Working Prophet

Chapter 113 The Shipwright

The young man looked excited, "Jane is my only family member. I promised my mother that I would take good care of her. As long as you can save my sister, my life will be yours from now on! By the way, I Call me Fitzwilliam, and I can build ships! Not just merchant ships, but warships too!

"I was responsible for the construction of the Hound, the Orca, and the Sea King, the largest battleship in the history of the Wetting family. Although the latter one was not completed, then...that happened, and we were all Caught up.

“But if you go to Crab Point and ask anyone who is the best boat builder, they will tell you my name, and whatever boat you need in the future, I can build it for you.”

"But why do I need a boat? This is the Western Region, and we are seven or eight hundred miles away from the nearest seaport."

Miss Rabbit's words made Fitzwilliam dumbfounded.

The people of the Weiting family grew up by the sea. The sea brought them wealth, raised them, and made them strong. They never thought that one day they would leave the sea and everything they learned would be useless.

After being stunned for a long while, Fitzwilliam stammered, "Then...then what do you need me to do before you are willing to save my sister?"

Ilea shook her head, "I will let the herbalists in the territory come to treat your sister. As for you... I don't have any requirements. Now that you are here, forget about everything before. In this land Let’s work hard and live a good life.”

As the girl spoke, she looked at the other members of the Weiting family and raised her voice a bit.

"The same goes for you. As long as you are willing to work hard and pay taxes on time, I dare not say anything else. At least I can guarantee that you will not go hungry again, and no jailer will bully you again. You can regain your fortune on this land. Tranquility, this is the promise I, the head of the Arias family, the master of the green field, make to you."

After Ilea finished speaking, she immediately asked Fitzwilliam to carry her sister into the castle, and then found a herbalist from the Arias family to treat Jane.

However, after drinking those herbal medicines, Jane's condition did improve on the first day and she could start to eat a little. However, early on the second day, she began to have vomiting and diarrhea again, and it was even worse than before. There was liquid in her stool. Mucus and pus.

Miss Rabbit made a prompt decision and found another priest from the Silver Moon Church from Black Rock City.

He was an old priest who was over 200 years old. He was quite famous in the nearby area and had cured many difficult and complicated diseases.

Her medical skills have been recognized by both nobles and common people. Even the Emmanuel family, the owners of Blackstone City, respect her very much.

Anton even waited outside the castle early in the morning after receiving the news.

However, after the old priest checked Jane's condition and read the prescriptions prescribed by the herbalists, his expression became serious, which made Fitzwilliam, who was already worried, even more panicked.

Ignoring the guards' obstruction, he rushed to the famous old priest in the Western Region and asked, "How is my sister? You can definitely cure her!"

The old priest did not answer Fitzwilliam's question, but asked, "Has your sister ever consumed any unclean food or water before?"

Hearing this, Fitzwilliam showed a look of sadness and indignation on his face, "When we were in Yanxue City, the guard guarding us wanted to do something to my sister. My sister struggled so hard that he didn't succeed. As a result, he took revenge on us and killed us. The bread that was given to us was thrown to the ground and trodden over with his feet before it was brought to us.”

"For two days in a row, we were so hungry that we had no choice but to pick up the bread on the floor and try to eat it in a less dirty place at both ends. But that was almost a week ago, and my sister didn't eat it after eating the bread. As uncomfortable as it is now."

The old priest nodded, "I'm just guessing. Over the years of practicing medicine, I have encountered many patients with diarrhea and fever like your sister. I have asked them or their relatives and friends.

"Many people have eaten contaminated food before this."

After the old priest finished speaking, he said to Ilea beside him, "You are the new owner of this castle, right? Can we have a private chat?"

"Whatever you want to talk about, I want to listen too!" Perhaps he noticed something, Fitzwilliam's expression became excited again.

But Miss Rabbit ignored him and let the guards drag him aside.

Fitzwilliam wailed all the way. Although he was also a half-orc, he had never practiced martial arts before, and after being locked up in a prison for so many years, his body was already extremely weak.

Although he struggled hard, he couldn't break free from the guard's grasp.

After Ilea and himself were the only two people left around, the old priest spoke again, "The child can't be saved. In my experience, when a patient starts to have blood in his stool and has difficulty breathing, it means that his condition has deteriorated to irreparable."

"Is there really no other way?" Ilea could still vaguely hear Fitzwilliam's cries and shouts, and she felt unbearable.

The plight of this brother and sister is pitiable. Almost all their parents, relatives and friends are dead. They encourage and support each other along the way. They finally reach the western border and are able to settle down at the sight of them. Unexpectedly, they will be separated forever.

"Priest Tessa, your medical skills are better than those of the herbalists in my territory. You must have other ideas, such as better prescriptions..."

"The prescriptions used by the herbalists in your territory are the ones I wrote down back then. They are somewhat effective in treating patients with relatively mild symptoms, but she is obviously not among them." Priest Tessa said.

"What about blessings, we can still ask Goddess Silver Moon to bless Jane."

"The goddess only gives blessings to nobles." Priest Tessa reminded, "Although I sympathize with their plight, the people of the Weiting family are no longer nobles. Moreover, even if they are still nobles, it is too late. The blessing ceremony requires preparations It's very cumbersome, and only the high priest can preside over it, so the child won't be able to last until then."

Miss Rabbit sighed again after hearing this.

Priest Tessa explained again, "This disease spreads easily. The maids who took care of the child before and people who have been in contact with her had better find a place where no one is around and let them live there for a while until nothing happens." If you have any questions, come back."

"Okay. I'll have someone do it soon."

Ilea nodded and agreed, and after finishing speaking, she found that Priest Tessa was still looking at her, "Is there anything else?"

"I heard that a group of heretics has recently appeared in your territory." The old priest said after a long silence.

The girl was startled when she heard the words, "Um, are you talking about those lizard people? They are originally pagans, and they have lived in my territory for generations. They are not new ones recently."

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