After a while, the two of them were still in the water.

Touching his pocket, Qin Feng found that his mobile phone was missing.

He must have been too anxious to get into the water just now, so his mobile phone also fell into the river.

"My mobile phone is missing. I will contact you after I buy a new one tomorrow."

There is no way to renew the mobile phone card so late at night, so Qin Feng decided to buy a new mobile phone tomorrow.

"Then remember my number, 173..."

Fearing that he could not contact her, Zhao Shuhan asked for the address of Qin Feng's rental house, and then reluctantly took a taxi home.

Qin Feng walked back to his place.

Strangely enough, after using the strength-enhancing card, he felt energetic and full of strength.

Even boxing champion Tyson can be knocked down with one punch in front of him.

"Is this the strength enhancement card? It is really a good thing."

You know, Qin Feng's strength value is only 71 now. If it reaches 100, it is simply unimaginable.

Qin Feng soon returned to the rental house. While taking a hot bath, he was surprised to find that he had eight more abdominal muscles and his arms were full of muscles.

This is the change brought about by the increase in strength.


At seven o'clock the next morning, Qin Feng woke up from his dream.

After washing up, he went downstairs to have breakfast.

He bought a far-leading mobile phone in a mobile phone store on the street, and then reissued a mobile phone card.

As soon as he logged into his WeChat account, he received a message from Zhao Shuhan.

"Brother Qin Feng, the fact that you went into the water to save people last night was recorded as a video and posted on the Internet. Now it has become popular."

There is also a link to a Douyin video at the end.

With curiosity, Qin Feng clicked on the video.

The video content is exactly what happened last night when he went into the water to save people. Because it was filmed with a mobile phone and it was night, it is not very clear.

But Qin Feng's face can still be distinguished.

The video was edited into only a dozen seconds, but it is very smooth.

From the car falling into the river, to going into the water to save people, to first aid on the shore, it is like a movie, and Qin Feng is undoubtedly the protagonist of the movie.

Looking at the number of likes, it has exceeded one million, and even the number of comments has exceeded 200,000.

What surprised Qin Feng even more was that the topic of "A young man in Ningchuan went into the water to save two people" even ranked ninth on the hot search list.

And the popularity is still increasing.

Click on the topic, and you can find more than a dozen videos shot from different angles, but the popularity is lower.

"He went back and forth 300 meters and rescued two people by diving. This guy has great physical strength."

"It's okay that he has good physical strength, but the key is that he also knows so many first aid skills."

"If it was just a few seconds slower, the mother and son would be in trouble."


Looking at the comments in the video, Qin Feng shook his head helplessly.

After he rescued people last night, he took Zhao Shuhan away as soon as possible, just to keep a low profile.

Unexpectedly, it still caused such a big response.

Now is the Internet information age, and his information will be dug out sooner or later.

But Qin Feng can't care so much, after all, this is not a bad thing.

Let it go.

"I bought a new phone, just saw it."

Qin Feng stopped reading the comments and replied to Zhao Shuhan.

Soon, Zhao Shuhan replied, "That's good."

"Brother Qin Feng, many people are now discussing your rescue last night. You have become a hero."

Qin Feng seemed calmer, after all, he was a person with a system.

He cared more about the system's rewards.

While chatting with Zhao Shuhan, the phone suddenly rang.

Qin Feng looked and found that it was his good friend Lin Kun calling.

"Brother Feng, I came to play with you. I'm downstairs."

"I'm outside, wait for me." Qin Feng said.

"Okay, then I'll go have breakfast first."

After hanging up the phone, Qin Feng walked back and happened to see Lin Kun at the breakfast shop downstairs.

"Brother Feng, do you want to eat something?"

Lin Kun was eating a bowl of beef noodles and saw Qin Feng sitting opposite him and asked with a smile.

"No, I've eaten."

"You came here so early in the morning, don't you have to go to work?"

Lin Kun suddenly became depressed and said, "Don't mention it, I was fired on my first day at work."


Lin Kun explained, "Last night I was guarding the gate of the community. I secretly played two games in the middle of the night when no one was around. I didn't expect to be seen by the owners who came back."

"And then... nothing happened."

Qin Feng felt funny, "So what are your plans next?"

Lin Kun said, "It's not a big problem. I'll continue to look for a job. It's hard to find a wife these days, but it's still easy to find a job.

"Yes, let's finish this summer vacation first."

"I have a distant cousin who is doing engineering in Ningchuan City. He just needs a close-range transporter for acid-resistant and high-temperature curing materials..."

Qin Feng was speechless, "Speak human language."

"Uh... it's the one who moves bricks on the construction site."

Lin Kun touched his nose and said with a smile, "I plan to go to him."

Lin Kun's grades were not very good, and he was admitted to a second-tier university.

This is how it is these days. If you don't have connections and background, and can't bear the hardship of studying, you can only suffer the hardships of life.

Qin Feng looked at Lin Kun with suspicion, "You probably can't work for three days with your body like this."

Lin Kun is not thin, but you can tell at a glance that he is a little weak.

"It doesn't matter, just treat it as a training. Anyway, I don't plan to do it for a lifetime."

"Brother Feng, accompany me to play games in a team later, I have to go to work in the afternoon. "

During the conversation, Lin Kun casually watched short videos.

Coincidentally, he soon saw the video of Qin Feng saving people last night.

"Brother Feng, look, this person looks like you."

Lin Kun handed the phone to Qin Feng.

Qin Feng glanced at the phone screen and said, "Just like you? Open your eyes and see clearly."

Lin Kun was stunned, clicked into the topic, and found that there were many live videos.

It was Qin Feng without a doubt.

The most important thing is that the popularity of these videos is not low.

"Damn, it's really you, Brother Feng, you are so awesome."

"If I were you, I would immediately register an account and then live broadcast and sell goods."

"With the current popularity, it's easy to make tens of millions, isn't it? It's much better than working as a waiter in a hot pot restaurant.

Lin Kun spitted and began to plan Qin Feng's life.

"Live broadcast and sell goods?"

"No plan." Qin Feng shook his head.

He had never thought of developing in this direction.

I have a system, so I don't need to make money by selling goods.

Lin Kun was worried about Qin Feng and advised, "Brother Feng, it will be too late for you to regret once the heat is over. You must take this overwhelming wealth."

Qin Feng shook his head again.

Just at this moment, the phone rang, and it was an unknown caller.

"Excuse me, are you Mr. Qin Feng?"


"Hello, I am Zhu Tou, the agent of Zhongyu Media. Mr. Qin, our company is very concerned about your rescue in Ningjiang last night. I wonder if you are interested in being an anchor?"

Sure enough, someone quickly found out Qin Feng's identity.

Qin Feng was not surprised by this. In this era of Internet information explosion, it is really too easy to find out a person's background.

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