Working as a police officer in Mexico

Chapter 340 You don’t want your son to be shot, do you? !

Emilio Mora smoked hard, hiding in the corner of the cave, shrinking like a lobster.

He listened to the bombing outside.

His eyes were calm...

Or he had already thought of it.

As the first batch of "natives" to come to Socorro Island, he had rich experience in bombing.

It would be strange if the Mexicans didn't react if they were so arrogant.

"Gone? The Mexicans are gone!" The foreign legion soldiers hiding outside shouted inside.

The people who were hiding slowly looked out, but Emilio Mora was still shrinking. Based on his experience.

The Mexicans definitely couldn't come again just this time!

Sure enough, not long after, the officers who ran out rushed in again with fear on their faces.

There was a bombing outside.

This cave is hidden deep, on the back of the hillside. If you don't look carefully, you can't lock it at all, but the residual power of the heavy bomb still shook the ashes down continuously.

Emilio Mora huddled even more like a ball!

Maybe he will die here today!

The bombing lasted for more than two hours and did not stop until the evening.

The soldiers of the Foreign Legion came out of the cave...

It was a mess, with huge pits in the east and west, and a lot of broken limbs and meat residues in them.

You can even see... buttocks not far away!

The lower body was blown away.


Some people couldn't stand the bloody smell in the air and the visual impact, and vomited violently.

Lieutenant Colonel Emilio Mora was holding a cigarette, his hand was shaking, his face was pale, and his expression was very uncomfortable. Suddenly, a hand patted his shoulder. He shivered and couldn't help it. He squatted on the ground and retched.

It was too miserable!

Damn, the Mexicans dropped at least 60 MK8 bombs here, almost five tons!

Many bodies were stuck to the ground. If you want to get them out, you have to shovel the ground with a shovel.

Modern warfare is so cruel. People are gone before your enemies even see them.

Mental stress is evident.


Suddenly, a cannon shot sounded on the sea. A shell flew to the island and exploded on the beach. There was panic again, thinking that it was another bombing.

"All get to the battle positions! The Mexicans are coming!"

The soldiers picked up their guns and quickly entered the battle.

Four or five ships appeared on the sea level in the distance, rushing towards the island.

Emilio Mora raised his head, with some dirt on the corners of his mouth. He frowned, always feeling that something was wrong. The Mexicans started firing shells from such a distance. Isn't this giving the Spaniards time to get to the battle positions?

Are Mexicans so stupid?

Going to land on the beach with you?

How many bodies will be left behind?

Only after fighting with the Mexicans did I know that they were very cunning. They were completely crushed from tactics to strategy. There was definitely something fishy going on.

"No, that's not right! Don't enter the combat position! Don't enter!" Emilio Mora thought of something, stood up and waved his hands in panic. He even wanted to jump onto the stone in front of him, but his feet slipped and he rolled down from it, even hitting his chin on the stone, his mouth full of blood.

His teeth were broken.

The officer next to him hurriedly helped him up.

"India... Mao..." His mouth was full of blood, and he couldn't speak clearly. He grabbed the other party tightly and said, but the other party didn't understand. He thought he was just nervous and patted him on the shoulder to say, "It's okay, the Mexicans can't rush up."

Emilio Mora was almost crying in anxiety, pointing to the sky.

The officer raised his head, a little confused, "You said..." Suddenly his eyes trembled, "What is that!"

Then I saw two planes coming out of the clouds and dropping bombs on the top of the island!

This is the intention of the Mexicans, using the illusion of a sea attack to attract you out, enter the combat position, and then...humane destruction!

These two are C-130 transport planes belonging to the Baja California Air Force Base. Their main purpose is to drop BLU-82!

Buzz buzz buzz ~ ~

The 6,800 kg bomb fell from the sky, and the speed was getting faster and faster. The wind on both sides was squeezed by it, and finally fell to the ground.

A huge mushroom cloud rose up!

The sound could be heard clearly even from dozens of kilometers away.

The pilot of the C-130 looked down and seemed to feel a scorching heat rushing up to the sky.

The shape is short and thick, and the body of the bomb is like a big iron barrel. It looks ugly, but as the saying goes, ugly, but fierce!

BLU-82 is called: "The best conventional bomb"!

It is sometimes also called a cloud bomb, air wave bomb, suffocation bomb or oxygen-absorbing weapon.

After the BLU-82 bomb explodes close to the ground, it can turn an area of ​​more than 500 meters into charcoal, directly vaporizing people, and the shock generated by the explosion can be felt several kilometers away.

The US even said that one BLU-82 bomb is better than 20 "Scud" missiles.

It is said that during the Gulf War, the US military dropped one. A British special air force who witnessed the explosion believed that the United States used nuclear weapons and sent a radio message back to headquarters, "Sir, these guys just bombed Kuwait with nuclear weapons!"

It was used during the Vietnam War and has not been retired until now. It must have its advantages.

After two bombs were dropped...

The smoke in the sky could not dissipate for a long time, and the trenches and fortifications were destroyed.

In the previous bombing, these were observed clearly. As long as the people were tricked out and eliminated at a fixed point, they could clock out.

On the "Archduke Victor" on the sea, more than a dozen soldiers took pictures of this scene with cameras. Seeing the mushroom cloud, they couldn't help but be shocked. They looked at each other and finally laughed.

"The Air Force... is really... really rude."

But he was also a little relieved that it was not thrown on his head.

Lieutenant Colonel Emilio Mora lay on the ground, his whole body was burnt, black, and he was still breathing.

His eyelids fought up and down, and in a trance, he saw the scene of his going to war.

His wife reluctantly sorted out her clothes, and his half-grown son put the candy into his military uniform pocket, raised his head, and asked when he would come back to celebrate his birthday with him.

"I can't go back." Emilio Mora seemed to see his deceased parents looking at him with a distressed look and reaching out to him.

No more worries.

These two BLU-82s directly sent nearly a thousand people to the west.

The most important thing is...

The combat effectiveness collapsed.

The Foreign Legion is very fierce, but on this isolated island, two big bombs dropped on the head, it is unbearable!

After the bombing, a patrol ship and four civilian modified transport ships landed on the beach!

Lower the assault boat from above, and rush forward in a group of seven or eight people.

They landed on the beach smoothly, and the Marines quickly set up the defense line.


At this moment, the leading officer suddenly saw a Spanish soldier staggering over.

Covered in blood!

His hair was burned, and his face could not be seen clearly. He raised his hand from a distance, and a mixture of saliva and blood flowed from the corners of his mouth.

"I want to go home... I want to go home..." He kept repeating, and then he knelt on the ground, as if he had used up all his strength and shouted loudly, "I surrender!"


A gunshot rang out, and a bullet blew up his head.

"No prisoners! Kill them all!"

"Those who are involved with drug dealers will not be accepted for surrender!"

The body with half of its face missing fell heavily to the ground, and the blood instantly dyed the beach red.

When the Marines behind landed on the island, the island seemed to be doomed.

Shortly after the bombing began, Madrid also received a reply from Tijuana.

"Surrender? Surrender to your mother!"

"No surrender!"

The military leader, Lieutenant General Javier Daniels, was so angry that his mouth was crooked, and his blood pressure rose immediately.

The Army Chief of Staff Ferruccio Villa ran to make suggestions, and angrily threw the document on his desk, "The Mexicans refused, damn it! They want to destroy Socorro Island, Victor is a bastard..."

The latter saw someone outside looking in, stood up and closed the door, frowned, picked up the document and looked at it, and was also a little angry.

I surrendered, and you still hit me.

You don't have martial ethics!

"Then what should we do? Let the British Invincible Fleet come forward?"

Lt. General Javier Daniels had a gloomy expression, "The British are parked in the Brazilian port and dare not move. You want them to face the Mexican air force? Do they have the courage?"

After the Spanish aircraft carrier was bombed, the British were so scared that they surrounded the Brazilian ports and were very cautious about eating. It is said that they were all airlifted from the country.

"Dong Dong Dong ~"

Just when the two big guys were still thinking, a hurried knock on the door interrupted their thoughts.

"Come in." Army Chief of Staff Ferruccio Villa shouted.

A colonel staff officer ran in with a serious expression, "Tijuana announced that Socorro Island was taken."


"How could it be so fast?" Lieutenant General Javier Daniels, who was standing by the window, turned his head when he heard the news.

"It's only been a short time?! It was taken down. There is a regiment of foreign legionnaires on Socorro Island, right?"

Are the Mexicans bragging?

They used nuclear weapons?


"The Mexican side has announced it to the outside world, and...they also said that there were no survivors in this operation." The staff officer said cautiously.

Lieutenant General Javier Daniels is old, and his blood pressure rose suddenly, and his lips were shaking, "Too cruel, Victor is too cruel!"

"The Mexicans must have used illegal weapons." He immediately cheered up, "We will go to the United Nations to sue them."

"Do you think Victor cares about the United Nations..." Ferruccio Villa said bitterly.

Lieutenant General Daniels didn't know what to say when he heard this.

Even if he wanted to impose military sanctions on him, the Americans next door would definitely not agree.

They are afraid that a missile will fly directly to Wall Street.

Can you imagine the brain circuit of a madman?

Try not to provoke him as much as possible.

"Be prepared to... resign." Ferruccio Villa looked at the other party with a bit of pity. He had already submitted a resignation report and planned to be demobilized.

Someone has to take the responsibility for the failure of this military operation.

Another wave of layoffs is coming!

However, Ferruccio Villa always couldn't figure out why Mexico suddenly became so powerful. This is not logical!

Also, where did he get those weapons?

It can't just fall from the sky.


It's not funny at all.


I hope the Spanish public relations department can handle it.

It's just as he said.

When the news of the heavy losses of the Foreign Legion came back to the country, it was spectacular.

There were cries in the streets.

Many people began to walk on the streets to oppose the war.

But overall, it was relatively peaceful and there were no conflicts.

At this time, the Military Affairs Office and the Logistics Department also responded quickly and began to contact reporters, taking military medals and "ashes" to the families of the fallen soldiers to comfort them, and comforting the families in front of the camera.

"We have reached a humanitarian agreement with Mexico. This is the first batch of ashes of the fallen soldiers. We are trying our best to ensure that our soldiers return home."

A grand ceremony was also held.

At the funeral, the families of the fallen soldiers cried bitterly, and when the government officials came on stage to speak, the reputation slowly turned around.

At this time, Tijuana announced to the world that no body returned to Spain.

"Maybe, they gave you lime!" The spokesperson said humorously, "Of course, it could also be drugs."

The family members who felt something was wrong took apart the tombstone and found that the color of the ashes was wrong. They carefully took it for testing. Damn, it was lime.

Furious, they rushed to the Madrid government to protest and demanded an explanation. During this period, the angry family members punched and kicked the guards, and it gradually turned into a riot.

Someone else rushed into the palace, and His Majesty the King, who was originally in much better health, fainted again.

Even in the century derby between Real Madrid and Barcelona, ​​a female fan ran into the field, took off her shirt, and revealed the words on it: Juan Carlos XXX!

It was shaking.

In the end, she was held down by the security guard. When she passed by the reporter, she shouted, "Why send our people to die! Why hinder Mexico's war on drugs? Those people must be drug dealers, and our drug dealers are at the top!"

March 6!

The Spanish cabinet announced its resignation!

This is also the first cabinet that Victor has stepped down from.

They really follow the United States and go hungry nine times out of three days.

They have no sense at all, and I don’t know how they survived World War I and World War II.

“You mean, the BLU-82 bomb produced in the United States was found on the battlefield?” CIA Director Stanfield Turner asked with a frown.

His injuries healed and he returned to his post. He looked much better, but only he knew how he was physically. After the operation, his body was very weak. Now when he breathes, his lungs still hurt.

But it’s better than Bush, who is still lying in bed.

Everything is still under the command of Vice President James Dan Quay, but he has no interest in Victor. He wants to become a regular employee!

He has been jumping up and down during this period.

“Do you mean that someone in General Dynamics is colluding with the enemy?”

This bomb was produced by this company.

The deputy director standing in front of him shook his head, "I'm not sure."

Stanfield Turner snorted, "Those capitalists don't care about the country, they just care about business! I think there are definitely people in our group who are colluding with the enemy!"

The American equipment in Mexico is suspicious, but nothing has been found so far.

In Stanfield Turner's opinion, this fish is very cautious!

And it's very big.

"Keep digging, I don't believe that there are still people who can hide so deep!"

The deputy director nodded.

"Director, the quarterly bonus is about to be paid..."

"Just pay it, why do you still ask me about this?"

The deputy director spread his hands awkwardly, "No money."

"???!!! How is it possible, didn't a sum of money just come in?" Stanfield Turner stared, and the other party didn't dare to look directly at him.

"Have someone bring the bill over. I want to see it."

The deputy director's face changed, "This... Director..."


Seeing that he was serious, the other party could only run out in disappointment. After nearly half an hour of hesitation, he finally brought the financial and account books over.

Stanfield Turner spread out the book, glanced at it, and suddenly raised his head, "A toilet costs 30,000 US dollars! What toilet?"

The financial department looked at the deputy director hesitantly, and the two of them were a little embarrassed.

"The entertainment fee is 500,000 US dollars." He laughed angrily, "What did you eat? Japanese sashimi? Or did you eat artillery shells? Tell me!"

"If you don't explain it clearly today, I will send you two to jail!" Stanfield Turner is not greedy, but you are too fake. Do you really think everyone else is stupid?

Why don't you ask for 90,000 US dollars for a garbage bag?

In fact, the United States is greedy from top to bottom, including the Pentagon. Why do so many people want to start the Gulf War?

The military-industrial complex can make money!

The officers involved can make money, and even the soldiers on the front line can get a raise, so why not?

When he heard that he was going to jail, the finance department panicked and confessed everything, "Director, listen to me, this entertainment fee, this... this money was taken away by your son."

"Nonsense!" The CIA director looked grim.

"Really, he came to me with your signature sheet and asked for a sum of money. Don't tell anyone, so I gave it to him and said it was what you asked for."

Stanfield Turner's face changed immediately!

He suddenly remembered that when he went home before, his son drove a Porsche sports car. At that time, he said it belonged to a classmate, but turned out to be corrupt? !

"He looked for you several times..."

"Four times, a total of 3.19 million US dollars was taken away."

Stanfield Turner was so angry that he kicked over the trash can, opened the drawer, took out a pistol from it, and ran out the door in a menacing manner.

But the deputy director immediately stopped him and said pleadingly, "Director, director, please calm down, calm down!"

"When I've shot that little bastard, I'll shoot you!" Stanfield Turner shouted.

"What about the gentlemen on Capitol Hill? Do you want to shoot them too?"

This question immediately made him freeze.

"You can't go into it, go into it...Do you believe that you will crash tomorrow? We don't know, isn't it?"

Seeing that he was no longer so excited, the deputy director snatched the gun away and said, "Director, don't worry, God knows about this, you know about it, we know about it, and no one else will know about it, so we will redo the account right away. "

"But don't make it public. Those big guys who took the money are not willing to refund it."

Stanfield Turner was suddenly drained of energy and waved his hand to signal them to go out.

The deputy director and the treasurer looked at each other and left.

In the office, he was left sitting alone.

At this moment, the phone on the table rang. He didn't want to answer it, but it rang many times in succession. Stanfield Turner took a deep breath and picked up the phone, "Hello, I'm Turner!"

"Good afternoon, Director Turner, you...don't want your son to go to jail."

His eyes suddenly opened wide!

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