Working as a police officer in Mexico

Chapter 289 The world's top star Victor!

Chapter 289 The world’s top player—Victor!

"You can shoot me in the chest because I took the bullet for my people, but you can't hit my ears because I want to listen to their voices." - Victor Carlos Vieri.

This 0.05 second shot is destined to be injected into the great history of mankind!

Even journalists who shoot with Sony have to admit it.

At this moment, he was conquered. Although he was a man, Victor facing the camera with his face covered in blood and raising his fists was the greatest resistance of mankind!

The way he roared...

Really full of charm!

No wonder both those who like him and those who hate him are crazy about him.

"Long live mankind's greatest anti-drug cause! Long live the Mexican people! Long live the people of the world!!" The lip-reading colleague continued to learn next to him.

The reporter who was filming was startled, then suddenly raised his hand and cheered vigorously.

"Don't you think he is cruel?" a colleague said in surprise.

"Whatever! You're not being cruel to me anyway, shouldn't you be cruel to drug dealers? You should drown them in a water tank!"


That makes sense.

Victor walked into the Drug Enforcement Administration under the protection of security personnel. In fact, many people had already arrived inside. They had already squatted subconsciously when they heard the gunshots.

After he walked in, the secretary next to him nervously went to get disinfectant alcohol to help him stop the bleeding.

"Don't be nervous, calm down. What scene have you never seen before?" Victor muttered, sitting on the chair and giving himself a cigarette.

At this time, Captain Jason Bourne rushed to a foreign-style building opposite the attack site with a Glock pistol.

Let two of them look at the elevator, and he and another security guard climbed up the stairs. On the third floor, they happened to bump into a man wearing a windbreaker.

Two groups of people took a look.

Jason Bourne immediately understood that this was the murderer. The other person turned around and ran away, but he caught up with him in a few steps, grabbed his hat and held it on the ground.

Another team member kicked the opponent in the stomach, and the murderer's mouth opened "Ah". He grabbed his chin and put his hand in, stroking hard around the gums.

Shaking his head at Jason Bourne.

The captain slapped the murderer on the face, pulled his head away and smashed it hard against the steps!

"I...I surrender, I surrender!" the murderer shouted with a cry.

"Who sent you?"

"No... no one, I just feel unhappy with Victor. I just want to kill him. If I kill him, I will be famous all over the world!"

Jason Bourne didn't believe it. He looked around, asked his companions to hold him down, walked over, punched the fire glass on the wall to pieces, and took out the ax from inside.

Under the horrified look of the murderer, he raised it up and smashed it into his palm! !

The entire staircase was filled with his screams.

Jason Bourne looked cold and turned a deaf ear. He raised his ax and leaned it against his neck. "Next, I'll chop you here..."

The murderer's pupils shrank and he felt the sharp ax blade at his neck and the pain in his right hand that went straight to his head. He understood that if he hesitated, he would really die.

"CIA! CIA! I'm employed by the CIA!"

he shouted in horror.

Jason Bourne's brows tensed up and he looked at his teammates.

"Boss, maybe we can hand him over to the police. If he dies in prison, it means there must be someone with a guilty conscience and wants to silence him." The team member leaned next to his ear and lowered his voice.

It makes sense!

Jason Bourne squinted his eyes and nodded, grabbed him and walked downstairs.

"Please, help me get to the hospital. I don't want to die... I don't want to die." The murderer cried, and his blood was all over the ground.

"You should be glad this isn't Mexico, otherwise you would be watching your bones being pulled out before your eyes."

When the murderer heard this, his teeth were trembling.

When I walked downstairs, I saw a group of police rushing in.

"Will Austria give us an explanation?" Jason Bourne looked at the leading police chief, "The matter of the flight explosion has not been resolved yet, and now there are snipers..."

"I have doubts about your security and management. If you can't give us an explanation, then Mexico will give Austria an explanation!"

He said and pushed the murderer in his hand over.

The sergeant leading the team was so angry that his veins were popping, but there was nothing he could do. Indeed... it was so strange that this happened.

You can’t blame Victor for attracting bees and butterflies.

You must know that Vienna's safety index has always been ranked among the best in the world. Your arrival has directly lowered the value.

But after all, Victor's identity is very complicated. As a small police chief, there is no way for him to get involved. He can only leave these troublesome problems to the people above.

"Boss, they are so arrogant!" Seeing Jason Bourne leave, the police officer standing next to the police chief muttered dissatisfiedly.

"Then what should we do, you beat him?" The police chief glanced at him and said angrily, grabbed the murderer's neck, and pushed him into the police car.

"Take me to the hospital, take me to the hospital!"

When Jason Bourne and others came out, the reporters who had not dispersed kept taking pictures of him.

The person illuminated by the flashlight feels uncomfortable.

But you can't go up and fuck them.

I could only shield my eyes and quickly ran towards the Narcotics Control Bureau. The police were already surrounding me outside.

When I entered, I saw that the general's ears were tied up with gauze, like... big-eared Tutu.

"How about it?"

Jason Bourne leaned into his ear and said a few words. Victor's mouth twitched, but he grinned again, "It's really getting better with each passing day."

"Do you want to protest with the United States?"

"If protest is effective? Why is violence needed? And who do you think Americans will help? One is his biological son, and the other is his godson."

Jason Bourne was silent and lowered his voice, "Then you will suffer this loss?"

"Suffering a loss?"

"There is no word "suffering" in my dictionary. They don't want to put it in the open, so we have to follow the rules. Isn't it just killing? It depends on who is more determined! Life and death are determined by fate, do you understand? Jason.”

"Captain" Jason Bourne Why Victor likes to take him, apart from his "Jane in the Emperor's Heart" loyalty, he is very sensible.

It became clear immediately.

"How about building a plane and hitting Langley? Then... push it to the Iraqis?!"

Really brave.

And Victor was indeed very moved.

"General, Mr. Rameau, the Austrian Interior Minister, is here," secretary Christa Schroeder said.

Victor turned his head and saw a group of people walking in in a hurry. The leading man was very strong and looked very young. He was indeed young. Minister of the Interior Ramo was only 36 years old.

Behind him were many senior Austrian officials.

Before the other party could speak.

He first smiled and said, "Minister Ramo, it seems that Austria doesn't welcome me very much."

The other party's face instantly turned unpleasant.

"More stamps! Give me more stamps! Work overtime 24 hours a day, why won't the union allow it? Want to protest? Let them protest, let me make money first!"

This is a true portrayal of most current European newspaper owners.

The photo of Victor with his fist raised in the air and his unyielding face spread all over the world through the news media.

His followers are reveling.

This news even surpassed the news that East Germany and West Germany were going to merge.

In Venice, Italy, Rome, Bergen, Norway, Innsbruck, Austria, Manchester, Liverpool, UK, New York, USA... and other cities.

Everyone broke out in support of the "Support Victor Movement", mostly young people. They held up the classic "photo" and called: Long live the anti-drug campaign!

Young people don’t have to take drugs to express themselves as “extraordinary”!

Youth does not mean seeking death unscrupulously.

The look of Victor clenching his fists and roaring has become an idol around the world.

Several Pulitzer Prize judges, headed by the president of Columbia University, also directly designated this picture as the winning photo for the coming year.

This is also rare in the history of journalism.

In the new issue of Time Magazine, the person who originally wanted to post it was Schwarzenegger, but was directly replaced by Victor.

An assassination, a carnival of people all over the world.

The Internet was not developed enough at this time, otherwise it would have become even more popular.

But as the saying goes, there are bastards everywhere. The famous American talk show "The Oprah Show" invited a black man who was anti-Victor.

Mainly doing street "rap"!

He pointed at the camera and said, "This is an obvious self-directed trick!"

"Victor is a liar. He is taking advantage of everyone's sympathy to satisfy his own selfish desires. He cannot hide his indifference to life. Aren't the lives of drug dealers and addicts life?"

"His appointment as executive director of the Drug Enforcement Administration will only make violence more intense. Can he kill all the drug dealers around the world?"

The guest became more and more excited as he spoke. He even stood up and took off his clothes, pointed at the needle holes in his body, and shouted, "Can you kill me? Here, here, and here..." He pointed at himself. The needle holes on the body, "I need inspiration, drugs can bring me inspiration!"

Talk show host Oprah is watching...

Controversy leads to better ratings.

"Come on! I am also a drug dealer, come and kill me! Come on!" the black man shouted on the stage, and there were people below applauding him.

But within two minutes of being happy, there was a sudden exclamation from the audience.

A strong man weighing about 200 kilograms rushed onto the stage, pushed away the staff who were blocking him, jumped over and gave the black man a big mouth, then mounted his body and started working on him from left to right, gritting his teeth, "Fake Squid" ! Take drugs, I’ll let you take drugs!”

Oprah was beside her and kept saying OMG.

Four or five staff members came up to pull the strong man away, squeezing his throat and pulling his arms.

The black man's face was swollen from being slapped...

It was lying on the ground with tears streaming from the corners of its eyes.

"Long live Victor! Long live anti-drugs!"

"You bastard of a mud horse..."

This scene spread to the United States through television. You know, "The Oprah Show" has more than 10 million viewers!

It is very popular in the United States.

It even won Emmy Awards several times.

The director has not stopped broadcasting. Sometimes, accidents can create classics.

Langley. CIA Director's Office.

Richard James Kerr looked at the "farce" on TV and shook his head, "Do you know what I saw?"

Senior assistant Steven lowered his head.

"Influence! Victor's influence is constantly increasing. I seem to see the next Michael."

Steven knew who he was talking about as Michael.

Michael Joseph Jackson!

A very, very, very influential... "CMS" fighter in the United States!

The CIA tried to kill him several times!

Sometimes his influence really makes him a protective figure, but they will never allow such a "totalitarian" figure to appear in North America again.

"If Victor were in the United States, he could even run for president." Director Richard James Kerr sighed.

"Then let's try again? This time we can try to contact his personal doctor." Steven said.

At this moment, the phone on the table rang, and Mr. Director pressed the speaker button.

Bush's voice came from the other side, "Richard, stop it."

"Sir, I don't know what you're talking about."

"Don't challenge my bottom line! Richard! Don't think that the CIA is just your CIA. I have also been the director of the CIA. I know where and what shit you are doing!" Bush, who was on the other side of the phone, immediately became angry. .

Just do it, do you think I'm stupid?

Richard James Kerr fell silent.

There are actually many factions within the CIA, including the African Division, the South American Division, the North American Division, the Asian Division, etc...

After all, Congress only gives so little money every year. Every branch wants money, but if you take more, it means other branches will get less.

There is constant irritation with each other.

Bush Sr. was also the director of the CIA, and he still had a lot of informants.

"Victor will be a serious problem for the United States."

"But not now! He is an ally against Iraq." Bush said with a frown, "The geographical location makes it impossible for Victor to develop. We need an obedient dog! And you are beating this dog to death! "

Richard James Kerr half-opened his mouth. He wanted to speak, but the dog was a little disobedient.

"I know the CIA and Victor are a bit dirty, but now everything is for the interests of the United States. Don't make me say it a second time, Richard, I can help you go up, and I can also get you down." Bush hung up directly. Got the phone.

When Steven heard the last sentence, the corners of his eyes twitched and he raised his head slightly.

The boss's face was very dark.

Darker than his ass.

The office was eerily quiet, and Steven was sweating nervously inside.

"Assassination, please pause for now." Richard James Kerr spoke.

Steven breathed a sigh of relief and nodded hastily.

"However, the intelligence collection on the Governor's Palace in northern Mexico cannot be reduced, but must be accelerated. The North American branch's funding will be increased by another 20%."

"That money..." Steven is a senior assistant and also a simple butler. He knows how much money there is and how little money there is.

On that account...

Damn it can run away from ants, but it has to slip when mice come.

"Have you collected the "Intelligence Analysis Membership Fee" below?"

"I received it for next year."

Richard James Kerr frowned and said, "Then collect everything for the year after next."

This "intelligence analysis dues" is actually a name within the CIA.

He has helped so many people rise to power. Many people have to rely on the CIA to stay in power. If I help you, you have to pay me some dues.

In fact, it is protection money.

Other countries like Laos and the United States also pay "protection fees" when purchasing weapons. The boss gets the big one and I get the small one.

Not too much.

Brothers are lucky enough to have a hard time, so they have to get some benefits.

"Understood." Steven nodded.

"Victor..." The CIA director looked at the "Oprah Show" on TV, where the strong man had been pulled away.

His instinct told him that Victor might become an opponent of the United States.

October 1, 1990.

Sonora Military Airport.

The drug dealers and thugs in the city have not yet been completely suppressed, but some people clearly want to cause trouble. In order to prevent them from destroying military facilities, a 6-kilometer radius is controlled and no one is allowed to approach.

It started to rain lightly in the sky.

Erich Manstein, staff officer of the 4th Battalion and commander of the 2nd Company, stretched out his hand and watched the raindrops falling on his hand, feeling a little lost.

"Company Commander, this is a suicide note..." The deputy company commander put a stack of written letters in a net pocket and handed them over.

Erich Manstein looked on and nodded.

"Company commander, do we need to go abroad to fight? Where is Iraq?" the deputy company commander asked hesitantly.

"If Mexico wants to stand up, we need more performance and soldiers to fight for more bottom lines for diplomats at the negotiating table!"

Erich Manstein smiled and helped his 19-year-old deputy company commander tidy up his clothes, "Believe in power, believe in Victor, he will lead us to new hope."

The deputy company commander nodded vigorously, very firmly!

"Assemble the entire battalion!" Lieutenant Colonel Fedor von Bock, the deputy battalion commander, sat on the jeep and waved to the second company, "Hey! Erich, line up with your people!"

"Yes, sir!"

Erich Manstein whistled, and all the soldiers who were sitting on the ground stood up, and their movements were not sloppy at all.

He led his company to the designated location.

More than 1,000 people in the entire camp stood neatly in the rain.

The rain rushed into their eyes from under their helmets, but they still stood tall.

Mexican Propaganda Minister Goebbels and many senior officials came to see him off.

Mr. Minister, dressed neatly in military uniform, stood in front of all the soldiers. He stretched out his hand to block the umbrella that the secretary was about to hand to him.



Everyone stood at attention, standing straight.

"When a country is discriminated against, everyone thinks we are a drug trafficking country, and everyone thinks that the most courageous man in Mexico is a drug dealer!"

"But what? General Victor led us to defeat them. We have allowed more than 30 million compatriots to no longer suffer humiliating abuse, and let students have books to read, workers have jobs, and children have mothers!"

"But this is far from enough. In the world's diplomacy, there are still many people who look at us arrogantly. We are the cancer of North America. Wrong! The bastard from West Asia is looking down on us and has laughed at our general more than once!"

"What we have to do is to step on his proud head into the dirty mud!"

"Let the once high-ranking enemy kneel down and beg for mercy!"

"Defeat them and wash away their insults to us!"

Goebbels' speech was full of incitement. He walked up to a corporal, stroked his shoulder, looked at him deeply, and patted his cheek.

"Sir!" The corporal suddenly called him.

Goebbels stopped and turned his head to look at him.

The other's weather-beaten face revealed a trace of attachment.

"Please tell my general that I will do my best. Please tell my father on Guadalupe Island that I will never surrender. Please tell my mother that I love him forever."

Goebbels was shocked. In the pouring rain, he looked at General Victor's soldiers.

"I will welcome your triumph here again. If you die in battle, I will personally carry your coffin. We will win! Victor will win!"

"Hi! Victor!!"

Listen, the cheers in the rain are the first time Victor's soldiers have stepped into the world.


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