Working Prophet

Chapter 142 Divine Magic Showdown

At this point in the competition, Adele's face finally showed a nervous look.

Her spirit is almost reaching its limit.

In the first three rounds, the two sides were almost evenly divided, but now that she lost a city first, if she couldn't help Li Yu, then the best outcome would be a tie with the opponent.

This is something the church cannot accept anyway.

So when she saw the senior hiding in the crowd gesturing to her, Adele didn't hesitate anymore and called out Martin.

Martin is a veteran. He used to serve the Figueirola family. With excellent swordsmanship, he soon became the captain of his team, and was once expected to be selected as the knight in charge of the Marquis' youngest son Jones. But in a competition later, his thigh was shot The man was struck with a sword.

Although the herbalist of the Marquis's Mansion treated him immediately, his injury did not improve after that, but kept repeating itself, and in the end he even had to cut off almost the entire right leg.

Martin not only lost the opportunity to become a retinue knight, but also couldn't continue to serve the Figuerola family. After receiving a pension, he returned to the countryside.

He had already accepted his fate, but just five days ago, when he went to pray in a nearby temple, he was stopped by the priest in the temple and asked him to leave for the green field immediately, saying that the goddess had made arrangements for him .

Martin was a devout believer in Picia. Hearing this, he immediately walked on crutches from the village where he lived to the territory of the Arias family.

After trekking for so many days, his whole body was tanned by the scorching sun, and he also lost a lot of weight.

However, after suffering so much, the veteran still seemed to be in good spirits at this time. He stood there with his back straight and his eyes sharply looking at Li Yu.

It just so happened that the latter was also looking at him.

Li Yu was no stranger to that kind of gaze, which contained the firmness and dedication unique to a fanatic, as well as a hint of provocation.

"Prophet Merlin," the priestess said, "this is the patient you will treat next."

"What's wrong with him?" Li Yu asked.

Before Adele could answer, the veteran said first, "Foolish pagan, can't you even see this? I'm missing a leg."

Li Yu was not angry when he heard this, and just continued to say to the priestess, "So this time, do you want me to let him throw away the crutches and walk?"

"No, I hope you can make his sawed-off thigh grow back." Adele shook her head.

As soon as this statement came out, the crowd immediately let out exclamations of surprise.

No one expected that this medical skills competition would be so exciting. In just one afternoon, they had seen the two of them perform so many magical methods beyond imagination.

Not long ago, they were marveling at Li Yu's superb painting skills and regarded it as a miracle.

But then the priestess performed an even more shocking miracle, completely overshadowing Li Yu's previous limelight!

A severed limb is reborn! The legendary rebirth of a severed limb! This has nothing to do with medical skills, it is a competition of divine skills in the true sense.

Whoever can do this means that the god behind them has greater power.

Miss Rabbit was also stunned. Unlike the commoners nearby, she went to the temple for a year of further study, and during this year, she also got along with Adele day and night.

Ilea didn't remember that her friend was so powerful at that time.

Well, this little hamster just studies a little harder than her, has a softer temper than her, and is extra easy to rub, other than that, there doesn't seem to be anything special about it.

How after becoming a priest, not only did his medical skills improve by leaps and bounds, but miracles even came to him at the drop of a hat!

Miss Rabbit thought of the rumors that had been circulating in the green field recently, saying that Adele was actually Picia's messenger in the world.

When she heard it at first, she just laughed it off, thinking it was a rumour, but now Ilea is seriously thinking about this possibility.

Li Yu took a deep look at the young priestess.

Then he turned his attention to the other side. Down the hillside, Hera had brought back what he needed under the escort of the knights.

The girl didn't stop for a moment. After dismounting, she immediately ran towards Li Yu panting with a small plastic bottle in her hand.

Li Yu took the plastic bottle from her hand, reached out and touched the girl's head, and said, "Thank you for your hard work. Let's go to the castle to eat something and take a rest."

"I'm not tired," Hera hesitated and said, "Mr. Prophet, I want to stay and watch you compete. I don't know if I can."

"There's nothing to see," Li Yu said. "The competition will be over soon. Go back to the castle and wait for me."

When Hera came back, she heard the cheers from the people around her. Those people were all believers of the Silver Moon Church. Of course, listening to their cheers would not do any good. The girl couldn't help but feel a little worried for Li Yu.

But seeing that the latter looked as usual and spoke calmly as before, the panic in Hera's heart dissipated a lot, she nodded, and went back to the castle directly after listening to Li Yu's words.

Later, Li Yu asked Miss Rabbit to borrow a small copper basin.

Open the plastic bottle and pour the contents inside.

It seemed that the vial contained only clear water, which was colorless and transparent.

Li Yu's subsequent actions seemed to prove this. He put his right hand in and washed it.

Then he walked up to veteran Martin and asked, "Can I check?"

Martin snorted coldly and rolled up half of his trousers.

There was indeed nothing inside. Li Yu glanced at it, and then said to the veteran, "Can you let me see your arm again?"

Martin frowned, "My legs are broken, not my arms. What do you think my arms are doing?"

"I'm a doctor, you just need to cooperate with me." Li Yu didn't explain much.

Martin muttered a few times and finally took off his robe, then unbuttoned his shirt and exposed his arms.

The next moment, Li Yu reached out and held his forearm near the elbow.

The veteran felt a moist and warm feeling from Li Yu's palm, and his frown deepened.

However, Li Yu quickly let go of his hand, and then called Thomas and two other soldiers who were responsible for maintaining order, and touched their left chest, right rib, and back respectively.

Amid everyone's puzzled looks, he walked up to Martin and asked him some basic questions. Then he walked towards Adele and said to the priestess, "I just took a look and found that I can't cure it."

When Adele heard these words, her hanging heart relaxed.

There were too many things about Li Yu that she couldn't understand. The priestess was really worried that Li Yu could find a way to heal his broken leg.

It wasn't until Li Yu took the initiative to admit defeat that she finally breathed a sigh of relief.

After calming down for a while, he said, "Then according to the rules, I will treat Martin."

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