Working as a police officer in Mexico

Chapter 338 The counterfeit goods owner strikes hard and cheaply!

Engels led three paratroopers along the path and climbed to the back of a hillside, where the roar of machine guns could be heard.

and shouts and curses from officers.

He suddenly felt something warm on his nose. When he touched it, although he couldn't see clearly, judging from the sticky feeling, he must be bleeding!

He casually wiped it on his trousers and said, "Kareem!"

A fierce-looking corporal holding an M249 machine gun and wearing tactical glasses bent over.

"You lead Siel around from the west side, while Madison and I attack from the right side. The first goal is to blow up the machine gun position!"

Corporal Karem nodded. Just as he was about to stand up, he hesitated and asked in a low voice, "Are you okay? Second Lieutenant."

Engels was startled and patted him on the shoulder.

"Follow me, Syl." Karem shouted and ran towards the west with another superior soldier.

Engels led Madison to climb up a boulder on the right side, where he could clearly see the flames gushing out.

He took out an ANM14 incendiary grenade!

There are so many people, and they have to be given a tough meal.

Victor also liked to blow it when throwing this kind of thing. Engels gave it a hard shake and ANM14 flew out. In the blink of an eye, a chemical reaction occurred and huge energy was ejected.

It can reach 1000° in an instant!

If it's stained with fire, you can't shake it off even if you want.

"Ah!!! Ah!!!"

The two foreign legionnaires who were closer were on fire, screaming, and subconsciously rushed toward the others.

When people are in fear and death, what they like most is to look for others of the same kind. Of course, they want the other person to help.

But who wouldn’t be scared when they see a burning man coming?

You can only watch as the other person hugs you and then rolls down the hillside!

"Hit!" Engels stood up from the boulder and fired at the bottom. His companions quickly followed.

Anyone who can see clearly at night can just scan it.

The machine gun position went silent instantly.

After destroying this position, Engels still felt that he was not addicted, and took advantage of the darkness to continue attacking other firepower points with his men.

When the sky dawns and the morning glow shines on the horizon, the last moonlight is reflected on the sea, disappearing after a wave of waves.

San Benedicto Island is littered with corpses!

The smell of blood and gun smoke permeated this small island of less than 10 square kilometers.

Several raised hillsides were riddled with bullet holes and blackened by incendiary bombs.

Seagulls were squawking and circling. Some of them seemed to have bad bladders, so they pooped out a piece of shit and dropped it into the mouth of a corpse full of tattoos.

Drug dealers deserve to eat bird poop!

On the beach, more than two dozen Northern Army soldiers were looking for survivors with guns on their backs. A corporal rolled over a Spanish soldier, who looked very stiff. He suddenly felt something was wrong and shouted, "Still alive!"

The soldier next to him pulled out a gun and pointed it at him.

The Spanish soldier opened his eyes, raised his hands, and was about to speak when he saw the other side pull the trigger!


Blood suddenly appeared on his back, and he stared, lying on the ground like a dead dog, dead in a foreign country.

The sound of gunshots startled several enemy soldiers who were lying among the corpses and trying to deceive them by pretending to be dead. They were beaten to death in a pool of blood as soon as they took two steps.

On the top of a hillside.

Engels' hair was sloppy and sticky with blood and smoke.

His face was covered with dirt, he tilted his head and lit a cigarette for himself. You could clearly see that his right little finger was blown off, but his face was expressionless and there was only deep tiredness in his eyes.

One night, he led a team of four to raid seven machine gun positions and killed at least dozens of people. Engels did not know the exact number.

A team of four, one person died...

Engels took a deep breath of air. Although the sea breeze also had a sticky and fishy smell,...

"It's good to be alive."

He raised his head and sighed, and suddenly heard the sonic boom of fighter jets in the sky, phew~!

Flying directly over, the seawater below seemed to be cut into two pieces.

"Our plane!" A health worker tied with a red cross jumped up and cheered, raising his hands. Engels squinted and realized that this was not a single person, but a formation.

There were about three planes in total heading west.

"It seems to be flying to Roca Partida Island. Isn't the fighting over there still over?" the health worker said blankly.

According to the plan, they started to attack from two islands, one on the left and one on the right. There was no news from there, so they seemed to be in a state of anxiety.

Engels's expression was a little solemn.

Rocca Partida!

In a cave, an armored vehicle blocked the door. The machine gun on it was pointing out. They were all corpses. The broken limbs and arms were too horrible to look at!

Who knew the guards here were so ruthless?

The armored vehicle was also hidden in the hole, so it couldn't get close at all. Even with a rocket launcher, there was no way to aim. The opponent shrank back, except for the wall being shaken by the explosion.

I wanted to go around in a roundabout way, but there were more than a dozen corpses left in the small hole next to me.

"If we can't defeat it, then let the officers charge me with explosives! Whoever can rush in first will be rewarded by me!" A lieutenant colonel, the commander of the battlefield, shouted loudly with red eyes.

If someone else hadn't pulled him away, he would have rushed forward.

"Sir, air support is coming, let's move back!" The sergeant with communication equipment said to the lieutenant colonel whose teeth were almost broken.


The soldiers of the Northern Army, who were also complaining bitterly on the front line, heard the order and retreated one after another to make room for the gap.

The Spanish Foreign Legion soldiers who were hiding in the cave and resisting stubbornly found that there was no sound outside. A bearded man hurriedly made a pause gesture, bent over and crawled out, and took a look.

"Why did the Mexicans retreat?!"

His head was confused. If they pressed it again, the cave would surrender. No, you guys just gave up halfway?

Suddenly, he felt the roar of the engine in the sky. He squinted and saw a fighter rushing over, firing missiles in mid-air!

AGM-65! !

The Spaniard's pupils condensed, and he could only watch the flaming "Maverick" rush into the cave aggressively and hit the armored vehicle.


A huge wave of air and flames rushed out, and even the air seemed to be shaking.

Half of the cave collapsed, leaving only thick black smoke.

"Charge! Charge!"

The lieutenant colonel below jumped up, took a rifle from the guard, pulled the bolt, and led the charge.

This "Death Road" that was originally dozens of meters long has come to an end, which also means that the manpower of Roca Partida Island has been completely destroyed!

Two islands on the left and right were captured, and they were aimed at the largest island in the Revillagigedo Islands, Socorro Island!

It is said that there are more than 3,000 troops on this island!

The war has entered the second stage!

Deep in the Sonora Desert.

More than a dozen Hummers were speeding, and the fully armed personnel looked not easy to mess with at first glance, and they were also equipped with heavy machine guns.

A lizard heard the noise and crawled out of the cave. Before he could figure out what was going on, his head was crushed. When the car passed by, he saw a pool of blood and two legs twitching.

The Hummer convoy passed a big slope and suddenly saw a factory lying in the yellow sand. When the convoy approached, an armed helicopter and a Hummer were seen coming.

A person got off the front car of the convoy and walked over with his ID and handed it to the other party.

The other party saw it and hurriedly stood beside the car.

When the convoy passed by, he saluted, "Loyalty!"

When approaching the factory, you can also see the shooting holes on it and the Vulcan cannons set up, and not far away there is a radar car and two American AC-2 anti-aircraft missiles parked!

The armed guards raised their guns and watched the convoy go in.

Inside the factory, you can see soldiers standing in all corners, and the security is so strict that it is comparable to the Governor's Palace in Tijuana.

This is the "Sonora Arsenal!"

Covering an area of ​​more than 20,000 square meters, this was originally a private prison for drug dealers. After being controlled by the Northern Army, it was expanded into the current arsenal.

Of course, Victor didn't just work on points. He felt that he had to produce by himself. He opened many factories in the north and exchanged points for production lines from the World War II period, such as T34, Tiger heavy tanks, Sherman...

If you take them to the European and Asian battlefields, they may be outdated.

But in Africa...

They are also very powerful weapons!

If you want to earn foreign exchange, you have to "make arms". These military factories are integrated together to form a "Northern Group!"

In addition to this, Victor also opened some civilian factories and is debugging something called a pager, which he plans to sell to Asia and Africa.

These civilian factories are: "Northern Civilian Group!"

As for the Sonora Arsenal, it is quite special. Victor exchanged points for more than a dozen military experts and gave some Soviet and American weapons to the other party for reverse research and cracking, mainly some mainstream weapons during the Cold War.

Aren't you Americans going to do me?

I make fakes!

I've destroyed your market share. You sell for 20,000, and I sell for 6,000, focusing on cheap and good products.

Why are American things so expensive?

Eighty to ninety percent of the price lies in the four words "independent research and development". They don't disclose many secrets.


It's simply arms hegemony and arms monopoly.

Victor will kill you!

These experts are not cheap, about 6 million each, and their ability is basically equivalent to that of senior Soviet military industry. Intellectuals are still expensive.

Victor exchanged points for real goods and let the military experts "dismantle" them for fun. It's not easy to copy them.

The production workers are part of the military and most of the military families.

The salary is very high, basically four or five times that of the workers outside.

When Victor got off the car, he felt a heat. Wearing sunglasses, he saw a dark-skinned lieutenant colonel running over with people, and stood excitedly to salute.


"I'm sorry to bother you." Victor said with a smile.

"Welcome to the general's inspection!"

The people behind him applauded.

If your applause is not loud enough, you will be pulled over by the Thirteenth Guardian to teach you a lesson. Didn't you see George Smiley standing next to him looking around with a sinister look?

This Thirteen Taibao leader... has a very evil heart!

"Let's go to the workshop."

The lieutenant colonel hurriedly led the way and did not forget to introduce, "Our Sonora Arsenal currently has 2,239 employees, including 212 technicians and 1,913 front-line workers..."

"We can produce 700,000 standard bullets a month, and the two production lines can produce a total of 200 American M249 machine guns and assemble 2,000 155-caliber artillery shells each month!"

Of course, these are not all produced in the Sonora Arsenal.

For example, bullet shells, shells and some other processes will be bid to "cooperating" Mexican companies for production, but if you look closely, these companies have the background of the Mexican Northern Alliance behind them.

That is, semi-official.

It is equivalent to exchanging money from one hand to another, and then recruiting workers to increase the employment rate.

"I heard that the BGM-109 cruise missile has been reversed?"

The lieutenant colonel puffed out his chest when he heard this, "Yes!"

This is not easy. Although Victor said that the military workers who exchanged were planning to reverse the process, the workload inside is not that simple.

This kind of reverse engineering means buying advanced foreign weapons and equipment, using high-precision surveying and mapping instruments to conduct overall and local surveying and modeling, and then replicating these weapons based on these measurement results. In layman's terms, it is a high-tech "copycat".

That is to cross the river by feeling the US military.

Vulture has become Statham.

It is not easy to reverse it in any way.

"Have you tested it?"

The lieutenant colonel's expression was a little embarrassed when he heard it. "We sent it to the Air Force for testing. The maximum cruise Mach number we developed ourselves is only 0.65, the maximum range is 990 kilometers, and the hit accuracy is also relatively large, about 100 meters, but we are also equipped with inertial guidance + GPS map matching guidance + image guidance, and the explosive power is the same as the 454 kg high-explosive warhead carried by the US military."

"And, if necessary, we can continue to adjust the high-explosive warhead to 500 kg. At most, the speed and range will be reduced, but it is enough to launch from Mexico to the United States."

"But our cost is only half of BGM-109, about 500,000 US dollars."

"The price is not cheap." Victor shuddered when he heard the cost and asked with a frown.

"General, we can sell it to the Middle East. People there are not short of money." The lieutenant colonel said hurriedly, pausing, "Asian countries are also OK."

"You have even thought about the buyer. It seems that you are prepared."

The lieutenant colonel laughed.

"However, I have a few small suggestions."

Hearing the general's words, the lieutenant colonel and the people behind him quickly took out their notebooks and wrote them down.

"I think we still need to get rid of some unnecessary things, such as inertial guidance + GPS map matching guidance + image guidance. This kind of thing is useless. It's too high-tech and many countries can't play with it."

"Weapons have a few elements: big bomb, long flight, and cheap!"

"Precision guidance doesn't work, so let's cover the strike! As long as it's cheap, we have no shortage of buyers."


It's bombing!

Your MM won't recognize you when you bomb.

You are accurate at 30 meters, and I bomb 300 meters nearby. Who is awesome?

"What kind of propulsion does the Tomahawk use?"

"ARC solid fuel booster."

Victor was quiet. He asked casually, but who knew that the lieutenant colonel said a term that he didn't understand at all. He coughed, "Then find a way to extend the distance. A missile that African friends can afford is a good missile!"

Clap, clap, clap!

Everyone applauded.

"When you're done with production, you can name it." Victor patted the lieutenant colonel's name and encouraged him.

"Thank you, General!" the other party said excitedly.

You have to be excited even if you're not excited.

Do you dare not be excited?

Victor walked around the workshop again and left. He understood that leaders who stayed for too long would be annoying.

"General, do you want to go see the military experts?"

"Let's go and see." Victor was about to follow the other party upstairs when he saw the secretary running over and said a few words in a low voice.

The lieutenant colonel stood farther away consciously.

"Took it down? Not bad! Send a congratulatory message to the front line, and hope they will continue to work hard. The remaining Socorro Island will be bombed first. Bomb it until the birds on the island dare not touch the ground, and then you can charge."

"Just use the Mk-84 2000-pound bomb!"

"Bomb them to death!"

Victor said, turning his head to look at the lieutenant colonel, "Can we imitate it?"


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