Working Prophet

Chapter 165 Storm

The more news about the black dragon, the more unsettling it became.

Ilea didn't know what happened to the others. Anyway, she had insomnia that night and couldn't fall asleep after tossing and turning in bed.

As soon as he closed his eyes, he saw the terrifying scene of the black dragon wreaking havoc everywhere in the green field, spitting out flames, and burning everything to pieces.

And thanks to Li Yu's motion camera, the girl doesn't even have to imagine what the monster looks like, her brain can directly process the ready-made material into a horror movie, and then start playing it in a loop.

In the end, Miss Rabbit simply stopped sleeping, climbed out of bed, threw on some clothes, and walked out of her bedroom.

She didn't think about where to go, so she just wandered around the castle to relax.

It was almost late at night, most people had gone to sleep, and the corridors were empty.

It was so quiet that only the girl's footsteps could be heard.

Ilea recalled that when she was young, she would be terrified every time she woke up to take a urinate in the middle of the night, because her room was at the other end of the corridor and she had to walk a long way to the latrine.

At that time, her mind was full of ghost stories told by her nurse, so she was always very afraid of those darkness and shadows, worrying that there might be some monsters hidden in them.

In order not to go out in the middle of the night, she would even deliberately hold in her urine. Until she was seven years old, one time she couldn't hold it in and peed on the bed.

Since then, her father had several more torches installed in the corridor, lighting up the path from her room to the latrine.

Ilea didn't know why she remembered this little thing again.

It has been more than four months since she became the new owner of the castle, but sometimes when she finished her day's work and returned to her room to rest, she would still be in a trance for a moment when she opened the door.

She thought she would see that familiar figure inside, but then the empty bedroom reminded her that that person was no longer there.

There have been too many changes in her life recently. Since she wanted to become the new head of Arias, she first fought wits with her stepmother, and then she was busy looking for internal support and preparing for the banquet.

Soon after, the lizardmen ran out of the swamp again, plundering everywhere, once reaching the Teacup Castle, and then faced the threat of the dragon again...

One thing happened after another, so much so that she didn't even have time to digest the pain of that person leaving.

Until tonight, maybe the sense of crisis brought to her by the dragon was too strong, making her involuntarily want to find support, or the bond between the ugly man and the black beauty also brought back some memories for her.

In short, the girl misses the former owner of this castle very much now.

Even if that person is not the most outstanding one among the previous patriarchs of the Arias family, especially after Ilea took over his mantle and became the new lord of this territory, looking back at some of the things he did before, I found It may not be as wise as that person boasted at the time.

This is probably growth. The parents who were omnipotent in their eyes when they were young will one day lose all their aura and become mortals again.

But Ilea still hopes that person can stay with her.

A gust of night wind blew, and the girl realized that she had walked out of the stone castle. The guard in charge of night duty in front of the door was a little surprised to see her, but quickly reacted and saluted her.

Ilea nodded at the other party, and was about to go to another place, when the guard said, "Miss Ilea, you are here too, are you here to find the old lady? She just climbed the city wall. "

"My great-grandmother Ona, isn't she asleep too?" the girl took back her half-stepped steps and asked.

The guard hesitated for a while, and finally said truthfully, "Since Lord Ruth passed away, the old lady has not been sleeping well. She often wakes up at this time, and then she will go around the city wall, and told us not to tell Others, do you need me to inform her of your arrival?"

"No, I'll go up by myself."

After Ilea finished speaking, she walked towards the city wall.

She picked up her nightgown, stepped on the steep stone steps, and climbed up the castle wall step by step. Soon she saw another figure on the top of the city.

It was her great-grandmother. The old man stood under the starry sky, looking at the distant forest in trance.

Ilea didn't step forward to disturb her, and she didn't speak until Ona looked away, "Russ used to like to do this too."


"My father, your grandson, he also likes to stand here and look at his territory."

"Yes, he learned it from his father, and his father learned it from his father's father." The old man said, "The men of the Arias family, sometimes they are like the same mold. It’s carved out of it.”

Previously, because she suspected that someone in the castle was in collusion with her stepmother Vanessa, Ilea once stopped trusting these blood relatives around her. But after following Li Yu's suggestion, the girl took the initiative to express some kindness to her relatives.

And Ona has been firmly supporting her great-granddaughter since then. After her statement, people in the Arias family quickly accepted Ilea as the new head of the family.

The two sides took a step back, and it was like exposing all the unhappiness before.

But it is impossible to say that there is no grudge in her heart. When she thinks that someone has tried to manipulate the election and elect her half-brother to the position, it is difficult for Ilea to trust her relatives like before.

Including her great-grandmother who had taken care of her for a long time, the girl had been keeping a distance from them intentionally or unintentionally. The two parties rarely had private conversations like tonight.

When she got closer, Ilea realized that Ona was much older than she remembered. Not only was all her hair white, but the wrinkles on her face were also deeper, and her pupils had become cloudy.

Reconnecting with what the previous guard said, she began to have trouble sleeping since Ruth's death, and would climb up the city wall from time to time.

Ilea couldn't help but feel a little guilty for her previous intentional alienation, so she said again, "You are right. Regarding whether those lizardmen should be left behind, I remember you once said that a storm is coming, and emergency situations must be met. You have to do something extraordinary. At that time, most people including me did not agree with your idea.

"But the final facts prove that you are the right person. Considering the terrifying monsters hidden in that swamp, we really need the power of those lizard people."

After a pause, the girl continued, "This incident also reminded me that, except for Fausto, the people around me are generally younger. Although I don't want to admit it... but sometimes we may not be so, uh... …far-sighted, so I’m thinking that maybe I should listen to more advice from people with rich experience like you in the future.”

However, contrary to her expectation, Ona shook her head, "I am too old and can no longer advise you like I did for your father, your grandfather, and your great-grandfather, and the storm I mentioned before , nor does it refer to the dragon."

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