Working Prophet

Chapter 126 New Visitors to Green Field

Just as Jude was leading a group of mercenaries who had been scrapped together into the swamp to start their journey to find the dragon, a carriage from the direction of Scaled City also slowly drove into the gate of Teacup Castle. .

Finally stopped in the open space in front of the stone castle.

The door of the carriage opened and a woman stepped out.

She is small, and her head only reaches Miss Rabbit's chest. She has short bright brown hair, from which a pair of pointed triangular ears poke out.

Perhaps because she had just arrived in a strange place, she was a little nervous, and her ears were still trembling slightly.

It wasn't until she saw her former close friends in the crowd that the tension eased a little.

But before she could walk towards that person, a figure suddenly jumped out of the crowd and ran all the way in front of her.

He shouted excitedly, "Priest Adele! Priest Adele, you are finally here! May the glory of the goddess be with you!"

"Well..." Adele was startled because the person who came was very tall, almost twice her height, and had a pair of big horns with many branches on his head.

He doesn't look like a nice guy.

Before she left this time, her teacher had told her that there was a terrible pagan here in the green field. He called himself a prophet and convinced the lizard bandits in the swamp to believe in a god named Saturday. He also made the lizards believe in a god named Saturday. The worshipers of the goddess were massacred.

It can be said that he is extremely vicious. Could it be this guy?

But Adele then thought again, no, this person seemed to have mentioned the goddess just now. Who is he from?

Fortunately, the young priestess did not need to continue to struggle, and the visitor took the initiative to introduce himself, "Priest Adele, I am Anton, the teacher sent by the church to teach the young people of the Arias family to learn the common language."

In order to facilitate communication with the priestess, Anton took the initiative to kneel down on one knee.

But even so, Adele still had to raise her head slightly to look into the eyes of the Common Language teacher.

The latter then lowered his voice and said, "As for the matter on Green Field, I reported it to the church before. Well, I have served the Arias family for many years, and I can speak a little bit here. If you need anything later, you can tell me."

"No need, I can just talk to Ilea directly." Adele said.

"Miss Ilea is notoriously difficult to deal with, and she is also very close to that Merlin..." Anton reminded in a low voice.

However, Miss Rabbit on the other side was impatient with waiting. She walked over and looked the girl up and down, and couldn't help but marvel.

Adele's clothing is different from that of the nobles and commoners on the continent of Bratis. She is seen wearing a short-sleeved white long coat with blue embroidered cuffs. The hem hangs down to her feet and is tied with a belt around her waist. There is also a purple square scarf on the outside of the long coat, with a silver moon embroidered in the most conspicuous position of the scarf.

"I didn't expect you to become a priest so quickly!"

"I have always studied best in the temple, and I am also the most devoted to the goddess. It is not surprising that I can become a priest, but you,

To be able to become the head of the Arias family and the master of this land is really unexpected. "The young priestess said softly.

The two former friends looked at each other and couldn't help but burst into laughter.

Ilea ignored Anton's surprised gaze, reached out and pulled Adele into her arms, and then rubbed the priestess's little baby face.

"I dare not say anything else. Now that you have come to Green Field, you will be mine from now on. If anyone bullies you in this land, just tell me!" Miss Rabbit said boldly.

"Let go, let go, so many people are watching. Now is not the time to study in the temple. You are the lord and I am the priest. We can no longer fight like this and let others laugh." Adele blushed, Trying hard to break free.

But she was not as strong as her close friend, so she tried several times without success. Instead, she was held down and rubbed hard again.

Fortunately, Ilea still knew the seriousness, and didn't rub for too long. After she got addicted to her hands, she let go of the priestess, but then she secretly stretched out a claw to the priestess' ass, but was caught by the latter Be aware of it in advance, and get out of the way alertly.

Miss Rabbit doesn't feel sorry either. As long as this guy stays in the green field, are you afraid that he won't have a chance in the future?

Ilea waved her hand, "Let's go, let me show you my castle and territory first."

Adele bit her lip and nodded.

The two people who reunited after a long separation seemed to have endless things to say.

Especially for Ilea, it felt like she had returned to the simple life of eating, studying, and praying in the temple every day, and temporarily forgot about those annoying things during this period, especially the dragon in the swamp.

The whole afternoon, until sunset, the two of them just walked around and looked around, and ate bread and roasted chicken that had been prepared in advance on the grass.

And at night, Miss Rabbit was lying on the bed, but she didn't close her eyes. Until the middle of the night, she sneaked out of her room and sneaked into Adele's room all the way.

With a silly smile on his face, he walked straight towards the figure on the bed, and then...he was gone.

There was no figure on the bed. There was clearly only a blanket with some straw stuffed under it.

"I knew you would come tonight." The voice of the priestess came from behind Ilea, with a hint of helplessness in her tone.

And Miss Rabbit still pouted her buttocks, maintained her flying posture, and said, "Little Adele, you can escape tonight, can you escape tomorrow night, and the night after tomorrow, queen?" Late... Unless you don't sleep, I will sleep with you one day, hum, this lord has not tasted the taste of a priestess yet."

"Stop messing around, Ilea." The priestess blushed when she was told by a bully lord, but this time her face quickly regained her composure. He said softly, "I forgive you."

"What? It's for no reason. Why do you forgive me? I didn't do anything to apologize to you. As soon as you come to the green field, I will serve you with delicious food and drink. It's fine if you don't appreciate it, you little priest. You dare to slander this lord." Miss Rabbit's face stiffened, and then she defended.

"We have lived together in the temple for a year. We get along day and night. It is not easy for you to hide it from me. Every time you do something wrong, your ears will vibrate more than usual. In addition, I have been in the green field for a long time , you haven’t asked me what I’m here for yet.”

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