Working Prophet

Chapter 137 Microscope and Injection Pen

Li Yu guessed half of it right. The Silver Moon Church had indeed sent people to disguise themselves and sneak into the crowd of patients and spectators. Before the competition started, they had already touched all the nearby tents and collected all the intelligence. Eight.

As for the part where Li Yu guessed wrong-the Silver Moon Church sent not only one doctor, but a total of thirteen doctors.

Moreover, each of these thirteen doctors is good at treating different diseases, and the only thing they have in common is that their medical skills are all excellent.

The Silver Moon Church paid more attention to this competition than Li Yu had expected, and it can be said that the elites did their best to win the competition!

Except for Priest Tessa who just showed up before, almost all the outstanding doctors in the church came.

On the surface, it looked like this was a duel between Li Yu and Adele, but in fact Li Yu singled out the entire Silver Moon Church.

Since the effects of the herbs applied on the butcher's body will not be visible until sunset, there is no winner in this round.

But the priestess has finished her treatment, so it's Li Yu's turn next.

The first patient selected by the priestess for Li Yu was a shepherd. He looked a little stupid. When he saw Li Yu walking towards him, he giggled at Li Yu.

But Adele didn't want Li Yu to cure the shepherd's head. After all, the Silver Moon Church couldn't make a fool smart.

Li Yu asked the villagers who came with the shepherd, "What disease does he have?"

The latter replied, "He has always had little appetite for eating recently. He used to be able to eat a loaf of black bread in one meal, but now he can't finish half a loaf. He also gets stomachaches and vomiting from time to time.

"By the way, he also always says that he is itchy and always reaches out to scratch it, breaking his skin."

Judging from the villagers' previous answers, the shepherd was probably suffering from some kind of stomach disease, but Li Yu didn't know what kind of stomach disease could also cause itchy skin.

Itchy skin is usually caused by dermatitis or skin allergies.

Could it be that the shepherd ate something he was allergic to after suffering from stomach trouble?

So Li Yu asked the villagers if the shepherd had eaten anything that he had not eaten before.

The villagers hesitated for a moment and glanced at Adele who was standing aside. Seeing this, the priestess comforted her, "It's okay. Whatever you know, just tell the prophet Merlin the truth."

The villager received permission and continued, "Silver Moon Church has distributed some bread and vegetable soup these days, but we have all eaten it and nothing has happened."

Li Yu immediately suspected that the Silver Moon Church had done something to the bread, but then he thought it was unlikely, mainly because it was too difficult to operate.

First of all, we need to know what the shepherd is allergic to, and we need to control the dosage so that he can react without going into shock. In addition, there are so many people receiving bread and vegetable soup. If you attack the food, there is no guarantee that he will not be infected by something. People are aware of it.

The villager's words later confirmed this, "He was already itching before he came to Green Field."

Li Yu frowned slightly, "Can you swear to your goddess that everything you say is true?"

The villager nodded, "Of course, that's what I said when Priest Adele asked me earlier. My words are true, I can swear."

After speaking, he really swore an oath in the name of Picia.

Li Yu observed that the villager's expression did not look like he was lying, so he also planned to let the shepherd take a few Daxi aluminum magnesium carbonate tablets and Ometrazine to see the situation.

The former can protect the gastric mucosa, while the latter can inhibit gastric acid, both of which can relieve stomach pain.

But when Li Yu was about to get the medicine, he suddenly thought of something.

He forgot where he had read a popular science article, saying that due to the poor sanitary conditions unique to the Middle Ages, a disease that caused abdominal pain was once very popular, and everyone from kings to peasants suffered from it.

And there was no cure at that time.

Li Yu turned around and asked the shepherd directly, "Did you take a shit today?"

The shepherd could still understand such a basic question. He smiled naively and said, "Not yet. They all said something big will happen today and the goddess is coming, so I'll hold it in for now."

He should have confused Adele and Picia because of the recent rumors.

Li Yu said, "It's okay. There's no need to hold it in. Just pull it out if you want. Holding it in all the time is not good for your health, otherwise your stomach will hurt again after a while."

The shepherd thought for a while and felt that what Li Yu said made sense, and he was not unambiguous. He pulled it as soon as he asked, took off his pants and squatted on the ground.

Miss Rabbit on the side turned green when she saw this scene, and quickly asked the guards to come forward and urgently stop the shepherd's butt exhibition, and take him to a less crowded place to deal with it.

Li Yu took the opportunity to take out his equipment - a microscope.

He brought this specially for this competition, and unexpectedly it came in handy immediately.

Li Yu waited for the shepherd to finish, then went to take some fresh samples and put them on the glass slices. Following the operation method learned in the junior high school biology class, he quickly found his target this time.

——Ascaris eggs. In addition, you can even see some crawling roundworm larvae under the microscope.

After finding the culprit behind the scenes, the next treatment is very simple. As long as it does not cause serious infection or fatal complications, just take anti-parasitic drugs.

Li Yu happened to have mebendazole on hand, which is a broad-spectrum anthelmintic drug. According to the description in the "General Practitioner's Diagnosis, Treatment and Prescription Manual", taking 200 milligrams a day can basically cure the disease for three days.

And compared to the priestess who had to prepare the medicine first, grind it, and mash it, Li Yu's treatment method was easy to do. As long as the cause of the disease was determined, the medicine was found and the patient could drink it with water.

However, because his treatment plan seemed too simple, many people wondered whether it was really effective, and booed for a while.

In fact, if she hadn't witnessed Jane being pulled back from hell by a similar small disk, Miss Rabbit would have doubted Li Yu's medical skills, but now she will not make such a mistake again.

After Li Yu finished treating his first patient, he did not immediately hand over the second patient to Adele. Instead, he walked to the carriage where he stored drugs and medical equipment, and took out an adrenal gland from it. Injection pen.

The next patient, that is, the little boy, according to Li Yu's understanding, should be suffering from asthma.

Asthma cannot be cured, it can only be alleviated during the attack.

Li Yu didn't bring the inhaled glucocorticoid, but fortunately epinephrine can have a similar effect. Li Yu prepared an injection pen by his side in advance, just to prevent any accidents later.

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