Working as a police officer in Mexico

Chapter 308 Black Hawk Down!

"According to CIA intelligence, the target mission Victor is hiding in a small town called Ahumada. Find him and kill him! The mission is over. According to the original plan, Seabird and Seahawk will enter from the north at low altitude. "Apache" will provide fire support. We should not linger in the battle. After the decapitation is successful, the Hummer convoy in La Coahuila will escort us away. I will bring you out and take you all back!" Lieutenant Colonel Tom Mattis looked at them sharply.

Both the SEAL Team 6 and the Rangers nodded.

"Gentlemen, I want to go back to the barracks for breakfast!" A black major raised his hand and shouted. This confident speech made the American soldiers cheer.

As if...

It was easy.

The United States has never taken Mexico seriously.

When the helicopter formation flew over a hill, they did not notice that a group of northern troops were lying on the hillside below. They were wrapped in camouflage and their faces were painted with camouflage. Not to mention at night, even if they were lying on the mountain in broad daylight, no one might be able to see them clearly.

Buzz buzz buzz --

The plane flew over the top of the head and flew towards the town of Ahumada.

The Northern Army on the hilltop held the intercom and said, "The prey is coming."

Eight UH-60 general-purpose helicopters of the US Army infiltrated from both sides. One team was led by Commander Lieutenant Colonel Tom Mattis, responsible for ground infiltration, and the second team set up alerts around and waited for the arrival of the Hummer convoy.

"Found it!" The driver shouted, and Lieutenant Colonel Tom Mattis came over and saw a car parked next to a house with a big "X" painted on the roof. This was the secret signal made by the informant.

"Land! Land!" He patted the driver on the shoulder and said.

At 2:47, the first "Black Hawk" had just dropped 10 special forces members and had not started to take off, when suddenly, a beam of strong light shone in.

Penetrating the windshield and directly into people's eyes!

The pilot's pupils condensed subconsciously. After a few seconds, just as he got used to it, he suddenly found a ZPU-2 twin 14.5mm anti-aircraft machine gun hidden on a building of the same height!

Put it flat!

He could even see the smug look of the operator behind him.

"NO!!!!" The driver roared in fear and hurriedly pulled up the joystick to get up, but he completely forgot that there were still people who hadn't gotten off the plane. A Ranger was unlucky. Before he jumped down, the helicopter began to take off again, hooking his leg sleeve, carrying him more than a meter high, and then fell heavily headfirst to the ground.

His whole face was sunken!

Lying on the ground, blood oozing from his head...

"Go to hell!"

Tu Tu Tu...

The anti-aircraft machine gun fired at the "Black Hawk" in the air!

With a firing rate of hundreds of rounds per minute, at such a close distance, even if the UH-60 general-purpose helicopter had bulletproof glass, there was no reason to defend it like this.

After being smashed into pieces, the pilot inside was directly smashed!

The seats behind him were all smashed into "flash points".


With a loud bang, it turned into a fireball in mid-air.

The other three UH-60s were not in a good situation either. One propeller was crushed by the fragments of the explosion and made a hard landing on the ground, like a butterfly with broken wings, dragging horizontally on the ground for a distance.

The other two, seeing that things were not going well, ran quickly, spread out to both sides, outflanked, and fired machine guns at the rooftop!

For a while, bullets flew everywhere.

"Fuck!" Lieutenant Colonel Tom Mattis cursed, took out the radio to call the Hummer convoy, but the signal was intermittent and could not be heard at all. He cursed and took the team to rescue the crashed comrades.

A SEAL member with a bloody face was dragged out from inside, and patted his face, but there was no response at all.

Just when he was about to pull the second one.

"RPG!!! Get out of the way, get out of the way!"

A team member screamed heartbreakingly and waved his hands at him.

Lieutenant Colonel Tom Mattis turned around and saw a Northern Army soldier in a store carrying a rocket launcher and firing at them!

He felt the tail of the rocket brush his cheek. The pain of the burn had not yet reached his brain. The huge shock wave behind him knocked him away. The fragments of the RPG hitting the crashed helicopter cut his neck in mid-air.

"Captain, Captain..."

A team member ran over in a panic and took out gauze from the side pocket of his jacket and pressed his neck, but the gauze was stained red...

Lieutenant Colonel Tom Mattis grabbed his epaulette fiercely, "Go... Go home..."

Just said a few words, and died!

This soldier who had made many achievements in the Vietnam War and the Panama War died.

Special forces...

He is not a god.

It would be funny if he didn't die after being bombed.

As long as they are human, they are worth a bullet.

In a private room in the Pentagon.

The air suddenly became quiet.

The images sent back from the scene silenced the three giants: Defense Secretary Richard Bruce Cheney, U.S. Army Chief of Staff General Carl Vono, and the head of the Joint Chiefs of Staff: LeBron Andre.

Good guy... The front-line commander was killed directly.

"Our intelligence has been leaked!" General Carl Vono raised his head and said loudly.

LeBron Andre's face was solemn. He never imagined that things would turn out like this. He looked at Richard Bruce Cheney and said, "The battle is over. This is a trap against the US military. Air support is ordered immediately." , assist the ground crashers to rush to the firefighting point as soon as possible, if...if they are all killed..."

He didn't finish what he said, but they all understood that if the operation failed, let's not say it, but if they all died, the three of us would go and see the gate!

"Those CIA losers!" General Carl Warnow was still struggling with intelligence issues.

"Mission cancelled, retreat according to Plan B." Richard Bruce Cheney said calmly.

Since then, the beheading operation has turned into a self-rescue operation.

The "Apache" in the distance received the order and rushed towards them. Halfway down the road, the 30mm M230 chain gun came up and suppressed it with fire!

The other two launched AGM-114 Hellfire missiles. The air seemed to freeze for a short time, and they bombarded the ground indiscriminately. It was worthy of being: the most infatuated man, he shot a lot.

At this time, in a private manor, Victor was smoking a cigarette. Seeing the "Apache" being so unscrupulous, he crushed the cigarette in anger and said, "Kill them!"

Jason Bourne next to him responded, picked up the radio tool and gave the order.

One minute later.

I saw two Northern Army soldiers carrying FIM-92 and quickly rushed to the second floor of a bungalow. One of them opened the window, and the other did not need to aim, just fired!


"Apache" lost in Mexico.

One member of the first team fell in a pool of blood.

At this time, the second team responsible for peripheral security was also not feeling well.

The black major's face was covered with sweat, "Babylon, Escobar, you take four people to support, I will stay here."

The two lieutenants responded, got out of the bunker, and headed towards the internal firefighting point to support them. However, when passing an intersection, two TPz-1 armored vehicles rushed out, aiming their machine guns at them and firing!

The American troops with no bunkers around were killed on the spot!

The black major's eyes bulged out...

The TPz-1 armored vehicle turned around and rushed towards the peripheral security forces, relying on the armor's defensive power.

The US military combat team did not bring heavy weapons at all on this mission. Bullets could not penetrate the TPz-1 armored vehicle. Seeing the "big guy" getting closer and closer, even the US military with rich combat experience could not help but run back.

But the final result is also to be killed!

The black major immediately got up and rushed towards the armored vehicle with a grenade, shouting and showing off his heroism...


The TOW missile on the turret hit right in the middle, and the one hundred and eighty kilograms were blown into pieces.


A pair of burnt combat boots fell to the ground.

The U.S. troops on guard outside were completely wiped out, and the TPz-1 armored vehicle drove towards the next exchange point.

The Humvee convoy that came to support also encountered fierce sniper fire.

The Northern Army directly pulled out the Vulcan cannon and placed it on the road and at the commanding heights, aiming at the convoy.

The convoy of humvees that were swept turned into Japanese horses, and they no longer wanted to be fucked.

"Support! Call for support, fuck NMD, support!!" the team captain shouted loudly into the radio, his face turned red and his neck thickened, and he suddenly smelled a stinking smell in the air.

He turned around and saw a soldier lying on the ground holding a gun after being beaten to the point of incontinence.

"Get up! You coward! Get up!" the captain kicked him and roared, and the armed helicopters that were constantly counterattacking in the air also encountered ambushed anti-aircraft missiles and were beaten into fireballs.

The captain had a look of despair on his face.

“CNMD’s, Pentagon!!!”

He stood up with his gun and fired in all directions, but the bullets didn't know where they went.


A stray bullet "hit" his neck, his eyes widened suddenly, and a tearing sensation could be seen around the eye sockets. He immediately collapsed on the ground, vomiting blood, and his mouth was squirming, but if you listened carefully, you could still hear vague sounds. Unclear sound.

"Dog...Dog...Day of the Pentagon!!"

Victor's army is not Aidid's "refugee camp". He has either AK or RPG under his command. He has dispatched two battalions with a total of more than 2,500 people, carrying heavy weapons and armored vehicles. If this can still achieve the battle loss ratio of Somalia, the Northern Army Forget about disbanding.

Secretary of Defense Richard Bruce Cheney's hands were shaking. He dropped his cigarette on the ground. When he bent down to pick it up, Admiral Carl Warnow behind him could see that his body was also shaking.

It’s over…

Going to step down!

"Is there anything else you want to say?"

Carl Warnow and LeBron Andre looked at each other.

"Negotiate with Victor and return the captives and bodies." Richard Bruce Cheney took a deep breath. "We must give their family an answer."

Americans are like this. Those who can always be unreasonable will never be unreasonable. If they are reasonable, they must be forced to do so.

November 11, 1990.

Eight o'clock!

When the American people woke up in the morning and turned on the TV, they saw a shocking scene. A helicopter was hit by a rocket launcher, fell from the sky, and turned into burning briquettes.

They all thought it was a movie.


"The U.S. Special Forces assembled a total of more than 200 Rangers, Delta Force, 1st Battalion of the 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment (Nighthawks), and SEAL Team 6 to raid Mexico early this morning. They encountered resistance from the Mexican Northern Army and the mission failed... ..." The narration was a thick voice.

“Oh buy it!!”

The blonde who was training in yoga pants got up and looked at the tragic scene on the TV. She covered her mouth with a look of disbelief. The teddy dog ​​behind her saw the smoke on the TV and clamped its tail in fear.

"Dolly? Dolly! Dolly!!" The blonde suddenly saw her husband's figure on the TV, and she rushed over, at a loss.

On TV, all prisoners and dead American troops were hung in the square, with more than 200 people standing in front of them.

Some people had their eyes closed tightly, their mouths were bleeding, and their faces were covered in dirt.

A gust of wind blew, and their corpses were like hanging feathers, fluttering in the wind, and some of the prisoners were wailing.

"Dolly, my Dolly." The blonde cried and cried as she lay on the ground, hanging hard on the ground, while the teddy ran over... hugged the other person's buttocks, and started...

Dogs are dogs after all!

Beasts only have primitive impulses.

The scene of more than 200 hanging corpses spread quickly to the United States, North America, and the world through the media!

No one can help but panic, these are more than 200 special forces.

If you move to many areas, you can overthrow a regime.

Families of bereaved relatives ran into the streets, demanding that the U.S. government bring back the bodies.

"You sent my child to die, now you won't even give me his ashes?!" A silver-haired old woman hugged the photo and shouted in pain, while her husband and children next to her were all wiping tears.

In the photo, a senior soldier in military uniform grinned, showing his big white teeth, and hugged his mother tightly. The latter... looked happy.

"Bush, step down!"

"Bush, step down!"

"Bush, step down!"

Some people couldn't help raising their hands and protesting loudly. The crowd grew larger and larger, and the voices became louder and louder.

Bush was very quiet, but his handwriting was obviously rough.


He looked at the defense minister, who had a dejected look on his face, "Someone should be responsible for this matter."

"I will announce my resignation."

Richard Bruce Cheney's voice was hoarse, he raised his head, his eyes were bloodshot, "However, I hope to bring their bodies back."

"I will send a special envoy to see Victor." Bush nodded.

When Richard left, his back was hunched, but when he was at the door, he stopped, "Our intelligence has been betrayed, and the United States has been infiltrated by Mexico."

Bush's face suddenly became serious, he frowned, and turned to look at the TV. Above, the town of Ahumada was full of bullets and traces of burning, and the blood on the ground was still wet.

Telling about the intensity of the battle.

He frowned and murmured twice, "Victor, Victor!"

Bush's premonition felt very difficult. He thought for a moment, picked up the landline, and called the person he hated the most.

"Hey, Mr. Rumsfeld, I think I need your help with something."

Victor stood at the highest point of the town of Ahumada, a church.

He lit a cigarette for himself, put his hands on the railing, and looked down, seeing the mess everywhere!

"Jason, what if I make a movie to commemorate it?" He suddenly became interested and turned to ask his captain.

“I’ve already thought of a name, it’s called ‘Black Hawk Down’, and I plan to play a guest role in it when the time comes.”

Can you guarantee that Americans are not crazy?

It's just adding salt to each other's wounds!

"General, I think we need to calm down with each other at this time." He spoke, speaking very tactfully.

Victor turned his head and glanced at him, and smiled when he saw his serious expression, "We have won, and we must have the rights of the winner. Are you afraid? Are you afraid that the Americans will fight a full-scale war?"

He smiled and waved his hands, "No, they don't dare. If they dared, they should have sent bombers into Mexico yesterday and blew me up. But they are afraid, they are afraid that if I escape, the United States near Mexico will become War."

"They are now at war with Iraq, war weariness is rising in the country, and George W. Bush's public opinion polls have dropped a lot."

“Bullets and lives have to give way to votes.”

Jason Bourne thought about it, and the truth is this.

"Wait, the Americans will come to collect the corpses. Since Frank Lucas can transport the corpses of those American soldiers, I can get some benefits in exchange." Victor took a puff of the cigarette, tightened his cheeks, and pointed towards the air. Zhong spat.

Throwing it away casually, the cigarette butt flew off the rooftop and hit the ground, causing sparks to fly.

A single spark can start a prairie fire!

"Let's go and award medals to my soldiers. Today, they saved our anti-drug cause!"

"The evil Americans suffered the most tragic death since World War II!"

Victor turned around gracefully.

Dirty black clouds filled the sky, but a beam of light was struggling hard, fighting, and roaring.


The sun shines on the earth.

God, I will finally see a glorious day.

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