Working as a police officer in Mexico

Chapter 303 What? You asked me to kill Victor? ?

The John Edgar Hoover Building!

Senior assistant Pearson had just arrived at work, and before the coffee could be brewed, he was called to the office by his boss.

"Sir, you're looking for me." He opened the door and said when he saw Floyd I. Clark smoking.

The other party pointed to the chair in front of him and motioned for him to sit down. "This morning, the police station sent us a kidnapping case. The kidnapped people were White House Secretary Miss Lobelia Garde and her best friend. The two of them were in front of the bar yesterday. Abducted from the street."

"This matter is now handed over to us, and the White House takes it very seriously."

Pearson nodded slightly, "Are they from the Soviet Union?"

This is the first reaction.

The Americans and the Soviets had been fighting for decades, each calling the other "the beast!" in the news media.

The trapeze artist after the millennium has only been around for a long time, otherwise, he would have been stained with some shit.

Unexpectedly, Floyd I. Clark shook his head instead, flipping through the book "The Ugly Frenchman" in front of him, "We have carried out a lot of work and visited many of her colleagues, and found that she had talked to her before leaving get off work. One person spoke on the phone and, according to her colleagues, a dispute ensued.”

Pearson raised his eyebrows, and his long career in the FBI gave him a hint of it.


"Victor Carlos Vieri!"

I'm afraid the air will suddenly become quiet.

"The White House believes that the offensive of the Northern Army in Mexico has harmed the interests of local American businessmen, and also..." Floyd I. Clark leaned forward, "it has also harmed the interests of the U.S. government."

“But isn’t this anti-drug plan jointly proposed by the U.S. and Mexican governments?”

"Drugs don't threaten America; peaceful, competitive, and exciting neighbors do."

Pearson knew that Victor... was being abandoned!

The reasons for abandonment are very complicated, but for Americans, if you are disobedient, you are not a good dog, you are even useless, you are like a piece of tattered paper in the pit, which can only be used to wipe your butt.

"Is the United States going to war with the Northern Army?"

Floyd I. Clark looked at him in surprise and laughed, "Why do you think so? War is never a beautiful thing. The White House intentionally wants to send a delegation to Mexico to talk to Victor. To discuss the measures for drug control, I plan to send you the FBI."

Forced into the palace?

Pearson's first thought was that Victor wouldn't kill us all!

That's Mexico.

Just do it casually and bury all the people alive in the desert, tsk tsk tsk...

However, it should, maybe, probably, maybe not.

How is that different from declaring war?

"Who is the leader?" Pearson asked.

"Donald Rumsfeld, the White House appointed him as special envoy plenipotentiary."

Floyd I. Clark also smiled, "At least your safety is guaranteed. Can Victor still bury his girlfriend's grandfather alive? Don't worry."

Pearson seemed to have been exposed, laughed sarcastically, and nodded, "What is my mission?"

“Do more and make more mistakes, do less and make fewer mistakes, just stand still and listen.”

Pearson nodded, and after chatting with Floyd I. Clark for a few words, he walked out of the office, closed the door, and opened the window to see the dark clouds gathering outside.

"It's going to thunder."


The drug dealers who originally planned to abandon the city and flee suddenly took a beating and expressed their determination to defend their homeland to the death!

Drive out the destroyers and dictators like Victor.

"Victory belongs to the people of Juarez!"

I don’t know where I took the medicine.

But there must be someone behind it, otherwise, these drug dealers would have run away long ago.

But the first thing to do when defending the city is to mobilize the people.

The wolf-like drug dealers rushed into the slums on pickup trucks, armed with AK47s and wearing masks, jumped out of the car and broke into the house.

Drag the adult male and walk out!

The women following behind were crying and screaming, and some were kneeling on the ground and begging loudly for mercy.

"Resist the invasion with us! Resist the tyrants from the north, we must protect our homeland!" A strong man covered with tattoos covered his face and used some French luxury goods. He looked quite wealthy.

But no matter how much he cheered from above, the people below didn't react at all.

This made the little leader very angry. He jumped out of the car, pointed at a young man and said, "Are you going to resist the Northern Army?!"

The child was a little stupid, and the parents behind him quickly pressed his head down and helped him answer hastily, "Yes, yes!"

The leader's eyes flashed, and he hooked his fingers at the younger brother. The latter handed over the AK47 in his hand. He put the weapon into the child's hand, grabbed his shoulder, twisted him around, and pointed at his crying child. Very miserable parents, "beat them to death!"

"No, no..."

"Then I'll kill you!" The leader took out his pistol and pointed it at the child's temple, pressing the safety button with his thumb, "Kill them!!"

The child cried out, "Mom, Mom, I'm afraid..."


One shot!

The drug dealer pulled the trigger inhumanely and blew out the opponent's temple with one shot.

His mother rushed over with a scream and was shot to death by the drug dealer next to her. Her body collapsed, but her eyes were looking straight at the child on the ground.


I just want to live.

"All men will join the resistance, and women will be under unified management, gentlemen! If we find that you are not active in the resistance, then I'm sorry, but your family members will all die!"

Men, regardless of age, were all pulled into pickup trucks, and drug dealers were recruiting soldiers.


The Northern Army got bastards!

Grandpas are not afraid of you! !

At 11:31 a.m. on October 25, 1990, the commander of the 1st Marine Division, Sigmut List, and his deputies inspected the front line and delivered a speech.

About 12:10.

20 RM70 122mm rocket launchers were mobilized from the rear to cooperate with more than 300 artillery pieces of the First Marine Division, and the bombardment began!

The Battle of Juarez has begun!

The drug dealers in the city slithered into the concrete buildings during the artillery attack.

The artillery fire lasted for an hour, and the whole city was ablaze!

This is not over yet. After the artillery, there are air strikes. The air force attacks important facilities.

This is the characteristic of the Northern Army.

Extreme artillery attack!

If Victor had used US dollars, he wouldn't be able to afford it, but the points...

Fortunately, I gained a lot on the battlefield and kept fighting to support the war, so I didn't completely prolapse. Otherwise, the frontline troops would have no artillery shells and would not be able to guarantee their firepower.


A total of more than 20,000 men from the 1st, 3rd, 5th, and 9th Regiments belonging to the 1st Marine Division followed the original plan to besiege on three sides and rush towards Juarez.

War mode, fall into urban street fighting!

The vanguard consisting of 20 M1A1 main battle tanks and 30 M48 medium tanks broke through the broken city wall and rushed inside.

The drug dealers stationed at a church on the outskirts of the country fought back violently!

The M1A1 main battle tank's M-25 tank gun blasted through it with one shot, but the shell that could penetrate dozens of millimeters didn't even explode a corner!

The drug dealers were obviously well prepared and had a lot of reinforcements.

In a room on the second floor, a ZIS-3 anti-tank gun with slogans painted on it lies sideways, and the barrel also reads: Long live the great Juarez!

"Load! Load!"

"Aim at that tank! Fake Squid!" A black man wearing a helmet actually spoke fluent English.

On his chest was written: "IRA!"

Anyone familiar with history knows that this is the logo of the Irish Resistance Army.

Why are these troops resisting the British here?

Make extra money?

This listed as a terrorist organization in many countries.


The black commander gave an order, the gunner pulled the rope, and a shell was loaded towards the side of the M1A1 main battle tank.

The warhead encountered the protective net, bang...

There was a violent sound, and the flames reached a height of four to five meters. The body of the vehicle was fine, but the tank crew inside was uncomfortable. Many people felt that their internal organs had been displaced.

"Go around, go around!" the driver said loudly, holding his stomach.

But the infantry following him on the flank were not so lucky. High-explosive shells cut down more than a dozen Union soldiers.

The medical soldier lying in the ruins of the wall rushed over and pressed his helmet to prevent him from running around.

Chug tug tug…chut tug tug…

The machine guns on the fifth floor of the church began to roar, and the crossfire of bullets was so overwhelming that no one dared to look up.

At this angle of the tank, there is no way to raise its head. You can't let the tank launch 360°.

The female medical soldier was shot in the neck, and the impact knocked her whole body to the ground. She opened her mouth, but as soon as she opened it, blood spurted out.

She stretched out her hand towards a Northern soldier hiding behind. Just as the latter was about to pull her, bullets flew over from nowhere and beat the medical soldier into sieves.

His eyes were still open before he died.


A Northern Army second lieutenant rushed up with an RO-A 93mm cloud burst rocket launcher and aimed a round at the firepower point on the fifth floor!


The flames of the explosion spurted out, and the drug dealer inside screamed and jumped down from the top, but he was unlucky and fell headfirst...

Brain blossoms!

Before the second lieutenant could get excited, a rocket exploded at his feet, and he flew up into the darkness.

"Go! Go! Go!"

The captain roared with his M16 and stormed into the damn building. Soldiers poured in from the gate, and some jumped in from the window. They held short rifles and fired at the drug dealers inside. The Big Ben clock on the wall was Beaten to pieces.

The portrait of Jesus was full of bullet holes. People who didn’t know it thought it was Kangxi.

Click, click, click!

The sound of a submachine gun being loaded with an empty magazine was chilling. Just as the soldier was about to change the magazine, a drug dealer rushed out from the side room...

In a panic, he pulled off the grenade and threw it at the drug dealer, who happened to shoot. The gunshot was accompanied by an explosion, and both of them fell down.

The drug dealer who jumped down from the second floor to rescue carried an M2 flamethrower and sprayed flames at the seven or eight Northern troops rushing upstairs.


Although its actual "burning time" is only about 47 seconds, and the effective burning range of the flame is only about 50 meters, it is still a practical weapon, after all, it generates a high temperature of more than 1,000°C.

And there is no way to put it out.

The Northern Army soldiers screamed and rolled. After all, human will sometimes cannot overcome physical pain!

The drug dealer carrying the flamethrower did not go downstairs. He cunningly retreated from the second floor. The drug dealer behind him threw the tied grenade down.


The load-bearing walls were shaking.

"Attack! Attack, reoccupy the first floor!!" The leader on the second floor shouted loudly, pushing the drug dealer next to him hard.

No matter how unhappy the latter was, he could only grit his teeth, roar and carry his gun down.

The leader is the inspection team, and he has to kill people on the battlefield.

The drug dealers counterattacked!

Instead, they pushed the Northern Army on the first floor out and suppressed the momentum.

In a "specific" combat space like a building, many weapons cannot be used, such as rocket launchers, artillery, etc., relying on skills, tactics and courage.

For example, in the famous "Pavlov Building", 25 Soviet soldiers resisted the German army for 58 days.


A building resisted longer than the entire France.

However, this also indirectly shows that the model of building assault is really painful.

Moreover, these drug dealers are not ordinary military personnel at all, and their firepower is also very strong.

The battalion commander who came upon hearing the news asked loudly, "Where is Straven?"

"The company commander, he died." A sergeant hung his head.

"Where is Prince?"

"The deputy company commander was also... killed."

The battalion commander opened his mouth, his chest was very depressed, looking at the visible morale of his soldiers, he grabbed his helmet and smashed it on the ground!

"Then I'll go!"

"The soldiers of the First Regiment are not cowards, the Tijuana drug cartel did not stop us, the domineering Armando did not stop us, and the Sinaloa River was conquered by us. Is a building enough?!"

The battalion commander shouted angrily and took the M3 submachine gun from the deputy battalion commander, "I will lead the team, charge once!"

"If I die, the deputy battalion commander will take over, if the deputy battalion commander dies, the captain of Company A will take over!"

"Victor's soldiers are never cowards!" The battalion commander roared, and led his men to continue charging towards the building under the cover of the tank.

The M3 submachine gun has good performance. It was developed by General Motors in cooperation with the US military. It has one main feature: durability.

Just like a Buick.

The battalion commander charged ahead, and dozens of Northern Army soldiers behind him continued to charge forward.

This is the current characteristic of the Northern Army. Officers and soldiers are united. If you dare not charge, you will be shot no matter who you are, battalion commander or regiment commander!

From eating, drinking, defecating, to respecting human rights, they are exactly the same. Such soldiers are more combat-effective.

Like Xiao Xiba, being a soldier still requires you to be divided into classes. Sooner or later, a ruthless person will come and shoot you.

At night.

The moon climbed up in the sky, replacing the sun's work, and still overlooked the human fighting below from the sky!

The deafening sound of gunfire and screams continued.

At the command post of the 1st Marine Division near the river across Juarez El Paso.

Higmut List was looking for a fighter plane in front of the sand table. He frowned and had dark bags under his eyes. It seemed that he had not slept for several days.

This Juarez is harder to deal with than imagined.

More than 30,000 people from four regiments rushed in, but the drug dealers fought very tenaciously.

In just 7 hours.

The casualties reached more than 2,700, including more than 1,100 killed in action, 7 battalion-level cadres, and 2 regimental-level cadres. (The regiment level is not just the head of the delegation.)

"Division Commander, Division Commander..."

The staff officer at the door rushed in with a telegram in his hand, "Reinforcements from drug dealers were found across the river from El Paso, and the battle has already begun."

The rivers in Mexico are very smooth, and the drug dealers in the south can go directly to the sea if they want support.

But the sponge force of the northern army is completely insufficient, and at most it is a battle in assault boats, which makes it very passive.

"The intelligence department also sent news that the drug traffickers in Juarez have a more complex structure. In addition to the drug trafficking organizations themselves, there are also the Irish Resistance Army, the Peruvian Tupac Abalu Movement Armed Forces, the Guatemalan Civil Movement, the Honduran Drug Trafficking Organization, etc., plus some local people who are coerced, the number of people is about more than 100,000!"

"Moreover, the intelligence in the city shows that the current leader of the resistance in Juarez is not Aguilar. There is evidence that he has been killed in the airstrike. The current commander is a Colombian named Dario Usuga.

""We haven't found out his background yet, but it is very likely that he has a lot to do with the North American drug trafficking group."

Higmut Lister frowned and nodded slightly, "No matter who he is, Aguilar is dead, and now someone else is coming up, his fate is also doomed."

"Order the front-line troops to rest according to the plan and remain alert."

"Yes, sir!"

In a house in Juarez.

Ye Jihan had a bandage on his head. He was unlucky. He fell to the ground during the charge and was stabbed on the forehead by a sharp stone. He looked pitiful.

He was chewing on dry food...

Suddenly, he heard footsteps and stood up suddenly. He was as agile as a leopard. He picked up the gun and squatted by the window.

Other comrades also stood up nervously. He pressed his hand to signal not to be nervous.


He pushed open the door, and then saw a figure peeing in the corner in the moonlight.

He had a cigarette in his mouth.

The cigarette butt kept shining with his breathing, and then dimmed.

Ye Jihan half-crouched, aimed at the cigarette butt, moved a little to the side, and then decisively pulled the trigger!


There was a dull sound, and the other party fell to the ground.

After he finished shooting, he quickly shrank.

The next second, bullets were flying everywhere!

Whoosh whoosh whoosh...

I don't know where he was shooting.

I've said it before, don't pee anywhere on the battlefield.

You're smoking and peeing at the same time, and you don't even know to hide from others.

You don't even know where someone is coming from.

War is very exhausting, and both sides tacitly planned to rest and fight again the next day, but who knew that Ye Jihan would be so unethical.

But Ye Jihan is even more courageous!

He called a soldier, "Where is the highest commanding building around us?"

"Juarez Museum."

"Brothers, let's do it!" Ye Jihan's eyes were fierce, "Seize the commanding heights and welcome friendly forces."

The soldiers in his class looked at each other and nodded vigorously.

"Squad leader, you have the final say!"

"Let's do it!"

Ye Jihan nodded, raised his hand, and looked at the moonlight. "It's 11:20 p.m. now. Let's take a 2-hour break. At 1:30 a.m., while they are confused, we will take action."

"You rest, I'll be on guard. Everyone, take a good rest and replenish some food."

"When the time comes, fuck him!"

Ye Jihan charged and played to his strengths.

For example...

A master at night raids.

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