Working as a police officer in Mexico

Chapter 322 We can also inherit the estate!

Tijuana. Governor's Palace.

It covers an area of ​​more than 50,000 square meters and has more than 600 employees working here. Armed Northern troops can be seen at the door inspecting vehicles entering and exiting.

There are also anti-aircraft weapons on the roof.

The garrison will be fully arrived within 3 minutes.

If there's anywhere in Mexico that's safe, it's here.

In the Governor's office at this time.

Victor held the list and raised his eyebrows slightly, "You mean these are all Soviet agents?"

Augustin Przeucir nodded, but he was very direct, "We don't know whether it is true or false, but we got it from a defected Soviet man who was a member of the KGB Overseas Bureau."

Victor's expression changed when he heard this, and he couldn't help but sigh, "The building has collapsed into civil strife. If this list comes out, I'm afraid the entire world's intelligence community will be shaken."

There are old agencies like CIA6 and CIA, as well as new intelligence agencies such as Mossad, which have been established for a long time but are already famous in the world!

Get your name at the front.

Giacomo Hicks—Senior U.S. Intelligence Director, Head of European and Eurasian Affairs, and also an Army Lieutenant General!

Augustin Przeucir's eyes were hot, "So, General, I think we should accept them!"

He paused and said, "A group of people who devote themselves to their ideals will definitely fight against drug dealers for their ideals!"

"Moreover, according to our internal assessment, there is more than 85% chance that the Soviet Union will undergo major changes, such as disintegration, in the next three years!" Augustin Przeucir looked at Victor, and he said something he described as explosive news.

At that time, he heard the internal staff's assessment of the news.

The first thought is, how is it possible, that is the Soviet Union!

The most powerful Soviet Union on the planet.

In the 1970s and 1980s, the Yankees basically hammered the ground. Are you telling me that they are going to collapse?

But Augustin Przeucir didn't see any fluctuations in Victor's expression. He was very calm, as if... he knew it a long time ago?

Victor put down the list, lit a cigarette for himself, exhaled, and frowned, "So, the next two years are our most critical two years. If the Soviet Union collapses and the United States becomes dominant, he will have more hands and feet." If you can reach out to deal with us, you have to continue to strengthen yourself during this period of time!"

"What do you think about moving the entire KGB to Mexico?"

Augustin Przeucir:? ? ? ?

"Soviet people are quite stubborn..." he said as tactfully as possible.

"Stubbornness cannot be eaten. People have to shit to eat. This all costs money. Do the Soviets have money? Yes, but the money is in the hands of people who are not short of money. Which oligarchs and high-ranking officials control the country, and which It is a travesty that a soldier who has spent his life fighting for the proletariat is starving to death on the streets.”

"We just happen to have enough money."

Augustin Przeucir frowned, "We just had a fight with them in the Baltic Sea and killed several GRUs. Will this... have any impact?"

"Poverty and chaos will forget a lot of things. Maybe they have forgotten us a long time ago, but you are right. We have to penetrate slowly. You can try to use money to accept those corrupt elements first. Everyone They are all waiting for this bear to fall and eat his flesh, but it would be better if we take action earlier than they do and inherit most of his legacy."

The boss said so.

Of course, Augustin Przeucir had no reason to continue to hesitate, "I will ask someone to contact some people within the Soviet Union."

"Well, it's best to find a Soviet man who has a well-established background, who also has great hatred for the United States and who has great prestige in the military. We can try to contact him. After the Soviet Union collapses, We can definitely recruit them and use their titles to increase their attractiveness." As Victor said, he suddenly felt something was wrong.

He had someone in mind.


"We don't have much time left." Victor took a deep breath, "How are things in the United States?"

"The National Guard is out. It is said that Congress plans to send regular troops to suppress it, but I don't think the flames are big enough. General, I have an idea."

"Please tell me."

Augustin Przeucir was about to lower his voice when Victor smiled and waved his hand, "No need to do that, there are only two of us here."

There was a sneer on the other person's face. I'm sorry, I'm used to it.

I’m used to being sneaky~

"We can encourage extremist white organizations to bomb the black community, just like May 31, 1921. This will definitely arouse greater anger among black Americans!"

"We can take the opportunity to sell weapons to the Bloods and Crips and other African gangs."

On May 31, 1921, a group of white American racists brutally massacred the Greenwood black community in Tulsa, Oklahoma, through arson, shooting, and even plane bombing, killing many people, including women and children. About 300 black people died, nearly 10,000 black people were displaced, and more than 1,400 houses were destroyed.

It is also one of the famous "three noes" unsolved cases in the history of bloody racial persecution.

The U.S. government has been silent, but that doesn’t mean black people have forgotten.

If you do this again...


But it also shows that the European and American world is somewhat inexperienced in using "black people". For example, in the Middle East, didn't they whip black people in the past? Why didn't anyone make a fuss?

The main reason is that Europeans and Americans are too stingy and are reluctant to castrate.

"You can decide for yourself about this kind of work in the future." Victor waved his hand and shook his head pretentiously, "I can't stand seeing others displaced, alas."

My master is kind-hearted and can't stand the poor. Kill all the beggars. What a familiar scene.

Augustin Przewczyr's eyelids twitched.


You are going to the gallows, why are you pretending to be pure here?

If the piranhas eat you, they will say, damn, the meat is smelly.

"The black people in Spain and Britain have to work hard too." Victor said casually.

Augustin Przewczyr understood immediately and nodded, "They will definitely work hard."

In the office, two demons from hell were humming.

But it is very sad that such people decide the life and death of many people.

But it is not sad, people with different ideals cannot work together!

Victor, just wants to ban drugs.

January 7!

The blacks gathered in Tulsa, Oklahoma, still exercised their "power" and besieged everywhere.

There were even blacks and some whites who took drugs in public.

They shouted, "Drugs can make people forget the pain, we will fight the US military to the end!"


At 11:31, suddenly two Cessna 172 planes flew to the entrance of "Nasher Street", dived down, strafed the ground, and dropped incendiary bombs!

This sudden scene caused more than 300 casualties at the scene!

The angry crowd fired into the sky, and the bullet hit the wing of a Cessna 172, which fell down while shaking. The blacks rushed up and pulled the driver out!

A white man!

The skin is right!

Racial hatred is activated!

The black man who was in a state of panic... dismembered the white man!

This scene was broadcast live on TV.

The term "New Tulsa Tragedy" instantly became a hot search in the United States.

The tragic scene made even many locals feel that Americans were sorry for black people. This was... too bloody.

Dissatisfied Blue Party supporters also began to gather in front of the White House and shouted to step down!

They quarreled with the rednecks who supported them, and finally turned into violent conflicts.

It was really a hundred schools of thought.

In the President's office.

After not seeing him for a few days, Bush Sr. had deep eye sockets and drooping hair. You couldn't see the taste of a "gentleman" at all.

In front of him sat the new CIA director Stanfield Turner, Floyd I. Clark of the FBI, Bush Sr.'s administrative secretary, National Security Assistant Bahash Johnson, and some of his confidants.

Compared with the CIA directors, the FBI is simply the "iron butt king", who has survived two terms!

"Congress is very dissatisfied with my performance. The Blue Party has begun to impeach me and asked me to step down early." Bush Sr.'s tone was full of torment.

That's right...

So many things happened during his tenure, two CIA directors died, the CIA was caught in a huge scandal, and such a conflict broke out in the country. If you don't step down, then I should step down.

Especially the "massacre" by the plane, it's simply horrifying!

What civilization do you still claim to be?

This has become a war zone!

Will you drop an atomic bomb on yourself at that time?

Even the most shameless politicians feel ashamed when they hear about this.

The confidants present were shocked and looked at each other with the same sad faces. The emperor has his own ministers. If Bush stepped down, they would not be rich and prosperous.

"There is obviously a black hand behind this turmoil." CIA Director Stanfield Turner said in a muffled voice.

"Then do you know who it is?"

The admiral was silent.

"It's really unlucky recently, damn it, after a fight with Mexico, no luck is on our side until now." An aide muttered, as if complaining.


He felt that the atmosphere was not right. Everyone suddenly looked at him, their eyes were like... scarlet beasts, and he was scared to death.

"Mexico... Victor." Bush frowned and called out the name softly. He didn't know why, but he always felt uncomfortable. His fate was in conflict with him.

"Could it be him who did it!"

Stanfield Turner raised his eyebrows, "We haven't found any clues about the Mexican intelligence agency yet..."

"But no clues are often the biggest clues. Who is Victor? Although we call him a bastard, we have to admit that he is an ambitious person. Will he sit quietly in this situation? I think the Mexican intelligence department must have a big role in it." Another staff member said hurriedly.

"Didn't the CIA infiltrate the Mexican intelligence department?!" Someone couldn't help but ask loudly.

The new CIA director Stanfield Turner looked ugly and glanced at him, "Don't force me to hit you."

The staff member shrank his neck.

Stanfield Turner was also holding back his anger. He thought that the two previous leaders were at least somewhat capable, but they were completely incompetent in infiltrating intelligence in northern Mexico. It was not that he had not sent people to "hook up" with them, but they were sold out after a short while, and he lost a lot of elite troops, so the matter was left unresolved.

MD, where did Victor get so many loyal lackeys!

"Find a way, Turner, I need you now." Bush looked at the man he had promoted with a sincere look on his face.

"What do you need me to do, sir, so that we can turn defeat into victory?"

"Catch the person behind the scenes, or find "evidence" to prove that this thing was done by the Mexicans."

He added an extra emphasis to the word evidence, and Stanfield Turner instantly understood that if there was no evidence, then just make it up, it wasn't important anyway.

But doing this will make Mexicans in the United States become the target of public criticism. This will not reduce conflicts at all, but will increase them. But compared with black people, Bush is abandoning Mexicans?

Who said black people can dump their virginity?

"I understand." Stanfield Turner nodded.

Bush's expression relaxed slightly, "What we have to do now is push back into Iraq. I think it's time to launch a general offensive."

The best way to resolve internal conflicts is to seek external stimulation.

This is a consensus.

Americans go to war firstly for local supplies such as oil, secondly to increase their influence, thirdly for the sales of the military-industrial complex, and fourthly to alleviate internal conflicts.

"What do you think?" Bush suddenly turned to his confidant, Bahash Johnson.

This was so sudden that everyone turned around and stared at him.

"I also think it's time. It's better to be more beautiful and let everyone see that the United States has the strength to defend its dignity and will not allow them to make small moves behind their backs."

Bush nodded, appreciating these remarks.

"OK, let's move forward with the plan quickly. Thank you for your hard work, gentlemen." He said and stood up and bowed.

Everyone was a little at a loss and quickly stood up.

"Then you go ahead. Turner will stay for a while." Bush called his name.

The others left the office. Bahash Johnson looked back as he left, and finally closed the door.

"Do you think we have a traitor here?" Bush asked when he came up.

"Yes!" Stanfield Turner didn't hesitate, he was very direct, "And his position is not low."

"Richard's death was such a coincidence. He told me before that he doubted Johnson, but you know, Johnson has been my partner for a long time. I can't doubt him just because of a word."

Stanfield Turner listened quietly.

"But there is a traitor hiding next to me, making me unable to eat or sleep every night. Find him and turn him out!"

"I give you permission to spy on anyone!"

Stanfield Turner raised his eyebrows and looked at Bush Sr., who also looked at him. Both of them understood that if this kind of behavior was found out, they would both be finished.

"Leave it to me."

But in the end, the new director of the CIA took over this important task. He did not allow it, and the United States was infected with cholera by people with ulterior motives!


Hit him if he shows up!

Bush was very "touched" and patted him on the shoulder.


Something happened then.

Throw you out first!

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