determination, he nodded and patted their shoulders, "Let Asmir and Victor discuss this matter. Also, prepare a speech for me. I want to announce subsidies for veterans." "

"Aren't you going to wait for the news to come back from Vienna?"

"Victor wouldn't say no, would he?" Bush Sr. said with a smile.

Fitzgerald nodded, "No."

Yes, Victor will not refuse...

If he heard so much military aid.

NMD, isn’t it just money?

Victor directly froze all the drug traffickers' accounts in Mexico. The Sinaloa Cartel was beaten to a half-impairment, and the Tijuana drug cartel was destroyed. These two super drug traffickers completely made him full.

Some people in the United States jokingly calculated that Victor is worth more than 7 billion U.S. dollars, earned by these people.

But it’s actually much more than…

After all, there are more hidden benefits.

Many big guys like to buy real estate. For example, the famous Tancong Villa No. 16 is also true. Brothers Guzman and Tijuana Benjamin also like to buy it. There are many of these things overseas.

Spanning more than 20 countries, there is even a small island in the Caribbean, close to Haiti.

Strictly speaking, these are private properties. After being confiscated by the Mexican Northern Alliance, they all belong to the Governor's Palace!

So, you can know how much assets Victor has.

If he is willing to make it public, he can take off immediately and directly enter the rich list. For unnecessary trouble, he will not take the initiative on such a list.

In a fancy café inside the Vienna Cornell Medical Center.

As you can tell from the name, this is actually a private hospital. There are many internal cafes and lounges, as well as the necessary movie rooms. Whatever you want, you only need to pay and it will be available here.

There are three layers of bodyguards at the door.

In the huge coffee shop, there were three people sitting there.

Victor, Belsaria sitting next to him, and a man in his early 30s sitting opposite. To be honest, the appearance of the other person made Victor very challenging.

He is the eldest grandson of the Rumsfeld family and now serves as the mayor of Hampton, Virginia—Brammer Rumsfeld!

The 30-year-old mayor…

It is true that power flows in the blood.

He was looking at Victor with a scrutinizing gaze, frowning, but out of courtesy, he just smiled and said, "Mr. Victor? I know you!"

Before Victor could thank him, the other party immediately said, "There are a lot of things happening in New York. To be honest, maybe you already know who we are..."

"Brother!" Belsaria frowned and called, "Are you here to convey your opinion? He is my boyfriend, and I don't want to hear your other opinions here, including the Kennedy family!"

Brammer Rumsfeld looked at his angry sister and smiled, "Of course not. Our parties are different. Do you think we rely on you to marry them? What does Mr. Bush think of us? They are not worthy of us. Sfield's children."

"What do you think?" He looked at Victor suddenly and asked.


It's like he's here to thwart this.

This is about to become a laughing stock at some top banquets, no, perhaps it should be said in some circles that claim to be aristocrats.

You can have fun, and Belsaria can go find stars or even women. After all, it’s just for fun, but Victor’s identity is too embarrassing. Governor of Mexico, should I call her the Governor’s Wife in the future?

You found a "dog" to fall in love with in the American backyard!

This is ugly.

"The Kennedys?"

"The one whose head was opened by a bullet?"

Victor suddenly smiled and said, leaning forward and staring at him, "I have tens of millions of bullets in my warehouse. Excuse me, are there so many people in the Kennedy family?"

"How many divisions do they have?!"

"How many calibers!"

"How many soldiers are there?"

Brammer Rumsfeld frowned, "Something's about influence."

Victor stood up, "Bullshit influence! Isn't it just who has a strong fist? If you ask the Kennedy family to send people over, can he send a division to Mexico?"

"Maybe we should wait until someone from the Kennedy family becomes president again!"

"But it's a pity..."

"Jesus asked me for my opinion, but I don't allow it! There will never be another president in their family." Victor grinned.

It has indeed never appeared since.

"Jesus?" Brammer Rumsfeld thought the other party was joking.

"I have the ability to protect Belsaria!"

"Do you want to try it?"

Victor's provocation made Bramo feel very difficult. He glanced at his sister next to him. He knew that Belsaria had a rebellious heart and wanted to find a prince since she was a child. This sentence completely touched her heart.

A "male chauvinist" husband is very good!

And Victor was thinking, should he get the other party pregnant first?


You can disown me, but you have to recognize your grandson.

You can't let her be a widow.

The two men present are elites in their respective fields. They have their own thoughts, and Belsaria doesn't understand at all.

There is no such thing as bullshit love in the adult world.

It's all about trade-offs for the sake of interests.

Sometimes, I have to say, this is an irony.


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