Working Prophet

Chapter 119 Unity is strength

Because there was no effective detection method, Li Yu asked Jane to take antibiotics for another four days just to be on the safe side.

By the fourteenth day, the girl had completely recovered, and even began to learn to weave with the nuns in the castle.

In addition to wanting to earn money to help her brother share part of the financial pressure, she also said that she would personally sew a cloak for her savior Li Yu in the future to express her gratitude.

Fitzwilliam, on the other hand, witnessed the miracle of his sister's gradual recovery from near-death. The smile on the latter's thin face also made him feel unprecedentedly excited and gratified.

At the same time, he did not forget his agreement with Li Yu.

In the early morning of the fifteenth day, he walked westward alone. After a day of trekking, I came to the place where Li Yu said that there was black smoke.

Contrary to what the shipbuilder had imagined, there were no magnificent temples made of huge stones, or tall statues of gods made of bronze, nor were there priests in colorful robes with elegant manners.

The first thing that catches his eyes is a series of strange bread-shaped buildings. The smoke he saw earlier came from these strange buildings. If he looked carefully, he could see the burning and dancing flames from the small hole below.

And some shirtless and fierce-looking guys who don't seem to be kind at first sight will add some branches or dried straw to those small holes every once in a while to ensure the fire.

Firing a kiln is a relatively exhausting job. Once it is fired, it will take three or four days at a time.

The fire couldn't be stopped in the middle, so Li Yu organized the lizardmen in charge of burning bricks into several shifts, so that they could rotate regularly to avoid a group of people working for too long.

When the boatman was looking at the brick kiln in front of him dully, some lizardmen also noticed him.

Outsiders are a very rare species in the territory of Shuangxiu Sect.

Except for the Dragon Hunting Squad who had previously been tasked, ordinary people living in the green fields would hide as far as they could from these robber neighbors who came out of the swamp.

Basically, there will be no living people within the range of vision of the lizard people, um, neither livestock nor poultry.

A villager's domestic goose came here before, so the villager simply gave up.

Therefore, the appearance of Fitzwilliam immediately attracted the lizard people's attention.

However, when the lizard people discovered his half-orc features, their eyes became a little unkind.

Most of the noble lords on the continent of Bratis are half-orcs, and their ancestors have suffered from these half-orcs.

Many relatives and friends of the lizardmen also died under the swords of those evil lords and their half-orc warriors.

If it wasn't for Li Yu's repeated emphasis on not allowing them to conflict with people outside the territory, they would definitely have to pick some auspicious day and run out in the dark to teach the nearby half-orcs a lesson.

Well, although I can't move my hands, it seems good to scare the guy in front of me and teach him a lesson.

Thinking of this, some lizardmen have already started to approach Fitzwilliam.

Of course, the boatman could also sense the hostility around him, but he was not a native of the western region, nor did he understand the grievances and grievances between the lizardmen and the nobles of the green field.

I don't understand why the people here are hostile to me without saying a word.

But Fitzwilliam's reaction was quick. He took the initiative to speak and explained loudly, "My name is Fitzwilliam. I came here to thank Prophet Merlin for saving my sister. At the same time, I also want to join the Shuangxiu Church."

However, after he finished speaking, he found that the group of people in front of him seemed to have never heard of it, and they were still approaching him.

It wasn't until a guy who was delivering the fuel suddenly dropped the straw in his hand, ran over, and gave a translation to his companions, the boatman suddenly realized that these people didn't understand what he just said at all.

At this time, Fitzwilliam didn't expect to be able to communicate with the lizard people smoothly, he just wanted to find Li Yu quickly.

But then a dirty hand wrapped around his shoulder.

Those guys who had been staring at him before now seemed to be different people, becoming more hospitable and hospitable, all of them looked like his long-lost brothers.

Some people, after hearing that he had driven for a day, ran back to their residence to bring bread and water, and asked the boatman to fill his stomach first.

The lizard people have watched city promotional videos these days and listened to Li Yu's teachings on Saturdays. Now they have made the establishment of the kingdom of God on land their lifelong mission and pursuit.

They also hope that one day they or their descendants can live in those forests made of reinforced concrete, sit in those small iron boxes that can travel thousands of miles a day, drink beverages called milk tea, and shop at convenience stores. Eat a Shuanghui ham sausage in the magic house.

Everyone is looking forward to such a day coming sooner and sooner.

However, relying on their own strength, although it is not impossible to achieve this, it will take an extremely long time.

Not to mention them, even their sons, grandsons, and grandsons’ grandsons may not be able to see that day coming.

So the lizard people asked Li Yu, the prophet, if there was any way to speed up this process?

Li Yu used brick-burning as an example. A lizardman can only burn bricks. It would take ten days and a half a month to finish making embryos, let alone entering the kiln, firing the kiln, and leaving the kiln.

But a group of lizardmen organized together and through reasonable division of labor and cooperation can greatly shorten the time required to bake bricks.

The same goes for building a land-based Kingdom of God. It requires everyone to put aside their past prejudices, stop hatred, and unite all forces that can be united.

This example is intuitive and vivid enough, and the lizard people obviously also remembered Li Yu's answer.

The so-called force that can unite, of course, refers to people who also believe in Saturday, or who are preparing to believe in Saturday.

To put it simply, as long as you believe in Saturday, then we are half brothers.

This simple theory was also put into practice by Fitzwilliam.

The lizard people surrounded the shipwrights who were both flattered and confused. Since most of them didn't understand the language, they could only express their goodwill by patting their shoulders or extending their thumbs.

In addition, many people shared with Fitzwilliam the good things they had obtained during this period, including but not limited to food, fruits and the pieces of underwear they had snatched from Li Yu.

Li Yu never expected the lizard people to help him preach. At least in the short term, he had no such crazy plans, so he never taught the lizard people how to win over new companions.

Therefore, the current behavior is purely spontaneous by the lizard people. From the perspective of the scene, it is very primitive and crude.

But it is precisely because of this that it appears to be particularly sincere, especially for people like Fitzwilliam who have experienced a major blow in life and had to leave their hometown and travel thousands of miles, and were looked down upon and disliked along the way.

It gave him a feeling of being accepted and tolerated again, as if he was surrounded by relatives again, and he almost shed tears again.

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