Working as a police officer in Mexico

Chapter 344: The more you do, the more mistakes you make; the less you do, the fewer mistakes you ma

When Victor arrived at the Governor's Mansion, a group of people were already waiting downstairs.

Chief of Staff Horatio Herbert Kitchener and other military figures were waiting. When he saw the car coming, he went up to open the door and shouted, "General."

"Let's go in and talk."

Victor walked in front with a blank expression, and the big guys followed behind him.

His driver parked the car and called the police chief of Tijuana.

"Hello, Mr. Chief, hello, sorry to bother you, I have something to tell you tonight..."

The police chief, who was drinking with some local contacts, shuddered and sobered up instantly.

"I understand, I understand."

After he hung up the phone, he frowned, his face was a little flushed from being drunk, but his eyes were clear. Was he scared? Someone drove a car and squeezed into the Governor's motorcade?

"What's wrong?" The person in charge of the transportation department sitting next to him saw that his expression was not right and asked hurriedly.

"Hurry up and have someone check who was driving a Ferrari on the Tijuana Bridge today. Damn, he almost knocked over the Governor's motorcade."

The officials and wealthy people at the table were shocked when they heard this.

The one in charge of the transportation department turned pale.


You didn't drive earlier or later, and you were hit by the Governor and you still blamed his motorcade. Aren't you looking for death?

"I'll have someone check it out right away." He stood up and called the person on duty.

At this time, on the other side of the table, a middle-aged man wearing glasses and looking more gentle looked a little uneasy. He took the phone, apologized to everyone, left the table, went to the toilet outside and made a call.

No one answered the first time.

No one answered the second time.

The third time, someone finally answered the phone. He was drunk and very dissatisfied and shouted, "Hey, who is this bastard? Why are you calling so late at night!"

"Oded Casiraghi!" The man heard the throbbing dance hall music on the other side and the nonsense of the other party, "Where the hell have you been again."

There was silence on the other end, followed by a panic sound, the sound of a bottle being knocked over, and the other party ran to a quiet place and called out, "Dad."

"Where are you! Did you go out with someone to fool around again? I ask you, did you race with someone on the Tijuana Bridge tonight?"

Oded Casiraghi was stunned. He wanted to lie, but he hesitated and didn't dare to say it.

"Go home! Go back!" The man immediately understood that it was his own little bastard.

" friend is having a birthday today."

"Don't call me dad, you are my dad! Come back, if you don't come back, don't come back, die outside."

He hung up the phone angrily, turned on the faucet and splashed water on his face, took out a piece of paper to wipe the water, threw it into the trash can, took a deep breath, and when he walked back to the box, he suddenly felt that the atmosphere was wrong.

Everyone looked at him with pity.

"Philip, the child needs to be educated well, otherwise if something happens, it will also implicate you."

The expression of Phillips Cameron, director of the Tijuana Drug Enforcement Agency, was ugly.

The drinking party ended unhappily.

When he returned home in a rage, he saw the Ferrari parked outside. The more he looked at it, the angrier he became. He picked up a brick from the corner and smashed it!

The hood and the glass were all smashed!

The family members who heard the noise ran out.

"What are you doing? Phillips!" His wife shouted in surprise and came up to pull him.

"Ask this little bastard what he did." Phillips Cameron pointed at his son hiding behind him and gritted his teeth. "He almost overturned the Governor's motorcade by speeding."

"Ah?" Both his wife and son stared at the news.

"If I don't beat you to death, you will be a scourge to me sooner or later!" As he said that, he pulled off his belt and rushed over, shooting at him from both sides.

He made the other person scream in pain.

"Stop, stop, are you going to beat him to death?" His wife rushed up and pulled him, saying to her son lying on the ground, "Go! Go!"

Odd Casiraghi got up and ran, driving a Lamborghini Countach without a license plate from the garage and ran away.

If he didn't run, he would be beaten to death.

Looking at the car, the face of Phillips Cameron, the director of the Narcotics Control Bureau, changed, "Where did that car come from?"

"It was given by someone else. I saw that my son liked it, so I took it down."

"Why do you want everything? Do you want a bomb given to you by someone else?!"

The wife was startled by the shouting, but then she felt very wronged and yelled, "What's wrong with taking a car? When I married you, you were still a small prison guard. Now you are rich, can't you let us enjoy some happiness?"

"Isn't it just a car?!"

Phillips Cameron's face was livid.

He can sit in this position, not just because of ability. Mr. Governor said that you have ability, even if you are lame, you are gifted.

He was the first police officer to join Victor's team. He was there when he was trained in the Plateau Prison, and later he followed him to Guadalupe Island. He is considered an old man.

This is why he can stay in this position in the Narcotics Control Bureau.

Victor is not harsh on these old people. If you want to continue to serve in the army, you will be promoted to a higher rank. If you want to retire to the second line, you can go to some departments as the head.

Isn't it because everyone follows you to get promoted and make money?

Maybe it was because he was too poor before. Since he became the police chief, his wife has often used his own name to make money. His son doesn't even study, so he just fools around.

"Sooner or later, your family will be ruined by you two!" Phillips Cameron said angrily to his wife and walked into the house with a sullen face. He had to think about how to make Mr. Governor not too angry.

The wife showed a proud smile from behind.

She just knows the other person.

She understands that her husband is more responsible. If it were a man with a bad temper who could abandon her at any time, she would not have such a bad temper.

Still too nice to her.

But as soon as he walked into the living room, the phone on the coffee table rang.

Phillips Cameron picked up the phone and said, "Hello."

"Good evening, Mr. Director~" came the gentle voice of a man on the other side.

"Who are you?"

"Ebel Bablin, oh, maybe you haven't heard of me, but I now work for the Medellin Group."

"You bastard drug dealer!" Phillips Cameron cursed and was about to hang up the phone.

"Don't worry about it yet, sir. Since you look down on drug dealers, why do you accept gifts? Your son's Lamborghini Countach is not cheap."

The director of the Narcotics Control Bureau changed his face when he heard this, and shouted at his wife who walked in, "Who gave me that car!"

"You are so loud..."

Phillips Cameron grabbed the ashtray on the coffee table and smashed it over, shouting with a ferocious expression, "Who gave it to me!!!"

Seeing him like that, his wife finally got scared, "Yes... a man came to the door and gave him 400,000 US dollars and car keys, so I..."

"You just accepted it?!"

Hold! !

The man on the other end of the phone laughed twice and said, "Don't get excited, Mr. Director, we are just friends."'

This friend is such a cannibal!

Phillips Cameron's eyes were gloomy, "How do you want to make friends?"

"Haha, don't be nervous, we won't eat you, so how about we come out and have a cup of coffee tomorrow."

"I will tell you the address tomorrow. I think you will definitely give me face. You don't want...your son to be shot. By the way, he is selling drugs."

Phillips Cameron's pupils shrank when he heard this, and the voice on the microphone disappeared. He raised his head and looked at his wife with scarlet eyes, "Your son is selling drugs!!"

The woman trembled when she heard this, "Impossible, absolutely impossible."

"I'm going to be killed by you!" He gritted his teeth, "I'm going to have someone arrest him right now."

As he was about to make a call, the woman came up and grabbed him, crying, "Do you want him to die? If he is caught, will he still be alive!"

"Then you want our whole family to die!"

"You shed your blood for the Governor, and you gave your life for Mexico. Will I not forgive you for this issue?"


A slap in the face called him directly.

The wife was knocked to the ground, covering her face, and wanted to roll around. Phillips Cameron got on top of her and shot her left and right, causing her face to become swollen.

He stood up, still out of breath, with sinister eyes, "I tell you, if he dies, and we have another child, at worst we will become rich men, but if I really get involved with drug dealers, I will die, and you two will One has to be a wild dog.”

Phillips Cameron knows it better than anyone else.

The most important thing…

Mr. Governor is really cruel to drug dealers. If he were caught by him personally, what would happen? The whole family is here to entertain you!

Might as well take the initiative.

Except for issues of principle such as drug trafficking, many issues are not a problem for an old man like Phillips Cameron.

He picked up the phone and decisively called the officers on duty at the Drug Enforcement Administration, asking them to arrest Oded Casiraghi immediately!

"The suspect fled in a vehicle. If there was resistance..."

Phillips Cameron's eyes trembled with pain, "Kill him on the spot!"

"Ah, Cameron, want our son's life." The wife sat on the ground crying and yelling.

"Execute the order."

"Yes, Director!"

Phillips Cameron slumped on the sofa with all his strength, and pulled out the gun in a flash.

It was raining heavily outside.

As if to say...

It's over.

He suddenly stood up and ran into the rain.

No matter how his wife yelled from behind, he never looked back.


Governor's Palace.

Victor held a brief meeting with the staff and determined the decision to launch a "campaign" in Michoacán.

"After taking over Michoacán, we are only less than 400 kilometers away from Mexico City, and only 50 kilometers away from Guerrero, where drug traffickers gather in the south. We can kill them with artillery!"

"I command." Victor shouted.

All the sitting generals stood up.

"The 16th Mexican Regiment attacked the De La Tamores area from Colima state. The 1st Marine Division pressed through from the southern part of Jalisco state, cut off the road to the Apatchingan area, and surrounded the support from the northwest. The air force will give the 4th Battalion air tactics guidance for the drug dealers who are coming over!”

“Liberate Michoacán today!”

"Loyalty!" Horatio Herbert Kitchener and others chanted.

After the meeting, they went to convey the order. As soon as Victor walked out of the conference room, he saw Joseph Joffre, the captain of the guard, walking over with a man who was all wet and smelled of sweat.

"Cameron?" Victor shouted in surprise.

Then he saw Phillips Cameron suddenly kneeling in front of him, slapping himself several times, his face red.

"What are you doing, hold him."

Joseph Joffre hurriedly held his hand.

"I'm sorry for you, sorry for my brothers!" Phillips Cameron cried, "I gave birth to a bastard!!"

Victor's face froze, and seeing that many people were looking at him, he said, "Let's go to the office and talk."

"Okay, there's nothing to see, just do your job well." Joseph Joffre said with a raised eyebrow.

People watching the excitement are everywhere.

After entering the Governor's Office, the Director of the Narcotics Control Bureau dragged out everything, including the bribes received from drug dealers.

"General, please shoot me, and my son will be shot together, and my wife... please pity her and let her remarry."

The office was unusually quiet.

Victor was holding a cigarette in his mouth, looking at him like that, and said unhappily, "Stand up, what's the point of crying? We haven't cried since the Tijuana drug cartel, you coward."

Phillips Cameron lowered his head.

"I am not harsh on my brothers. It's not terrible to do something wrong, but I'm afraid of not daring to admit it. If you didn't confess this time and I found out, I would kill you now."

Victor took two sips and suddenly said, "Do you think there are many people who take money from drug dealers?"

The other party hesitated, "Not a few, many brothers have been poor."

A year and a half ago, he was a prison guard, and a year and a half later, he became the director of the Drug Enforcement Administration or the police chief of a country with a population of millions. Who wouldn't be proud?

It's not easy to suppress your true feelings.

"Drug dealers must die. This is the bottom line. You take people to find the drug dealers who bribed you. I want to see how many people have been corrupted!"

"Don't let me down again."

Phillips Cameron gritted his teeth, nodded vigorously, and walked out aggressively. He wanted to find those people and kill them!


I'm only 35, I can still have children! !

It's not that he is cruel. If he is not cruel, the general will be cruel for you.


Victor exhaled a puff of smoke.

To be honest, he didn't have any special fluctuations.

Americans, drug dealers and some other forces will definitely find ways to make trouble for you. As long as they are people, they will be greedy.

Victor can only try to give some important positions to talents exchanged with points.

There are too many small administrative units such as village heads, local town heads, small directors, etc., and they still have to rely on people.

As for the old man, as long as he confessed, Victor would not kill him. Of course, Phillips Cameron would definitely lose his position as the director of the Drug Enforcement Administration and go out to be a dairy farm owner.

"Call George Smiley for me."


An apartment in Berlin.

There are cordons downstairs.

Many people are standing by to watch the excitement.

A murder has occurred.

On the 7th floor, there is a smell of blood.

A few young people couldn't stand it and came out to vomit.

Senior detective Jandy Matthews of the Berlin Police Department chewed gum and looked at the scene inside. Even he, who was used to big scenes, was a little...

Intestines were hanging on the electric fan!

The heads of two men were chopped off and hung on the hanger, while other parts were torn into pieces and scattered everywhere.

"Have you found out the identity of the deceased?" Jandy Matthews asked.

"An Israeli businessman entering the country."

He paused, "Another Israeli?" He looked at his companions, "Is this the fourth case?"

Is there a murderer who specifically targeted them?

It doesn't seem like it!

The companion nodded, "The fourth case in a week."

Jandi Matthews chewed the gum in his mouth and was thinking when he heard a noise outside. He turned his head and saw three men walking in.

The leading man took out an ID, "Federal Military Intelligence Bureau, we have taken over this case."

Someone from the military?

Jandi Matthews flipped left and right, touched the steel stamp on the lower right corner, and nodded, "How do you need us to cooperate?"

"You guys go out, leave the inside to us."

"Let's retreat!"

He waved his hand and left with the police.

After they left, the three members of the Federal Military Intelligence Bureau began to search everywhere.

"Boss, we don't care?"

A policeman asked at the door.

Jandy Matthews glanced at him, "Someone is taking the blame, why should we rush over? Anyway, it's not you who will die."

That makes some sense.

"Do you know what the first thing to do after discovering the problem is?"

"Solve the problem?"

Jandy Matthews shook his finger, "It's to find an excuse to throw away the difficult problem. As long as I don't do anything,

it's not my fault."

"Let's go, let's go back and eat!"


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