Working as a police officer in Mexico

Chapter 284 A new dawn in the history of world drug control!

This is just talking nonsense and scaring people.

Under what circumstances will mankind perish?

To be honest, even if the five good people sitting below collectively drop nuclear bombs, it will not necessarily destroy mankind.

But, this is to make things bigger.

How else to attract attention?

Isn't this the traffic password?

Among them, Gambia, the "Big V" and nicknamed "African Dog", suddenly announced that he could completely eliminate the Soviet Union within three days. Even though the whole world was laughing at him.

But for just a moment, the eyes of the whole world were on him, and everyone knew, holy shit, is there such a stupid big brother in Africa?

This aroused the interest of many people, and even during the "realization" stage, the Americans were happy to give Gambia a lot of interest-free loans.

Yossi, as long as you say something bad about the Soviets, you are my friend of the Yankees and a great good citizen.

Victor's opening remarks made many countries below start to become formal, especially the small countries. They were very nervous, fearing that something might happen that would affect them.

"I'm not talking nonsense. According to information collection and estimates by the Mexican Drug Enforcement Administration in the first half of the year, the global seizure of amphetamine drugs has reached more than 210 tons. Among them, East Asia, Southeast Asia and North America are the most important regions, followed by Central Asia. , West Asia, Australia, and New Zealand, indicating that these regions are both major producers and consumers of amphetamines!”

"As for other types of drugs, 721 tons were seized in Mexico alone, and as many as 210,000 people were involved!"

The big screen behind Victor flashed, and a set of data appeared, "There are nearly 250 million drug addicts around the world, and the number of people who die from drug overdose every year is as high as millions!"

"The direct economic losses are immeasurable."

"Gentlemen and ladies, you should understand the meaning and meaning behind this set of data. If we do not stop drugs, our young generation will completely fall into the prison of drugs. Think about it, in the next few decades "It's a travesty that your successor is sitting in your national office smoking drugs."

Data doesn't lie.

Which country here has not suffered from a drug problem?


The Mexican drug den is right next to it.

Soviet Union?

You can say that the policies of the loving father era were strict, but in the 1980s, drugs were circulated from Afghanistan. Wasn't the so-called "Beatles" culture at that time just about taking drugs and playing with women?

It's just that it's relatively strict, and if you're caught, you'll be sent to drug rehabilitation.

But after the regime became unstable, this trend became more and more obvious.

"Drugs-derived violence and crime are growing explosively." Victor pointed to the picture behind him, which showed numerous bones, placed in an open space, with police clearing them next to them.

"These are 1,171 corpses found in an empty valley after Mexico recaptured Sinaloa. 697 of them were women, and the rest were men and young children. They suffered major injuries before death..."

Victor held the podium with both hands and stared at them, "Forensic examination revealed that they had undergone kidney surgery before their death, which means that their organs were trafficked!"

Wow! !

This really caused an uproar.

Many of the representatives below were whispering among themselves.

"The violence caused by drug trafficking goes far beyond that. In Mexico in 1989, more than 121 mayoral candidates were shot dead, and there were even 60 presidential candidates. It is simply appalling..."

"We can't sit still and wait for death. When we continue to give in, those drug traffickers will only go further! They are testing our bottom line, so I think the only way to deal with drug traffickers is to kill them!"

"Their bodies should appear in the sea, in magma, in the desert, and in the mouths of wild beasts. We must use bullets and any tools to kill them. Drug traffickers die! Drug addicts die! We must become a kind of normalcy!”

His "violent remarks" made people feel a little uncomfortable.

The Spanish representative was unhappy with Victor, so he raised his hand directly, "Sir, do you know how many people you want to kill?"

"You want to kill everyone related to drugs, that's unrealistic."

"Why is it unrealistic? Have you ever done it? If you don't do it, of course you will fail. We are doing it, and the Mexican people are doing it. Starting from the comprehensive anti-drug campaign against drug traffickers, we have sacrificed a total of more than 12,000 police officers, soldiers and all kinds of patriots. person!!"

Victor pointed at him, "Are you sympathizing with drug dealers?"

The Spanish representative's face suddenly stiffened and he waved hastily, "Don't talk nonsense, of course not!"

Today's political correctness is still very disgusting with drugs.

Didn't you see that the British representatives were shrinking and silent now?

After all, they used opium to bully many people back then, and if they show up now, they will definitely be blamed.

"Only people who have experienced the same pain can understand the importance of the anti-drug cause. Gentlemen, students in Mexico shot a short film. Please watch it." Victor pointed to the big screen behind him.

A group of people moved their buttocks and sat upright.

The short video begins…

The background is very dark and gray.

In a studio, a photographer asked, "Can you smile?"

There was a soldier standing opposite, fully armed, with a resolute face and wide eyes, "No."

Next to him, a woman looked at him, "Why didn't you tell me? You didn't have to go."

"Because...the motherland needs me."

"You don't love me anymore?" The woman looked at him, and the man turned back sharply, "I love you, but I love my motherland even more."

The woman turned her head and covered her face and cried, but she still stood next to him. As the photographer took the shutter, they were frozen together.

The camera turned.

The woman had tied up her hair and put a gun on her back. Her eyes were full of darkness. The photographer still asked, "Can you smile?"


At this time, there was an older man next to him, and he shouted loudly, "I don't allow you to go!"

"This is the war on drugs, Dad."

"You are a woman."

"I graduated from field training."

The old man begged, "You are the only one for me."

"But the motherland is also my only one."

The father and daughter looked at each other. Finally, the elderly father arranged his clothes and stood next to his daughter. He couldn't laugh, but he didn't cry either. He just looked at the camera numbly.


"Can you smile?" The photographer looked at the old man in military uniform.

The other party shook his head.

When the sun shines again outside, when the air becomes quiet, when all words become numb...

The photographer, wearing a shabby military uniform, took one last look at the camera, picked up his rifle, opened the door, and walked into the darkness.

Next to it is written: "The war on drugs. To win this war, the Mexican people have worked hard for hundreds of years. They have never begged. They have been fighting, fighting, and sacrificing. They are great and ordinary. They just want to Let’s keep our next generation drug-free!”

Victor raised his head with red eyes, "Gentlemen, we have no retreat. We do not ask history to leave our names. We only hope that more people can join us in the struggle."

"We need money, weapons, personnel, supplies, solidarity, and attention. Mexico is curbing the flow of drugs and saving the world. We hope the world will save us."


Victor stood up, bowed deeply, and walked off the stage with the manuscript. His back was very depressed...

Bang bang bang…

A round of applause rang out. Everyone looked towards the source and saw Brother No. 1 Asia sitting among the Five Great Good People. His applause was very warm.

Only those who have gone through the same pain know what drugs mean. They destroy people's will and destroy a healthy social order!

As the boss applauded, the people behind him slowly followed suit.

Finally, the applause gets louder!

echoed throughout the United Nations General Assembly.

Bertha Rumsfeld hugged Victor, "That's great, dear."

Victor smiled back.

His tears were not completely fake, but he really felt that it was difficult. Along the way, many people looked at him coldly and laughed at him.

Anti-drugs in Mexico?

Are you kidding!

This kind of pressure caused him to suffer from insomnia several times...

Later, he figured out that if anyone spoke ill of me, he would be killed. Wow, this felt much better.

"Mr. Victor, the next topic is voting for the position of the Drug Enforcement Administration. Please return to your seat." The staff next to him came over and said.

"Okay, thank you." Victor nodded towards him, kissed Belsaria, and after saying a few words, he followed the staff back to his seat. Next to him was the representative of Mexico, who stood up and exchanged words with him. Embrace.

The small countries next to him, such as Ecuador, Guatemala, Costa Rica, etc., also stood up and shook hands one by one.

For a time, Victor successfully made a lot of faces.

"Thank you very much for Victor's speech. He gave us a deep understanding of the harm caused by drugs. According to resolution 45/179, the United Nations will establish the United Nations International Narcotics Control Agency. Next, the candidates will be voted on. out executive director.”

The rotating country is the United Kingdom. As the representative finished his speech, a list of four people appeared above.

"1. Brazilian Drug Enforcement Agency: José Bonifacio de Andrada."

"2. Libya: Omar Muammar Gaddafi."

"3. Mexico: Victor Carlos Vieri."

"4. South Korea:..."

Victor raised his eyebrows, and a familiar person popped up among the four candidates' names, Gaddafi?

Damn it, you are such a good president, why are you trying to steal this thing from us?

"Please start voting now."

Victor nervously clenched his fists and glanced at the Mexican representative next to him, who voted directly for him.

It seems that he still wants to return to his country.

The number of votes at the back rose quickly. Seeing that his name was far ahead, Victor breathed a sigh of relief.

I also looked at several competitors leisurely. The Brazilians were expressionless, the Libyans frowned, and the Koreans gritted their teeth...

After all voting ends, you will be able to see the rankings above.

Victor Carlos Vieri: 197 votes!

Libya: 20 votes!

Brazil: 7 votes!

South Korea: 1 vote

The lone vote almost made Victor laugh out loud, but he held it back, which was a bit disrespectful.

Judging from South Korea's Xiba's expression, he must have cast that vote.

"I now announce that the first Executive Director of the Drug Enforcement Agency is Victor Carlos Vieri of Mexico."

Whether they like it or not, everyone can only send their sincere blessings.

If you are not convinced?

You think this is a court, so you can do the above.

Didn’t you see that the big guys below started applauding?

The Korean oppa could only grin. Even if he felt unhappy, he could only stand up in the end.

Victor stood on the podium again amid cheers.

"My pleasure…"

"I am very happy to serve as the first executive director of the Drug Enforcement Administration. Thank you for your trust and encouragement. I will solemnly promise here that within the four years of my term, I will crack down on drug dealers and never slack off! Thank you."

This speech was brief, but it also expressed his determination.

Hope finally appeared in the eyes of representatives from many countries below.

To put it bluntly, all countries in Latin America are inundated with drugs, and the same is true in many countries in Southeast Asia. The Golden Triangle and Silver Triangle are very famous.

Victor has a resolute character. In addition to the Executive Director, the United Nations General Assembly also has Deputy Executive Director and other positions.

Among them, the Secretary-General is his old acquaintance and former head of the Secretariat of the International Narcotics Control Board—Nurnisa Kalis.

After him, he is the second-largest person in the Drug Enforcement Agency.

At the media conference in the afternoon, facing hundreds of reporters who came after hearing the news, Victor calmly said hello in front of the camera, and then announced several responsibilities and reforms of the Drug Enforcement Administration.

"The Drug Enforcement Administration will work closely with all countries around the world to severely crack down on drug trafficking and smuggling activities, and will spend 30 million US dollars every year to recruit bounty hunters to arrest scattered drug trafficking organizations around the world!"

This should be the first time a world-class organization has used a "bounty hunter" to offer rewards. Can this be said openly?

who cares.

The reporters were excited anyway.

The several top officials from the Drug Enforcement Administration sitting next to him looked at each other.

30 million, NMD, where does the money come from?

The United Nations has no money...

"Accept the surrender request of drug dealers within three months after the establishment of the Drug Enforcement Administration. Starting from January 1st tomorrow, any drug dealer caught will be sentenced to death!"

Another strong policy, this is simply to kill everyone.

"The Drug Enforcement Administration will accept requests for armed assistance from various countries, and the Governor General of the North of Mexico will provide full assistance and will provide a reply within three working days of submission."


There are 10 articles in total, and every one of them is directed at drug dealers.

Victor is simply very drastic. He just gives money, food, and people. Many people wonder where the drug dealer has messed with him.

Kill his father?

Or kill his mother?

"Next, reporters who have questions, please raise your hands." The press officer next to him said with a microphone. When he saw a female reporter extending her hand, he asked her to stand up.

"Dear Governor Victor, hello, I am a reporter from the Tijuana newspaper. Did you ever think that the "Ten Orders" you promulgated would further irritate drug dealers? This would lead to greater riots and changes? Thank you. "

This is "one of our own".

Victor raised a finger, "Struggle is never about compromise. Kill them all and they will become honest. I cannot leave the problems of this era to the hands of future generations."

The reporter below snapped a picture of Victor.

Everyone looks like a glutton after eating, with an excited expression on their face. They like people who "talk wildly".

If you don’t talk nonsense, how can I become popular?

How do I sell it for money?

"The global anti-drug campaign welcomes a new speaker!" 》

Aguilar threw the newspaper on the table, smoked a cigarette, frowned, lay on the chair, and looked at the swimming pool in front of him. The woman in it actually made him feel no interest at all, and this value The cigar worth hundreds of dollars suddenly tasted dry.

Mainly because my heart is very dry.

Life is not easy in Juarez either…

Chihuahua State is now besieged in the north and west. If the Northern Army attacks from both sides, it will soon drown the Juarez Group.

Every day he didn't dare to sleep too hard, for fear that when he woke up, Victor would stand next to him and look at him with a sinister smile.

"Boss, the masseur is here." Just as Aguilar was frowning, the younger brother came over, followed by a blind man who was a bit older.

He was under a lot of mental stress recently and felt uncomfortable everywhere, so he asked someone to see a masseur.

Aguilar nodded, and the younger brother said a few words to the masseur, who then groped his way to the other person's feet, disinfected them, and started massaging them.

With this force, the Juarez boss felt a little pain and couldn't help but scream.

The masseur still smiled and said, "Sir, you need a massage when you have time. Your health is very poor. The place I pressed just now was your kidney. When I pressed it, did you feel like you were going to pee?"

The boy next to him almost couldn't help laughing, with a slightly embarrassed look on his face.

He is an MD. When he went to find a masseur, he forgot to tell him who he was massaging for!

Aguilar's expression was gloomy, his right eyelid twitched, and he looked at the other party.

"Haha, older men are like this, prone to kidney failure..."

You fucking said that!

Aguilar is the boss of Juarez after all, how can he endure this? He grabbed the knife and fork on the table, grabbed the masseur's head, and stabbed him in the neck!

The blood splashed all over him.

This brutal look frightened the women in the swimming pool so much that they hurriedly got in, not daring to show their heads.

"Didn't you ask Jesus before you went out?" Aguilar looked at the masseur, who made a dull sound in his throat, and finally choked, stretched out his hand and struggled, and then died.


See, there is only one way to go to work.

They don't even let people tell the truth.

"Drag him down and feed him to the dogs."

The younger brother next to him rushed up and dragged the body away.

Aguilar took out a napkin to wipe his hands, and looked at the report about Victor on the table, and felt uncomfortable all over.

"Boss, the phone."

He took it and put it to his ear, and heard the person on the other side speak, "Aguilar, Victor can't be allowed to return to Tijuana alive."

"Are you CIA going to kill him?"

CIA? ! This word made a bodyguard standing next to him move his expression, and he leaned over slightly and listened with his ears perked up.

"We can help you, but we won't do it."

Aguilar obviously had a bad temper and couldn't help but taunted, "You always like to hide behind and do dirty work. You want to be a whore and a saint."

Who knew that the other party didn't get angry when he heard his insults, but said calmly, "Yes, you are right, but if Victor returns to Tijuana, do you think Chihuahua will still be peaceful?"

Aguilar frowned, "What are you going to do?"

"He will take American Airlines on his return flight. When the time comes, just let the plane crash."

It was said lightly, but what about the other passengers on the plane?

Aguilar didn't ask, and the CIA on the other end of the phone didn't say it. Obviously, for them, killing Victor is the top priority.


Have you ever seen the CIA care about civilians?

From the beginning, this agency has two words written on its face: bastard!

They never choose right or wrong. That thing is the naivety of young people. For them, there is only success and failure.


"The plane is at 8:30 tomorrow morning."

"The plane is expected to crash over the Pacific Ocean!"

"There is one more thing, come to the side and listen to me."

Aguilar's expression changed, and he walked to the side. Just as a trusted younger brother was about to follow him, he was scolded, "Stand, don't move!"

The other party had to stand a little awkwardly.

"You say." Aguilar found a cooler place and said.

"There is a traitor in your group. I don't know who it is, but he is in contact with the Northern Army, and he is right next to you!"

He suddenly raised his head and looked at the trusted younger brother who was scolded by him, squinting his eyes, "Hidalgo Costilla!!"

The trusted younger brother's face suddenly changed!


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